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Four trainees relaxing by their tents at Camp Leonard Wood, Missouri during basic training.

Trainees building another bridge across the river. Two officers standing on the sand overseeing the work. Other completed bridge to the left of one being worked on.

Myashira at encampment in jungle of New Guinea.

Group of five (unknown) men posing in front of airplane at airfield on Admiralty Island. Tall palm trees in the background.

Children playing volleyball at Japanese P.O.W. [Prisoners of War] Camp in Mindanao.

U.S. military planes on the airfield runway in New Guinea.

Fleet of U.S. ships spread out in the ocean along the horizon. On their way to New Guinea.

Kengo sitting on a fallen tree in the jungle.

Fukuhara looking out to sea aboard a ship.

The team of ten guys at training camp in California about to be shipped to the Pacific. Tatsuo Yamane is second from the rear on the right. Row of tents behind them.

Fighter jet hidden in the middle of camp in the jungle of the Morotai Island.

Unknown soldier, with shovel in hand, making camp in the jungle.

Line of six soldiers taking a break at Fort Leonard Wood. Sitting shirtless on a wall of a ship. Two other men sitting on a higher part of the ship in the background.

Entrance to graveyard in New Guinea. Grave site of Jerry Mizutani.

(Left photo) Japanese American soldiers in barracks sitting on their cots. (Right photo) Mas Yamamoto sitting on cot in barracks in California before departing.

One of the camps at Morotai Island.

Kim Hatashita sitting at desk working on papers and holding a pipe.

Kubo propped against a car at Camp Savage.

Shintaka at Camp Savage, Military Intelligence Language School standing in front of a car.

Jack Tsuchida standing in front of car at Camp Savage, Military Intelligence Service Language School.

Lou Tsunekawa among the other troops lining up in front of their barracks at Camp Savage, Military Intelligence Service Language School

Matsumato on the stairs to 4th Plattoon Co. [Company] C-29 Battalion barracks.

Family portrait of Technical Sergeant Yukitaka Mizutari. His two brothers, one on each end, and three sisters in between. His mother is holding the plaque honoring his death and his portrait.

Plaque honoring Technical Sergeant Yukitaka Mizutari who was killed in action on June 23, 1944 in New Guinea. Contains 46 names of his fellow soldiers (including Tatsuo Yamane's, second row, third from bottom). This was given to Mizutari's family.

Tatsuo Yamane sitting in front of his house, in between his buddies Ray and Robert, before he leaves for discharge.

Tatsuo Yamane waiting for discharge in front of his house.

Tatsuo Yamane with rifle and helmet in the jungle of Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea.

Group photo of Japanese troops at P.O.W. camp.

(Left image) Japanese P.O.W. camp. Men, women, and children surrounding numerous tents. (Right image) U.S. officer with two Japanese P.O.W.s. Tents in the background.

(Left image) Two Japanese American soldiers at the language department office. (Right image) Japanese American at the interpreter's quarters at a Japanese P.O.W. camp.

(Left and right image) Group of young women at Japanese P.O.W. Camp.

General MacArthur talking to an officer from the 31st Division on Morotai Island.

General MacArthur on Morotai Island with 31st Division. Someone behind him carrying the American Flag.

Photograph of surrender documents signed by General Morozumi during the Invasion of Morotai Island. Signed on Mindana, Philippines in September 1945.

Three U.S. troops escorting General Morozumi on air base. General Morozumi, wearing darker uniform, is of the C.G. 30th Division.

General Morozumi (sitting on right of table) signing surrender documents on Mindanao, Philippines in September 1945.

Tatsuo Yamane and Fukuhara at encampment during the Invasion of Morotai Island. Tatsuo Yamane (left) is picking bananas. Fukuhara (right) holds a small shovel.

Tatsuo Yamane (to the left) during Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Cleaning off cannonballs with another trainee.

Damaged fighter plane at Hollandia air strip in New Guinea.

Damaged fighter plane at Hollandia air strip in New Guinea.

Terry Mizutari's grave marker in New Guinea. He was killed in June 1944.

Tatsuo Yamane (located on far left) in New Guinea with two of his comrades.

A group of five Japanese American soldiers hanging out on the grass at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Military Intelligence Service Language School.

A group of five Japanese American soldiers chatting on the grass at Camp Savage in Minnesota Military Intelligence Service Language School.

Tatsuo Yamane at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Intelligence Training. He is sitting in a lawn chair. The camp barracks are in the background.

A group of nine Japanese American soldiers at Camp Savage in Minnesota. They are posing with a pair of skis in front of one of the camp barracks. There is snow on the ground.

A group of eight Japanese American soldiers at Camp Savage, posing in the snow. The barracks are in the background, and a lake on the left-hand side.

Sinclair at Camp Savage in Minnesota. He is standing in the snow, wearing an overcoat and fur hat. The camp barracks are in the background.

Ushira at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Intelligence Training in 1942. He is holding a pipe while doing school work.

Tatsuo Yamane (located on furthest right) with his three classmates. One of his classmates is taking a picture with his camera. They are all standing in front of Tatsuo Yamane's car.

Tatsuo Yamane holding his camera standing next to his car.

Tatsuo Yamane at Camp Savage. Barracks and trees in the background.

Tatsuo Yamane and friend (holding a shovel) next to the barracks at Camp Leonard Wood.

Six trainees, including Tatsuo Yamane (second to the right) digging trenches in the woods at Camp Leonard Wood for basic training. All are wearing the same uniforms and equipped with shovels.

Group photo of twelve guys on the bulldozer. Tatsuo Yamane located top row, second to the right. Taken during basic training at Camp Leonard Wood, Missouri in the woods.

Tatsuo Yamane smoking a cigarette while cleaning the stairs of one of the barracks at Camp Leonard Wood.

Tatsuo Yamane on the stairs of a building in a Japanese P.O.W. [Prisoners of War] camp in Mindanao.

Tatsuo Yamane in encampment surrounded by the jungle [in New Guinea].

Hirai and Tatsuo Yamane sitting on the sand by camp [in New Guinea]. Tents can be seen in the background.

Unknown soldier crouching among the foliage in a jungle in New Guinea.

Tatsu Yamane leaning against a palm tree by camp in New Guinea. Rows of tents in between palm trees in background.

Tatsuo Yamane and friend looking out to the ocean while standing on the rocks on the beach.

Tatsuo Yamane (second from right) with group of five other trainees preparing to shovel mud at Fort Leonard Wood.

Tatsuo Yamane (in front) with two unknown soldiers behind him in front of barracks at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri for basic training. One other unknown soldier on the second-floor balcony of barracks.

Tatsuo Yamane and companion in woods at Fort Leonard Wood for basic training.

Tatsuo Yamane in front of a church-like building.

Tatsuo Yamane at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri for Military Intelligence Service Language School. The barracks are in the background.

General Morozumi signing surrender documents on Mindanao, Philippines. Tatsuo Yamane (back to the camera) was the interrogator for the captured Japanese general and other high ranking officers that surrendered in the Philippines. The Japanese general…

Al Kanzaki aiming a captured Japanese pistol at Tatsuo Yamane. (Tatsuo Yamane has his hands up smiling.) During the Invasion of Morotai.

Tatsuo Yamane aboard a ship, gazing off at sea. On his way to the Philippines for the Invasion of Morotai Island.

Tatsuo Yamane (left) and Fukuhara (right) eating bananas at their encampment during the Invasion of Morotai Island.

Tatsuo Yamane aboard a ship to the Philippines for the Invasion of Morotai Island.

Tatsuo Yamane driving jeep during Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. "T. [Tatsuo] Yamane, Nov. 10. 41" written on the photograph.

Tatsuo Yamane outside of his tent during Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Tatsuo Yamane during Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Equipped with brooms and a mop. "Tatsuo Yamane" written on photograph.

Tatsuo Yamane (at the top of tier), two soldiers below him. Captured during Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Tatsuo Yamane shaving during Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Tatsuo Yamane driving an Army Jeep in New Guinea.

Tatsuo Yamane on a beach in New Guinea drinking some beer.

Tatsuo Yamane at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Intelligence Training. He is standing in front of building T-85.

Tatsuo Yamane and six of his classmates going skiing. Two have sleds. Another brought his dog.

Tatsuo Yamane standing near one of the barracks at Camp Savage in Minnesota.

Tatsuo Yamane at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Military Intelligence Service Language School training. He is standing next to his Oldsmobile.

Tatsuo Yamane at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Military Intelligence Service Language School in 1942. The photograph was captured from below. Tatsuo Yamane is not looking at the camera. The sky and surrounding trees are visible.

Tatsuo Yamane in school at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Intelligence Training.

Tatsuo Yamane and his Oldsmonile at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Intelligence Training.

Mr. Yamane discusses shipping out to Washington D.C. on a mission with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Arriving in Washington D.C., Mr Yamane helped to translate and create an index for captured Japanese intelligence documents that would…

Yamane continues to reflect on his war service. He talks about his son's service. He discusses his wife's first marriage. He describes his children and grandchildren. He shares his best experiences while in the military. He talks about training new…

Yamane continues to talk about the end of World War Two. He describes his journey home. He discusses his friend's injuries and his friendships. He explains the extent to which he has shared his war stories with the public. He talks about the ways in…

He continues to talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He discusses the rescuers who survived the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He briefly describes a rest period. He talks about the Champagne Campaign. He explains how he was injured for the…

Yamane describe his journey to Europe. He lists the injuries and casualties in his unit. He talks about medals and awards. He discusses the recognition of Japanese American soldier's accomplishments. He describes his location in Europe and his…

Yamane continues to describe the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He talks about guarding Hawaii after the attack. He explains how the 100th Infantry Battalion was formed. He discusses his travels through Europe. He describe the journey to…

Yamane and the interviewers introduce themselves. Yamane describes his early life in Hawaii. He talks about his father's work on a sugar plantation. He discusses how his mother's sake was a separate source of income for his family. He lists his…

Yamanaka discusses meeting his wife; his children; his involvement with veterans associations and reunion with E Company members of 442nd; and his wife's employment. Lastly, Yamanaka provides a message to future generations, and discusses some of…

Yamanaka talks about getting wounded during combat in the Vosges Forest, discusses visiting Bruyeres fifty years after the war ended, talks about his war experiences while overseas, and recalls a story regarding a friend and an Italian civilian. He…

Yamanaka talks about traveling overseas, landing in Oran, Africa; and then going to Italy. Next, Yamanaka talks about his first days in battle, discusses his combat medic and litter bearer duties and experiences; and talks about getting injured in…

Yamanaka talks about his experiences at Camp Roberts during basic training, discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor, talks about being sent to Fort Lewis to become part of a medics unit; and then discusses getting transferred to reserves and sent home.…

Yamanaka discusses his parents, his siblings, and his father's various occupations. He then talks about growing up in Colorado, going to church, moving as a child to Los Angeles and Japan, and then returning back to the United States. He also talks…

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