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Akamine talks about trying to find work after he was discharged. He describes his experiences with discrimination after the war. He discusses his hopes for the future. He gives advice to future generations. Akamine talks about his marriage and…

Akamine continues to describes his end of war duties. He talks about his wartime injury. He describes an encounter he had with two Italian women. He explains the relationship between Hawaiian soldiers and reading. Akamine talks about weapons…

Akamine revisits the topic of basic training. He describes racial divisions within B company. He elaborates on the first assignments that he had while overseas. He describes how B company eventually bonded. Akamine talks about how he communicated…

Akamine reveals the effects of the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He discusses the Big Five companies in Hawaii, his electric work, and the draft. Akamine talks about his basic training experiences and the journey to Europe. He elaborates on his struggles…

Akamine talks about his parent's immigration to the United States. He also explains the hierarchy among his fathers siblings. He discusses Japanese cultural values and his experiences while working in a hotel. Akamine talks about learning a trade and…

Akamine describes his family structure and history. He describes what life was like on a plantation. He talks about his primary school education and Japanese language school. Akamine briefly talks about what he did in his leisure time as a child. He…

In this segment, Benjamin Hazard begins by describing how he met his wife while serving in Korea and their developing courtship and eventual marriage. He then moves on to talking about his interest and involvement with kendo over much of his lifetime…

In this segment, Benjamin Hazard speaks about some of his different experiences while serving in the military in Okinawa and Korea. He also talks about some of the initial tension that he had with some Nisei soldiers before talking about his decision…

In this segment, Benjamin Hazard begins by recalling his many experiences in Saipan in great detail. After that, he begins talking about going to Okinawa on assignment.

In this segment, Benjamin Hazard talks about his experience in Saipan with the Military Intelligence Service. He specifically recalls the notable story involving the heroics of Sergeant Hoichi Kubo, who negotiated the release of a large number of…

In this segment, Benjamin Hazard begins by recalling his memories of the Pearl Harbor attack and his ensuing outrage at the discrimination against his Japanese American friend, Frank, and Frank's family by locals. Hazard then discusses details of his…

In this segment, Benjamin Hazard continues discussing his childhood. He recalls memories involving two of his close friends and their experiences during school. He also talks about his interest in learning several different languages and also about…

In this segment, Benjamin Hazard introduces himself and describes his family background and childhood. He focuses on his ancestry a great deal, and he discusses why he was so interested in exploring his ancestry. Hazard also talks about the moral…

In this segment, Uyemura talks about firing off different kinds of weapons while at Camp Roberts. Based off of points he accumulated while serving, he was able to go home before his group and was later discharged. After finding his family, they…

In this segment, Uyemura talks about the military campaigns he participated in during the war. He talks about his experiences in Italy and France and also describes the Champagne Campaign. Another campaign Uyemura took part in was Bruyeres, which he…

In this segment, we briefly hear Uyemura talking about his shoes and how he only wore one pair of boots. The interviewer picks back up in mid conversation about Uyemura using his military leave to visit his family in camp and how easy it was to sneak…

In this segment Uyemura talks about where he got the means to build his Ford Model T car and the beginnings of his service in the Army upon being drafted. After Pearl Harbor, he talks about his reaction to the attack, his family being relocated, and…

In this segment Ben Uyemura talks about his upbringing in a poor neighborhood of Los Angeles. His parents did not have a lot but he remembers they both were hardworking people. He talks about the activities he was in as a kid in grammar school, and…

Umeda finishes the interview talking about passing on his personal history to future generations. Next, he talks about the legacy of the Nisei and what they've done. After this, he discusses his thoughts of what freedom is, and what makes freedom of…

Umeda talks a little bit more about his time in Seoul, translating newspapers during the occupation. He would return to Japan, where they gave him the option of staying in the military or heading home and a friend convinced him to go home and…

Umeda continues to talk about his language training at Fort Snelling with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), talking about the living conditions of the barracks and being classified as a translator. After this, he would be sent overseas, first…

Umeda talks more about the Gila River Concentration Camp and the living conditions in Arizona, surrounded by barbed wire but being able to go outside of the camp occasionally. He would end up leaving the camp and working at a cannery and living in a…

Umeda talks more about the aftereffects of Pearl Harbor, as the Army no longer accepted Nisei soldiers, they would be reclassified as enemy aliens. Shortly after, they would be forced to evacuate their home, taking their only what they could carry…

Umeda gives more background on his siblings, and what it was like to grow up on a farm, picking grapes and saving money to go to junior college. He talks about the other recreational activities he did with his siblings, including skating and swimming…

Ben Umeda begins the interview talking about his family, his father and mother being from Hiroshima and their journey to get to Selma in California. Next, he talks about growing up in California, picking grapes to make raisins for work and doing…

Tagami discusses his nickname and his squad mates. He details his post-war experiences. Tagami also discusses his family and give a message to future generations.

Tagami discusses his experiences in Italy. He details his experiences in post-war Japan. Tagami also discusses his post military life and reflects on his military experiences.

Tagami discusses his journey overseas, arriving in France, and joining his unit. He details his experiences in France. Tagami also discusses his experiences in Italy.

Tagami discusses the anti-air cannon that was behind his house, his experiences at Jerome Concentration Camp, and being drafted. He details Japanese units and his military experiences. Tagami also discusses basic training, his experiences in Italy,…

Tagami discusses his childhood. He details the forced removal and his experiences in Fresno, California. Tagami also discusses his in the Fresno Temporary Detention Facility and Jerome Concentration Camp.

Tagami discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Tagami also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Ohama describes a Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR); discusses the duties of an interrogator; talks about the end of the war and getting sent to Japan; and discusses the goals of an interpreter. He then talks about his experiences in Japan including his…

Ohama defines "evacuation" and discusses his thoughts and feelings regarding forced removal. He then describes barbed wire; talks about leaving his belongings behind; discusses the reasons why his family sold their farm; and talks about traveling to…

Ohama talks about playing sports; and discusses his high school social life, hobbies, food, and socioeconomic status. He then talks about his relationship with his mother; high school graduation; and religion including discussing how Christianity…

Ohama discusses his grandfather's life in Japan and his immigration to the United States; as well as his childhood relationship with his grandfather and his grandfather's personality. He then talks about his father including his personality and…

Kitagawa finishes the interview telling the story of how he received his Bronze Star, including the battle and the ceremony afterwards. Next, he talks about his first and second marriages and his family. He also gives a message to future generations…

Kitagawa discusses revisiting Bruyeres for the 50th anniversary, and seeing the monument there dedicated to the 442nd. After this, he talks about the end of the war in Europe and seeing the German prisoners of war. He would be able to take a short…

Kitagawa talks about getting rest and relaxation during the war and the activities that they would do, such as playing football. Next, he talks more about the Lost Battalion campaign, and moving onto Nice, where he would be able to get a hot meal and…

Kitagawa discusses his unit, the teamwork that made them bond and the toughness of losing a friend in the war. He talks a bit more about Camp Shelby, including the weather, before talking about his shipment to Italy. Once arrived, he would…

Kitagawa talks about his life after high school, graduating and then working on the farm. During this time, two of his brothers would be drafted into the Army, one being part of the 45th Infantry and the other in the 442nd Regiment. Next, he talks…

Kitagawa begins the interview with an introduction on growing up in Northern California. As his family was in the farming business, he would help there, and enjoy his off-time by playing baseball and picnicking. Next, he talks about his family, which…


Photo of a young beggar boy in Seoul

Photo of a soldier with a bayonet posing in front of a street sign

Photo of two soldiers and a dog in front of the Base Provost Marshal

Photo of a group of Japanese people and MIS soldiers posing in front of the Base Post Exchange building and sign

Photo of George and another soldier leaning on the Base Operations Ground Floor sign

In the final video, Mr. Saiki further discusses his reunion with his brother, discussing what his life was like in Japan, and the conditions of Japan post-war. Additionally, Mr. Saiki describes his role in the Counterintelligence Corps as well as the…

Mr. Saiki discusses volunteering to serve with the Counterintelligence Corps and traveling to Japan. It was while he was in Japan that Mr. Saiki was reunited with his brother. Mr. Saiki discusses his brother's citizenship issues and how he was able…

Mr. Saiki discusses helping his father be reunited with the rest of the family at Rohwer. Mr. Saiki was able to the leave the internment camp, and traveled to Chicago where he got a job working as a foreman in a bomb factory and helped establish…

Mr. Saiki focuses on the period leading up to the Pearl Harbor attack and discusses the period after his family was forced to leave their home. Among the topics discussed are Mr. Saiki earning his degree from UC Berkeley, the discrimination and…

Part 2 of Mr. Saiki's interview primarily focuses on his life after his military service and reflections on past accomplishments. Mr. Saiki discusses an incident where he represented a delegation from Okinawa who testified in front of a Congressional…

Mr. Saiki discusses how his family came to the United States and his early life growing up in Stockton, California. His parents first worked in Hawaii before coming to California and working on a farm in the Sacramento Delta. Eventually the family…

Mr. Saiki continues on from an earlier interview, describing his military service in occupied Japan with the Counter Intelligence Corps. Mr. Saiki describes postwar Japan which was stricken with poverty and food shortage conditions, also talking…
Kasamatsu_161 001 .jpg

Barracks. Tall poles in the field by the streets. Written on the border of the image, WPA-45-63578.

In this brief final portion, Mr. Hajiro talks about how he met and married his wife. He goes on to talk about visiting his parents after the war and reflects on some of the aspirations he held prior to the start of the war. Mr. Hajiro reflects of his…

Mr. Hajiro discusses life after the war, including his return trip home, receiving the Distinguished Service Cross and later the Medal of Honor, and his career after the war. Mr. Hajiro reflects on what helped him survive during the war and gives his…

Mr. Hajiro discusses his first court martial, which in turn led to his transfer to I Company and his training with the BAR machine gun. He continues on to talk about combat he saw in Bruyeres and Biffontaine, where he captured several German POWs.…

Barney Hajiro recalls the locals of Bruyeres and Biffontaine were friendly and nice. However, they were confused to see Japanese Americans in an American Army uniform. Barney was in M Company then transferred to I Company. The guys in I Company were…

Mr. Hajiro describes his early childhood growing up during the Depression on the island of Maui. As his parents were poor, Mr. Hajiro was forced to drop out of school to work in the plantations to help support his family. He eventually traveled to…

Barney Hajiro was born on September 16, 1916. He was the second oldest of his siblings. He grew up on a plantation in Maui, Hawaii, during the Great Depression.

During Barney's school years, he attended first through eighth grade. He did not have…


Photo of a soldier in front of a barber shop tent

Photo of soldiers talking in front of a plane with bags on the ground

Photo of soldiers in the back of an army truck

Photo of soldiers getting off USAF plane

Photo of Co. B Casual Platoon holding B School Battalion flag in Fort Snelling, Minnesota. Names from left to right: Hiro Nakamura, Unknown, Jim (James) Murata, James Iwanaga, Most Okamura, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown.

Written of the photograph: "Our ship limps into Azores Harbor with broken engine."

Overhead photo of dock with band performing

Nishioka describes close calls during wartime and his worst memories of the war. He also talks about his hip injury. He talks about how his family expanded and sharing wartime experiences. He gives a message to his family. He talks about the future…

Nishioka describes the European countryside and Bruyères. He talks about the Champagne Campaign and European locals. He discusses the end of World War Two and his subsequent tour of Florence, Italy. He explains how he got back to Hawaii. Nishioka…

Nishioka describes one of his captains and Camp Shelby. He discusses discrimination against African Americans. in the south He talks about the American Concentration Camps for Japanese Americans. Nishioka explains his relationship with Mainland…

Nishioka talks about Japanese language school and primary school. He also discusses his experiences in high school. He briefly describes a carpentry apprenticeship he had as a youth. He explains the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Nishioka…

Nishioka talks about his early life in Hilo. He describes the sugarcane work camps in the Hilo area. He discusses the items his family made and purchased from the store. He talks about the sports that he was involved in during childhood. Nishioka…

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