Herzig-Yoshinaga discusses about seeing prejudice, values taught at home and her more about her family. She details about her high school years and her idols growing up. Herzig-Yoshinaga also discusses about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and her…
Herzig-Yoshinaga discusses what it was like growing up in California and her family. She details about what food they ate at home. Herzig-Yoshinaga also discusses about her schooling and the community she grew up in.
Araki continues his discussion on his assignments in Japan, working in Tokushima and helping to translate and interpret during the military occupation. Next, he talks about the black market during the occupation and how the big cities were the only…
Araki continues his recollection of his time after being drafted into the Army and having an assignment in Hawaii, guarding Italian prisoners of war. Next, he discusses the Japanese language and the importance of the characters that are used. He…
Araki begins the interview with a short introduction and speaking about his time at the Japanese language school. Being born in Sacramento and then moving to Hawaii, he had a different type of upbringing than most kids in Hawaii. The kids would call…
Kawamoto talks about reporting on the Peace Conference in San Francisco. He briefly talks about returning to Japan. He describes an interview with a Japanese representative about the Treaty of San Francisco. He discusses his job as a Secretary to the…
Kawamoto talks about reporting to divisional headquarters. He talks about the Japanese officers fear that the Allies would castrate them. He explains how he prepared to meet the American forces. He discusses translating the book, The Ideal Marriage.…
Kawamoto talks about dropping off Korean soldiers at the front lines. He describes his first time in combat. He discusses a strategic meeting with top officials. He describes his platoon's travel through China using a map. He describes the Japanese…
Kawamoto talks about what life was like behind the military zone. He describes a visit with his family before he went to China. He talks about his basic training. He discusses the front lines in China. He describes the abuses of his superior…
Kawamoto talks about his early life in Winters, California. He shares his fathers backstory. He describes his childhood home. He talks about his first time living in Japan. He discusses the demographics of Winters, California. He briefly talks about…
Nakamoto discusses various job experiences from working at Federal position level, MCI, and owning his own company. Nakamoto is part of the Japanese American Veterans Association (JAVA) and he describes their mission and contribution to the…
Nakamoto discusses prefecture origin and familial description. Nakamoto's Father is a Founder of the Second Buddhist Church and his Grandfather is a Founder of the First Buddhist Church. Nakamoto grows up on a farm and helps with the farming chores.…
Mrs. Uyeoka discusses her early life and experiences in Poston Concentration Camp. She details about how she met her husband and their married life. Mrs. Uyeoka also gives a message to future generations.
Uyeoka discusses about his experiences in Germany. He details about his life after discharge, getting married, and his family. Uyeoka also discusses about his life after retirement.
Uyeoka discusses about his experiences in the 295th Field Artillery. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and joining the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion. Uyeoka also discusses about going overseas and his experiences in the war.
Uyeoka discusses about his family and moving to Japan. He details about his experiences in Japan before moving to and growing up in Korea, then moving back to Japan. Uyeoka also discusses about moving back the United States and being drafted.
Kaihara compares the 100th to the 442nd. He tells some stories about his time in the 100th. He describes his marriage and family. Kaihara talks about his post-war life. He discusses his civic engagements and he gives his final thoughts
Thomas Kaihara recounts his first combat experiences. He describes the horrors of war. He talks about the Battle of Monte Cassino. Kaihara describes his injuries and he gives his reflections on the 100th. He also reflects on what it means to be an…
Kaihara describes Tule Lake and how his father died. He discusses the senninbari that he received from his mother. Kaihara reveals what he thinks about the No-no boys. He goes on to talk about the formation of the 100th. He describes Camp McCoy and…
Kaihara continues to talk about his high school experiences. He also describes his high school graduation. He discusses his work as a cadre in Hawaii. Kaihara describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He reveals that his father passed away at Tule Lake.
Kaihara discusses his parents origins. He talks about his community and primary school experiences. He also explains what he did with his leisure time as a child. Thomas Kaihara talks about his relationships with family members. He describes his…
Sukeo “Skeets” Oji worked for 42 years in the military and federal civil service. His hard work was due to his parent's upbringing. Skeets' mother was a picture bride who immigrated to the United States. She gave birth to eight children and raised…
Sukeo "Skeets" Oji returned to the United States and was assigned to Engineer Section, Headquarters, 6th Army, Presidio, Monterey. In 1954, he was reassigned to Japan as the liaison officer between the Ministry of Construction and the US Army Forces…
Sukeo "Skeets" Skeets recalls the saddest part of the war was seeing political prisoners' dead bodies. He never forgot the smell of the bodies. The American troops advanced to the 2nd Infantry Division; Skeets received orders from the CIC to form an…
Sukeo “Skeets” Oji discusses the rebuilding of Japan. He joined the 553rd engineering construction group to make housing in Sendai. He described the area after the bombing. The individuals who assisted with the rebuilding of Japan were Japanese…
Sukeo “Skeets” Oji was at Gila for a short time before attending school fall of 1942. The 442nd formed in early 1943, and in September 1943, Skeets was called to active duty. He went to Camp Shelby, and he was assigned Heavy Weapons.
Sukue “Skeets” Oji enrolled at Sacramento Junior College and took flying classes. However, Skeets did not complete his civilian flying classes because he was drafted. Skeet went to Presidio Monterey for his induction and was stationed at Moffett…
Sukeo "Skeets" Oji was born on February 24, 1918, in Sacramento, CA. He got his nickname Skeets because Sukeo was hard to pronounce. Skeets' father, Ozo Oji, was a hard-working man. He immigrated to the United States by himself from Hiroshima, Japan.…
Tetsushi discusses about his experiences with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) in post-war Tokyo, Japan. He details about his comrades and their relationships.
Uratsu discusses about his early experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He details about his brief experiences in Manila. Uratsu also discusses about his post-war assignment and experiences in Tokyo Japan.
Urastsu discusses about discrimination, gives he thoughts about Pearl Harbor, and gives a positive takeaway from World War Two. He details about he joined the army. Uratsu also discusses about his experiences at Fort Snelling and his voyage to the…
Uratsu discusses about his high school experiences including his friends and activities. He details about his experiences in Tule Lake Concentration Camp and describes what life inside an American Concentration camp was like. Uratsu also discusses…
Uratsu discusses about his upbringing, the values instilled in him, and religion. He details about his siblings, morality, and his high school experiences. Uratsu also discusses about December 7, 1941.
Uratsu discusses about his parents, their personalities, and his childhood farm. He details about farming and some of his childhood activities. Uratsu also discusses about baseball.
Hamada discusses taking a loyalty questionnaire and the aftermath which included getting sent to a segregation camp and expatriation to Japan. He then talks about his experiences in Japan including traveling, discussing food, visiting relatives, and…
Hamada talks about his experiences as part of ROTC; discusses his thoughts regarding citizenship; and talks about how his grandparents moved back to Japan while he was still in high school. He then talks about his knowledge of pre-war tensions…
Hamada discusses his grandfather's immigration to the United States and his work on the transcontinental railroad; discusses his grandmother; and talks about his parents. He then talks about both his maternal and paternal grandparents; discusses his…
Satow talks about his post-war life experiences: marriage, career, descendants.He shares recollections of visiting his parents and siblings after his military discharge. He also talks about his activities in the Veterans of Foreign War and other…
Satow talks about combat experiences in Italy and France. He explains how he ended up performing wire laying tasks during his whole service period, and how soldiers were sent back to the states after V-E Day. He also shares anecdotes regarding;…
Satow talks about his combat experiences in Italy and France. He describes his tasks as a wire layer and how he got wounded. In addition he shares anecdotes regarding: how he received a bronze medal, interactions with Italian civilians, food eaten on…
Satow talks about his combat experiences in Italy and Hill 140; and his job assignment in his company. He also talks about the voyage overseas and downtime on the front line of battle. He shares anecdotes regarding: a friend KIA, relations with…
Satow discusses curfew conditions in Sacramento in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack. He also talks about his experiences at Pinedale Temporary Detention Center before his family's relocation to the Poston Concentration Camp. He shares…
Satow discusses his childhood and adolescence in a small town outside Sacramento. He talks about farming in youth and having extended relatives living nearby. He also talks about the political climate pre and post Pearl Harbor attack.
Kumagai talks about his combat experiences at Po Valley; volunteering to be a litter bearer; and his assignment processing German POWs. He then talks about returning back to the United States and his post-war employment in welding; getting married;…
Kumagai discusses having to leave his belongings behind after his family’s forced removal to Walerga temporary detention facility. He then talks about his brother’s military service, his experiences at Tule Lake incarceration camp, and describes…
Kumagai talks about working at a farm full-time after graduating high school, and discusses his uncle who was in the Japanese Army. He then talks about his experiences with discrimination; and discusses the attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath…
Kumagai discusses his father's various jobs, and talks about his mother, siblings, religion, and speaking Japanese at home. He then talks about his experiences growing up during the depression, discusses the community he grew up in, and talks about…
Umeda discusses about his experiences at Camp Savage and Fort Snelling. He details his wife career, family, and the values he was taught growing up. Umeda also discusses about how his background translated to his military service, his childhood,…
Discussing his experiences in the Philippines, discussing Sister Kenny, and trying to find a home. He details about the interrogation techniques he used. Umeda also discusses about a typical day in the South Pacific.
Umeda discusses about taking a furlough, being discharged, and finding a job. He details about his career, family, travel, and friends. Umeda also discusses about attending the Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS).
Umeda discusses about growing up in Sacramento, California and his family. He details about being drafted, aftermath from Pearl, and joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Umeda also discusses about his experiences in the Military…
Ken Nihei discussed the poem If by Rudyard Kipling and how it applies to life.
Ken recalls his wife Masuko and life with their children, Westley Paul and Judith Ann. Ken hopes his children to live a good life and enjoy every moment.
Post-war, Ken Nihei and five other 442nd men escorted 400 German POWs to Rosenheim, Germany. Ken was in Italy for a year and eight months before going home.
In August 1946, Ken returned to the United States, and he took a short road trip to San…
Overseas, every two months Ken's company moved to a different area.
Ken's first battle was on Mount Fogarito. In the Headquarters Platoon, Ken did various assignments. One job was to be a litter-bearer and carry the wounded soldiers off the…
Ken Nihei was a 16 years old high school student when he went to Topaz, Utah. The perimeter was open at camp, and there were no barb wires yet. Life was different at Topaz.
Ken received his draft letter to report to Fort Douglas when he was 18…
Ken Nihei was born in 1925 in Sacramento, CA. Ken grew up in Sacramento until he was seven years old and moved to Hayward (Bay Area) during the Great Depression.
Ken's father immigrated to the United States from Fukushima-ken, Japan, to help his…
Shindo discusses his favorite projects and his trip to Japan. He details about becoming a professor, how education played a part in his education, and gives a message to future generations. Shibdo also discusses albums and photographs.
Shindo discusses his mindset while composing music. He details about how his background played a role in his career and the Nikkei social scene. Shindo also discusses about his family Sammy Davis Jr., and gives advice to those wanting to be in…
Shindo discusses about taking the opportunity to earn more about music and visiting his family in Manzanar. He details about his life after being discharged, forming his first band, and pursing a career in music. Shindo also discusses about his…
Shindo discusses his experiences in Manzanar. He details about being drafted, joining the Military Intelligence Service, and becoming instructor. Shindo also discusses his interactions with German prisoners, favorite music, and his feelings towards…
Shindo discusses attending college for engineering and how his interest switched to music. He details about December 7, 1941 and his experiences with discrimination. Shindo also discusses about volunteering for relocation to Manzanar Concentration…
Shindo discusses growing up in Los Angeles, family, and Japanese language school. He details about his love for music came to be and his experiences as a musician. Shindo also discusses about high school.
Nakao discusses living in Minneapolis after receiving his discharge papers. He also talks about moving back to California and his experiences building a Japanese American community center in Pacoima, and his relationship with his children and…
Nakao discusses his relationship with his assigned bodyguard, Harold Peterson. He also talks exploring underground caves while on Kiska Island, living in Alaska as a translator, and recalls how he met his wife and got married in Salt Lake City. …
Nakao discusses his family's forced removal to Tule Lake Incarceration Center, and what it was like visiting them at Tule Lake and at Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp, where they were later sent. He then talks about his time traveling throughout…
Nakao discusses growing up in Sacramento, California, where he attended Japanese language school, learned martial arts, and was a liquor salesman for Japanese liquor. He also talks about encountering racism during his time in the Quartermaster Corps…
Takata revisits the death of his sergeant. He talks about returning home to California. He discusses using veterans benefits to adjust to normal life. Takata talks about his produce stand. He also explains how he met his wife. He reveals what he has…
Takata talks about the military supplies he needed on the front lines. He describes his time in Bruyères and the army reserves. He discusses the Champagne Campaign and his military decorations. Takata talks about the time he spent in Nice. He briefly…
Takata discusses his military duties while he was on base. He describes Tule Lake and Amache Concentration Camps. He talks about joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He reflects on the Senninbari that his family gave to him before he went…
Takata talks about high school and his youth basketball team. He describes a teacher that had a big influence on his life. He reflects on his experiences with discrimination while living in Sacramento. He talks about his move to Los Angeles and…
Takata talks about his early life in Sacramento. He also describes his parent's personalities. He discusses his siblings and his family's businesses. Takata describes what life was like in Sacramento. He describes his friendships and religious…
Kimura discusses how both the Japanese citizenry and Nisei soldiers worked to make Occupied Japan successful. He talks about the value of Nisei and Kibei being participants. He also talks about the cultural resilience of Japan.
Kimura discusses his experiences working in Occupied Japan as both a military lieutenant and later a civilian. He talks about his time in Yokohama and Tokyo, working on translation services. He also shares anecdotes regarding: the Japanese citizenry,…
Kimura discusses meeting his wife while living in Japan as a soldier and then marrying her as a civilian. Next, he talks about becoming a civilian translator, working for double the pay after being discharged from the Army. He would return to the…
Kimura discusses his brothers that were also serving in the Army, one of which would be wounded at the Lost Battalion campaign. He also talks about correspondence with his family and what it was like to be on the front lines. He talks more about his…
Kimura talks about his experiences as an interrogator throughout the war, speaking with Japanese prisoners of war and trying to get as much information as possible. He talks about finding a piece of paper which showed the date and location of an…
After his language training and basic training, Kimura would ship out, heading first to Australia, where they would set up in tents and settle in at Camp Chelmer. There, he would join up with Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) and get…
While at the Topaz Concentration Camp, Kimura would see Army recruiting teams, looking for Japanese speakers to join the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He would volunteer and pass the tests, giving him a sense of patriotism and a reason to get…
Kimura continues talking about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, including getting forced to evacuate and move into a temporary detention center at Tanforan racetrack, where his mother would pass away. Next, they would move to Topaz Concentration Camp…
Kimura discusses how he came to get the nickname "Rusty" and his sports career during high school, winning a championship for the C Team. He talks about the Great Depression and having the chance to attend college in Los Angeles, but deciding against…
Robert "Rusty" Kimura begins the interview talking about how his parents came from Japan and settled in Oroville, California. He would grow up there, getting into a lot of fights as he grew up a small child and people were always picking on him. He…
Muto discusses his journey returning to the United States, getting discharged, and getting married. He then talks about his children, attending reunions, and discusses the reasons why he volunteered for the Army. He then talks about the living…
Muto shows and describes pictures of his wife, discusses his former girlfriend, and talks about meeting his wife and their courtship. He then talks about receiving decorations such as the Purple Heart, Combat Infantryman Badge, and Presidential Unit…
Muto talks about a mountain he climbed in Italy during combat; discusses friendships with fellow soldiers; and talks about soldiers who were wounded and killed in action. He then talks about getting wounded, discusses close calls in combat, talks…
Muto talks about his duties as a Sergeant; traveling to Europe and landing in Italy; and his combat experiences near Anzio. He then talks about his duties as a radio man, getting wounded, spending time in a hospital, and his experiences with enemy…
Muto discusses his life at [Gila River] Concentration Camp, discusses basic training at Camp Shelby, and talks about the relationship between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers. He then talks about fighting with other soldiers, his Army job delivering…
Muto talks about playing sports, his experiences prior to and immediately after the attack on Pearl Harbor, his childhood home, and corresponding with his wife while overseas. Next, Muto talks about his family’s forced removal to Turlock temporary…
Muto discussing his childhood including talking about attending grammar school and Japanese language school; discusses the languages he spoke at home; talks about his neighborhood and the Japanese community in Sacramento; and discusses friendships.…
Tanakatsubo discusses his years following his Army service, finding work in Chicago at a machine shop, working hard and making his way up the ranks, eventually ending in quality control. At the same time, he decided to start volunteering with…
After spending time at the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Camp Savage, Tanakatsubo was sent overseas to begin interrogating in the Aleutian Islands where the Japanese were occupying some islands. It was there at the Battle of Attu…
Tanaktsubo continues his discussion on moving from the main basic training camp to a segregated unit made up of all Japanese American soldiers. The team is moved to Fort Lewis then Camp Crowder, and finally to Camp Savage, doing menial military work…
Tanakatsubo begins the interview talking about his family background and the origin of his name. Growing up in Sacramento, he was exposed to a very diverse population and made for a pretty happy childhood and schooling, including a well-known glee…