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Harold Horiuchi goes to Camp Shelby for his basic training. Basic training is for 13 weeks before he goes overseas as a replacement for the 442nd.

Harold discusses his first combat and artillery fire. He says being on the frontline is scary.…

Following the Pearl Harbor attack, Shigetoki Tom Umeda does not know what happened to his family in the United States. In Japan, Tom focused on his work at Mitsubishi.

During wartime, Tom worked at Mitsubishi. Tom explained there were no…

According to Willie Tanamachi, there are two ways Japanese Americans joined the military. One way is being drafted before the war. Another way is enlisting. Willie’s brothers Goro, Saburo, Walter, and himself served in the military. Unfortunately,…

Willie Tanamachi discusses his tours. The first time he goes to Berlin is in 1958 when he is stationed at the American Embassy. Willie lives in Germany for nine years, from July 1945 to October 1953. During those nine years, he did come home on leave…

Henry Gary Shiota is 19 years old when he is inducted into the Army. Then Gary goes to Camp Maxey, TX, with 25 other Nisei. Gary learns the war is over during his third week at basic training. After eight weeks of basic training, Gary goes to Camp…

Henry Gary Shiota's primary duty is to work on the war crime trials at Sugamo Prison. He discusses war crime trials in Japan and the atrocities in the Philippines and Dutch East Indies.

On Gary's days off, he visits Tokyo and relatives who live…

Enoch Kanaya reflects on his time in combat and his squad members.
He said their confidence in each other helped them do their jobs well and they trusted each other.

After the war ended, Enoch was assigned to guard the Prisoners of War (POWs)…

Tetsuo Asato was 19 years old when he went overseas. He recalls the weight of carrying his weapons. The heaviness of the weapons did not become too strenuous on Tetsuo until he was trying to climb the mountain. Tetsuo recalls being a litter-bearer…

Hiroshi "Hershey" Miyamura said during his POW camp experience, he had a positive outlook and had something to look forward to at home that helped him survive.

Hershey's wife, Terry, learned he was a POW in 1952 when the government released the…

When Jimmy Doi was classified as an enemy alien, he found a job working at a defense plant. Then his status changed to 1A, he was sent to Camp Blanding. A few weeks later, Jimmy’s brother, Michael Doi, left Camp Blanding to go overseas.

At the…

After the Lost Battalion, Michael Doi went to the French Rivera for his rest period. In After a few days of recuperation, he returned to the mountain.

Following the Italian Campaign, the men were moving fast, and there was no time to set up.…
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