Browse Items (553 total)

Fujimori discusses growing up in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles. He describes his father and his involvement in the Japanese American community.

In this segment, Rose Uriyu talks about her two sons and the great work her husband, George, did in his lifetime. The interviewer and Uriyu recall the memory where Uriyu wore a gas mask during her graduation. Uriyu clarifies details about joining…

In this segment, Rose Uriyu talks about her husband, George. She talks about the activities George participated in and how they met through working together. She describes their trips to Tokyo to see the sights of Japan while also visiting family.…

In this segment, Rose Uriyu talks about her favorite writer, Ernie Pyle, and his notable journalistic work during World War II, which he is known for. She talks more about her parents and describes the type of people they were. She also talks about…

In this segment, Rose Uriyu talks about her upbringing in Kona, Hawaii. She describes how life was simple in the small town where everyone knew each other. Her grandparents came from Komoto, Japan with Uriyu's mother in 1902. Raised on a farm, Uriyu…

Kimoto discusses his time after his discharge in Honolulu visiting friends after the war and his marriage proposal to his wife. After moving to Los Angeles, Kimoto took up jobs in the liquor distribution business, before purchasing his own liquor…

Kimoto discuses his involvement in campaigns in France before returning to Italy as the war wound down. He describes a comical celebration among his army friends and discusses returning to the United States. Receiving his discharge in Honolulu, Mr.…

Kimoto discusses friends and leisure time when at Camp Shelby, also discussing discrimination in Mississippi, particularly from fellow soldiers. Kimoto next discusses his trip aboard a liberty ship and later his deployment to Naples where his…

Kimoto discusses his trip from Hawaii to San Francisco and later the train ride to Camp Shelby in Mississippi. Arriving at Camp Shelby, Kimoto received basic training as part of the engineering unit, and learned how to find and diffuse land mines.…

Kimoto discusses his family background, growing up in Hawaii on the island of Oahu, attending school, and excelling in baseball. Following high school, Kimoto held a variety of jobs before volunteering to join the Army after the attack on Pearl…

Harry Akune continues to describe the Women Prisoner of War camp that he helped liberate in Japan. During the Occupation of Japan, he was reassigned to the Ration and Price Control Division. He talks about the difficulties of interpretation and…

Harry Akune describes his childhood, living and going to school in Japan after his mother died. He talks about learning discipline after living with his Grand-Uncle. He describes his experience during the Occupation of Japan, in which he helped…

Paul discusses the end of the war, as well as the emotional and psychological implications of his internment experience. He goes on to recount his visit to Japan, his legacy and gives details regarding his family post-war. Paul's daughter, Ilene…

Paul discusses his experience during maritime combat including details regarding the threats he faced during wartime. Moreover, Paul talks about the German's wartime strategy and how effective was against the Allied Forces. Paul recalls his…

Paul recollects his forced removal and incarceration experience and details regarding his military embarkation to Europe. Paul discusses his first visit to New York City and military experience as a merchant marine, as well as his experiences during…

Paul details his early adulthood. He recollects his early work experience and he goes on to recount some of his military experience, namely volunteering and embarkation; however, in addition to forced removal and his incarceration experience. Paul…

Paul Matsumoto gives his personal introduction, along with details regarding his familial makeup. Paul discusses his early childhood, adolescence, and early education. Next, Paul gives additional information regarding his adolescence, his early…

In this segment, Nawatase talks about his educational journey, what he studied, and the job positions he held. Education is very important to him, and he cannot stress that enough, especially with young minds. He also recalls how he met his wife and…

In this segment, Nawatase begins by talking about his last impressions of the captain he interrogated. He also recalls his leave from the army while still in Japan, which involved going to visit family in the country. He talks about how he got to the…

In this segment, Nakawatase talks about his time training at the Military Intelligence Service Language school. He talks about negotiating his time of service as a recruiter for MIS. He also talks about the experts he met in language school and…

In this segment, Nakawatase talks about his responsibilities related to the transition to leaving camp prior to the war's end. After going back to Stockton, Nakawatase got work to care for the family by becoming a Farmer. After 3 weeks, the family…

In this segement, Nakawatase explains his feelings towards not being able to recall much of his time at camp due to being a young child. At the age of 16, Nakawatase was the head of the family upon leaving the camp. In high school, Nakawatase…

In this segment of the interview Nakawatase is asked about the racial makeup of his neighborhood and different ethnic groups that lived amongst each other. He speaks about the beginning of the war and how it became a concern among the Japanese and…

In this segment of the interview, Nakawatase is asked about the types of social circles his family encountered in Stockton, California. He also talks about his time in primary school, as well as Saturday school. Other topics discussed in this segment…

Roy Nakawatase begins the interview by discussing the background of his father and mother, detailing his parents' travels to the US and working on the farm. He describes his childhood on the farm, the presence of the Japanese culture in his home, and…

In this segment, Uyemura talks about firing off different kinds of weapons while at Camp Roberts. Based off of points he accumulated while serving, he was able to go home before his group and was later discharged. After finding his family, they…

In this segment, Uyemura talks about the military campaigns he participated in during the war. He talks about his experiences in Italy and France and also describes the Champagne Campaign. Another campaign Uyemura took part in was Bruyeres, which he…

In this segment, we briefly hear Uyemura talking about his shoes and how he only wore one pair of boots. The interviewer picks back up in mid conversation about Uyemura using his military leave to visit his family in camp and how easy it was to sneak…

In this segment Uyemura talks about where he got the means to build his Ford Model T car and the beginnings of his service in the Army upon being drafted. After Pearl Harbor, he talks about his reaction to the attack, his family being relocated, and…

In this segment Ben Uyemura talks about his upbringing in a poor neighborhood of Los Angeles. His parents did not have a lot but he remembers they both were hardworking people. He talks about the activities he was in as a kid in grammar school, and…

Don Seki talks about his life after the war. His parents, who were living in Japan during the war, were unaware of his service in the U.S. Army. After his civil service in Japan, he moved to Los Angeles to work for the U.S. Navy at Terminal Island.…

Don Seki was fitted with a prosthetic arm at the General Hospital in San Francisco. While he was in the hospital, he made friends with many of the other wounded soldiers, and even brought some of them whiskey. He talks about meeting General Stillwell…

Don Seki talks about his experience fighting on the front lines in Italy. He describes his first experience in battle at Arno River, where his Lieutenant was killed in action during a night raid. He talks about when he was injured in battle by a…

Don Seki describes the reputation of the Nisei soldiers from Hawaii -- their relationship with the Mainland Nisei, fights with Caucasian soldiers, etc. He talks about what he did for leisure during basic training at Camp Shelby. He describes what…

Growing up, Don Seki attended Japanese language school and took Kendo classes. He talks about how he used to walk around barefoot all the time in Hawaii. After volunteering to join the U.S. Army, he was shipped to Camp Shelby for basic training. He…

Don Seki was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. During his childhood, he loved spending time outdoors, especially going fishing with his friends. He and his family lived in a sugar cane plantation camp, but, before the war,his parents moved back to…

Nelson Akagi explains the reaction of friends who learned about the Japanese-American war experience and why he thinks it is important to spread the story for future generations. He also briefly recounts some post-war discriminatory laws that were…

Nelson Akagi talks about Larry Lubetzky, a Jewish POW turned interpreter for their unit. He recounts finding Lubetzky through the Holocaust Center after almost 50 years and seeing him in person at the 50th year reunion. Akagi also describes the…

Nelson Akagi talks about experiences during the Bruyeres-Biffontaine/ Volges Campaign and more of what it was like being a scout. He also tells of the sorrow of the I Company after the Lost Battalion rescue and his experience liberating Jewish POW's.

Nelson Akagi tells of his training at Camp Shelby and shipping out to the European theater. He recounts his first combat experiences and the emotions he experienced upon seeing a dead Nisei soldier. He also talks about good and bad officers and being…

Nelson Akagi continues his story with the final leg of his family's journey to Idaho and volunteering for the army. He recounts his reaction to the loyalty questionnaire and goes over his induction and basic training at Camp Shelby. Finally, he tells…

Nelson Akagi recalls his thoughts on Japan and Germany leading up to the war. He also recounts his reaction to Pearl Harbor and the state of his family leading up to their evacuation from Lindsay, California. He details his journey as they head…

Nelson Akagi recalls his early life growing up in Lindsay, California. He also talks about experiencing prejudice as a child, family meals, and the Okies that migrated to the area during the Great Depression.

Sueda explains the importance of having good officers for keeping trouble out of the company and for saving lives. He also recounts the end of the war, being stuck in Italy, and finally going home.

Sueda tells of how he was injured by shrapnel and his recovery. He also recounts the difficulties in getting gasoline and fuel for the company and the Bruyeres-Biffontaine campaign.

Minori Sueda recalls his terrible sea voyage to the European theater and getting lost in Rome. He speaks about some of the casualties the unit experienced and the role of an engineer unit.

Minori Sueda recalls his reaction to Pearl Harbor and joining the military. He also talks about volunteering for the 232nd Combat Engineer Unit, basic training, and additional engineer training at Camp Shelby.

Minori Sueda talks about his family and early life growing up in Redondo Beach and Torrance, California. He also talks about feeling like a second class citizen as a Japanese-American and his high school experience.

Sogi discusses his work post-World War II as a member of the Counterintelligence Corps. Afterwards, he talks about his life after finally leaving the active military and building a life for himself. Lastly, he speaks about the Nisei legacy and the…

Sogi discusses his training and experiences as an instructor at the MIS Language School and talks about the contributions the MIS made to the American war effort. He also briefly speaks about the importance of preserving oral histories in the…

Sogi discusses being a student at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack and his reaction to the events that took place afterwards, including Executive Order 9066. Sogi also speaks about discrimination, the…

Fujimori talks more about the Yokota airbase. He discusses the Military Intelligence Service's contribution to the Occupation of Japan.

Fujimori goes into depth about his participation in the occupation of Japan with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He talks specifically about his time in Yokohama and Tokyo.
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