Ken Tamura oral history interview, part 3 of 7, May 1, 2000


Dublin Core


Ken Tamura discusses camp life and waiting to leave. His first opportunity to leave Heart Mountain is to work on a sugar beet farm. Another time Ken receives a sponsor to go to Chicago. In Chicago, Ken gets a job at the Chicago Bar Association.

In Chicago, Ken enlists in the Army. After passing his physical exam, he goes to Camp Carson for his induction into the Army. On June 30, Ken reports for active duty at Fort Sill Oklahoma, and travels to Camp Blanding. Ken has seventeen weeks of basic training at Camp Blanding. After his weapons training at Camp Blanding, Ken goes to Camp Kilmer before going overseas. On January 6, Ken leaves with the convoy and lands in Marcé, France.

Even with the distance apart, Ken and Woody maintain their friendship. Ken discusses Woody's service in the Marine and Guadalcanal.



Oral History Item Type Metadata


Date of Birth

1923 Mar 27

Location of Birth

War or Conflict

Branch of Service

Entrance into Service

Location of Basic Training


Tamura, Ken: narrator, Lim, Reuben: interviewer, and Go For Broke National Education Center: publisher, “Ken Tamura oral history interview, part 3 of 7, May 1, 2000,” Japanese American Military History Collective, accessed March 12, 2025,