Sachio Jack Takata oral history interview, part 1 of 3, June 17, 2006


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Sachio Takata was born on March 14, 1923, in Southern California. Sachio's father, Kizo, was from Kagoshima, Japan, and immigrated to the United States. He met Sachio’s mother, Hatsumi, from Hawaii, and they married. Sachio is the oldest of ten siblings.

Half of Sachio's youth was in Southern California and then in Northern California. Sachio enjoyed school. He attended primary school and Japanese Language School. After class, he would go home and help on the farm. Sachio describes harvesting different crops on 70 acres. Sachio grew up during the Great Depression. Although he had many interests, Sachio had to save every penny to buy model airplanes, a photography camera, and parts for the crystal radio set. The nearest town was Stockton, and Sachio watched cowboy movies often.

On December 7, Sachio was working on the farm, when he heard about Pearl Harbor. The following day, Sachio heard President Roosevelt declare war. Shortly after there were travel restrictions and a curfew enforced. Sachio recalls having the mentality of shikata ga nai and not trying to fight city hall. In camp, he did not participate in strikes.

On February 19, 1946, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, and Japanese Americans had to be evacuated from the western area. Sachio and his family evacuated to the assembly center and took what they could carry. At Turlock, Sachio spent most of his time working at the mess hall as a pantry clerk.



Oral History Item Type Metadata

Date of Birth

1923 Mar 14

Location of Birth

Branch of Service

Entrance into Service

Location of Basic Training


Takata, Sachio Jack: narrator, Hawkins, Richard: interviewer, and Go For Broke National Education Center: publisher, “Sachio Jack Takata oral history interview, part 1 of 3, June 17, 2006,” Japanese American Military History Collective, accessed October 22, 2024,