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Inside the court chambers.

Image was scanned in two parts and stitched using Adobe Photoshop.
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The front Japan's National Diet building.

Image was scanned in two parts and stitched using Adobe Photoshop.
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A bridge through the valley. Stream running underneath a bridge.

Note: Original image was scanned in two parts and put sticked with Adobe, Photoshop
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View of the forest from the road. Three individuals walking towards lumber manufacturing factory at end of road.
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Overlooking the river and surrounding buildings.
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Unknown building in Japan. Many civilians walking about.
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While watching American troops parade in Tokyo during observance of Fourth of July, a Japanese child waves the stars and stripes while perched on his father's back for a better view.
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Crowds gather as General MacArthur leaves Dai Ichi Building, Tokyo:
General MacArhtur is greeted by a large crowd as he leaves his headquarters in Tokyo, on the historic day of the Japanese people's Celebration of the Promulgation of the New…
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British Navy marches during 4th of July celebrations. Units of the British Navy passed in review before Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Douglas MacArthur during 4th of July Independence Day Ceremonies held at the Imperial Palace Plaza, Tokyo, Japan.
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British Commonwealth Occupation Forces troops march during Independence Day Ceremonies.

British Commonwealth Occupation Forces marched along with United States troops during 4th of July Independence Day Ceremonies held at the Imperial Palace…
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Portrait of General Douglas MacArthur.
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"Mrs. [Jean] MacArthur and Arthur MacArthur view parade held in the Imperial Plaza, Tokyo, Japan, commemorating Independence Day. Arthur's arm was broken recently in an accident at a Tokyo ice rink."
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"Fireman uniform of 1870-1939 with combination fire ax and pinch bar. Item is in a collection of Metropolitan Fire Station, Tokyo, Japan."

Kawamoto talks about reporting on the Peace Conference in San Francisco. He briefly talks about returning to Japan. He describes an interview with a Japanese representative about the Treaty of San Francisco. He discusses his job as a Secretary to the…

Kawamoto talks about reporting to divisional headquarters. He talks about the Japanese officers fear that the Allies would castrate them. He explains how he prepared to meet the American forces. He discusses translating the book, The Ideal Marriage.…

Kawamoto talks about dropping off Korean soldiers at the front lines. He describes his first time in combat. He discusses a strategic meeting with top officials. He describes his platoon's travel through China using a map. He describes the Japanese…

Kawamoto talks about what life was like behind the military zone. He describes a visit with his family before he went to China. He talks about his basic training. He discusses the front lines in China. He describes the abuses of his superior…

Kawamoto talks about his early life in Winters, California. He shares his fathers backstory. He describes his childhood home. He talks about his first time living in Japan. He discusses the demographics of Winters, California. He briefly talks about…

Mr. Watanabe discusses the importance of Nisei storytelling and committing these stories to tape through oral histories. He next describes what it was like coming back to Hawaii after the war and talks about the important event of Hawaiian statehood.…

Mr. Watanabe first discusses where he was born and raised, and talks about his passion for music, which included a career as a musician. Leading a unique military career, Mr. Watanabe served in the 442nd and the MIS, before he was finally assigned to…

Takeuchi discusses about his family and his childhood. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, being drafted, and basic training. Takeuchi also discusses about his experiences at Fort Snelling, his experiences in occupied Japan, and his…

Asato continues talking about his first combat while in Italy, at the Rome-Arno area. He talks about being able to see Florence from a distance and the tree bursts that could kill a soldier instantly. While there, he would get sick and end up in a…

Asato begins the interview talking about his family background, including his parents coming from Okinawa prefecture and settling down on Maui. He talks about growing up in Paia, attending Paia School and picking pineapples at Maui Pineapple. He…

Ohta discusses various war experiences, including the troops in his company. Next, he speaks about having very little correspondence with his family and the rank he earned of staff sergeant. He also discusses aspects of the German Army and the…

Ohta begins the interview with an introduction and talking shortly about his family background, his parents being from Maui. Next, he talks about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii up until the Pearl Harbor attacks. After that, he would join the…

Murakami continues talking about his involvement in social activism, including a donor wall at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles. Along with that, he has been involved in the redress and reparations for those Japanese who were…

Murakami continues his recollection of the Marysville Temporary Detention Center and the living conditions there. Shortly after that, he and his family were moved to Tule Lake Concentration Camp where tensions were high and at one point they were…

Murakami discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Murakami also discusses about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences in Marysville Temporary Detention Center.

Nakamoto discusses various job experiences from working at Federal position level, MCI, and owning his own company. Nakamoto is part of the Japanese American Veterans Association (JAVA) and he describes their mission and contribution to the…

Nakamoto discusses prefecture origin and familial description. Nakamoto's Father is a Founder of the Second Buddhist Church and his Grandfather is a Founder of the First Buddhist Church. Nakamoto grows up on a farm and helps with the farming chores.…

Coolidge Wakai guarded thousands of POWs in the Po Valley when the war ended. Later, Coolidge was transferred from guarding the POWs to Headquarters Company as a cleric.

After the war, Coolidge returned to the United States. He participated in a…

Dr. Coolidge Shiro Wakai was part of the 100th Company B. He was born December 2, 1925, in Kappa, Kauai, Hawaii. Coolidge's father was a missionary for Japanese Immigrants and established the first Christian church in Kappa, Kauai. Coolidge has six…

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Yamasaki begins the interview talking about how his family came from Japan to Hawaii. As his parents were born in Hawaii, he was a sansei, and would speak very little Japanese at home. His father would help to get him into a private elite school,…

Grant Hayao Ichikawa discusses the language team and their assignments. He describes the difference between Kibei and Nisei and how their attributes working together up contribute to the rebuilding of Japan. Ichikawa also shares how he meets his wife…

Grant Hayao Ichikawa discusses his military duties during the occupation of Japan and the Nisei and Kibei contribution as translators. Ichikawa talks about General MacArthur's plan to rebuild Japan and keeping the Emperor of Japan safe. He feels the…

Tagami discusses Senator Daniel Akaka contributes to the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) as a unit receiving the Presidential Unit Credentials. Also Senator Akaka assists with individual upgrades, MIS history and Medal of Honor. During Senator…

John Allen Tagami discusses being a military brat and traveling around during his childhood. Tagami's Father served in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and meets the Emperor of Japan. Tagami's Mother works for Reader's Digest during the war…

Shima continues his recollection of joining the 442nd Regiment in Europe after V-E day. He would become involved with the public relations team and be chosen for temporary duty. He would head to New York to hand out public relations papers to…

Shima begins the interview with an introduction and his family background, coming from Okinawa and moving to the Hawaiian islands. He speaks about growing up in Hawaii and the home that he grew up in. Next, he talks about Pearl Harbor and the after…

Ichikawa discusses his life following his second discharge from the Army, which included working in Sakhalin, living in Washington Heights in Tokyo and starting a family. Next, he decided to learn Indonesian and begin interpreting in Surabaya, then…

Following the Turlock, Ichikawa and his family were moved to the Gila River Concentration Camp, where he saw posters showing that the Army needed military volunteers who could speak Japanese and work as interpreters. Once approved, Ichikawa was…

Ichikawa begins the interview giving background details of his family and their farm in the Suisun Valley in California. Next, he discusses various parts of his childhood including values, Japanese language school and working for the Mayfield family,…
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Small man-made caves at the bottom of rock.
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Cloth making machine.
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The Central Mint of the Japanese Government. American soldiers in front keeping guard.

WPA-45-63274 written on the side
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Man in front is carrying an elderly man on his back off the ship. Others descending from the ship after him.

Works Public Adminstration image, written on image, WPA 45-62560.
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Line of Japanese American schoolgirls waiting to board the train (arriving in the distance).

On side of image, ( Works Progress Administration) WPA-45-62533
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American soldiers doing some shopping at Japanese store.

Two identifiers written on image: REC- XXIV-CORPS-45-00172 and WPA-45-61999.
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Unknown Causcasian soldiers at a table, looking at documents.
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American soldiers holding the tail of plane. Written on side of image, WPA-45-62891k.
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Exploring an abandoned Japanese temple. Written on the image: WPA-45-63099 and REC I XXIV Corps-45-00592.
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U.S. Navy officer cleaning out a Japanese ship. Japanese flag still raised on the mast of ship.

Written on the image border, WPA-45-61610.
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"Typical scene in Japan. Japanese buildings in ruins. Rubble everywhere." Photograph is focused on a single building standing, but gutted. Written on the border of the image is WPA-45-63278.
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Japanese missile heads on the floor of a warehouse, other items visible in background. Written on the border of the image, WPA-45-63693.



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The Imperial Hotel facade with wet ground. some vehicles are visible, possibly military. Written on back WPA-45-62926.
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Unknown Japanese building. Written on the back WPA-45-62926.
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Entrance to a Japanese temple or shrine. Two Japanese statues guarding entrance. Written on border of image WPA-45-63655.
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Wall of crates. Man checking one crates labels. Written on border of photograph, WPA-45-63247.
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Soldiers watching the raising of the flag. Flag unidentified. Written on image border, WPA-45-70072 (copy).
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Airplane hangar. Three different sized planes docked. Works Progress Administration photograph, identifier written on border, but not visible.
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American soldiers exiting the subway station in Japan. Written on the border, WPA-45-62898.
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Barracks. Tall poles in the field by the streets. Written on the border of the image, WPA-45-63578.
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Japanese residential town. Sign pointing left for "IIZAKA." A mother walking with young children. Written on the border of the photograph, WPA-45-62710.
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Table of American soldiers watching two Japanese dancers. Four Japanese musicians playing instruments for dancers. Written on boarder, Works Progress Administration identifier, WPA-45-60779.
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All-boys Korean school. Classroom of young boys and teacher. Korean writing on chalkboard. Photograph is likely a Works Progress Administration image.
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Japanese farmers drying out grains on bamboo mats. Works Progress Administration identifier on border.
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Written on the back, "Boom- munition decoy- Pacific. "Black smoke rising from middle of ocean.
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U.S. military tank truck. Officer on the right looking it over.
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Chemistry class at an all-boys school. Likely a Works Progress Administration photograph.
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Confiscated torpedo launcher. Written on side of the photograph is an identifier for Works Progress Administration identifier, WPA-45-63587.
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Japanese American women military officials receiving their orders. Works Progress Administration photograph identifier on border.
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US Army trucks. Side of one truck has written, "Hold, Tech. Intell." Works Progress Administration photograph identifier is illegible on the border.
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Showa Dori building in Tokyo, Japan. Works Progress Administration identification number on the border of the photograph: WPA-AS-62900.
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Japanese bunker. Factory in the background. Works Progress Administration photograph identifier written on the border; WPA-45-61991.
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American mechanics working on fallen plane. Works Progress Administration photograph identified as WPA-45-62890.
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Destroyed half of Japanese town. Other Japanese stores and buildings in tact across the street. Works Progress Administration identifier on the border of the photograph: WPA-45-63716.
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Reading the "Grand Cabaret: The International Club" billboard. Works Progress Administration photograph identifier in the border: WPA-45-62901.
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Damaged buildings on the river bank. Works Progress Administration (WPA) identifier on the image boarder: WPA-45-63700.
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Currency exchange office. Works Progress Administration identifier on boarder: WPA-45-62897.
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Taking inventory of captured Japanese machine guns. Works Progress Administration (WPA) photograph identifier on the border of the image, but illegible.
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Dai-Ichi Hotel and surroundings- a few days after VJ Day (Victory over Japan) Day,
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