Arakaki begins the interview speaking about how his father came from Okinawa to Hawaii to work on the sugar plantations. His mother was a picture bride and would join his father in Hawaii to begin their life, having five children. They would have a…
Arthur Nishimoto begins the interview talking about his childhood home and what it was like to grow up in Honolulu, Hawaii. He then talks about his family background, including his father, who was a top car salesman for Chevrolet and Ford. After…
Oda discusses his time in Europe and the experiences he had while there. He discusses the religions he grew up with and being a boy scout for a short time and how that taught him to give respect to elders. Next, he talks about the things that were…
Ida continues to talk about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including purchasing a home after high school. He also talks about living in a small town and knowing everybody, while he would attend both english and Japanese school. He talks about…
Ida talks more about his high school education at Mid-Pacific Institute in Hawaii, where he would play tennis and baseball. After graduation, he would work for the St. Louis Club until the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred. He talks about seeing…
Okumura talks about his marriage that began before the war, and some of his experiences while in Okinawa. Next, he talks more about reconstruction of Japan, including improving housing systems. He discusses being sansei and how he considers himself…
Nakamura begins the interview with an introduction, talking about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, attending McKinley High School and Japanese language school while his father was a fisherman from Hiroshima and his mother came from Fukuoka. He…
During his high school summer years, Hara would work at a pineapple cannery to earn money for his family, while he lived with his uncle. Later, while working as a carpenter, the Pearl Harbor bombings occurred and all the Japanese were rounded up by…
Aki begins the interview talking about his family, both of his parents were Nisei and had decided to settle in Kauai, his father being a politician, while his mother was a schoolteacher. As a child, he would grow up liking geography, while his…
Takashige begins the interview talking about his family background, including his mother and father coming over from Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan and settling in Honolulu. Growing up in Hawaii, he would attend both English and Japanese language…