Sukeo Oji oral history interview, part 7 of 7, May 26, 2002


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Sukeo “Skeets” Oji worked for 42 years in the military and federal civil service. His hard work was due to his parent's upbringing. Skeets' mother was a picture bride who immigrated to the United States. She gave birth to eight children and raised them to the best ability. Although she was busy with household chores, she made time for the kids. Skeets' father was a hard worker and showed him how to be disciplined. The family had some hard times together, but they worked together to thrive. Currently, Skeets works in his garden which reminds him of his father who was a farmer.

One of Skeets' immediate daughters completed school and worked at a successful accounting firm. The other daughter was like Skeets and worked on the personnel side in the military. Skeets' wife's daughters have jobs and a good life.

After their children are all grown up, Skeets and his wife are enjoying being grandparents to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Skeets discusses a plan for going on a cruise with his grandchildren. Skeets' wife has been a wonderful companion and strength to him. After Skeets retired, they traveled to many places. Skeets and his wife plan to travel to Japan to visit relatives and friends.

Skeets was active with several organizations, one of them being the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). They want to educate others about the contribution of the Niseis during World War Two. MIS has prepared a teacher's guide and a film called Uncommon Courage to teach future generations.

For the next project, they were granted a large fund to establish a website to share over 200 interviews of the Nisei veterans with the public. The MIS Association in Northern California had been established 80 years now. They are planning to restructure the organization not as a veteran organization but as a social organization.



Oral History Item Type Metadata


Date of Birth

1918 Feb 24

Location of Birth

Branch of Service

Entrance into Service




Oji, Sukeo: narrator, Yee, Govan: interviewer, and Go For Broke National Education Center: publisher, “Sukeo Oji oral history interview, part 7 of 7, May 26, 2002,” Japanese American Military History Collective, accessed March 12, 2025,