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Photograph of two World War Two soldiers outside near a building.

Photograph of World War Two soldiers in formation.

Photograph of World War Two soldiers in a stadium.

Photograph of World War Two soldiers on automobiles.

Photograph of World War Two soldier posing with seven women in front of a building.

Photograph of World War Two soldier posing in front of a fountain with a figure drinking from a shell.

Photograph of World War Two soldier posing in front of a statue of a man on a horse.

Photograph of a World War Two soldier posing in front of a building with its upper floors missing.

Photograph of a World War Two soldier posing in front of a statue.

Photograph of a World War Two soldier posing in front of a building with its upper floors missing.

Photograph of two World War Two soldiers posing in front of a monument.

Photograph of a World War Two soldier posing in front of a fountain.

Photograph of two World War Two soldiers posing outside by a building.

Photograph of two World War Two soldiers posing outside by a tree.

Photograph of four World War Two soldiers sitting on stairs.

Photograph of two women in a rowboat on a lake.

Photograph of a priest posing in front of buildings.

Newspaper clipping about Paul W. Nishimuta being awarded the Bronze Star. The article describes his service and other decorations.

Photograph album back cover.

A menu from House of P. Y. Chong restaurant in Hawaii, which served Chinese and American dinners. The menu includes information about the restaurant's founding, food offerings, the American Red Cross, and war bonds.

Photograph album page with a menu from House of P. Y. Chong restaurant in Hawaii, which served Chinese and American dinners. The menu includes information about the restaurant's founding, food offerings, the American Red Cross, and war bonds.

Photograph album page with photographs of landmarks in Washington, D.C. (including the Jefferson Memorial, the Supreme Court, and the U.S. Capitol) as well as pictures of a woman and a World War Two soldier in New York City, with a caption…

Photograph album page with photographs of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team Parade in Washington, D.C., including pictures of the White House and the parade going by the U. S. Capitol building and the Washington Monument.

Photograph album page with photographs of World War Two soldiers.

Photograph album page with photographs of World War Two soldiers arriving in New York City in July 1946. Includes pictures of the ocean, airplanes, and World War Two soldiers on the boat.

Photograph album page with photographs of World War Two soldiers departing Livorno (Leghorn), Italy in July 1946. Includes pictures of the ocean and World War Two soldiers on the boat.

Photograph album page with photographs of World War Two soldiers departing Livorno (Leghorn), Italy in July 1946. Includes pictures of World War Two soldiers boarding the boat.

Photograph album page with photographs of the United Service Organizations (USO) Show in June 1945, with pictures of World War Two soldiers and women.

Photograph album page with portraits of women, a photograph of a church and a lake, and photographs of World War Two soldiers.

Photograph album page with photographs of a World War Two soldiers in Bellagio and Villa d'Este, Italy, where there was a Fifth Army rest camp. Photographs include World War Two soldiers on boats and lake landscapes.

Photograph album page with photographs of a World War Two soldiers in what is likely Italy, along with portraits of women and a photograph of a dog near tents.

Photograph album page with photographs of a lake, women, and World War Two soldiers.

Photograph album page with a photograph of a woman.

Photograph album cover.

Photograph of World War Two soldiers posing in front of the Catacombs of St. Callixtus in Rome, Italy.

Photograph of World War Two soldiers and other men reading at various tables.

Photograph of a swimming pool and tennis courts, with mountains behind.

Photograph of a World War Two soldier posing on a bridge over water.

Letter from J. E. Wood, Brigadier General, United States Army, to Paul Nishimuta, awarding him the Bronze Star. The letter describes Nishimuta's heroic achievement in action on April 21, 1945 in Italy.

Envelope from the War Department to Paul Nishimuta.

General Orders from the Headquarters of the 92nd Infantry Division awarding a Silver Star, Soldier's Medal, Oak Leaf Cluster, and Bronze Stars to various enlisted men, including a Bronze Star to Paul William Nishimuta.

Letter from E. M. Almond, Major General, United States Army, to the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, expressing appreciation for their part in the Fifth Army offensive. The offensive took place from March 26 to May 2, 1945 against the German Gothic Line…

Newspaper clipping about Paul W. Nishimuta being awarded the Bronze Star. The article describes his service and other decorations.

Nishimura discusses his free time, visiting relatives, and contact with Japanese citizens. He discloses why Japan lost the war with the United States and the objective of the bomb survey team. He contributes the success of occupation to the Kibei. …

Nishimura discusses his reaction to landing in Yokohama and duties as part of the bomb survey team in occupation Japan. He shares some interview questions and answers from his survey with women and housewives. Nishimura also recalls the aftermath of…


Go For Broke National Education Center: publisher

Hiro Nishimura reflects on Japanese American redress and the contributions of Nisei soldiers during World War II. He also shares some photographs from his military service.

Hiro Nishimura admires Merrill's Marauders and talks about their accomplishments and the conditions they served under. He also testifies about the Japanese American incarceration which in turn psychologically prepares him to write his memoirs.

Hiro Nishimura further speaks about his connections to Harry Fukuhara and John Aiso. As a soldier he ships out and serves in the China-Burma-India theater as a translator in the MIS.

Hiro Nishimura is upset to be separated from Kazuo Otani to go to Military Intelligence Service Language School. He describes how Kazuo Otani earned the Medal of Honor as well as his efforts later to contact Otani's family. He also describes Steve…

Hiro Nishimura remembers the events and consequences surrounding the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He is drafted into the army and experiences segregation before serving in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). His family experiences forced removal to…

Hiro Nishimura grows up attending Japanese language school and public school with many different races of children. He also experiences enough racial discrimination to consider moving to Japan. He also speaks about employment and attending college.

Background of Hiro Nishimura's parents and growing up as a Japanese American and a Buddhist in Seattle, Washington.

Holiday card, Addressed, "Howdy Shig!" Card text reads: "The Season's Greetings. The United States Army Fores in China Burma India. May the Christ Child make your Christmas happy and may this happiness overflow into the New Year. " Signed "Sincerely,…


Nishimura describes F Company reunions. He briefly talks about the F Company motto. He discusses his friendships. Nishimura tells a joke. He explains how he met his wife. He describes what it is like to live with his adult children. He talks about…

Nishimura describes his recovery time in a hospital. He explains what happened as he awaited transport to the hospital. He talks about the fruits and vegetables in Italy. He discusses his time in a field hospital. He briefly describes the 100th…

Nishimura talks about the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He describes his journey overseas and landing in North Africa. He talks about being stationed in North Africa. He discusses his first time in combat. He describes the weather in Italy.…

Nishimura describes shipping out the Big Island. He talks about his journey to Wisconsin. He discusses Camp McCoy. He describes his life in Wisconsin. He talks about his interactions with civilians. He shares his experiences with discrimination. He…

Nishimura and the interviewers introduce themselves. He describes his early life in Hawaii. He talks about his parents and siblings. He describes his involvement in sports. He describes his religious background. He talks about the social activities…

Nishimura discusses the 442nd, the "Go For Broke" motto and its origins, Bruyeres and the mission to rescue the "Lost Battalion", and his relationship with the Army Generals. Later, he talks about his life after World War II and his life after…

Nishimura discusses his life in the military as an officer in the 100th Battalion. Topics include training, the relationship between Hawaiian Nisei and Mainland Nisei, and his first experiences in combat. Nishimura talks about leading men during…

Nishimura recollects on his experiences during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. He also talks about the different changes that took place in the military in light of the attack. Lastly, Nishimura discusses segregation in the military and how that…

Nishimura discusses the activities he participated in both inside and outside of school. He then talks about going to college, his experience there, and eventually becoming a teacher. Lastly, he speaks about his recollections from December 6, 1941…

Nishimura discusses his childhood including his family, favorite childhood activities (including his excellence in Judo), experiences and lessons he learned while in Japanese language school, and his choice to become a teacher.

Nishimoto describes his duties as a typist and interpreter in Japan; discusses spending time traveling to cities such as Kamakura and Chugoku; and talks about Japanese civilians he met. Lastly, Nishimoto provides some thoughts about his legacy, and…

Nishimoto discusses his experiences at Fort Snelling taking interpreters courses, and being sent to Japan as a typist. He then talks about the importance of education and hard work; how he met his wife; and his experiences working with schools and…

Nishimoto talks about his family’s forced removal and what happened to his family’s store and property during that time; living conditions and life at Fresno temporary detention facility; playing in a band while in an incarceration camp; and his…

Nishimoto talks about his parents, religion, and his family’s businesses. He then talks about his siblings, the assistance his family received from a lawyer, and some of his experiences with discrimination growing up. Next, Nishimoto discusses…

Following the end of the war, Nishimoto would return to Hawaii and join the 442nd reserves. He would then be called for active duty again for the Korean War, and would be on assignment in Japan. He would join the Military Intelligence Service with…

Nishimoto talks more about his war experiences, including learning some Italian and even seeing the Pope. After this, he talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion, dealing with extreme darkness and heavy casualties. Next, he speaks about the…

Nishimoto talks more about his war experiences, including seeing German soldiers and the weapons that they used. He talks about his dislike for snipers and wanting to catch one so that he could take care of him himself. Another assignment included…

Nishimoto talks more about his time at Camp Shelby for his basic training, including the mental and physical challenges and the inner spirit that made the Nisei soldiers so balanced. He also talks about the responsibilities of being a sergeant and…

Nishimoto discusses facing discrimination when in the South, taking leave in Mississippi and seeing all the segregation between white and colored. Next, he talks about his decision to join the Army, volunteering with friends, not even telling his…

Nishimoto talks about meeting his wife during his junior year of high school and the activities they used to do for fun. He also talks about going to Japanese language school for a few years, where he would learn discipline and leadership. He would…

Arthur Nishimoto begins the interview talking about his childhood home and what it was like to grow up in Honolulu, Hawaii. He then talks about his family background, including his father, who was a top car salesman for Chevrolet and Ford. After…


Nishikubo tells a story regarding a found cognac truck; and talks about sightseeing in France, staying in Europe after the German surrender, receiving awards and medals, and returning to the United States. He then talks about writing to his family…

Nishikubo discusses the Gothic Line, including experiences with enemy fire during combat; and seeing casualties of war and wounded soldiers. He then talks about his experience getting wounded, how he got his Purple Heart; and tells a story regarding…
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