Minoru Miyasaki oral history interview, part 2 of 4, October 15, 2007


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Minoru Miyasaki recalls the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. When President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, Minoru and his family went to Tanforan on a Greyhound Bus. The Miyasaki family left their belongings with Mr. Driscoll. However, in 1946 when Minoru's father returned to the farm, Mr. Driscoll had leased the land and home to someone else.

On the day of the evacuation, the Japanese American families living in Irvington met at the school ground and went to Tanforan on the Greyhound bus. Minoru describes the living conditions in the horse stables and assembling their straw mattress.

Minoru and his family left Tanforan after a few months, and they were sent to Topaz, Utah, by train. Arriving at Topaz, there were barbed wires and guard towers at Topaz. Minoru describes the living conditions and life in the camp. Besides attending classes, Minoru worked clearing the sagebrush.

In Topaz, a loyalty questionnaire was given to all the internees. Minoru's father did not answer questions 27 and 28 and was sent to Tule Lake. Minoru went to Tule Lake to visit his father, but he left for farming in Idaho with George and Harry. After Minoru was reclassified 1A, he was drafted into the Military. Minoru remembered leaving Topaz at night to Fort Douglas due to the Kibeis.

At Fort Douglas, Minoru took his physical exam and requested to join the Air Force. Minoru was declined for the Air Force but was accepted for the Military. Later Minoru went to Camp Shelby and was shocked by how different it is from California. After weeks of training, Minoru picked up the Hawaiian language.

Post-war, Minoru revisited Topaz, Utah, and saw a plaque with the names who served in the Military. However, many names were missing including Minoru and his brothers. There was a petition to add the missing names.



Oral History Item Type Metadata

Date of Birth

1925 Mar 03

War or Conflict

Branch of Service

Entrance into Service

Location of Basic Training


Miyasaki, Minoru: narrator, Garvey, John: interviewer, and Go For Broke National Education Center: publisher, “Minoru Miyasaki oral history interview, part 2 of 4, October 15, 2007,” Japanese American Military History Collective, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ndajams.omeka.net/items/show/1053505.