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Former Naval Base. Our camp in Naka Maizuru. Members of the 354th, 355th, and 356th HQ Intelligence Detachments.
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Maizuru Harbor in Naka Maizuru and Hiashi Maizuru, Kyoto-Fu, Japan

Captioned "Visiting a ranch home. Fillmore- August 6, 1937." Nisei girl standing with her hand in her pocket. She is standing next to a dog outside of a ranch home.

Young Henry Kondo (left) with sister, who is wearing a dress. They are standing under a tree.

1936. Nisei girl holding a puppy outside of a garage.

Two Nisei girls, one wearing glasses and the other with curls in her hair, laying on the sand at the beach.

Nisei girl standing with her hands on her hips. She is standing next to the plants on the side of her house.

Captioned "Baseball practice." Nisei girl dressed in baseball attire standing bent over with hands on her knees in front of shrubbery.

Captioned "Taken at Mt. Wilson." Henry Kondo with his three siblings at Mount Wilson. They are standing in front of a large tree overlooking the hills.

Captioned "Smiling through. Taken at White Point." Three Nisei girls dressed in dresses and overcoats sitting on a rock.

Dated January 8, 1939. Captioned "Dad and Misa, taken in front." Photo of Henry Kondo's father and sister, Misa, taken in front of parent's florist shop.

Nisei girl standing on a rock next to her brother. Photo taken at "Echo Peak" at Mt. Wilson.

"Echo Peak" Mt. Wilson. Nisei girl sitting on a log overlooking Echo Peak.

"Mt. Wilson, Oct. 10, 1937. In front of 16 inch telescope." Two Nisei boys and one Nisei girl standing in front of the Mt. Wilson telescope.

Henry Kondo (right) pictured standing with Mr. Higuchi (left) and Mr. Metoki (middle) on deck of a ship.

1981 Mother's Day. Two elderly Japanese women wearing overcoats and glasses. Both women are wearing flowers pinned to their coat.

Little Japanese American girl in a dress is sitting in her mother's lap. They are both sitting on the grass next to their house.

Image of Henry Kondo in military uniform standing in front of barrack. Includes handwritten note from Kondo to his sister, Misa Hoshino: "Dearest Misa, Love, Hank."
Kondo newspaper article 001.pdf

This newspaper article reports the death of Henry Kondo, who was believed to be the first Pasadena resident killed in action in the European Theater during World War II. The article reports about Kondo's parents, about he and his family's forced…
Kondo V-mail letter 014.pdf

Morimoto writes to his wife, Yuri Morimoto, while waiting to be reassigned from the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He hopes that she will receive the package that he sent to her soon, and writes that he misses her and Melinda.
Kondo V-mail letter 013.pdf

Morimoto writes to Hal and Misa Hoshino while stationed in Italy. He writes about how he has never written so many letters in his life, how he hopes to see Henry Kondo (Misa's brother) while stationed overseas, and about the food he has been eating…
Kondo V-mail letter 012.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister from his foxhole on the front lines. He writes about the constant shelling from the Germans, and about the tree bursts caused from the artillery explosions.
Kondo V-mail letter 011.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister from the front lines about the German artillery and mortal shells landing near his foxhole. He writes about the weather and about eating the local fruits and vegetables that are conveniently located near his foxhole.
Kondo V-mail letter 010.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister thanking her for remembering his birthday and for sending a pack of cigarettes. He writes that he will send her gifts from Rome the next time he goes there on pass, about the birthday party that the boys threw him the night…
Kondo V-mail letter 009.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister about receiving a letter from her husband, Hal Hoshino, while she was away in Salt Lake City. He writes about his physical well-being and that of his friends who are overseas with him. He also writes about the 100th…
Kondo V-mail letter 008.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister about the memorial service that was held for those who were recently killed in action. He describes the meal he ate that day, which consisted of "roast turkey, fried rice, gravy, canned peaches, and lemonade," and expresses…
Kondo V-mail letter 007.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister, Misa, while on a break from the fighting on the front lines. He writes about being reviewed by King George and General Mark Clark, and enjoying the evening entertainment every night.
Kondo V-mail letter 006.pdf

Kondo writes to his brother-in-law, Hal Hoshino about his experience fighting on the front lines against German artillery forces. He hopes that Hal does not have to go to war and describes his own experience of war to be "pretty close to hell."
Kondo V-mail letter 005.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister about receiving her v-mail letter and expresses excitement about her trip to Salt Lake City. He hopes that the boys back home do not have to be enlisted into the war. He also writes about his experience surviving a raid of…
Kondo V-mail letter 004.pdf

Kondo writes about missing his family, and about his daily routine overseas in Italy, which include eating many fruits that are sold to them by the Italian natives, and venturing into town.
Kondo V-mail letter 003.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister about receiving her previous letters, and about his siblings going back to the incarceration camp to be with their parents. He writes about his experiences in Italy, describing the barter system of using cigarettes instead…
Kondo V-mail letter 002.pdf

Kondo writes about finally landing at his assigned overseas destination. He writes about his trip overseas, describing the places they saw along the way; about receiving his sister's letter the day before; about an air raid that took place the night…
Kondo V-mail letter 001.pdf

Kondo addresses this letter to his sister Misa and her husband, Hal Hoshino. He writes about how much he enjoyed his journey aboard a ship, and requests that their family continue to write to him.

Shigenobu Tanaka shares his recollections of his parents, his life growing up on the sugar plantations of Hawaii, school, and his job working as the inventory manager at the Pahala Sugar plantation. He recalls being drafted and going through basic…




Mr. Black discusses values that his parents taught him that helped him throughout his life. He also talks about what his father told him before leaving for military service and his own similar messages for his sons when they left. Mr. Black concludes…

Mr. Black briefly talks about his illnesses which led to his evacuation to the United States and his subsequent discharge from the Army. He next describes his life after his military service, including attending college and his career in the trucking…

Mr. Black talks about his trip across the Atlantic, where he landed in North Africa and was eventually deployed to Salerno, Italy. Assigned as a forward observer, Mr. Black saw his first action at the Battle of Monte Cassino and described his various…

In this brief segment, Mr. Black talks about his trip across the Atlantic Ocean on the troop ship, the USS Breckinridge. He discusses his duties on the ship and describes the voyage to North Africa.

Mr. Black discusses his childhood growing up in southern California and his involvement with the Methodist church and orchestra. Mr. Black recounts his hearing the news of the Pearl Harbor attack and how he viewed Japanese-Americans at that time.…

Shikashio briefly talks about Civitavecchia, Italy. He describes German 88's. He explains the location of his service battery on the front lines. He describes being hit by enemy fire. He discusses German booby traps. He briefly talks about…

Shikashio continues to talk about his mentors. He continues to share his experiences with discrimination. He talks about his plans after graduating high school. He discusses his time working in Stockton, California. He describes the Attack on Pearl…

Shikashio and the interviewers introduce themselves. He describes his hometown Shelby, Idaho. He talks about his father's immigration to the United States. He describes his father's physical appearance and personality. He shares memories of his…

McCasland list his awards and medals . He explains why German military equipment is superior to equipment from other countries. He talks about his wife and children. He explains how he communicated with his family while overseas. He discusses USO…

McCasland talks about receiving his assignment in Iran. He discusses joining the 36th division overseas. He describes his first combat experience. He also describes his travel through Italy. He explains how GI's have more ingenuity than German…

McCasland talks about his birthplace. He discusses his fathers early life and family. He describes his mother and father's personalities. He shares his memories of his mother and father. He talks about his siblings. He talks about his move to Idaho.…

Teshima discusses his military experiences and duties. During occupation in Japan, General Douglas MacArthur enforces censorship and Teshima talks about Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD). Teshima also recalls post-war and describes photographs from…

Teshima discusses his prefecture origin and familial description. He shares his childhood memories and visiting Japan prewar. Teshima is drafted and goes to Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. He goes overseas to Europe with the 100th Infantry Battalion.










Hinazumi describes his interactions with Japanese civilians that worked for the military. He talks about visiting a Leper colony. He discusses meeting a Japanese governor. He explains how he communicated with his girlfriend while overseas. He…

The interviewers and Robert Hinazumi introduce themselves. Hinazumi briefly talks about his family of origin. He explains how he learned Japanese. He describes his home life. He discusses the ways his mother supported Japan's military campaign in…

Araki continues his discussion on his assignments in Japan, working in Tokushima and helping to translate and interpret during the military occupation. Next, he talks about the black market during the occupation and how the big cities were the only…

Araki continues his recollection of his time after being drafted into the Army and having an assignment in Hawaii, guarding Italian prisoners of war. Next, he discusses the Japanese language and the importance of the characters that are used. He…

Araki begins the interview with a short introduction and speaking about his time at the Japanese language school. Being born in Sacramento and then moving to Hawaii, he had a different type of upbringing than most kids in Hawaii. The kids would call…

Fukuda discusses about his family, growing up in Hawaii, and aviation hobby. He details about December 7, 1941, volunteering for service, and his experiences at Camp Savage, Minnesota. Fukuda also discusses about his experiences in the Military…

Fukuda discusses Japan's surrender, the end of the war, and grasp of the Japanese language. He details about his experiences in post-war Japan working with the Technical Air Intelligence Unit (TAIU). Fukuda also reflects on his time in Japan

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Riess discusses his free time in Japan and how his time in Japan helped his future career path. Next, he talks about visiting Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the atomic bombs and how manufacturing in Japan took off after the war for companies like Honda…

Riess discusses more about his father's background, including the legacy that he left in both Greece and the then Czechoslavakia. On trips back to those YMCA's, his father is still remembered by those that were there when it was first built. Next, he…

Riess begins the interview speaking of the background of his mother and father and the international upbringing that he had. Being born in Thessaloniki, Greece, his family then moved around Europe and the United States until finally settling in…

Kuida speaks about the end of the war in Europe, where he spent the last leg of the trip visiting Rome, attending courses at the University of Florence and guarding an ammunition depot. Next, they were sent back to the United States and he would get…

Kuida discusses his path following the family's move to Utah. As his sister was sick, his family ended up moving closer to Salt Lake City, where Kuida would start attending classes at the University of Utah. After about a year at the university, he…

Kuida discusses his schooling and education while living in Gardena. While a junior in high school, the Pearl Harbor attacks occurred which changed things for his family. Hours after Pearl Harbor, his mother was picked up by the FBI as a detainee…

Kuida begins the interview by giving brief introduction into his family background and growing up in Gardena, including Japanese language school and household decor. Next, he begins his background on his mother and father, both of whom immigrated…

George Suzuki was drafted and went to Military Intelligence Service Language School. The experience at Fort Snelling was easygoing because he already knew some of the Niseis. Also, his girlfriend lived in St. Paul.

When Japan surrendered, George…

George Suzuki was born on April 6, 1922, in Astoria, OR. He went to Fort Snelling for Military Intelligence Service Language School. n May 1945, he completed training and was assigned to the Philippines for guard duty. When Japan surrendered in…

Yamamoto talks about his first time smoking a cigarette. He describes his visits to United States Military encampments. He discusses his interactions with Nisei soldiers and caucasian GIs. He talks about the American Era in Japan. He describes his…

Yamamoto talks about the bombing of his village in Matsuyama, Japan . He discusses his school's move to another location because of the bombing. He describes what it was like to be class president. He talks about continuing his studies despite the…

audio/video cuts out after 4 minutes

Yamamoto talks about his parents immigration. He discusses his siblings. He talks about his father's first marriage. He describes Seattle, Washington. He discusses living in a hotel. He talks about his family's hotel business. He describes his…



Hanamoto discusses translation duties and the 187th. During Occupation Japan, Hanamoto recalls visiting a Japanese National at their home and topics of discussion that they discuss. When he is discharge, Hanamoto see discrimination still exists,…

Hanamoto is in Junior college when Pearl Harbor is bombed. He discusses discrimination, concentration camps, and the meaning of barb wires. While in camp, Hanamoto volunteers to work on a farm. He recalls induction, Military Intelligence Service…

Kurata discusses his experiences while on headquarters assignment duty; talks about seeing confiscated Japanese swords; and discusses his transfer to Sendai to set up a new Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) headquarters. He then talks about his CIC…

Kurata discusses his whereabouts during Japan's surrender; his father's immigration to the United States and employment at a sugar cane plantation; and discusses some of his thoughts regarding Japanese civilians prior to his assignment in Japan. He…



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