Hoashi talks about the lessons that he learned during the war and from combat. After that, he tells about the awards that he received after he was discharged, including the Bronze Star. He would head back home to Kauai, where he would be reunited…
Hoashi talks about his first combat overseas at Anzio Beach and moving up to the Mussolini canal. After this, he talks about his other experiences throughout the war, including the leadership of Thomas Takei, getting German soldiers to surrender, and…
Hoashi discusses his reasons for joining the Army, and the process of induction, getting assigned to a company and getting shipped over to Mississippi. While at Camp Shelby, he would experience segregation in the South while doing his basic training.…
Hoashi discusses more about growing up on Kauai. At the age of 12, he would begin working at McBride plantation during the summers. He also talks about the impactful people he knew during this period of time. From there, he gives us his whereabouts…
Hoashi talks in depth about his family and the relationship he had with his grandparents. As he was adopted and his mother had re-married, Seichi was brought up by his grandparents in Kauai, running a boarding house. He talks also about his knowledge…
Hiroki continues to describe his children and grandchildren. He talks about sharing his war time experiences and values with family. He revisits his religious background. Hiroki explains several newspapers articles that are shown on the video. He…
Hiroki remembers the recording he made for his wife. He talks about recruiting for Camp Savage. He gives an overview of the work he did in the South Pacific. He describes an interview he did with a Japanese admiral. Hiroki talks about being…
Hiroki talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and his voyage to the mainland. He describes landing in the mainland and what Camp McCoy was like. He revisits basic training. Hiroki talks about Camp Savage. He describes military language and Japanese…
Howard Hiroki continues to talk about his high school experiences. He describes his time in Japanese language school. He discusses his studies at the University of Hawaii. He reflects on courting his wife. Hiroki explains how he paid for college. He…
Hiroki talks about his early life in Kauai. He discusses his family's move to Honolulu. He describes his mother. He talks about his childhood leisure time and being drafted. Hiroki talks about family finances and his high school experiences. He…
Choichi discusses being discharged, his journey back to Hawaii and how he met his wife. He details about his admiration for Nisei veterans and gives a message to future generations. Choichi also discusses about his life and career after the army.
Choichi discusses about of his experiences in Italy. He details about passes, medals, and fishing. Choichi also discusses about his experiences in France and heading home.
Choichi discusses the voyage overseas and landing in Italy. He details about his experiences in Africa, his first combat experience, and the realities of war. Choichi also discusses his duties as the 1st Sergeant and the Battle of Monte Cassino.
Choichi discusses his journey to the Mainland and his experiences at Camp McCoy. He details about going to the World Series and his experiences in Mississippi and Camp Shelby . Choichi also discusses how he spent his free and his friends.
Shimabukuro discusses his childhood growing in a plantation camp on Kauai. He details about his high school experiences and briefly his family life. Shimabukuro also discusses being drafted, his experiences at Schofield Barracks, and the events Pearl…