Mori discusses his home coming and finding a career. He details about his family. Mori gives a message to future generations and gives his closing remarks.
Mori discusses leaving camp to find work and his draft experience. His details about adapting to situations and other experiences while in Europe. Mori also discusses the awards he received and the end of the war.
Ishikawa discusses about his journey to the Mainland and his experiences at Camp Shelby. He details about his experiences in Italy. Ishikawa also discusses about his experiences in France and leaves a message for future generations.
Ishikawa discusses his family and upbringing. He details about Pearl harbor and its aftermath. Ishikawa also discusses about volunteering for service and his brief experiences with Japanese Prisoners of War.
Momoda discusses being wounded and the aftermath. He details about his final war experiences, awards he received, and his homecoming experience. Momoda also discusses a little more about his upbringing and discusses a message for future generations.
Momoda discusses about his family and growing up in Seattle, Washington. He details about his education, the business he ran and working in Alaska. Momoda also discusses about being drafted, basic training and his experiences in France.
Airheart discusses his combat experiences in France, religion, and his wife. He details his experiences during The Lost Battalion and being wounded. Airheart also talks about his post-war life and family.
Airheart discusses his family and childhood. He details about his hometown, being drafted, and basic training. Airheart also shares his experience going overseas, the equipment he carried, and his combat experiences.
Omoto discusses learning about the end of the war; talks about a soldier killed post-war; and discusses returning to the United States. He then talks about his post-war life including attending junior college and his employment as an accountant.…
Omoto discusses meeting up with the 100th Infantry Battalion; discusses his impressions of Hawaiian soldiers; and talks about his experiences during the Champagne Campaign. He then talks about combat experiences in Italy; his experiences with enemy…
Omoto discusses working while in [Poston] incarceration camp; discusses the loyalty questionnaire he had to take; experiences with discrimination while traveling to his induction; and his father’s thoughts regarding pro-Japan interests. Next, Omoto…
Omoto discusses the attack on Pearl Harbor and his experiences during the aftermath including discussing blackouts, an enforced curfew, restrictions, and having to move. He then talks about Executive Order 9066; and discusses his family’s forced…
Omoto discusses his childhood including talking about moving, his fishing hobby, childhood home, and friendships. He then talks about land ownership laws and race discrimination in regards to Japanese Americans prior to World War Two; talks about his…
Fukasawa talks about what V-E day was like in Italy and New York . He explains what he did in Europe after the war and describes his journey home. He talks about memories of his mother. Fukasawa discusses his jewelry making education. He then goes…
Fukasawa discusses his life in Davenport, being followed by the FBI, and receiving his draft notice. He also talks about his basic training experiences at Camp Blanding. He explains how frequent illnesses delayed his deployment. Fukasawa talks about…
Fukasawa describes his experiences while at Santa Anita Temporary Detention Facility. He talks about life in the Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp. He reveals what happened to his father after he was released from a Prison camp. Fukasawa discusses…
Fukasawa talks about his memories of growing up in Los Angeles. He discusses his family and how his father maintained a nursery. Fukasawa describes the Japanese community and Japanese celebrations. He attempts to describe the Los Angeles landscape.…
Kon discusess about breaking his leg and his experiences at Camp Shelby. He details about his experiences in the European Theatre and getting wounded. Kon also discusses about his life and career after being discharged.
Kon discusses about life on the plantation. He details about his going to and experiences at Camp McCoy. Kon also discusses about the formation of the 100th Infantry Battalion and his life in the Army.
Miyasako discusses about his experiences in France. He details about his friends, his experiences Italy, and his duties as a company clerk. Miyasako also discusses about his life after returning home.
Miyasako discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about being drafted and basic training. Miyasako also discusses about the reason the Nisei soldiers trained so hard.
Miyasako discusses about his family and growing up on a farm. He details about the community and the holidays celebrated. Miyasako also discusses about his experiences in high school.
Tamura describes post-War life in the United States, both moving to different military installations and his return to civilian life. He describes his attempt to revive the family truck farming business, but it proved unprofitable so he farmed…
Tamura recounts the arrival in Menton France and eventual combat experience in Livorno, Italy at the German Army's Winter Line. He provides a detailed description of the heavy weaponry he operated and the features of the assault against the Germans…
The segment begins with Tamura discussing the Christian church that he and other Nikkei attended during wartime in Idaho, playing football, and life in his agricultural community. He discusses the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) and…
Tamura discusses his parents' separate backgrounds coming from Hiroshima to the United States and the lives they established in Idaho. He and his older siblings assisted in the family's truck gardening business which was very demanding. Other topics…
Matsui discusses about his experiences in Europe, coming home, and the reception they received. He details about serving meant and his post-war life. Matsui also discusses about his family, cap and gown, and gives a message to future generations.
Matsui discusses about his experiences surrounding forced removal, going back to Elko, Nevada, and being drafted. He details basic training and experiences before shipping off. Matsui also discusses about his combat experiences in Italy.
Matsui discusses about his home life, schooling, and neighbor. He details about going to college and living in a boarding house. Matsui also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.
Matsui discusses about growing up in Elko, Nevada and his family. He details about thew family business, neighborhood, and religion. Matsui also discusses about high school, friends, and holidays celebrated.
Tom Tsuda talks about the end of World War Two and his return to Wyoming. He discusses his accounting career and his marriage. He describes the changes he has witnessed in Cheyenne over the years. He gives his reflections on the 100th Infantry…
Tom Tsuda continues to talk about his first combat experience. He described what it was like to work with the 100th Infantry Battalion. He briefly discusses the Gothic Line. He talks about his military leaves. Tsuda explains how he interacted with…
Tom Tsuda continues to discuss being drafted. He briefly talks about Marseilles, France. He explains how he would help the wounded while overseas. He talks about landing in France and his first combat experience. Tsuda describes what life was like on…
Tsuda describes what fishing in Wyoming was like when he was younger. He talks about his father's job with Union Pacific Railroad. He describes his community's ethnic makeup. He talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and being drafted. Tsuada talks…
Tom Tsuda reveals his parents backstories. He talks about his early life in Wyoming. He describes his relationships with his siblings. He discusses how he spent quality time with his family. Tsuda talks about Japanese language school and childhood…
Uchimiya discusses his combat unit, K Company, and briefly about some of his combat experiences. He details his dealings and relationship with James Okubo. He also discusses some of his other friends in the army.
Shibuya discusses about Medal of Honor recipient Barney F. Hajiro. He also details more about his brother who went to Japan and got drafted into the Japanese Navy.
Shibuya discusses his family, life on a plantation, and his education. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, being drafted, and basic training. Shibuya also discusses about his experiences in Europe and his life after the service.
Suehiro discusses about his family, childhood, and schooling. He details about Pearl Harbor, volunteering for the Army, and experiences at Camp Shelby. Suehiro also discusses about the Lost Battalion rescue, getting wounded and The Gothic Line.…
Momii discusses about his family, childhood, Pearl Harbor, and it aftermath. He discusses about volunteering for the Army, basic training, the voyage overseas, and arriving in Europe. Momii also discusses his experiences in Italy, duties in post-war…
Matsunaga talks about his time overseas and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. At the outset of the regiment, there were many differences between the Hawaiian and mainland soldiers which were put aside after Earl Finch took the Hawaiian soldiers to…
Matsunaga speaks about joining the Army and beginning his training at Schofield Barracks in Honolulu. From there, he was promoted to corporal and eventually to buck sergeant as he decided to volunteer for the 442nd regiment. They were shipped out to…
To begin the interview, Matsunaga speaks about his family background, which included his father, mother and eight siblings. Growing up in Hawaii, he would go to school until 9th grade, at which time, the family purchased the dairy farm they were…
Anzai talks about assisting Hawaiian soldiers with writing letters to their families back home while in battle at Anzio, and also talks about his duties during battle which involved being a rifleman. He then discusses about some of the medals he…
Anzai talks about some of the battles he was a part of during the European Theater, and recalls praying during battle, a close call in Cassino while under fire, and describes the trench foot condition that plagued many of the soldiers. He then talks…
Anzai discusses his assignment with the Hawaiian National Guard in Maui during the attack on Pearl Harbor, as well as his feelings regarding Japan after the attack, and his brother getting drafted into the Japanese Navy. Anzai details about traveling…
Anzai discusses growing up in Maui, before relocating to Japan with his mother and siblings when he was five years old. Anzai talks about his experiences traveling to Japan, learning Japanese, going to school in Japan, watching samurai movies, and…
Hada discusses his relationship with Spark Matsunaga, receiving the Silver Star medal, and what it was like being out on the ridge alone during his forward observer assignment. He then talks about getting trench foot and being sent to a hospital in…
Hada discusses going to Camp Shelby, and not traveling into town because he felt there was discrimination against Japanese Americans. After Camp Shelby, Hada went to Louisiana Maneuvers, where he had an assignment making dog tags. Hada then talks…
Hada discusses getting drafted into the Army and basic training at Schofield barracks. Hada was at Schofield Barracks during the attack on Pearl Harbor and describes seeing airplanes flying overhead. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hada had…
Hada discusses growing up in Hawaii, living on a sugar plantation, and his hobbies. He also talks about his parents, and discusses having to take care of his siblings and help out with household chores after his mother passed away. After high school,…
Higa discusses the Lost Battalion and getting wounded. He details about his recovery and coming home. Higa also discusses his life after returning to Hawaii.
Higa discusses more about his experiences at Camp Shelby and the 100th Infantry Division. He details about heading overseas and his experiences in Italy. Higa also discusses about his experiences in France.
Higa discusses about his family, childhood, and taking aver his father's business. He details Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his reason for the army. Higa also discusses going to the Mainland and his initial experiences at Camp Shelby.
Akita continues to describe what everyday life was like for a prisoner of war. He also describes how prisoners of war escaped from his prisoner of war camp. He talks about political prisoners in his camp. He discusses the end of World War Two,…
Akita talks about his involvement in the Bruyeres-Biffontaine campaign. He describes his interactions with locals. He explains how he went from transporting prisoners of war to becoming a prisoner of war. He briefly talks about how prepared he felt…
Akita describes his basic training experiences and joining the 100th Infantry Battalion. He talks about his basic training photograph. He discusses his journey to North Africa and landing in Casablanca. Akita explains how people responded to Japanese…
Akita continues to explain what life was like on a sugar plantation. He talks about his plans after high school. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He shares his experiences with discrimination after the attack. Akita…
Akita talks about his early life in Hawaii. He describes his mother, father, and grandparents. He discusses what life was like on a sugar plantation. He talks about the Japanese language and Japanese language school. He briefly discusses his siblings…
Nakahara discusses his family and different aspects of his childhood. He details about Pearl Harbor and volunteering for the service. Nakahara also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby, in Italy, and in France.
W. Oshiro discusses his post-military life reflecting on his military service; the 442nd legacy; and his family values. He talks about visiting Europe after the war He also talks about his professional career and family.
W. Oshiro talks about life after his military service. He discusses how losing his leg from a land mine impacted his life; his post-military education and career path; and participation in various veteran's organizations. He also talks about how he…
W. Oshiro talks about his experiences in France. He discusses battle experiences in Bruyeres and the Lost Battalion rescue. He also shares anecdotes regarding his brother's death performing military service; the dedication of the squad he lead; and…
W. Oshiro talks about his travel to, and arrival at, Italy. He discusses aspects of Hawaiian/Mainland Nisei relations; his religious practices in the military; and early combat experiences. He also talks about enduring casualty loss in his platoon…
W. Oshiro talks about his experiences at Camp Shelby. He describes his voyage to, and impressions of, the Mainland for the first time. He shares stories about the formation of L Company; how he felt when he heard his older brother was KIA; and his…
W. Oshiro discusses his family life in Hawaii before World War Two. He describes his early education, parents, siblings; and moving from a plantation camp to Honolulu. He also talks about attending college, and joining the military before graduation.
Kanatani discusses his post-war career and his family fared after leaving camp. He details about his wife, children, and grandchildren. Kanatani gives a message to future generations and showing photographs.
Kanatani discusses about growing up in California, family, and, his childhood home. He details working as a child, schooling, and a typical meal at home. Kantani also discusses childhood activities and segregation.
Kanatani discusses his upbringing, remembering Pearl Harbor , and its aftermath. He details about his family's forced removal and visiting both Heart Mountain and Poston Concentration Camps. Kanatani also discusses basic training, being assigned to…
Kanatani discusses about his family, interactions with Hawaiian soldiers, combat experiences, and being wounded. He details about his religion, the Champagne Campaign, and the Lost Battalion. Kanatani also discusses about George T. "Joe" Sakato and…
Following the end of the war, Nishimoto would return to Hawaii and join the 442nd reserves. He would then be called for active duty again for the Korean War, and would be on assignment in Japan. He would join the Military Intelligence Service with…
Nishimoto talks more about his war experiences, including learning some Italian and even seeing the Pope. After this, he talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion, dealing with extreme darkness and heavy casualties. Next, he speaks about the…
Nishimoto talks more about his war experiences, including seeing German soldiers and the weapons that they used. He talks about his dislike for snipers and wanting to catch one so that he could take care of him himself. Another assignment included…