During this portion of the interview, Edward Ichiyama recalls his duties within his military unit. Specifically, he gives detail s on regards to being a fuseman and forward observer. In addition, Ichiyama recollects his experiences marching with the…
In this video clip, Genro Kashiwa describes the Rescue of the Lost Battalion. He was a member of L Company in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, which was one of three companies (I Company, K Company and L Company) that was sent to rescue the Lost…
Takabayashi discusses the reason he joined the army and his experiences at Camp Shelby. He details about his voyage overseas. Takabayashi also discusses about arriving in France.
Takabayashi discusses the voyage on The Queen Mary and the journey to the front line once in France. He details about his early experiences in France and his combat experiences. Takabayashi also discusses about his experiences in Italy and France and…
Takabayashi discusses his experiences from the Gothic Line. He details about surprising the enemy and losing friends. Takabayashi also discusses about finding a dog and taking it home.
Yokote talks about his musical background, getting a trombone at a young age and learning the importance and discipline of instruments. He then begins to talk about his time at basic training at Camp Blanding and the unit that he was a part of. While…
Hanamura talks about his duties while at Camp Grant as part of the Quartermaster Corps; discusses receiving weapons at Camp Shelby; and talks about some of the other officers in his group and best friend in the Army. He then talks about visiting his…
Ken Nihei was a 16 years old high school student when he went to Topaz, Utah. The perimeter was open at camp, and there were no barb wires yet. Life was different at Topaz.
Ken received his draft letter to report to Fort Douglas when he was 18…
Overseas, every two months Ken's company moved to a different area.
Ken's first battle was on Mount Fogarito. In the Headquarters Platoon, Ken did various assignments. One job was to be a litter-bearer and carry the wounded soldiers off the…
Hoashi discusses his reasons for joining the Army, and the process of induction, getting assigned to a company and getting shipped over to Mississippi. While at Camp Shelby, he would experience segregation in the South while doing his basic training.…
Inada discusses more about his unit detail, going from C Company to K Company as replacements were all moved. He also talks about replacements and his brother that passed away in Europe after the war had ended. Next, he talks about his first combat,…
Kitagawa talks about his life after high school, graduating and then working on the farm. During this time, two of his brothers would be drafted into the Army, one being part of the 45th Infantry and the other in the 442nd Regiment. Next, he talks…
Kitagawa talks about getting rest and relaxation during the war and the activities that they would do, such as playing football. Next, he talks more about the Lost Battalion campaign, and moving onto Nice, where he would be able to get a hot meal and…
Kitagawa finishes the interview telling the story of how he received his Bronze Star, including the battle and the ceremony afterwards. Next, he talks about his first and second marriages and his family. He also gives a message to future generations…
Kubota discusses harvesting pineapples and working at a bakery after high school graduation. On December 7, 1941 Kubota is teaching Sunday School when Pearl Harbor is bombed. He recalls the black armbands and combat troop recruitment. Kubota passes…
Ohta begins the interview with an introduction and talking shortly about his family background, his parents being from Maui. Next, he talks about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii up until the Pearl Harbor attacks. After that, he would join the…
Ohta discusses various war experiences, including the troops in his company. Next, he speaks about having very little correspondence with his family and the rank he earned of staff sergeant. He also discusses aspects of the German Army and the…
Taira Fukushima and his brother Jim are together for 442nd and replacements. On the mainland, Taira is a medic aide, and Jim is a litter bearer. Taira has limited training as a medic, but Tech Sergeant Hirata and Sergeant Matsuda give him support…
Mori discusses leaving camp to find work and his draft experience. His details about adapting to situations and other experiences while in Europe. Mori also discusses the awards he received and the end of the war.