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Yukihiro discusses being inducted, basic training, and joining the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC). He details about his experiences in the CIC. Yukihara also discusses about the devastation in Japan.

Yukihiro discusses about his assignments and experiences with the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC). He explains the success rate of his unit gathering intelligence in post-war Japan. Yukihiro discusses about meeting his wife and post-war employment.

Yukihiro discusses working at Brother-in-Law's grocery store in Bellfower post-war. Shortly after he opens a produce market for 17 years in Norwalk and went wholesale after. From prewar and post-war, Yukihiro describes the changes of the city. He…

Photo of Tsutomu George Yukihiro standing in front of a building in his uniform.

Close up military portrait of Tsutomu, two scans of same photo

Okabayashi discusses about his family and growing up in Texas. He details about the farm life, selling crops and his childhood. Okabayashi also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Okabayashi discusses about volunteering for the Army and his experiences at Camp Shelby. He details about being his duties within Cannon Company of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Okabayashi also discusses about going overseas and his first combat…

Okabayashi discusses about his experiences in Italy. He details about capturing a PT Boat in France. Okabayashi also discusses about some general experiences in Europe and coming home.

Okabayashi discusses about his life and career after the war. He details about his hobbies and family. Okabayashi also gives a message to future generations.

Portrait of Tsutomu sitting at a table in uniform with a cigarette in his hand

Yamada discusses about his family, briefly living in Japan, and growing up in Kahului, Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and being drafted. Yamada also discusses about joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), his…


Blurry photo through a tunnel of some signs

Photo of five Turkish soldiers standing in the snow, some smoking cigarettes

Tokita and the interviewers introduce themselves. He describes his grandparents immigration. He shares his father's backstory. He talks about his early life on the Wilcox Estate. He discusses J.N. Wilcox. He describes his experiences in primary…

He talks about his employment ventures after high school. He discusses his work for a church. He explains why a reverend was arrested. He describes volunteering for the military. He talks about being a part of the labor battalion. He discusses being…

Tokita talks about his rank. He continues to talk about being assigned to H Company. He describes Captain Keegan's leadership. He shares his impressions of Camp Shelby. He discusses his friendships with Mainland soldiers. He talks about USO shows.…

Tokita explains how he survived on the front line. He talks about a soldiers injury and that soldiers life after World War Two. He describes an attempt to save a soldiers life. He discusses the Gothic Line. He describes a deadly ambush. He shares…

He describes what combat was like in Bruyères, France. He briefly talks about replacement soldiers. He discusses the food that was available on the front line. He describes maintaining hygiene on the front line. He explains how he stole food. He…

Tokita lists his medals and awards. He describes his experiences during the Champagne Campaign. He discusses leaving France. He talks about combat in Italy. He describes climbing a mountain and chasing German soldiers. He explains the circumstances…

Tokita explains how he met his wife. He talks about his marriage and children. He explains the extent to which he has shared his war stories with family. He shares his motivations for serving in the military. He leaves a message for future…

Officers sitting around a table in the mess hall

Photo of Henry and two Turkish Armed forces

Photo of a Turkish Brigade electrician doing work

Photo of Turkish army camp

Photo of a Turkish Lieutenant posing in front of the army jeeps

Photo of two Turkish officers

Photo of Turkish Ordinance Co. and officers

Photo of a Turkish soldier standing on rocks

Photo of a Turkish soldier posing with a rifle in front of telephone lines

Photo of Turkish, United Nations, and USA flags

Photo of two 25th Infantry soldiers looking at a paper on a desk

Photo of two American soldiers and one Turkish soldiers at reserve camp

Photo of two boys posing in front of army jeep

1981 Mother's Day. Two elderly Japanese women wearing overcoats and glasses. Both women are wearing flowers pinned to their coat.

Photo of two young boys fishing
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Two Japanese American soldiers in military vehicle. Identification number of vehicle visible on the front bumper (fender) of the truck.

Photograph of two men posing on a balcony, with one in civilian clothes and one World War Two soldier.

Photograph of two men posing on a balcony, with one in civilian clothes and one World War Two soldier.

Two Nisei girls, one wearing glasses and the other with curls in her hair, laying on the sand at the beach.

Photo (blurry) of two officers, one holding a tea cup, in the mess hall

Photo of two ROICA officers in front of a plane

Photo of two soldiers boarding a US Airforce plane

Photo of two soldiers in a field in Chippori

Photo of two soldiers in a jeep

Photo of two soldiers posing in front of a camera shop

Photo of two soldiers, one with the hand on the other's shoulder

Photo of two soldiers in front of a tent

Photo of two soldiers posing in front of a shrine

Photo of two soldiers wearing sunglasses outside

Photo of two soldiers, one Turkish, posing in front of the line of jeeps

Photo of two soldiers looking at a tree at camp

A photo of two soldiers sitting in an open train car

Photo of two soldiers playing around with a dog in the background

Photo of two soldiers sitting against a wall of a building

Photo of two soldiers wearing hats with ear flaps

Photo of two Turkish soldiers

Photo of two Turkish soldiers with helmets on posing with their guns

Photo of two Japanese women outside a temple

Photograph of two women posing in front of a car.

Photograph of two women posing outside.

Photograph of two women posing outside.

Photo of a street in a South Korean village

U.S. military planes on the airfield runway in New Guinea.

Three U.S. troops escorting General Morozumi on air base. General Morozumi, wearing darker uniform, is of the C.G. 30th Division.

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Japanese American soldier in work clothes standing in front of a brick wall, grass area above the wall.

Photo of George and members of the United Farmers Association of California, Inc.

Photo of a building with flags on it

Course successfully completed, Bookkeeping and Accounting, No. H55. Lieutenant Colonel and Assistant Lieutenant Colonel signatures. "An official agency of the War and Navy Departments."

Second page includes instructions relating to application of…

Photograph of a United States Army rest center.

US Military encampment along the shore of Morotai Island landing. Camp hidden among the palm trees and surrounded by water.
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Unknown Japanese building. Written on the back WPA-45-62926.

Unknown soldier lounging in a lawn chair at Camp Savage.

Unknown soldier, with shovel in hand, making camp in the jungle.

Photo of three landing ships

Photo of Henry in uniform
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US Army trucks. Side of one truck has written, "Hold, Tech. Intell." Works Progress Administration photograph identifier is illegible on the border.
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U.S. military tank truck. Officer on the right looking it over.

Ushira at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Intelligence Training in 1942. He is holding a pipe while doing school work.

Holiday card, Addressed, "Howdy Shig!" Card text reads: "The Season's Greetings. The United States Army Fores in China Burma India. May the Christ Child make your Christmas happy and may this happiness overflow into the New Year. " Signed "Sincerely,…

Vmail written from Hawaii to Camp Savage, Minnesota.

V-mail with Easter card signed by George Ozaki. Ozima' and Ozaki's Army Serial Numbers are present. Ozima's address is Vint Hill Farms Station, Warrenton, Virginia.

Vatican City in Rome. Aerial view of Vatican City and St. Peter's Basilica.

Photo of the exterior of a building with some stones falling off

Photo of two soldiers bundled up in an army jeep

Victor Abe discusses his father's arrival to the United States, attainment of higher education, and becoming a successful businessman. Next, he talks about his mother and his siblings before recounting his school experiences to Pearl Harbor. Lastly…

Victor Abe describes his induction experiences at Fort MacArthur and then his basic training at Camp Robinson. After basic training he is assigned to Fort Warren before being accepted into the Military Intelligence Service at Camp Savage. Lastly,…

Victor Abe talks about his graduation from Military Intelligence School and his subsequent journey to Australia to become a translator of captured Japanese documents. Finding the duty in Australia unexciting he volunteers to be a document translator…

Victor Abe describes the conditions at Leyte and his time in Mindanao, Philippines. Next, he discusses his furlough experiences and talks about his father's internment and eventually release near the end of the war. Lastly, he talks about his…

Victor Abe describes his discharge from the US Army after the war, and then regaining the family house they owned before the incarceration into internment camps. Next he discusses the family business and his series of jobs in structural engineering…

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