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James Murata described his war experience as embittered and prideful. He discusses the consequences of human beings’ actions. He believed the Nisei served their country with loyalty and honor during World War Two. James does not think about…

James Murata took the situation of the war in stride. He did his duty as an American citizen and served in the Army. James attended MIS language school and was proud of what he was doing.

He described the living conditions in a five-man hut. On…

In the relocation center, James Murata worked as an ambulance driver. For entertainment, there were plays and sports. The Assembly Center was a racetrack and some internees lived in horse stalls. James described how he made most of the situation. He…

James Murata stopped attending Japanese Language School in high school to help his parents in the fields harvesting carrots. He discusses his obligation to help his parents in farming. If there were any family outings, the family would pay. Unlike…

James Murata was born on August 6, 1920, in San Jose, CA. James' parents were from Shimane-ken, Japan. James' father was a good father but passed away early. Before James' father passed away, he was a hard worker to provide for the family. When he…
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