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Asato begins the interview talking about his family background, including his parents coming from Okinawa prefecture and settling down on Maui. He talks about growing up in Paia, attending Paia School and picking pineapples at Maui Pineapple. He…

Arisumi remembers his relationship with his mother, being inducted into the Army, joining the reserve service after the war, and going to the induction center in part 2 of his interview. In addition, he recalls basic training at Camp Shelby, how he…

Arakaki talks about visiting Japan as a toddler and remembering how poor his family was while living there, often only having a slice of bread for lunch. The family would move back to Hawaii to escape that, and would have much more opportunity and…

Allman continues his discussion on Pearl Harbor and his brief interactions with Japanese Americans while guarding bridges and tunnels in California. Next, he is shipped north to Alaska where he begins his stint in the Aleutian Islands, keeping watch…

Akune describes his basic training at Camp Shelby, Mississippi and his life on a liberty ship before landing in Perth, Australia, his assignment working on a propaganda project and his duties as a part of a propaganda project and interrogating…

Harry Akune recalls meeting his wife in Chicago after the war. He describes his Japanese language training at the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Camp Savage, where they studied Japanese military language. Half-way through his…

Akita describes his basic training experiences and joining the 100th Infantry Battalion. He talks about his basic training photograph. He discusses his journey to North Africa and landing in Casablanca. Akita explains how people responded to Japanese…

Akita continues to explain what life was like on a sugar plantation. He talks about his plans after high school. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He shares his experiences with discrimination after the attack. Akita…

Akaki tells his sister, Hatsume, that he was writing this letter next to a warm stove and electric lights, and was enjoying the luxury of sleeping on a comfortable cot at night. He writes that he received another package of goods (soap, handkerchief,…

Akaki writes from “Somewhere in Italy” – he is not allowed to disclose their location due to military regulation. He describes the weather in Italy, and about the Italian natives who try to barter with the American soldiers for cigarettes and…

Akaki writes to his sister from Camp Shelby about the wedding he attended, his time spent with his friend Tsugime, and about his friend Terry Adamiya who was sent to Camp Savage. He also writes of the field and physical tests that he had to complete…

Akaki describes his new training regiment with longer and more strenuous exercises. He writes about a check for Hatsume Akaki to cash. At the end of the letter, he writes about a dance held by the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion. Letter was started…

Akaki writes to his sister in the Granada, (Amache) Concentration Camp from Europe. He discusses the weather, his leisure activities including watching an American film, the current book he is reading and other daily activities. He writes of his…

In this video clip, Irving Akahoshi talks about his training experience at Camp McCoy and getting into fights with the recruits from the 2nd Infantry Division. He was later sent to Camp Shelby for more training and assigned to be a rifleman in B…

Nelson Akagi tells of his training at Camp Shelby and shipping out to the European theater. He recounts his first combat experiences and the emotions he experienced upon seeing a dead Nisei soldier. He also talks about good and bad officers and being…

Nelson Akagi continues his story with the final leg of his family's journey to Idaho and volunteering for the army. He recounts his reaction to the loyalty questionnaire and goes over his induction and basic training at Camp Shelby. Finally, he tells…
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