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"German Meat Wagon in Ghedi Airfield bivouac 442nd RCT [Regimental Combat Team] for POW [Prisoners of War]- M/J 1945".

Kondo talks about his recuperation from his injury. He describes the challenges he faced being in a body cast, and the different hospitals he went to. He also discusses his experiences being sent to the United States for medical care and his receipt…

In this segment, Okamoto recounts his brief time sightseeing in France and interacting with the French people. He also shares his experiences of getting trench feet and battle fatigue, aiding in a sneak attack against the Germans, and VE Day. The…

Hada discusses his relationship with Spark Matsunaga, receiving the Silver Star medal, and what it was like being out on the ridge alone during his forward observer assignment. He then talks about getting trench foot and being sent to a hospital in…

Matsuda talks about a truce during World War Two. He describes the horrors of war. He talks about his units first tactical push. He discusses his hospital stay. He briefly talks about his stay in a replacement depot. He discusses finding his unit and…

Tanaka discusses the 3rd crossing of the Volturno River,close calls and his good luck charm. He details about getting diagnosed with stomach ulcers. Tanaka also discusses coming home, how others treated him once he was back, and meeting his wife.

Before deployment to Italy with the 100th Combat Battalion, Uchida was trained at Camp McCoy and recalls fondly the friendliness of the local residents. He then details about his experiences in Europe and his wounding by a German artillery shell. He…

Masuda discusses part of his time in Tinian. He discusses he arrival in Japan. He also details what it was like being stationed in post war Japan.

Higa discusses the Lost Battalion and getting wounded. He details about his recovery and coming home. Higa also discusses his life after returning to Hawaii.

Inouye discusses five days passes and details more about being wounded. He details about his stay in the hospital and trying to save a clubhouse. Inouye also discusses the recovery process after getting wounded.

Jack Sameshima talks about his experience fighting on the Gothic Line, which was his first experience in combat. During the battle, he was wounded from a piece of shrapnel, and was taken to a general hospital in Naples. He was later shipped back to…

Murakami describes his experiences with discrimination in the military. He talks about his military training. He discusses the dangers of being in combat. He talks about his time in Bruyeres, France. He explains how he was injured. He discusses the…

Hayakawa describes getting assistance from a Kibei when writing letters home due to his lack of knowledge regarding the Japanese language; discusses combat experiences at Po Valley; and talks about getting sick and his hospital stay near Livorno. He…

Kazuo Komoto discusses the trip from Camp Savage to his first overseas duty on Fiji Island as a team leader of a 10 man Japanese language team, and then he discusses the duties performed while on Guadalcanal. Next, he describes how he volunteered for…

Muroshige describes growing up in Hawaii and his conscription into the United States Army. He is suffers a leg wound during the Allied invasion of Italy and is left stranded for a day before being evacuated to military hospitals and eventually…

Surh begins by describing her friend Nish, a Japanese American. She recalls going to Jerome in Arkansas to visit Nish and her family while they were imprisoned in camp. She also describes the poor conditions that Nish and her family lived in while at…

Surh begins by recalling the capacity of her contact with her husband, Young Kim, while they were in different parts of Europe serving in the Army. She proceeds to talk about her work treating patients as an Army Nurse. Afterwards, she talks about…

Fujimoto discusses going to Camp Kilmer, traveling overseas; and going to the hospital for measles after landing in France. He then talks about being assigned to G Company and describes the terrain traveling to meet up with them with his squad. Next,…

Yoshii talks about the celebrities that visited injured soldiers in his hospital during the war. He continues to discuss his recovery time in the hospital. Yoshii describes how he reunited with his family and settled into the Bay Area. He explains…

Sueda tells of how he was injured by shrapnel and his recovery. He also recounts the difficulties in getting gasoline and fuel for the company and the Bruyeres-Biffontaine campaign.

Kunihiro discusses his experiences in Europe during World War 2. He talks about how illness with Bronchitis affected him. He shares anecdotes regarding: when he got married, his experiences with Hawaiian Niseis, and battle scenes he witnessed.

Kunihiro talks about his experiences in combat and how he had to be reassigned due to Bronchitis. He shares anecdotes about sight seeing he did in Europe; his experience supervising German and Italian POWs laborers; and his being hospitalized. He…

In this video clip, Ray Nosaka recaps his combat experience in Salerno, Italy, and being sent to a segregated hospital after being injured. He goes on to talk about different memories of his experience overseas.

Fujimoto talks about getting wounded and his hospital stay; and traveling to a replacement depot and his experiences there. He then talks about rejoining his unit, combat experiences, returning to the United States, and his employment driving a…

In this segment, Rose Uriyu talks about her upbringing in Kona, Hawaii. She describes how life was simple in the small town where everyone knew each other. Her grandparents came from Komoto, Japan with Uriyu's mother in 1902. Raised on a farm, Uriyu…

Roy Yokote shares photos of his time in Europe serving with the 442nd. In particular, he shares photos and experiences of his time working and traveling in Italy.

Seiso Kamishita describes finding German soldiers and about his court-martial case. He recalls the landing in Oran, Africa, and facing combat with F Combat for the very first time at the river crossing of the Volturno River. He describes his…

Seiso Kamishita talks about rejoining his company in the 100th Infantry Battalion (Separate) and being put in charge of the Special Police Platoon. He describes his combat experience in Anzio and Bruyeres, and witnessing the starving children in…

Akamine discusses crossing the Volturno River and his experiences at Cassino. He details about how he was wounded and receiving disability later in life. Akamine also discusses about the time he spent in the hospital.

Kawamoto tells us of the mission to cross the Arno and his experience at the Lost Battalion battle. He also discusses a deadly mine demonstration and his passes in Europe. Finally, he recounts how he got his injury, the war's end, and his homecoming…

Goto provides an overview of a headquarters company and all the various platoons that it is made up of. He describes his duties within the headquarters platoon, including following the battalion's executive officer. He also talks about what he…

Takano discusses Italian civilians; talks about getting a pass to visit Rome; discusses his experiences in Florence; and talks about the worst combat experiences. He then talks about combat experiences in France; discusses a soldier who stepped on a…

W. Oshiro talks about life after his military service. He discusses how losing his leg from a land mine impacted his life; his post-military education and career path; and participation in various veteran's organizations. He also talks about how he…
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