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Tsuji talks about his experiences in combat, including the differences between what was learned in basic training and how things are actually handled on the front lines. He also talks about the various differences between the German and American…

While in Bruyeres, Tsuji would be wounded in action and talks about the intricacies of that. He also talks about his time in Marseille and being able to take a pass to explore the local shops and find that the black market was alive and well. He…

While recovering from his wound, Tsuji would be given a 45 day furlough, in which he originally wanted to go back home to Hawaii, however, after talking with officers, he decided upon traveling and seeing Chicago and New York and when he returned, he…

Tsuji discusses traveling through Europe during the war with some guys in his company, taking a Jeep into Florence and noticing the cathedrals and buildings, which interested him. He would explore the area more and take pictures of various places,…

Tsukayama talks about his life from birth to early adulthood. He discusses his youth in Kailua; military enlistment; and training as a medic. He shares recollections of the Pearl Attack, growing up in Hawaii, and carrying out medic duties in combat.

Tsukayama discusses being a medic and his post-war life. He talks about medic training and experiences he had on the battlefield; he also reflects on his feelings about having been a medic. In addition he shares experiences as an interpreter in…

Tsukayama discusses training and experiences as a medic during World War 2. He also talks about his family and participation in veteran organizations. He shares anecdotes regarding: treating soldiers on the battlefield; military food; working in…

Uno discusses why his family settled in Salt Lake City and his father's employment in the railroad industry. He then talks about moving to Los Angeles, his family's forced removal to Santa Anita temporary detention facility, and the reasons why his…

Uno discusses his childhood including talking about values, religion, his neighborhood, playing games, his siblings, friendships, and playing sports. He then talks about his family's forced removal to Santa Anita temporary detention facility and…

Uno discusses the loyalty questionnaire he was given while at Amache incarceration camp, talks about his mother's reaction to his military service, and discusses the induction process including having to get surgery before joining the Army. Next, Uno…

Uno discusses his squad leader who was killed in action; and talks about his first combat experiences and duties as an ammunition bearer. He then talks about his experiences in the Vosges Forest being attached to the 36th Division, and discusses the…

Uno talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion, and his Intelligence and Reconnaissance (I&R) assignment setting up observation posts during the Gothic Line. He then talks about processing German POWs, and volunteering for Military Intelligence…

Uno discusses his life after retiring from the YMCA which included working for the federal government, becoming ordained as a deacon, and volunteer hospice work. He then talks about attending 442nd veteran reunions, discusses his children, and talks…

Ushijima and the interviewers introduce themselves. Ushijima describes his early life in Hilo, Hawaii. He talks about his mother's cooking. He discusses his father's war service record and how he immigrated to America. He shares his mother's…

Ushijima talks about his education and his mentors. He describes racial tensions in Hawaii. He discusses the values that he got from his parents. He talks about his experiences in Japanese language school. He discusses his involvement in kendo. He…

Ushijima continues to discusses his work on a plantation. He also continues to talk about working for American Factors. He describes volunteering for the military. He talks about patriotism. He discusses the influence of military chaplains. He…

Ushijima talks about a social dance that he attended while on base. He discusses his basic training. He describes a visits he made to Rohwer Concentration Camp. He talks about a USO performer named Yuri Kochiyama. He discusses Hattiesburg,…

Ushijima explains how he made money overseas. He describes how his unit captured a payroll truck. He discusses his first encounter with the enemy. He explains how a lieutenant's driver was killed. He also explains his role as a sergeant. He talks…

Ushijima describes an encounter with friendly fire. He talks about the Gothic Line. He shares his knowledge of other languages. He discusses the end of World War Two. He talks about being recruited for the Pacific Theater. He describes his stay in…

Ushijima explains how he got into politics. He talks about being a senator for Hawaii. He explains his popularity as a senator. He discusses governor John Anthony Burns. He shares his biggest achievements as a senator. He describes his leadership…

Wada begins the interview talking about his family coming from Japan and settling in Redlands. He talks about growing up in the Redlands, having picnics, and only being allowed to go swimming after it had been cleaned. He grew up as a Christian and…

Wada continues talking about the evacuation orders, forcing them to leave their homes in San Diego and head to Santa Anita racetracks. They would take their personal belongings and live in unclean horse stables, with makeshift barracks and poor…

Wada talks about volunteering for the Army, getting married before getting his notice to report to basic training. He would be inducted at Salt Lake City, feeling proud and more American in the process. He would head to Camp Shelby in Mississippi,…

Wada discusses hearing about the death of his father after battling with leukemia, and then going from basic training to overseas. They would go from Camp Patrick Henry on a 30 day trek to Naples, where he would begin his combat. He talks about his…

Wada talks more about his war experiences, including a sad memory of a friend in the Army that died of a wound. After this, he talks about the Po Valley campaign and the famous trek up the mountain to break the Gothic Line. After this, he would…

Thomas Ukichi Wozumi is born July 24, 1918, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father Utaro Wozumi, and mother, Otsuru Yamamoto Wozumi are Issei from Japan. He has two older siblings, Mildred and James.

Thomas and his family live at Castle Estate…

Thomas Ukichi Wozumi discusses basic training and going to the Mainland to McCoy and Camp Shelby. Thomas changes from the regular Army to the 100th Battalion. There are differences between the Mainland soldiers and the Hawaiian soldiers. However,…

Thomas Ukichi Wozumi goes on leave to New York before going overseas. He shows an original menu he got from Miyako Restaurant in New York. Thomas departs on a cargo ship and lands in Iran and travels to Naples, France.

He recalls his first…

Thomas Ukichi Wozumi talks about his family's legacy of daughters and grandchildren. He also has great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandchild.

Thomas and his wife Frances recently went to Vegas, and sometimes he goes to the 100th Club. Thomas…

Yaguchi discusses his youth growing up in rural Washington. He talks about his family: father, siblings, stepmother. He discusses memories regarding: raising hogs, high school sports participation, holiday seasons, and Pearl Harbor attack.

K. Yaguchi shares recollections of evacuating home with his family and describes in detail the camp facilities. He also talks about his military training and early combat experiences in the Europe. He relays anecdotes regarding: segregation in…

K. Yaguchi talks about his combat experiences in the European Theater at Bruyeres and the Gothic Line. He shares anecdotes regarding: European civilians, getting military orders, viewing casualties, and time spent in between battle engagement. He…

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses growing up San Diego. He talks about his high school experiences and home life. He talks about his reaction to the Pearl Harbor attack and gives a summary of his military service.

Samuel Yamaguchi talks about his family moving in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack. He discusses moving to central California to join his uncle. He also describes moving to the Poston camp after Executive Order 9066.

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses his experiences in the military. He talks about enlisting, and waiting in Utah to get inducted. He also discusses visiting his family in Poston before shipping out for basic training.

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses his combat experiences and getting seriously injured. He talks about his injury and medical recovery. He also discusses how he was transferred out of the 442nd unit due to his injuries.

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses his military discharge and return home. He talks about his life after the war, and reflects on what his military service means to him. He talks about his opinion on the 9/11 conflict. He also diplays a photograph and talks…

Yamamoto discusses his parents and their immigration to the United States; talks about his father's employment; and tells some of his memories from childhood including his experiences during the Great Depression, working on a farm, friendships, and…

Yamamoto discusses his first impressions of Manzanar incarceration camp and talks about the living conditions there; as well as his employment working in a camouflage factory, hospital, and sugar beet farming in Idaho. He then talks about the loyalty…

Yamamoto discusses about his childhood and experiences at Manzanar Concentration Camp. He details about arriving overseas, his first experiences in combat, and the Lost Battalion. Yamamoto also discusses about the Champagne Campaign.

Yamamoto discusses about his combat experiences and his experiences in the service. He details about the Nisei units. Yamamoto also discusses about his post-war life,

The interview begins with Paul Yamashita talking about his life, growing up in Hakalau Hawaii on a sugarcane plantation. He would attend regular and Japanese school and enjoyed playing games with friends and pounding mochi on New Years. Next, he…

Yamashita talks more about his time at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. There, he see segregation of races for the first time and talks about some of the experiences he had there. He also talks about meeting Earl Finch and how generous he was towards the…

Yamashita discusses the fighting between the Hawaiian and mainland soldiers, until Earl Finch decided to take some of the Hawaiian soldiers to the American concentration camps to show them what the mainland soldiers were going through. After that,…

Yamashita talks more about his war experiences, including going through France, taking heavy casualties and complete darkness in the Vosges Mountains. There, he would see the power of the German snipers and the courage of the non-commissioned…

Yamashita talks about his whereabouts during the end of the war. At the time of the V-J day, he was guarding German prisoners of war in Italy but would get the chance to come home due to the points system. He would ship back to the Hawaii, but would…

Yamate discusses growing up in Los Angeles and talks about attending school, his neighborhood, his father’s produce market; and recreational activities such as his involvement with a boys club, going to camp, attending dances, and playing basketball.…

Yamate discusses getting drafted and going to Fort Warren where he had duties as a guard. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor, getting married, and provides some thoughts regarding receiving his draft notice. Next, he talks about his son…

Yamate discusses the terminology when it comes to talking about relocation centers vs. concentration camps; and talks about his experiences in the barracks when President Roosevelt visited Fort Riley. He then talks about his experiences at Camp…

Yamate talks about his duties as a sergeant in the mortar section while at Fort Riley; discusses his hospital stays in Leghorn due to hepatitis and pneumonia; and talks about the Army point system. He then talks about his supply sergeant duties,…

Yamate discusses his duties as a supply sergeant; talks about organizing and attending reunions; and discusses visiting his wife and son while they were incarcerated at Poston. He then talks about sending money to his wife while he was overseas,…

Yamate discusses his duties guarding German POWs in Georgia; talks about the relationship between the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd Regimental Combat Team; discusses the Lost Battalion rescue; and talks about returning to the United States. He…

Yamate discusses his father including talking about his employment as a carpenter on a plantation on Kauai, and as the owner of a general store. He then talks about his own business which was a fishing and gardening store he opened post-war; and…

Yamate discusses joining ROTC while at the University of Hawaii; talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor; and discusses the formation of the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV). He then talks about his work as a carpenter and chauffeur for the Department…

Yamate talks about some of his fellow officers; discusses his assignment typing up articles; and talks about his experiences at basic training at Camp Shelby. He then talks about his experiences getting a pass to travel to New Orleans and…

Yamate discusses his overseas assignment writing reports; talks about his experiences at Bruyeres; and discusses soldiers who were killed in action. He then describes a few close calls he had in Italy; talks about civilians he met in Nice; and…

Yamate describes some methods for catching squid; shows and describes documents such as an Army morning report, news articles, and newspaper cartoon; and shows a portrait of himself in uniform.

Yoshida discusses his family and childhood. He details his life after high school graduation, Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Yoshida also discusses about his experiences at Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center and Amache Concentration Camp. He…

Yoshida discusses about his experiences at Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp. He details about his experiences at Camp Shelby and relationship with his squad-mates. Yoshida also discusses about his experiences as a cook while serving in Europe.

Yoshida discusses his family and the end of the war. He details about his discharge and post-war life. Lastly Yoshida discusses about the units Medal of Honor upgrades, the legacy of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and leaves a message to future…

Yoshii discusses his parents experiences and his father's restaurants. He talks about his years in primary and secondary school. Yoshii briefly discusses the attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He describes his life after he was drafted. He…

Yoshii talks about what happened to his family after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He describes his life while stationed in Fort Warren. He discusses discrimination in the military. He explains his experiences while stationed in Nebraska. He talks…

Yoshii describes the type of music that he liked during wartime. He talks about his military training. Yoshii discusses his journey to Italy. He also describes his combat experiences in France and Italy.

Yoshii describes the weaponry that he used. He also briefly talks about his arm injury. Yoshii discusses the mission to rescue the Lost Battalion. He describes the 441st regiment and the lives that were lost during the Lost Battalion rescue mission.…

Yoshii talks about the celebrities that visited injured soldiers in his hospital during the war. He continues to discuss his recovery time in the hospital. Yoshii describes how he reunited with his family and settled into the Bay Area. He explains…

Yoshii talks about the artillery and weaponry used during the war. He describes the funny moments that happened on the war front. Yoshii explains conflicts with Hawaiian soldiers. He discusses his relationships with French locals. He explains various…

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