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Minori Sueda talks about his job post-war and how he met his wife. He explains why he thinks it is important for people to know the role of Japanese-America soldiers in World War II.

Sueda explains the importance of having good officers for keeping trouble out of the company and for saving lives. He also recounts the end of the war, being stuck in Italy, and finally going home.

Sueda tells of how he was injured by shrapnel and his recovery. He also recounts the difficulties in getting gasoline and fuel for the company and the Bruyeres-Biffontaine campaign.

Minori Sueda recalls his terrible sea voyage to the European theater and getting lost in Rome. He speaks about some of the casualties the unit experienced and the role of an engineer unit.

Minori Sueda recalls his reaction to Pearl Harbor and joining the military. He also talks about volunteering for the 232nd Combat Engineer Unit, basic training, and additional engineer training at Camp Shelby.

Minori Sueda talks about his family and early life growing up in Redondo Beach and Torrance, California. He also talks about feeling like a second class citizen as a Japanese-American and his high school experience.

Tsubota discusses a wide variety of personal topics, including his Catholic faith, memories traveling through Europe with his children (and their background), and meeting his first wife and his second wife. Lastly, he reflects on his experiences in…

Tsubota mainly discusses topics and experiences as a member of the Counterintelligence Corps during the Korean War. He talks about conducting investigations with the office of Clandestine Operations in the Army. He also discusses a wide range of…

Tsubota discusses his first days of combat during World War II. He proceeds to speak about a gruesome injury he suffered that ended up taking the life of a fellow officer. He then discusses his recovery and his role as a counterintelligence agent…

Tsubota discusses a wide variety of topics, mainly his experiences as a member of the military. He talks about his travels and the conditions at many of the places he was based. Lastly, he begins discussing his first combat experience during World…

Tsubota discusses his experiences and responsibilities in ROTC as a student at the University of Hawaii. Later, he talks about being placed on active duty and going through basic training at the time of Pearl Harbor attack. Last, Tsubota discusses…

Tsubota discusses his time at the University of Hawaii as a member of the College of Agriculture and ROTC. Along with his experiences at college, Tsubota also talks about finishing college and deciding to become a teacher.

Tsubota discusses his childhood and childhood activities before moving on to his high school experiences and eventually enrolling at the University of Hawaii.

Tsubota discusses his family background broadly in great detail, including his parents and all of his siblings. He later speaks about his education and the lessons that he took away from Japanese language school.

Nishimura discusses the 442nd, the "Go For Broke" motto and its origins, Bruyeres and the mission to rescue the "Lost Battalion", and his relationship with the Army Generals. Later, he talks about his life after World War II and his life after…

Nishimura discusses his life in the military as an officer in the 100th Battalion. Topics include training, the relationship between Hawaiian Nisei and Mainland Nisei, and his first experiences in combat. Nishimura talks about leading men during…

Nishimura recollects on his experiences during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. He also talks about the different changes that took place in the military in light of the attack. Lastly, Nishimura discusses segregation in the military and how that…

Nishimura discusses the activities he participated in both inside and outside of school. He then talks about going to college, his experience there, and eventually becoming a teacher. Lastly, he speaks about his recollections from December 6, 1941…

Nishimura discusses his childhood including his family, favorite childhood activities (including his excellence in Judo), experiences and lessons he learned while in Japanese language school, and his choice to become a teacher.

Sogi discusses his work post-World War II as a member of the Counterintelligence Corps. Afterwards, he talks about his life after finally leaving the active military and building a life for himself. Lastly, he speaks about the Nisei legacy and the…

Sogi discusses his training and experiences as an instructor at the MIS Language School and talks about the contributions the MIS made to the American war effort. He also briefly speaks about the importance of preserving oral histories in the…

Sogi discusses being a student at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack and his reaction to the events that took place afterwards, including Executive Order 9066. Sogi also speaks about discrimination, the…

Aiko Nakahara, Peter's wife, tells us of her early life growing up in Seattle, Washington. She recounts her experiences at Puyallup and Minidoka Assembly Centers.The interview ends with photos from Peter's life and a final word regarding advice he…

Peter Nakahara speaks of returning to Japan after the war and seeing the aftermath of the atomic bombs. He catalogs his efforts to aid the victims in Japan and how he and his church brought medical care to "Maidens of Hiroshima" both in Japan and in…

Peter Nakahara recalls his time training for the Military Intelligence Unit at Camp Savage, Minnesota. He also goes into details about the circumstances and whereabouts of his family while he was in training. Finally, he discusses more of his…

Peter Nakahara talks about his childhood growing up in San Pedro, California, to two Issei parents. He discusses the Japanese values imparted to him through school and family, his relationship to his parents, and his life before Pearl Harbor. This…

Seto discusses returning home from the war, what jobs he had after immediately following the war and he discusses his family. He also describes his current community service activities.

Seto discusses his reasons for joining the army. He talks about his reunion with a French family he befriended during his time overseas. He also discusses his life experience after the war.

Seto discusses his participation in the glider unit. He describes fighting in the Battle of the Vosges Forest.

Seto discusses the make-up and activities of a glider company assigned to anti-tank. He recalls an invasion in Italy and his experiences in combat during that invasion.

Seto talks about his childhood, and goes on to talk about volunteering to join the military. He describes his experiences in basic training and going overseas.

Fujimori talks more about the Yokota airbase. He discusses the Military Intelligence Service's contribution to the Occupation of Japan.

Fujimori goes into depth about his participation in the occupation of Japan with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He talks specifically about his time in Yokohama and Tokyo.

Hirabayahi offers a descriptive account of the Japanese surrender in China and discusses his role in various war crimes trials. Much discussion is placed on life after the military including a reunion with his parents, attending college, meeting his…

Hirabayashi discusses his time serving as an interrogator in Chongqing, China where he learned of the development of a Japanese atomic bomb. This portion contains thoughts on the dropping of both American atomic bombs on Japan and Hirabayashi's…

Hirabayashi discusses his specific role in Merrill's Marauders, including details of covert missions and interrogation tactics. The interrogation of POWs is discussed as well as the capture of "comfort girls", women forced into sexual slavery. The…

Hirabayashi discusses his service with Merrill's Marauders and the 5307th division in Burma. Upon arrival, Allied forces were pushed back by the Japanese army before making inroads to reclaim Burma for the Allies. Hirabayashi discusses the struggles…

Hirabayashi discusses his time at Jefferson Barracks and studying in the Military Intelligence Language School. He discusses being chosen for a secret mission with the Military Intelligence Service and deployed to Southeast Asia with Merrill's…

Hirabayashi recounts his early life being raised on a farm in Washington state and later attending school in Japan. Upon returning to the United States and joining the military, Hirabayashi dealt with the dichotomy of serving his country while the…

Ohira discusses his current service to the Japanese American community. He describes the importance of sharing his story to future generations.

Ohira describes different German artillery shells he avoided in combat. He also recalls being discharged after the war and moving to Los Angeles.

Ohira discusses his experiences both in the Army Band as well as a heavy artilleryman in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team H Company. He also describes the Battle of Banzai Hill.

Ohira describes his first battle experience overseas. He talks about the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. He recounts his experience singing in the army band.

Ohira talks about the tense relationship between the mainland and Hawaii soldiers during basic training. He talks about his experience visiting the incarceration camps. He goes on to talk about his experiences in battle.

Ohira discusses growing up in Kaua'i. He recalls the bombing of Pearl Harbor and his decision to volunteer for the Japanese American military unit. He describes his experience in basic training

Furumoto shows the samurai sword he received as a gift from a Japanese officer he met overseas. He goes on to share his opinion of the importance of the Nisei veterans' stories

Furumoto recalls the announcement of the end of the war and shares his thoughts about the moral issues of the United States' dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He reflects on his journey home to Kansas, his long-distance romance with…

Furumoto discusses Roy Matsumoto and the Battle of Napunga Hill. He goes on to describe the diseases he contracted while overseas. He also discusses his participation in creating Black Propaganda.

Furumoto recalls joining Merrill's Marauders on a secret mission to Burma. He discusses his task of interpreting Japanese soldiers for information, and describes the Battle of Napunga Hill.

Furumoto discusses his efforts to enlist and his experience in Military Intelligence Service Language School. He goes on to talk about his experiences in basic training at Camp Shelby.

Furumoto discusses his decision to attend veterinary school at Kansas State University. He recounts his feelings during the Bombing of Pearl Harbor. He also discusses his decision to join the army.

Furumoto discusses growing up in Hawaii including sugar plantation experiences, childhood and high school activities, Japanese language school, his parents and cultural disciplinary standards, community leaders and educators and his decision to…

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