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Takiguchi discusses the Army point system, returning home to Hawaii, and seeing his brother while in Europe. Next, Takiguchi talks about post-war life, going to Chicago for school, his wife and children, and his worst war experiences. Lastly,…

Takiguchi talks about his combat experiences in Civitavecchia and Belvedere, German POWs, his duties as squad leader, and receiving a Presidential Unit Citation. He then talks about his experiences at Leghorn, crossing the Arno River, describes the…

Takiguchi talks about crossing the Volturno River, his experiences in Cassino, discusses casualties of war, and his experiences in Anzio. He then talks about C-rations vs. K-rations, items he carried in his pack, and his experiences in Rome. Lastly,…

Takiguchi discusses working in a sugar mill after high school, his desire to travel after the war, and his experiences after basic training in Honolulu including describing a close call with a Japanese submarine. He then talks about his experiences…

Takiguchi discusses his parents, siblings, and growing up in Kauai, Hawaii including talking about his friendships while living on a plantation, and recreational activities. He also talks about New Years Eve celebrations, discusses school, and…

Kagawa reflects on the war and gives a message to future generations. He details about the legacy of Nisei soldiers. Kagawa also shows some newspaper articles that his saved.

Kagawa discusses about his experiences in Bruyeres. He details about being wounded and the recovery process. Kagawa also discusses about his life after returning to Hawaii.

Kagawa discusses more about the Battle of Monte Cassino. He details about rest and relaxation, gaining replacements, and receiving a unit citation. Kagawa also discusses about the Arno Campaign and heading into France.

Kagawa discusses his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. He details about heading overseas and when he realized "this is war". Kagawa also discusses the duties of Headquarters Company, paying respect to deceased German soldiers, and the Battle…

Kagawa discusses growing up in Waimea, family, and his educational experiences. He details about why he volunteered for the army and what he remembers about December 7, 1941. Kagawa also discusses the events after Pearl Harbor.

In the final part of his interview, Richard Narasaki shares his message to future generations on the importance of education and perseverance. He also implores youths to remember the impact that the 442 had and to take advantage of the opportunities…

Narasaki continues his interview by sharing the first time he used his rifle in combat, and the conditions the soldiers endured. He also recounts hearing about the end of the war and earning enough points to return home. Finally, Narasaki tells us…

Narasaki describes his embarkation and the journey across Europe to meet up with the 442nd Infantry Regiment. He recounts moments from combat including his first time using his rifle and the realization that German and US soldiers were similar.…

Narasaki recalls his time at Tanforan Detention Center and tells us about his job washing dishes and the music and recreational activities. He recounts the journey to Topaz Internment Camp and the living conditions. He also describes the rift the…

In this interview, Richard "Dick" Narasaki shares his childhood battle with tuberculosis and the loss of several members of his family to the disease, living with his grandparents in Santa Clara, and attending high school. He also recounts hearing…
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