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Dome church near Tower of Pisa. Pisa Cathedral.

Matsuda talks about his childhood in East Los Angeles. He describes his parents backstories. He discusses Boyle Heights, Los Angeles. He describes what he did in his childhood leisure time. He talks about his experiences in high school. He briefly…

Matsuda talks about the racial conflicts that he had with White Americans. He briefly talks about his experiences while in Japanese language school. He describes his home life. He discusses his religious background. He explains why he enlisted in the…

Matsuda talks about his high school graduation. He talks about his life while living in Heart Mountain Concentration Camp. He discusses his voluntary enlistment. He describes his journey to Fort Logan. He talks about Fort Logan and Camp Shelby.…

Matsuda talks about a truce during World War Two. He describes the horrors of war. He talks about his units first tactical push. He discusses his hospital stay. He briefly talks about his stay in a replacement depot. He discusses finding his unit and…

Matsuda describes his military duties. He talks about Bruyeres-Biffontaine. He discusses his military decorations. He talks about E company, 4th platoon. He reveals which family members served in the military. Matsuda talks about the end of World War…

Matsuda continues to talk about his relationships with Hawaiian soldiers. He also continues to discuss Bruyeres-Biffontaine. He talks about returning to the United States. He describes his experiences with discrimination after World War Two. He…

Don Miyada is born on May 21, 1925, in Oceanside, California. Don's parents are Raiju Miyada and Masu Miyada, who both emigrated to the United States from Japan. Don shares his childhood memories working on the farm, school, holiday, and morals and…

After Pearl Harbor, Executive Order 9066 is issued and calls for the evacuations of Japanese Americans. Don describes the preparation his family makes before going to Poston, Arizona. At Poston, Don outlines life at camp and the living conditions of…

After completing basic training at Camp Blanding and Camp Shelby, Don goes overseas on the Queen Mary. Don describes traveling in France to join the 100th and 442nd at the holding line.

Don is in holding a position in France for four months. This…

Don discusses his last duties towards the end of the war are marching and holding positions. Don mentions the dangers of minefields and German Schu-mines. Two weeks after the Gothic Line breaks, he recalls encountering friendly fire and witnessing…

Okubo discusses his birthplace and date of birth. His parents are Issei from Japan. Okubo is the oldest of his siblings and he makes toys to play with them. They would also go watch American and Japanese movies. Okubo learns about Japan and Japanese…

Okubo recalls December 7, 1941 and his high school graduation. After high school, he works in the hotel business and the Big Five before joining the military in May of 1942. He contributes attending Japanese Language School for 12 years helped him…

Okubo discusses how Hawaii is fortunate that there is no interment camps like the Mainland after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. However, the Japanese Community Leaders and Buddhist Priests are rounded up. Okubo reflects why this…

Okubo discusses basic training at Camp Savage, Fort Snelling and Camp Blanding. When Okubo receives a furlough, he goes to New York. In New York he goes sight seeing, and watches an ice skating show.

After his basic training, Okubo he is sent to…

Okubo discusses his interpreter experience and interrogation tactics with the Prisoners of War at Palau. Okubo is at Palau for two to three weeks before moving to the next invasion.

The next assignment for Okubo is psychological warfare. He…

Okubo discusses Guadalcanal, Marshall Islands and his duties of getting the Prisoners of War (POW) ready to ship back to Japan. Preliminary investigation of Unites States soldiers' casualty postpones Okubo from being discharge. Soon after, Okubo…

Okubo discusses the orders of secrecy during World War Two. After 30 years of the war, Okubo is allowed to talk about the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He believes the Military Intelligence Service interpreting and translating the Japanese…

Don Seki was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. During his childhood, he loved spending time outdoors, especially going fishing with his friends. He and his family lived in a sugar cane plantation camp, but, before the war,his parents moved back to…

Growing up, Don Seki attended Japanese language school and took Kendo classes. He talks about how he used to walk around barefoot all the time in Hawaii. After volunteering to join the U.S. Army, he was shipped to Camp Shelby for basic training. He…

Don Seki describes the reputation of the Nisei soldiers from Hawaii -- their relationship with the Mainland Nisei, fights with Caucasian soldiers, etc. He talks about what he did for leisure during basic training at Camp Shelby. He describes what…

Don Seki talks about his experience fighting on the front lines in Italy. He describes his first experience in battle at Arno River, where his Lieutenant was killed in action during a night raid. He talks about when he was injured in battle by a…

Don Seki was fitted with a prosthetic arm at the General Hospital in San Francisco. While he was in the hospital, he made friends with many of the other wounded soldiers, and even brought some of them whiskey. He talks about meeting General Stillwell…

Don Seki talks about his life after the war. His parents, who were living in Japan during the war, were unaware of his service in the U.S. Army. After his civil service in Japan, he moved to Los Angeles to work for the U.S. Navy at Terminal Island.…

Double exposure of choir singing

Photo of George and another soldier on the street with a double exposure of a close up of a man sitting down

Photo of George and another soldier on a street, with a double exposure of a man sitting with a book

Double exposure photo of Capt. Fogg and chapel

Douglas Kodama begins the interview with an introduction of his family and what it was like growing up in Maui. During his freshmen year of high school, the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred and though he didn't see much discrimination, he did feel…

Kodama continues his recollection of his time visiting family in Hiroshima and seeing the devastation of the city a year after the atomic bomb had been dropped. Shortly after this, he had the chance to re-enlist in the Army as a 2nd lieutenant but…

Tanaka discusses about his family and childhood. He details his boxing experiences. Tanaka also discusses his experiences working onboard a ship and the Mainland.

Tanaka discusses the way his was treated on the Mainland. He details basic training. He details Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it.

Tanaka discusses a submarine washing ashore and the formation of the 100th Infantry Battalion. He details about his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. Tanaka also tasks about heading overseas and his experiences in North Africa.

Tanaka discusses more about his time in North Africa and landing in Italy. He details about his first day in Italy and other combat experiences. Tanaka also discusses about the mindset during combat and crossing the Volturno. River

Tanaka discusses the 3rd crossing of the Volturno River,close calls and his good luck charm. He details about getting diagnosed with stomach ulcers. Tanaka also discusses coming home, how others treated him once he was back, and meeting his wife.

Tanaka discusses about his career and how it found it. He details about his life in Los Angeles and gives a message to future generations. The interview ends by showing bracelet.

Downtown Lucerne City. Snow, buildings, trees and cars.

Photo of two soldiers drilling into a rock wall

Photo of a hillside with grass

Photo of a soldier posing in a dry cleaning laundry press. He is labelled as Lt. Henry Seigert (?)

Duomo di Milano Cathedral with square in front. Milan Cathedral with a statue to the right.

Photo of trucks on a dusty road

Ogata discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Ogata also discusses about enlisting and an overview of his military service.

Ogata discusses about his schooling and politics. He details about his experiences in pre-war Japan. Ogata also discusses about his life after high school, the Japanese language, and his family.

Ogata discusses about his experiences in pre-war Japan. He details about the Japanese language and coming home. Ogata also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Ogata discusses about volunteering for service and joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He details about his military training. Ogata also discusses about his experiences overseas.

Discussing about his experiences overseas. He details about going to Officer Candidate School (OSC), his family, and life after the Army. Ogata also discusses about his time stationed in Canada.

Ogata discusses his post-war experiences. He details about current affairs (2004).

Tanaka discusses growing up in Maui on a planation. He details about his educational experiences. Tanaka also discusses his life after high school.

Tanaka discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. He details about enlisting into the service and his experiences in Mississippi and Camp Shelby. Tanaka also discusses his experiences traveling and his arriving overseas.

Tanaka discusses about the role and his experiences with the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion. He details about his experiences in France. Tanaka also discusses about his experiences in Germany.

Tanaka discusses some of the photographs he took and his experiences in post-war Germany. He details his family and working for Maui News. Tanaka also discusses about the legacy and impact Nisei Veterans had.

Two United States entertainment icons posing for photographs as part of the United Service Organization.

Text with photograph identifies Ed Gardener as "Duffy of Duffy's Tavern."

McCasland talks about his birthplace. He discusses his fathers early life and family. He describes his mother and father's personalities. He shares his memories of his mother and father. He talks about his siblings. He talks about his move to Idaho.…

McCasland talks about receiving his assignment in Iran. He discusses joining the 36th division overseas. He describes his first combat experience. He also describes his travel through Italy. He explains how GI's have more ingenuity than German…

McCasland list his awards and medals . He explains why German military equipment is superior to equipment from other countries. He talks about his wife and children. He explains how he communicated with his family while overseas. He discusses USO…

Edward Fujii's interview is with his wife, Aya Fujii.

Aya Fujii discusses December 7 and her brothers Ike and Art serving in the Army. Aya and her parents are very proud of Ike and Art.

Edward and Aya describe the values of the Nisei…

Edward Harumi Fujii is born on April 1, 1923, in Troutdale, OR. Edward's father and mother are from Yamaguchi-Ken, Japan, and they immigrate to the United States. Edward has five brothers and two sisters.

The Fujii family lives in a farming…

Edward Fujii's interview is with his wife, Aya Fujii.

When Edward Fujii receives his draft notice, he reports to Fort Dix, Utah, for his induction into the Army and then goes to Camp Fannin, TX, for basic training.

After basic training, Edward…

Guy begins the interview talking about his family background, and his father coming from Liverpool and settling on the east coast. He would grow up in uptown New York, playing a lot of football and basketball and attending a variety of different…

Guy discusses his time in basic training at Camp Croft in South Carolina. He would learn how to use heavy machine guns and then be shipped overseas, first landing in Casablanca, playing card games and reading throughout the shipment. Once arrived in…

Guy talks more about his combat experiences, including taking heavy casualties at the Battle of Rapido River. There he would receive a wound and be hospitalized, requiring surgery in Naples. While there, he would meet members of the 100th Infantry…

Guy discusses the German weapons that were used in the war, including the screaming mimi's which is what ended up wounding him during combat. Next, he talks about the Alamo Regiment from San Antonio, combat throughout Southern France, which earned…

Guy discusses more about his war experiences, and how he came to befriend Marty Higgins. He talks about about his combat towards the end of the war, and getting liberated. After this, he would return to the United States, where he would settle back…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama discusses his family's emigration to the United States, as well as his familial makeup. He also recalls specific events during his adolescence, such as spending time in his father's barbershop,…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls his time spent in the Army and his experiences during the war. He gives details in regards to witnessing the bombing of Pearl Harbor and his family's experience after the attack. This part of…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls volunteering for the 442nd, his military training, and the racial discrimination he witnessed during his time in Hattiesbug. This part of the interview concludes with Ichiyama discussing when…

During this portion of the interview, Edward Ichiyama recalls his duties within his military unit. Specifically, he gives detail s on regards to being a fuseman and forward observer. In addition, Ichiyama recollects his experiences marching with the…

This interview picks up mid-story with Edward Ichiyama discussing details about his friend, Tsaneshi Naruo, as well as the eulogy of his friend, [Shimizu]. Next, Ichiyama moves on to recall his first time entering Germany and chasing the German Army…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls leaving Baltimore for Hawaii, living in a Jewish community, and the discrimination he faced while living there. In addition, Ichiyama discusses The Champagne Campaign, as well as significant…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls attending The Medal of Honor ceremony, as well as being the chief researcher for the AJA Veteran's Council. In addition, he gives details in regard to his friend, Thomas Shiratsuki, and being…

Edward Kanaya and the interviewers introduce themselves. He talks about his parent's immigration. He describes his early life in Honolulu, Hawaii. He discusses his parent's employment. He shares his parent's backstories. He lists his siblings. He…

Edward Kanaya talks about his childhood friends who shoplifted. He continues to talk about his siblings. He describes his father's personality. He discusses volunteering for the military. He describes the food served in his childhood home. He…

Edward Kanaya talks about his contract work. He talks about joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He describes the gambling on the ship that took him to the Mainland. He discusses his time at Schofield Barracks. He talks about his interactions…

Edward Kanaya talks about his visits to an Italian opera and symphony. He describes being attached to the Service Company. He discusses playing at military dances. Kanaya explains his duties at the division headquarters. He describes the type of…

Edward Kanaya continues to talk about his journey home. He lists the memorable members of his unit. He describes his relationship with Mainland soldiers. He discusses his relationships with other musicians. He talks about his contract work. He…

Edward Kanaya shares the advice his father gave to him before he volunteered. He talks about his good luck charms. He discusses local musicians. He describes teaching in his retirement. He talks about working for the Honolulu Symphony. He describes…

Yamasaki begins the interview talking about how his family came from Japan to Hawaii. As his parents were born in Hawaii, he was a sansei, and would speak very little Japanese at home. His father would help to get him into a private elite school,…

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Nakamura begins the interview talking about being born in America and quickly being moved to Japan as a child, where he would spend the next 8 years of his childhood. It was there that he would learn the culture of Japan and begin his elementary…
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