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At Camp Shelby, Yoshiro Tokiwa describes the living conditions and meals. He leaves Camp Shelby to go to Fort Meade. Yoshiro receives orders to go overseas to join the 442nd.

He travels overseas on USS Washington. The voyage takes two weeks for…

Tanaka discusses his childhood. He details about his schooling. Tanaka also discusses about his experiences with discrimination and the aftermath from Pearl Harbor.

Minoru "Minor" Miyasaki was born March 18, 1925. Minoru's father immigrated from Japan to Hawaii to work on the sugar plantation. Later, he moved to California to sharecrop strawberries and vegetables. Minoru lost his mother at an early age, and his…

James Murata stopped attending Japanese Language School in high school to help his parents in the fields harvesting carrots. He discusses his obligation to help his parents in farming. If there were any family outings, the family would pay. Unlike…

Hitoshi G. Sameshima is born April 13, 1921, in Pasadena, CA. His parents are from the southern part of Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Hitoshi grows up in Pasadena, where his parents operate a laundry business until wartime. Hitoshi has three…

Fujimori discusses meeting his wife. He talks more about practicing Judo, and what it meant to be Japanese American. At the end of this section, he talks of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
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