Yoshimura begins the interview discussing how he came to be on the USS Missouri with General MacArthur when the emperor of Japan was announcing his surrender. As a child, Yoshimura had moved from America to Japan to begin his education and to learn…
Yokoyama discusses about his experiences in the Philippines. He details about his experiences in post-war Japan. Yokoyama also discusses about his experiences in Manchuria.
Tomita talks about his parents, siblings, and moving from Washington to Alaska. He then talks about his experiences living in Japan including discussing school, playing sports, his uncle; and his thoughts regarding the Japanese invasion of Manchuria.…
Rudy Tokiwa describes his trip to Manchuria, where he and his parents visited his pregnant sister. His brother-in-law took him sight seeing in Manchuria and Korea. During his time in Manchuria, he noticed that the Manchurians respected the Japanese…
Sumida discusses the repatriation of Japanese citizens from Manchuria and his assignment monitoring Japanese repatriates; and talks about receiving a Bronze Star. He then talks about his assignment in Korea, his translation assignment after Korea,…
Suehiro continues talking about his experiences during the attacks on Pearl Harbor and afterwards, including facing discrimination and seeing the Varsity Victory Volunteers at the University of Hawaii. Hearing about the 100th/442nd forming, Suehiro…
Ray Gerald Shiiki is born January 7, 1927, in Gresham, Oregon. Ray's parents are from Koga, Japan, and immigrated to the United States. They settled in Oregon. He has three sisters and one brother.
In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto begins by discussing his favorite school subjects before elaborating on his interest in history, and specifically military history. He then recalls visiting Gettysburg while stationed on the East coast and how…
After his time in occupied Japan, Oshiro would be discharged from the Army, as he wanted to pursue his higher education. He discusses the success of the occupation and the role of Nisei linguists and why that model should be used in future…
Bright and Sam Onoda begin the interview speaking of how their parents came to the United States from Oita, and began work in the Washington area. Their father would at the lumber mill until his untimely death, while their mother would put her faith…
In this interview, Oka describes begins by describing his experience as a school-aged Japanese-American boy growing up in Okayama Japan. When he was a teenager, he longed to return to the United States as his brothers had, and was opposed to the idea…
Oda discusses growing up in Stockton, California on a farm before moving to Japan with his mother and brother at his mother's behest. While in Japan, Oda recalls experiences in grammar school with bullies for being American; and attending Koto Gakko…
Nakamura begins the interview talking about being born in America and quickly being moved to Japan as a child, where he would spend the next 8 years of his childhood. It was there that he would learn the culture of Japan and begin his elementary…
Miyahara continues his recollection of his time visiting Asia in 1936 for kendo. Next, when back in America, he speaks about Pearl Harbor and the forced removal to temporary detention centers at the Pomona fairgrounds. His friends would visit him…
Tommy Mayekawa and his family evacuate to Santa Anita Assembly Center after receiving the evacuation orders. He describes the living conditions and life in the camp. Tommy and his family live in a horse stable, and his parents accepted the situation…
Masato Eddy Kurushima and his family go to Japan for a few years. During his time in Japan, he sees the country militarizing. After a year of recovery, Eddy's father decides to return to the United States earlier. After living in the United States,…
Kubo continues talking about his experiences in the Pacific Theater, including making sukiyaki in Luzon using meat and K rations. Shortly after, the end of the war would occur and his team would be moved to Fukuoka in Japan. There, he would be able…
Tony Koura goes to Manchuria to observe the mission of the repatriates returning to Japan. Tony says the repatriates are older men, women, and children who are malnourished. However, they are happy to be going to Japan.
Tony Koura is born on June 26, 1926. Before being drafted into the military, Tony is at Manzanar. Despite the discrimination after the Pearl Harbor attack, Tony wants to volunteer for the Army because of patriotism.
Kazuo Komoto discusses his high school life in Japan and witnessing the increasing militarism of the Japanese society during the conflict in Manchuria. Next, he talks about not feeling attached to the Japanese society and wanting to return to the…
Ikemori talks about his early life in Hawaii. He describes his family's move to Japan. He briefly discusses his education in Japan. He talks about teaching Japanese language school in Hawaii. He discusses the languages spoken in his childhood home.…
During the occupation of Japan, Paul Ichiuji worked for the CIC to gather information. Paul got information from the butokai and couriers. Although Paul’s Japanese was not that proficient, he knew important words to communicate with the butokai.…
Takejiro Higa was born in Hawaii, but spent most of his childhood in Okinawa. When his parents died, he lived with his uncle in Okinawa until the age of sixteen, where he moved to Hawaii to live with his sister. Living in Hawaii was very different…
Doi talks about his reasons leading up to joining the Army, including having feelings that the United States would get involved with the war, and forming the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV). He would be inducted and be shipped over to the mainland,…
Allman continues his in depth recollection of his time overseas in China during his second enlistment into the US Army, this time working for the American Graves Registry. He talks about various missions throughout Asia, searching different islands…