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Sakagami discusses memories from his childhood growing up in Auburn, Washington. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. Sakagami also discusses about his experiences in the Pindale Temporary Detention Facility.

Kusunoki reflects on his military service. He describes having Pneumonia. He discusses military tribunals. He continues to talk about serving in the 11th Airborne Division. He explains what motivated the Nisei soldiers. He describes mainland…

Kusunoki talks about being a part of the 11th Airborne Division. He briefly discusses Fort Snelling in Minnesota. He describes several photographs that are shown on camera. He shares reasons that he served in the military. He talks about his…

Kusunoki and the interviewer's introduce themselves. Kusunoki talks about his parents. He discusses what his father did for work. He describes his siblings. He talks about Japanese language school. He discusses his family's desire to return to Japan.…


Miyahara discusses the executive order 9066 and the procedure for getting married to a woman from Japan. Next, he speaks about the intricacies of kendo, including the senseis that had big influence on him and the specific techniques needed to prevent…

Miyahara discusses the change of Japan during the occupation, including manufacturing quality items that turned into a big part of their future economy. As a welfare officer and member of occupational forces, Miyahara helped in the recovery of Japan.…

Miyahara discusses coming back to Japan following his discharge in the United States. Once back, he decided to re-enlist with the Army Air Force, but was sent back to Japan. While there for the third time with the Army, he met his wife but because of…

Miyahara continues his recollection of his time visiting Asia in 1936 for kendo. Next, when back in America, he speaks about Pearl Harbor and the forced removal to temporary detention centers at the Pomona fairgrounds. His friends would visit him…

Miyahara begins the interview talking about his family background and how his mother and father came over from Kyushu, Japan and settled down as farmers in the Los Angeles area. Growing up in California, he was able to live a pretty full childhood,…

Kawaguchi discusses more about censorship, education reform, and traveling throughout Japan. He details about his experiences in Niigata and his reasons for coming home. Kawaguchi also discusses about is involvement with veteran organizations,…

Kawaguchi discusses the roles that censorship played. He details about the Americans trapped in Japan during the war, those kicked out of the America, and his thoughts towards the loyalty questionnaire. Kawaguchi also discusses his experiences as an…

Kawaguchi discusses about learning of Japan's surrender, his journey to Japan, and his early experiences in Japan. He details about what Tokyo looked like, he experiences in Fukuoka, and his interactions with both Japanese and American citizens.…

In this video clip, Ken Akune describes an incident with the military police while in Japan. He also provides wisdom about the nature of war and how important it is for American soldiers to spread good will as American ambassadors.

In this video clip, Ken Akune talks mores about the war crime trials that he worked on during the occupation of Japan.

In this video clip, Ken Akune goes into detail about his experience during the Occupation of Japan. He talks about being reunited with his family, what type of service he provided, and describes the devastation that he saw within the city.

Watanabe discusses his experiences as a Nisei linguist and his CIA assignment in Korea; provides some thoughts regarding military occupation in Japan; and discusses his experiences traveling to visit relatives in Japan. Next, Watanabe describes…

Watanabe discusses his father's immigration from Japan to the United States and his work at a plantation in Hawaii. He then talks about his mother; discusses attending Japanese language school; discusses Japanese dialects; talks about attending…

Yamada continues his experiences in occupied Japan, including taking kendo lessons and the reform that was brought about. He talks about the things Americans tried to teach the Japanese such as equality, education and ethics. After his time with the…

Yamada discusses learning Japanese at a young age, taking Japanese language school, in addition to his regular schooling. He would also visit Japan with his family and see the farming community that his family came from. While back in the United…

Yamada begins the interview with an introduction on where he was during the surrender of Japan during the war. He would be part of the occupation forces in Japan, specializing on translating documents that would be used in the War crimes trials. He…

Kurata discusses his experiences while on headquarters assignment duty; talks about seeing confiscated Japanese swords; and discusses his transfer to Sendai to set up a new Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) headquarters. He then talks about his CIC…

Kurata discusses his whereabouts during Japan's surrender; his father's immigration to the United States and employment at a sugar cane plantation; and discusses some of his thoughts regarding Japanese civilians prior to his assignment in Japan. He…

Ichiuji looks through pictures, describing the subjects of each and the background of them as well.

Ichiuji continues to talk about the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp and the inhumanity of it. Next, he talks about the end of the war and his trip back to the United States, celebrating when he saw the Statue of Liberty. He would be…

Ichiuji talks more about his combat experiences, going back to Naples to wait for replacements, before being sent back to France, liberating the town of Bruyeres and the rescue of the Lost Battalion. The 522nd would continue on through the French…

Ichiuji talks about being shipped overseas, first going to Newport News before going on a 28 day convoy to Italy. When arriving in Italy, he would immediately notice the destruction of Naples, and would then move up to Bagnoli, where they would be…

Ichiuji continues to talk about being in Poston concentration camp with his family, the living conditions being poor but they were able to set up a shoe repair shop. He would then volunteer to join the 442nd and talks about the loyalty questions they…

Ichiuji would be drafted into the Army, getting inducted in San Francisco and taking his basic training at Camp Roberts. There, he would learn to shoot the Howitzer gun and join in on maneuvers. However, once the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred, he…

Joseph Ichiuji begins the interview talking about growing up in Pacific Grove, California, fishing and playing football with his siblings. He talks about facing discrimination in the job market and attending Japanese language school while also…

Jiro Ikemori explains what his assignment was during the military occupation of Japan. He describes the living conditions in Kobe, Japan. His discusses his return to America. He talks about his work as a custodian. He reflects on his military…

Ikemori talks about his early life in Hawaii. He describes his family's move to Japan. He briefly discusses his education in Japan. He talks about teaching Japanese language school in Hawaii. He discusses the languages spoken in his childhood home.…

Yamasaki discusses the adversity he faced during the time after he left the army. He reflects and the mark he left of Japan and vise versa. Yamasaki also discusses explaining democracy in Japan.

Yamasaki discusses more about what CIC did during his time in Japan. He details what he noticed about Japanese culture. Yamasaki also discusses personal experiences before and during the occupation of Japan.

Yamasaki discusses the work he did during the occupation of Japan. He details about the interactions he had with Japanese citizens. Yamasaki discusses about he time spent in camp Gila River.

Yamasaki discusses what it was like growing up. He details how he joined the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC). Yamasaki discusses about the brief period of time he stayed in Japan as a child.

Oda discusses his experience going back to Japan and seeing his brother for the first time since childhood, as well as his memories of post-war Japan. He also talks about his marriage and children, being a stay at home father, experiencing…

Oda discusses encounters with civilians while at Camp Savage, what a typical day was like as an instructor at Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), student populations that included both Nisei and Caucasians, and grading papers. He…

Oda recalls an incident while at Manzanar Incarceration Camp involving a physical altercation with a man over an article written in the Manzanar Free Press. He then talks about meeting his wife, and going to Camp Savage where he was assigned to be an…

Oda talks about moving back to the United States, learning English again, and employment opportunities including working at a produce market and becoming an organizer for a union for markets. He also discusses his thoughts regarding the attack on…

Oda discusses growing up in Stockton, California on a farm before moving to Japan with his mother and brother at his mother's behest. While in Japan, Oda recalls experiences in grammar school with bullies for being American; and attending Koto Gakko…

Murata discusses about seeing Communist demonstrations while in Japan. He details about travel and leisure and Japan. Murata also discusses about the role the Nisei played in the occupation of Japan.

Murata discusses about some of the training he received in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) before going overseas. He discusses about his duties and early experiences in Japan. Murata also discusses about how he spent his leisure time, his…

Iso discusses his time with the Air Intelligence Service Squadron and Project American during the Korean War. Iso details his job with The Foreign Service. Iso also gives advice to his grandchildren and explains what is most important.

Iso discusses trying to help the Japanese people as best as possible. He highlights the role the Nisei played during the occupation. Iso also discusses Japan's agriculture and food production capabilities post-war

Iso discusses how he ended up in Japan during military occupation and what he did while he was there. He also details about the starvation and devastation he witnessed in Japan. Iso discusses what it was like interacting with the Japanese people.

Iso discusses about the time he spent in the Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center and Heart Mountain Concentration Camp. He also details about the struggles that Japanese Americans faced in the military and in american society. Iso details the…


Araki continues his discussion on his assignments in Japan, working in Tokushima and helping to translate and interpret during the military occupation. Next, he talks about the black market during the occupation and how the big cities were the only…

Araki continues his recollection of his time after being drafted into the Army and having an assignment in Hawaii, guarding Italian prisoners of war. Next, he discusses the Japanese language and the importance of the characters that are used. He…

Araki begins the interview with a short introduction and speaking about his time at the Japanese language school. Being born in Sacramento and then moving to Hawaii, he had a different type of upbringing than most kids in Hawaii. The kids would call…

Oka discusses the translation process and helping the Japanese citizens. He details about culture differences and reflects on time that he spent in Japan. Oka also gives advice to the United States Army regarding occupation.

Oka discusses living in pre-war Japan. He details about his duties while in the Philippines and arriving in Japan. Oka also discusses his duties while in Japan and his interactions with Japanese citizens.

Doi discusses his wife; talks about education reform and equality in Japan; discusses Monbusho (Ministry of Education); and talks about private universities in Japan. Next, Doi discusses why he almost attended Todai (University of Tokyo); discusses…

Doi discusses corresponding with his wife while he was in Japan; talks about his first impressions of Japan; and discusses some of his experiences with Japanese citizens. He then talks about his involvement with the Civil Information and Education…

Doi discusses about his early life experiences and gives some detail about his family background. He details about how he ended up in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Doi also discusses about his experiences in the Philippines and in occupied…

Kaneshiro discusses the reforms that occurred throughout the occupation of Japan and the reconstruction was done throughout the country. Next, he talks about the value of the Nisei linguist throughout the occupation and how it was much easier to do…

Kaneshiro begins the interview talking about his whereabouts when Japan surrendered. As he was already on a ship heading to Manila with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), he would go to the Philippines first, then head to Tokyo. Once he…

Sameshima discusses about the about the war crime trials. He details about different areas and changes he noticed during the occupation of Japan. Sameshima also discusses about meeting his wife and what made the occupation of Japan successful.

Sameshima discusses about the end of World War Two and arriving in Japan. He details about how he helped and his interactions with Japanese citizens during the occupation of Japan. Sameshima also discusses his experiences in the war crime trials.

Shishido discusses more about going to the prisoner of war camps in Nagasaki and what it was like to interpret in that situation. He also talks about recreational activities during that time and the high costs for certain foods. After this, he would…

Shishido continues his recollection of his time in occupied Japan, interpreting for the war crimes trials in Tokyo. He discusses the intricacies of the interpreting process, including body language and understanding various dialects and meanings.…

Shishido begins the interview talking about his family coming over from Japan to Hawaii and then moving back to Japan with his eldest brother and sister, Hiroshi choosing to stay behind with his younger brother. He would grow up on Maui, helping out…


Ikemoto discusses the military service of a Japanese colonel; talks about his interrogations and discussions with Japanese officers; and tells a story regarding a Japanese officer who visited the United States. He then talks about his interactions…

Ikemoto discusses his whereabouts during the end of the war; talks about volunteering to go to Japan post V-J Day; and discusses his experiences at Military Intelligence Language School (MISLS). He then talks about traveling to Japan via a troop…

Harry Uchida speaks about serving as bodyguard to Faubion Bowers and being reassigned to the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) working as a translator. He also visits his sister in Japan at this time and talks about his impressions of Douglas…

Harry Uchida grows up on the island of Maui in Hawaii attending Japanese language school and gets drafted into the army. He serves in the Military Intelligence service during the occupation of Japan.

In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara talks about his military experience during the Occupation of Japan. He describes the important role that he and other Nisei linguists played during the occupation. He also offers input about what the American…

Harry Akune continues to describe the Women Prisoner of War camp that he helped liberate in Japan. During the Occupation of Japan, he was reassigned to the Ration and Price Control Division. He talks about the difficulties of interpretation and…

Harry Akune describes his childhood, living and going to school in Japan after his mother died. He talks about learning discipline after living with his Grand-Uncle. He describes his experience during the Occupation of Japan, in which he helped…

Okumura talks about his marriage that began before the war, and some of his experiences while in Okinawa. Next, he talks more about reconstruction of Japan, including improving housing systems. He discusses being sansei and how he considers himself…
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