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Kaseguma discusses his family and childhood. He details his experiences attending Japanese language school and college. Kaseguma also discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath.

Kaseguma discusses the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and his experiences with forced removal. He details his experiences at Minidoka Concentration Camp. Kaseguma also discusses being drafted, basic training, joining the Military Intelligence Service…

Kaseguma discusses his experiences in post-war Japan. He details his family life and revisiting Japan. Kaseguma also discusses his post-war life and the legacy of the Nisei generation.

Mano discusses his prefecture of origin and familial description. He also recalls home life with his parents, school years leading up to forced removal. In Mano's adolescent years, his family visited relatives in Japan.

Mano discusses going to Pinedale Temporary Detention Canter, Tule Lake and Minidoka Concentration Camps. At Tule Lake, Mano shares that there was segregation and division between the Japanese Americans' feelings about the United States Government. He…

Mano discusses his post-war life and working at the family's nursery.He details about meeting his wife and raising a family. At the nursery, Mano meets his wife, Tomi Yoshioka and they later have children . Yoshioka discusses her family origin and…










Sato discusses his parents' immigration to the United States, their physical traits and personalities; and also discusses his father's employment. He then talks about his childhood and discusses religion, his childhood home, his family's Japanese…

Sato provides some thoughts regarding forced removal; and discusses his experiences at Puyallup temporary detention facility and Minidoka Concentration Camp including living conditions and the weather. He then discusses his brothers' military…

Sato discusses his Presidential appointments in the Department of Transportation and Department of Veterans Affairs under the Carter and Reagan administrations. He provides some thoughts regarding being one the first Japanese American Presidential…

Sato discusses a speech he gave during Memorial Day; talks about the generational differences between Issei, Nisei, Sansei, and Yonsei; and discusses participation in oral history interviews. He then shows and describes photographs taken with…

Fukuhara begins the interview speaking about his family background and his father coming over from Japan. At a young age, his mother would pass away, and his father would later re-marry. Growing up in Washington, he had a very diverse upbringing,…

After being moved to Minidoka concentration camp in Idaho, he was drafted into the Army. He would attend his basic training at Camp Landing in Florida, where he would be trained as an infantryman until being chosen to switch over to the Military…

Fukuhara would finish up his assignments in Japan, working in Kumamoto and befriending the Yakuza. However, before heading back home, he decided to go AWOL and see other parts of Japan while he was there. He would end up seeing his father and…

Kazumura talks about his parents' immigration; his father's employment as a cook and horse jockey; and his father's experiences with discrimination. He then talks about his parents' physical traits and personalities; describes Pidgin English;…

Kazumura discusses the reasons for changing his name; his employment at Pearl Harbor including his duties as a heavy equipment mechanic; and discusses his experiences during the attack on Pearl Harbor which included describing the airplanes he saw…

Kazumura talks about his hosptial visit after he drank gasoline by accident; discusses getting new boots; talks about his Army friendships; talks about how he helped save a wounded soldier; and discusses his combat experiences at Hill 140. Next,…

Hamanaka discusses his parents orign and growing up as an only child. During his adolescent years he helps with his Father's business after school and is active in journalism at school. Hamanaka recalls learning how to cook in Puyallup and making…

Hamanaka discusses his experiences in Puyallup Temporary Detention Center and Minidoka Concentration Camp. During his time in camp he sees how the family dynamic changes. Hamanaka leaves camp when he goes to basic training. After graduation he goes…

Hamanaka discusses his time of occupation in Japan and his length of Military Service. He also mentions Japan's civilians thoughts on Military Intelligence Service in Japan. When Hamanaka is discharged, he goes back to school and receives two…

Tokunaga begins the interview talking about his family background and his parents coming over from Japan and settling eventually in Washington. Growing up in Washington, he would enjoy playing sports with other kids, attend regular and Japanese…

After being forced removed and moved to Puyallup Temporary Detention Center, Tokunaga would head to Minidoka Concentration Camp early to help set up supplies. Soon after, he would be drafted into the Army and inducted at Fort Douglas to join the…

Tokunaga discusses the labor camps that he saw in Europe, taking souvenirs and the friendships he made through the Army. After V-E Day, he would remain in Frankfurt for another year and half until finally being discharged back in Fort Lewis,…

Murakami begins the interview speaking about his family background, which included 5 brothers in addition to his parents. Growing up in Paia, Maui, he and his family moved around a lot going from plantation camp to plantation camp as his father…

Continuing Murakami's recollection of his Army experience, he discusses the basic training at Camp Shelby, where he was put into the Headquarters regiment. During this time, there was a lot of fighting between the Hawaiian and Mainland soldiers,…

Murakami discusses his part in the Gothic Line push. Once they completed that mission, he was able to head back to the United States. After arriving in New York, the regiment learned they would be flown back to California, which left them in high…

Tamayose discusses about his family, growing up on plantations, his life after high school. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Tamayose also discusses about volunteering for the service, basic training, his experiences in Europe, and…

Shigeru Nakamura and the interviewers introduce themselves. He talks about his nickname. He discusses his parents immigration to the United States. He describes his father's career. He talks about a trip that he took to Japan when he was a child. He…

Nakamura describes his assignments towards the end of World War Two. He talks about his journey home. He briefly discusses how he reconnected with his family. He talks about his employment after the war. He describes his children and grandchildren.…

Wallace Nagao talks about his family's history and his early life growing up on one of Hawaii's sugar plantations. Nagao goes through his educational history-- from elementary school through college and his experiences at Japanese language school. He…

In the second part of his interview, Wallace Nagao details the work he did helping the British Army in Burma, his experience meeting Admiral Mountbatten, and hearing about the Japanese surrender. He also recounts his time post-surrender in…

"Masa" discusses growing up in Hawaii, with Issei parents and his siblings. He talks about the ethnic enclaves that developed, due to plantation workers. He talks about family life as his parents owned a general store. He also talks about political…

"Masa" discusses his military training at Fort Hood (Texas) and how went to Europe. He shares his experiences in New York City for furlough before deployment. He also talks about his combat experiences in Europe and how his life fair after his…

Military Intelligence Service (MIS) veteran Ralph Kaneshiro, who was interviewed, is seated in the foreground. Volunteers who conducted Ralph's interview (R-L), Richard Hawkins, interviewer; Nick Odani, cataloger; Michelle Sugihara, camera operator,…

Tatsuo Yamane and his Oldsmonile at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Intelligence Training.

Tatsuo Yamane in school at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Intelligence Training.

Ushira at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Intelligence Training in 1942. He is holding a pipe while doing school work.

Sinclair at Camp Savage in Minnesota. He is standing in the snow, wearing an overcoat and fur hat. The camp barracks are in the background.

A group of eight Japanese American soldiers at Camp Savage, posing in the snow. The barracks are in the background, and a lake on the left-hand side.

A group of nine Japanese American soldiers at Camp Savage in Minnesota. They are posing with a pair of skis in front of one of the camp barracks. There is snow on the ground.

Tatsuo Yamane at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Intelligence Training. He is sitting in a lawn chair. The camp barracks are in the background.

Tatsuo Yamane at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Military Intelligence Service Language School in 1942. The photograph was captured from below. Tatsuo Yamane is not looking at the camera. The sky and surrounding trees are visible.

A group of five Japanese American soldiers chatting on the grass at Camp Savage in Minnesota Military Intelligence Service Language School.

A group of five Japanese American soldiers hanging out on the grass at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Military Intelligence Service Language School.

Tatsuo Yamane at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Military Intelligence Service Language School training. He is standing next to his Oldsmobile.

Tatsuo Yamane standing near one of the barracks at Camp Savage in Minnesota.

Tatsuo Yamane (located on furthest right) with his three classmates. One of his classmates is taking a picture with his camera. They are all standing in front of Tatsuo Yamane's car.

Tatsuo Yamane and six of his classmates going skiing. Two have sleds. Another brought his dog.

Tatsuo Yamane at Camp Savage in Minnesota for Intelligence Training. He is standing in front of building T-85.

Tatsuo Yamane on a beach in New Guinea drinking some beer.

Tatsuo Yamane (located on far left) in New Guinea with two of his comrades.

Terry Mizutari's grave marker in New Guinea. He was killed in June 1944.

Tatsuo Yamane driving an Army Jeep in New Guinea.

Damaged fighter plane at Hollandia air strip in New Guinea.

Damaged fighter plane at Hollandia air strip in New Guinea.

Tatsuo Yamane shaving during Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Tatsuo Yamane (at the top of tier), two soldiers below him. Captured during Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Tatsuo Yamane (to the left) during Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Cleaning off cannonballs with another trainee.

Tatsuo Yamane during Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Equipped with brooms and a mop. "Tatsuo Yamane" written on photograph.

Tatsuo Yamane outside of his tent during Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Tatsuo Yamane driving jeep during Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. "T. [Tatsuo] Yamane, Nov. 10. 41" written on the photograph.

Tatsuo Yamane aboard a ship to the Philippines for the Invasion of Morotai Island.

Tatsuo Yamane and Fukuhara at encampment during the Invasion of Morotai Island. Tatsuo Yamane (left) is picking bananas. Fukuhara (right) holds a small shovel.

Tatsuo Yamane (left) and Fukuhara (right) eating bananas at their encampment during the Invasion of Morotai Island.

Tatsuo Yamane aboard a ship, gazing off at sea. On his way to the Philippines for the Invasion of Morotai Island.
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