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Nishihara discusses about his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. He details about furlough and leisure experiences. Nishihara also discusses his voyage overseas and his experiences in Italy.

Ogawa discusses his family and his father's tofu business. He details about his education experiences, Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Ogawa also discusses joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Ikeda discusses his journey to Camp Shelby and his experiences while there. He details about the voyage overseas and about the short time he spent in Africa. Ikeda also discusses about his experiences in the European Theatre.

Kubota discusses his family and growing up in Kailua. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Kubota also discusses enlisting into the service and his experiences Camp Shelby. Kubota gives insight about being wounded.

Kuwahara discusses his childhood and growing in Maui. He details about the events of Pearl Harbor and enlisting into the service. Kuwahara also discusses what it was like at Camp Shelby and in Mississippi. He also details about his experiences and…

Matsumoto discusses more about Pearl Harbor and enlisting into the service. He details about the journey to the Mainland and Camp Shelby. Matsumoto also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Takahashi discusses his family and what it was like growing up in Maui. He details about his educational experiences, Pearl Harbor and the its aftermath. Takahashi also discusses volunteering for the service and the events following.

Mizuki discusses his family and growing up on Kahului. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Mizuki also discusses volunteering and his experiences at Camp Shelby. He also details about his combat experiences and captured as a Prisoner of…

Kim discusses growing up in California. He details about his experiences when joining the 100th Infantry Battalion. Kim also discusses the training he implemented with 100th Infantry Battalion.

Tanaka discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. He details about enlisting into the service and his experiences in Mississippi and Camp Shelby. Tanaka also discusses his experiences traveling and his arriving overseas.

Ohta discusses his family, childhood, and growing on a plantation. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Ohta also discusses answering the call for volunteers, experiences at Camp Shelby, and early Italy.

Henry Gary Shiota is 19 years old when he is inducted into the Army. Then Gary goes to Camp Maxey, TX, with 25 other Nisei. Gary learns the war is over during his third week at basic training. After eight weeks of basic training, Gary goes to Camp…

Before going overseas, Tetsuo Asato went on furlough and visited his sister in California. Tetsuo departed on the Aquitania. Although the voyage was rough, Tetsuo did not get seasick. He landed in Glasgow, Scotland, and traveled to South Hampton to…

During wartime, Hiroshi "Hershey" Miyamura worked at the Ford Agency and was the youngest mechanic at 17 years old. He recalls December 7, 1941, and hearing the news when he went duck hunting. Hershey was shocked and felt uncertain about the future…

Hiroshi "Hershey" Miyamura describes his state of mind and feelings coming back from the war.

Post-war, Hershey went to school on the East Coast for engineering. At Christmas break, Hershey returned home and worked for his cousin for a few months.…

Kawahara discusses getting married, basic training, and his trip overseas. He details about his combat experiences and his post-war life. Kawahara's son (Sheldon) discusses about his relationship with his father and discusses about the legacy of the…
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