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Yukio Kawamoto was born in Berkeley, California. He learned to speak the Japanese language at a young age due to the influence of his mother and the Buddhist Church. He talks about what it was like to grow up in Berkeley, and he was often…

Kazuo Yamaguchi talks about his cousin's military service in the Imperial Japanese Army during the war. He describes his journey home, after receiving news of his father's death. When he returned home, he received a Bachelor's degree and started his…

Kazuo Yamaguchi describes his job working at GHQ (General MacArthur Headquarters) in Tokyo. While on one of his errands at the Tsukiji Fish Market, he helped resolve a miscommunication between an American GI and a Japanese laborer. The Japanese…

In this video clip, Kazuo Yamaguchi talks about his experience in Manila, where he oversaw a Japanese prisoner of war camp. His job was to repatriate the Japanese POWs. He was later sent to the Occupation of Japan in Tokyo. He describes the image of…

Kazuo Yamaguchi describes how his grandfather was taken by the FBI and interned at Ellis Island. The local newspaper soon started to defame his family, but through the support of his friends and local neighborhood, they put a stop to the harassment.…

Kazuo Yamaguchi describes the difference between the attitudes of East Coasters and West Coasters in regards to the term "shikata ga nai." He talks about the way he grew up influenced by the Asian American stereotype in school -- good student,…

Kazuo Yamaguchi was born and raised in New York. His father came to America from Japan to start a living. Kazuo mentions that his father was always homesick, and his fondest memory with him was singing Japanese folk songs. The reason how he and his…

Short introduction of the Hanashi interview crew. Portrait of young Kazuo Yamaguchi in military uniform.

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada displays some personal photographs from throughout his life and provides context and commentary on the photos.

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada discusses some memories and highlights from his work as a part of the Allied occupation forces in Japan in addition to his career as a sports executive. Harada also shares a message meant for future generations…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada discusses his career working as a baseball promoter, executive, and entrepreneur. He recalls many memories from his career, including events, professional relationships, friendships, and changes he made to…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada discusses his work as a baseball promoter and adviser during his service in Allied-occupied Japan. Serving as an aide for General Marquat, Harada was given the freedom to re-introduce professional baseball to…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada describes many of his war experiences. First, Harada recalls meeting two Navajo code talkers in New Guinea. Next, he recalls being wounded during a Kamikaze attack at Leyte and having to be evacuated to treat…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada describes much of his life prior to the war. He first describes his awareness of the tensions between countries that eventually boiled over into total war. Next, Harada recalls his family moving to Japan prior…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada introduces himself and begins talking about his early life in Santa Maria, California. He describes his family and his time spent working on the family, which he eventually was charged with managing. In addition…

Oka discusses more about his experiences in Occupied Japan. He details about his family and how he ended up in Ohio. Oka also discusses about the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV), Aikido, and his name and citizenship.

Oka discusses his observations while in Occupied Japan. He details about his interactions with Japanese citizens. Oka also discusses his work with the Military Intelligence Service.

Oka, a native of Hawaii, describes witnessing the attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent government and military presence in his family's home, including the monitoring of his brother's shortwave radio and the FBI's interest in his knowledge of…

Thomas Sakamoto describes the implications of the Occupation of Japan. He talks about his role as an interpreter and translator during the occupation. The involvement of the Nisei and Kibei in Occupied Japan was an important component to the success…

Thomas Sakamoto participated in the Occupation of Japan as a Language Aide (interpreter/translator) for War Correspondence. He talks about his experience as a Language Aide and the different assignments he completed. He describes what it was like to…

Thomas Sakamoto shares more personal photographs from his World War II military experience. The first two are from his time spent in Japan at the Lutheran Missionary School in Kyushu. He shares a photo album from the Military Intelligence Service…

Thomas Sakamoto talks about his experience witnessing the official surrender of Japan aboard the USS Missouri. He also talks about the time when he escorted the American press to the Hiroshima atomic bomb site. He believes that it is important to…

Thomas Sakamoto talks about his experience as a Military Intelligence Service linguist. His responsibilities were to translate captured Japanese documents and interrogated Japanese prisoners of war. He explains the conditions of jungle warfare in the…

In this video clip, Thomas Sakamoto talks about saying good-bye to his family before being shipped out for military service. He was shipped to Camp Savage in Minnesota to teach at the Military Intelligence Service Language School. He later decided to…

Thomas Sakamoto talks about the wartime atmosphere in Japan prior to the outbreak of World War II. He returned to the United States in the 1930's, where worked on a farm and started a Kendo school. He was drafted into the army in February 1941 and…

In this video clip, Thomas Sakamoto talks about his parent's immigration to the United States, where they permanently settled in San Jose, California. As the eldest Nisei son, Thomas completed his middle school education in Kumamoto, Japan, where he…

Yukio Kawamoto continues to talk about his military experience in Occupied Japan. He talks about the role the Nisei played in the occupation and why their Japanese cultural background influenced the success of the occupation. He also talks about the…

Yukio Kawamoto talks about his military experience during the American occupation of Japan, where he worked as an investigator/translator for the War Crime Trials. He discusses the importance of Nisei soldiers in Occupied Japan. He also talks about…

In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara talks about his military experience during the Occupation of Japan. He describes the important role that he and other Nisei linguists played during the occupation. He also offers input about what the American…

During this portion of the interview, Henry Nakada gives details regarding his brother's military experience and most importantly, how his mother dealt with having seven boys serving in the military. Next, Henry offers a great amount of detail…

During this portion of the interview, Henry Nakada gives details regarding his military experience, namely being wounded in action. Next, we hear about Henry's overall combat experience, as well as his experiences encountering the Lost Battalion.…

During this portion of the interview, Henry Nakada offers details in regards to his military experience, namely, basic training and being transferred from Fort Sheridan to Camp Shelby. In addition, Henry discusses the tensions between Hawaiian and…

Nakada gives details about his early work experience, namely working as a farmhand. Next, he discusses his brother's education and time spent mining for silver outside of Las Vegas. Next, we hear about his experiences working in Alaska, and of his…

Nakada recounts his family?s background, experiences growing up on a farm, the personal character of his mother and father and being punished as a child. He continues with the familial make up including his siblings, and early farm life. Nakada…

Fujimori continues to talk about his experience as a carpenter. He discusses Go For Broke [National Education Center], and offers his thoughts about the events of September 11th (9/11). He ends with a message to future generations.

Fujimori talks about his homecoming from Japan. He goes on to talk about his work experience as a carpenter, including building furniture for Hugh Hefner and the Playboy Mansion.

Fujimori discusses his military experience in the Philippines. He describes what his job entailed as a Military Intelligence Service interrogator. At the end of this part he begins describing his participation in the occupation of Japan after the war…

Fujimori describes his experience of moving away from his home and into Manzanar Concentration Camp and his experiences living in the camp. He also describes volunteering for the army and his basic training at Fort Snelling.

Fujimori discusses meeting his wife. He talks more about practicing Judo, and what it meant to be Japanese American. At the end of this section, he talks of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Fujimori describes growing up in Boyle Heights, California. He also talks about playing sports, such as football and track, and his academic interests in high school. He recalls his siblings and childhood friends.

Fujimori discusses growing up in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles. He describes his father and his involvement in the Japanese American community.

Harry Akune continues to describe the Women Prisoner of War camp that he helped liberate in Japan. During the Occupation of Japan, he was reassigned to the Ration and Price Control Division. He talks about the difficulties of interpretation and…

Harry Akune describes his childhood, living and going to school in Japan after his mother died. He talks about learning discipline after living with his Grand-Uncle. He describes his experience during the Occupation of Japan, in which he helped…

Paul discusses the end of the war, as well as the emotional and psychological implications of his internment experience. He goes on to recount his visit to Japan, his legacy and gives details regarding his family post-war. Paul's daughter, Ilene…

Paul discusses his experience during maritime combat including details regarding the threats he faced during wartime. Moreover, Paul talks about the German's wartime strategy and how effective was against the Allied Forces. Paul recalls his…

Paul recollects his forced removal and incarceration experience and details regarding his military embarkation to Europe. Paul discusses his first visit to New York City and military experience as a merchant marine, as well as his experiences during…

Paul details his early adulthood. He recollects his early work experience and he goes on to recount some of his military experience, namely volunteering and embarkation; however, in addition to forced removal and his incarceration experience. Paul…

Paul Matsumoto gives his personal introduction, along with details regarding his familial makeup. Paul discusses his early childhood, adolescence, and early education. Next, Paul gives additional information regarding his adolescence, his early…

In this video clip, Ken Akune describes an incident with the military police while in Japan. He also provides wisdom about the nature of war and how important it is for American soldiers to spread good will as American ambassadors.

In this video clip, Ken Akune talks mores about the war crime trials that he worked on during the occupation of Japan.

In this video clip, Ken Akune goes into detail about his experience during the Occupation of Japan. He talks about being reunited with his family, what type of service he provided, and describes the devastation that he saw within the city.

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls attending The Medal of Honor ceremony, as well as being the chief researcher for the AJA Veteran's Council. In addition, he gives details in regard to his friend, Thomas Shiratsuki, and being…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls leaving Baltimore for Hawaii, living in a Jewish community, and the discrimination he faced while living there. In addition, Ichiyama discusses The Champagne Campaign, as well as significant…

This interview picks up mid-story with Edward Ichiyama discussing details about his friend, Tsaneshi Naruo, as well as the eulogy of his friend, [Shimizu]. Next, Ichiyama moves on to recall his first time entering Germany and chasing the German Army…

During this portion of the interview, Edward Ichiyama recalls his duties within his military unit. Specifically, he gives detail s on regards to being a fuseman and forward observer. In addition, Ichiyama recollects his experiences marching with the…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls volunteering for the 442nd, his military training, and the racial discrimination he witnessed during his time in Hattiesbug. This part of the interview concludes with Ichiyama discussing when…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls his time spent in the Army and his experiences during the war. He gives details in regards to witnessing the bombing of Pearl Harbor and his family's experience after the attack. This part of…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama discusses his family's emigration to the United States, as well as his familial makeup. He also recalls specific events during his adolescence, such as spending time in his father's barbershop,…

Sogi discusses his work post-World War II as a member of the Counterintelligence Corps. Afterwards, he talks about his life after finally leaving the active military and building a life for himself. Lastly, he speaks about the Nisei legacy and the…

Sogi discusses his training and experiences as an instructor at the MIS Language School and talks about the contributions the MIS made to the American war effort. He also briefly speaks about the importance of preserving oral histories in the…

Sogi discusses being a student at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack and his reaction to the events that took place afterwards, including Executive Order 9066. Sogi also speaks about discrimination, the…

Fujimori talks more about the Yokota airbase. He discusses the Military Intelligence Service's contribution to the Occupation of Japan.

Fujimori goes into depth about his participation in the occupation of Japan with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He talks specifically about his time in Yokohama and Tokyo.
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