Browse Items (553 total)

Senzaki discusses life while at Rohwer Incarceration Camp including describing the climate and scenery and telling stories about when he was a lieutenant at the fire station. He then talks about being recruited to join the 442nd Regimental Combat…

Senzaki discusses his first assignment overseas, recalling spending time playing poker while traveling, landing in Naples, Italy; and the sounds of the guns and tanks during his first encounter with German soldiers. He also talks about United States…

Senzaki discusses getting called to rescue the Lost Batallion, and his experiences during that assignment which involved being pursued by German soldiers, and incidents that left comrades killed in action. He also talks about his duties assigning…

Senzaki discusses his feelings regarding losing a friend during the rescue of the Lost Battalion, and describes his trip back to the United States aboard the USS Randolph. After being discharged, Senzaki first goes to Minneapolis and then moves to…

Nakashima discusses his childhood growing up in Hawaii including discussing his community and gardening hobby. He then talks about his parents; childhood discipline; siblings; values taught by his parents; and attending school and Japanese language…

Nakashima discusses the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack including his experiences with restrictions, blackouts, and discrimination. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor, volunteering for the Army, discusses his dual citizenship, and…

Nakashima discusses his experiences and training at Camp Shelby; discusses traveling overseas and his first impressions of Europe; and talks about his combat experiences in Italy after meeting up with the 100th Infantry Battalion. Next, Nakashima…

Nakashima discusses fighting against German soldiers; talks about German weapons and ammunition; and discusses a close call in which he was almost captured. He then talks about combat experiences; getting wounded; his hospital stay; and his family’s…

Nakashima discusses a [Hawaiian] dish and his cooking hobby; talks about post-war friendships; and discusses his experiences with discrimination while trying to get a job. Next, Nakashima discusses his relationship with his children; talks about…

Tamaru discusses about a Military Police (MP) Officer and his assignments in Japan. He details about his family. Tamaru also discusses about growing Brawley, California.

Tamaru discusses about Pearl Harbor, Its aftermath, and experiences forced removal. He details about high school. Tamaru also discusses about his experiences at Poston Concentration Camp.

Tamaru discusses about experiences at Poston Concentration Camp. He details about working outside of camp, being drafted, and basic training. Tamaru also discusses about joining the Military Police (MP), experiences occupied Japan, and working Sugamo…

Tamaru discusses about his interactions with Japanese prisoners. He details about his experiences in Japan, and the war crime trials. Tamaru also discusses about working as Military Police, the progress of Japan, and life after the Army.

Tamaru discusses about Los Angeles post-World War Two and his family. He details about politics, technology, and compares the Nisei and Issei to other generations. Tamaru also discusses about his life after retirement.

Tamaru discusses and describes photographs.

In this video clip, Tets Asato describes his Issei parents, growing up on a farm in El Monte, California, and growing up in a Japanese household. He talks about his childhood - friends, school, playing sports, etc. - and about his mother's passing.

In this video clip, Tets Asato describes going to Japanese language school as a child. He also talks about the relationship with his siblings and family, and going to the movies with his father. He describes what his life was like when the war broke…

In this video clip, Tets Asato describes being transferred to the Heart Mountain interment camp and what the living conditions were like there. During his stay there, he helped work at the local farms topping sugar beets. He also worked for the Fire…

In this video clip, Tets Asato talks about the Loyalty Questionnaire that the Niseis had to answer while in camp (internment camp) and about the "No-No Boys". He talks about being drafted into the army and his experiences in basic training at Camp…

Before going overseas, Tetsuo Asato went on furlough and visited his sister in California. Tetsuo departed on the Aquitania. Although the voyage was rough, Tetsuo did not get seasick. He landed in Glasgow, Scotland, and traveled to South Hampton to…

Tetsuo Asato was 19 years old when he went overseas. He recalls the weight of carrying his weapons. The heaviness of the weapons did not become too strenuous on Tetsuo until he was trying to climb the mountain. Tetsuo recalls being a litter-bearer…

In this video clip, Tets Asato talks about his experience overseas. He describes his homecoming and what he did upon returning to the states. He talks about the insurance company that he and his friend started in J-Town, Los Angeles, and also, talks…

In this video clip, Tets Asato talks about the efforts of the 100th/442nd/MIS that benefited the Japanese Americans of today, as well as future generations. He presents important advice and values for future generations, and shares his thoughts about…

Tsukahara discusses his family and childhood. He delivers newspapers to help the family. In high school he is in Reserve Training Officer Corps. After high school graduation he attend junior college for 2 years before moving to Los…

Tsukahara discusses what Little Tokyo is like in the 1930's. He details about December 7 and its aftermath. Tsukahara discusses forced removal and going to Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center.. He illustrates the living conditions and the…

Toshiko Hattori describes her childhood growing up in foster homes in New York City. She attended nursing school after high school, and joined the United States Army to work as a nurse. During World War II, she was sent overseas to Korea, but was…

In this video clip, Toshiko Hattori talks more about her childhood, and how she became interested in nursing. She describes her basic training experience upon joining the United States Army. At the time of the end of the war in Europe, she was still…

After moving to East Los Angeles, Toshiko Hattori took care of her mother-in-law, and later, her husband, who had developed lung cancer. Her husband passed away from his illness, leaving her a widow. She developed osteoarthritis which made it…

In this video clip, Toshiko Hattori talks about living a healthy lifestyle, sharing her life experiences with her family, and about her visits to Japan. She talks about how many people do not know about Japanese American women's contribution to the…

Yukihiro discusses his prefecture origin, family, and social activities. .He details about the climate pre and post forced removal and the type of treatment he feels in the community and with friends. Yukihiro also discusses why he learns Japanese…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine introduces the audience to his family's background. He discusses remembering his roots and his modest upbringing when he was making a name for himself in Japan as a successful professional baseball player. He also…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine covers a wide variety of topics. He begins by speaking about his childhood and the different activities he participated in during his youth. He talks about playing many sports as a kid and eventually quitting Japanese…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine shares memories from his days of playing professional football and baseball. He specifically recalls his excitement at the opportunity to play pro football for the San Francisco 49ers before the disappointment…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine continues to share his perspective and considerable experience in the world of professional sports. He initially speaks about the impact of the mass influx of money into professional sports before moving on to talking…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine begins by speaking a little more on Japanese professional baseball before moving on to the pearl shop that he opened with his wife. He later speaks about his family and remembering his modest upbringing in Hawaii when…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine recalls many experiences from his lifetime, including his time playing sports at Schofield Barracks, his coaching career in Japan, and seeing his daughter battle and beat leukemia. He also discusses his foundation and…

Hamada discusses his grandfather's immigration to the United States and his work on the transcontinental railroad; discusses his grandmother; and talks about his parents. He then talks about both his maternal and paternal grandparents; discusses his…

Hamada talks about his experiences as part of ROTC; discusses his thoughts regarding citizenship; and talks about how his grandparents moved back to Japan while he was still in high school. He then talks about his knowledge of pre-war tensions…

Hamada discusses taking a loyalty questionnaire and the aftermath which included getting sent to a segregation camp and expatriation to Japan. He then talks about his experiences in Japan including traveling, discussing food, visiting relatives, and…

Ichikawa talks about his time at Camp Shelby. He then talks about preparing to go overseas by learning about weapons and how to listen for artillery. Before heading overseas, Ichikawa received a furlough and spent time in New York and Baltimore,…

Aka discusses his family and growing up in Hawaii. He details about moving to Japan for four years and his experiences upon his return. Aka also discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath.

Aka discusses volunteering for the service, his experiences at Camp Shelby, and being transferred to the military Intelligence Service (MIS). Aka also discusses about his first assignment, interrogation, and experiences Saipan.

Aka discusses more about his experiences in Saipan and being transferred to Japan. He details about his experiences in Japan and brief discussing his college experience. Aka also discusses about his experiences with prisoners of war (POW).

Aka discusses about his experiences in Japan. He details about his brother-in-law who fought for Japan, contact with other Military Intelligence Service (MIS) veterans, and how he met his wife. Aka also discusses about his college and career…

Aka discusses about his time spent on the Mainland. He details about his children and his veteran friends. Aka also gives a message to future generations.

Nakagawa discusses about his family and growing up in California. He details about being drafted into the Army and his early military experiences. Nakagawa also discusses the action that led to him receiving an accommodation.

Nakagawa discusses about his relationship with Hawaiian soldiers and being drafted. He details about his experiences with prejudices and the Lost Battalion. Nakagawa also discusses about his post-war experiences, wife, family, and how the war…

Nakagawa reflects on life and changes over time. He details about the action that led to receiving an accommodation and the realities of war. Nakagawa also discusses about loyalty and his views towards war.

Yoshino begins the interview with his family background, being raised by his grandparents on Maui. Growing up on a plantation, he was quite the rascal, and would get into a lot of fights as a child, so he was taken in by the local boxing community…

Yoshino continues his discussion on boxing in the Army and after, including a tryout for the Olympic National Team and traveling through Europe for exhibition fights. Next, he talks about time in the Army, including a friendship with General Mark…

Yoshino shows a picture of himself from the Army and talks a little bit more about his boxing experiences and how that shaped him.
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