Browse Items (863 total)


Nakada recounts his family?s background, experiences growing up on a farm, the personal character of his mother and father and being punished as a child. He continues with the familial make up including his siblings, and early farm life. Nakada…

Nakada gives details about his early work experience, namely working as a farmhand. Next, he discusses his brother's education and time spent mining for silver outside of Las Vegas. Next, we hear about his experiences working in Alaska, and of his…

During this portion of the interview, Henry Nakada offers details in regards to his military experience, namely, basic training and being transferred from Fort Sheridan to Camp Shelby. In addition, Henry discusses the tensions between Hawaiian and…

During this portion of the interview, Henry Nakada gives details regarding his military experience, namely being wounded in action. Next, we hear about Henry's overall combat experience, as well as his experiences encountering the Lost Battalion.…

During this portion of the interview, Henry Nakada gives details regarding his brother's military experience and most importantly, how his mother dealt with having seven boys serving in the military. Next, Henry offers a great amount of detail…


Nakamura begins the interview talking about being born in America and quickly being moved to Japan as a child, where he would spend the next 8 years of his childhood. It was there that he would learn the culture of Japan and begin his elementary…

Nakamura discusses arriving in Japan and exploring Tokyo before joining the 11th Airborne in Sendai. Once in Sendai, he was sent to Shiogama to join the 188th regiment where they would patrol around and investigate for weapons that could be used…

Nakamura continues his recollection of his time visiting Hiroshima and how the Japanese there were very welcoming to him. Next, he speaks about his discharge from the Army and staying in Tokyo to work as a civilian. He first joined the Civil…


Namba discusses his siblings; and talks about his parents immigrating to the United States from Japan, his father's work as a farmer, and his mother's education in Japan. He then talks about traditional Japanese family values; his father's…

Namba discusses his childhood and post-war experiences with racism and discrimination. He then provides some thoughts about what the Pledge of Alligence and United States national anthem mean to him; discusses his childhood ambitions and heroes; and…

Namba talks about his family's forced removal including discussing the items he was allowed to take and what he had to leave behind. He then talks about some of his family's items that were lost after his father returned from incarceration camp; and…

Namba talks about leaving Minidoka to go to Fort Douglas for induction; describes barbed wire; and talks about basic training at Camp Blanding and Camp Shelby. He then talks about his brother's military service; traveling overseas on the Queen Mary;…

Namba discusses a Sergeant who was killed in action, as well as other soldiers who were wounded and killed in action when a mine was set off during a night patrol. He then discusses how war is portrayed in movies and television; provides some…

Namba discusses his post-war experiences with discrimination in Oregon and talks about a local pastor who showed kindness to Japanese Americans during that time. He then talks about his brother's military experiences including his involvement as part…

Nishibayashi begins the interview with an introduction of his family and how they came from Kumamoto to Hawaii. He would grow up in a plantation village, where he would attend Japanese language school as well as normal english school. He enjoyed…

Nishibayashi continues his recollection of his language training at Presidio and his thoughts about what to expect in an occupation. While shipping to Yokohama, he would enjoy a furlough in Hawaii before getting into Japan to begin his time there.…

Nishimoto talks about his parents, religion, and his family’s businesses. He then talks about his siblings, the assistance his family received from a lawyer, and some of his experiences with discrimination growing up. Next, Nishimoto discusses…

Nishimoto talks about his family’s forced removal and what happened to his family’s store and property during that time; living conditions and life at Fresno temporary detention facility; playing in a band while in an incarceration camp; and his…

Nishimoto discusses his experiences at Fort Snelling taking interpreters courses, and being sent to Japan as a typist. He then talks about the importance of education and hard work; how he met his wife; and his experiences working with schools and…

Nishimoto describes his duties as a typist and interpreter in Japan; discusses spending time traveling to cities such as Kamakura and Chugoku; and talks about Japanese civilians he met. Lastly, Nishimoto provides some thoughts about his legacy, and…

Nishimura discusses his reaction to landing in Yokohama and duties as part of the bomb survey team in occupation Japan. He shares some interview questions and answers from his survey with women and housewives. Nishimura also recalls the aftermath of…

Nishimura discusses his free time, visiting relatives, and contact with Japanese citizens. He discloses why Japan lost the war with the United States and the objective of the bomb survey team. He contributes the success of occupation to the Kibei. …


Nukuto discusses about his family. He details about moving to Japan and his experiences while there. Nukuto also discusses about his educational experiences.

Nukuto discusses about more growing up in Japan. He details about returning to the Untied States. Nukuto also discusses about his life once returning to the United States.

Nukuto discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor, being drafted, and his experiences in Kansas. He details about his parents incarceration. Nukuto also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby, in Italy, and going to Japan.

Nukuto discusses about his experiences in Japan. He details about meeting his wife and living in Chicago. Nukuto also gives a message to future to future generations.

Ogawa discusses about his childhood. He details about his family and foster family. Ogawa also discusses about his schooling.

Ogawa discusses about his foster family. he details about his childhood, geopolitics, and being an American. Ogawa also discusses about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and joining the Army.

Ogawa discusses about joining the Army and the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about traveling to Arkansas and basic training. Ogawa also discusses about the Nisei units and first assignment stateside.

Ogawa discusses his experiences at Camp Shelby and visiting Jerome Concentration Camp. He details his combat experiences, helping others, the Lost Battalion, and coming home. Ogawa also discusses about medals and a close calls.

Ogawa discusses about combat and experiences in Europe. He reflects on The Lost Battalion and coming home. Ogawa also discusses about his post-war life.

Ogawa discusses about his post-war life and gives a message to future generations. Yuri discusses about she and James met. She also discusses about the importance of Nisei, Manzanar Concentration Camp, and reflects on life experiences.

Ohama discusses his grandfather's life in Japan and his immigration to the United States; as well as his childhood relationship with his grandfather and his grandfather's personality. He then talks about his father including his personality and…

Ohama talks about playing sports; and discusses his high school social life, hobbies, food, and socioeconomic status. He then talks about his relationship with his mother; high school graduation; and religion including discussing how Christianity…

Ohama defines "evacuation" and discusses his thoughts and feelings regarding forced removal. He then describes barbed wire; talks about leaving his belongings behind; discusses the reasons why his family sold their farm; and talks about traveling to…

Ohama describes a Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR); discusses the duties of an interrogator; talks about the end of the war and getting sent to Japan; and discusses the goals of an interpreter. He then talks about his experiences in Japan including his…

Oishi begins the interview with his family background and moving to Hawaii from Hiroshima. He would grow up in Kona, Hawaii working at the family farm and then for his aunt at her grocery store, all while attending school and Japanese language…

Oishi continues his recollection of his time arriving in Japan during the military occupation. He would arrive in Yokosuka and head to Camp Zama, where he would see the devastation of Tokyo and the conditions for the Japanese civilians. Next, he…

In this interview, Oka describes begins by describing his experience as a school-aged Japanese-American boy growing up in Okayama Japan. When he was a teenager, he longed to return to the United States as his brothers had, and was opposed to the idea…

In this short segment, Oka is asked to provide a few details about stories told earlier in the interview. He also recounts the death of his younger brother in an air raid on Christmas Eve, 1944. The final minutes of the interview ask Oka to speak…

Oka discusses living in pre-war Japan. He details about his duties while in the Philippines and arriving in Japan. Oka also discusses his duties while in Japan and his interactions with Japanese citizens.

Oka discusses the translation process and helping the Japanese citizens. He details about culture differences and reflects on time that he spent in Japan. Oka also gives advice to the United States Army regarding occupation.

Oka discusses his observations while in Occupied Japan. He details about his interactions with Japanese citizens. Oka also discusses his work with the Military Intelligence Service.

Oka, a native of Hawaii, describes witnessing the attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent government and military presence in his family's home, including the monitoring of his brother's shortwave radio and the FBI's interest in his knowledge of…

Oka discusses more about his experiences in Occupied Japan. He details about his family and how he ended up in Ohio. Oka also discusses about the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV), Aikido, and his name and citizenship.

Okumura begins the interview talking about his whereabouts when the war ended and Japan surrendered and his thoughts on the atomic bomb. At the time, he was already in the Army and had gone through his training, so he was sent overseas to begin his…

Okumura talks about his marriage that began before the war, and some of his experiences while in Okinawa. Next, he talks more about reconstruction of Japan, including improving housing systems. He discusses being sansei and how he considers himself…

Okusa begins the interview speaking about his time living in Japan as a child. He would attend middle school and high school before going back to the United States. Next, he talks about the end of the war and going to the occupied Japan to begin work…

Okusa discusses his position as an interrogator during occupied Japan. During his assignments there, he would interrogate a lot of prisoners of war to obtain as much information as possible to send back to the NYK building in Tokyo. He would end up…

Ono discusses about being assigned to the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), CIC training, and gives a brief overview and timeline of his military service. He details about his duties during the Allied Occupation of Japan, interaction with civilians,…

Bright and Sam Onoda begin the interview speaking of how their parents came to the United States from Oita, and began work in the Washington area. Their father would at the lumber mill until his untimely death, while their mother would put her faith…

Bright and Sam continue their recollection of the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Their stepfather would be taken in by the FBI and they had to continue working until they heard about Executive Order 9066. With that, they were forced to evacuate their…

Bright and Sam discuss their time after the Army, Bright becoming an anesthesiologist. They finish with a message for future generations.

Oshiro shares his parents immigration story. He talks about his siblings. He discusses his birthplace and his childhood community. He shares his earliest memories. He talks about his family's farm work on a plantation. Oshiro describes what he did in…

Oshiro continues to talks about Japanese language school. He discuses his religious upbringing. He talks about his experiences while in high school and post-high school. He describes Pearl Harbor before World War Two. Oshiro discusses his carpentry…

Oshiro continues to discuss volunteering for the military. He describes his journey to Camp Shelby. He talks about being assigned to a unit. He briefly talks about his basic training. He describes the relationship between the Hawaiian soldiers and…

Oshiro talks about landing in Naples, Italy and his journey through Italy. He explains his interactions with the 100th Infantry Battalion. He describes his first combat experience. He discusses his military assignments. He talks about his role in the…

Oshiro continues to discuss his work with gliders. He explains how he was injured. He talks about rejoining his unit after he recovered from his injury. He explains how he communicated with his family while he was overseas. Oshiro briefly talks about…

Oshiro continues to talk about his veteran reunion trip to Europe. He talks about the horrors of war and his friends who were killed in action. He discusses his military decorations. He describes his return to the United States. Oshiro describes the…

Oshiro begins the interview with a short introduction and talking about his whereabouts during the Japanese surrender during World War Two. Next, he talks about his childhood, growing up in Hawaii and being brought up with a heavy influence of…

Oshiro continues speaking on his time in occupied Japan and the language training that he received once he arrived there. He talks about the conditions of the Japanese civilians and the struggles that they faced on a daily basis. He talks about the…

After his time in occupied Japan, Oshiro would be discharged from the Army, as he wanted to pursue his higher education. He discusses the success of the occupation and the role of Nisei linguists and why that model should be used in future…

Oshiro finishes up the interview with a few experiences he had while living in occupied Japan. He talks about a nurse that committed suicide, a Soviet prisoner-of-war they found dead, and climbing Mt.Fuji during a fog. He also talks about traveling…


Ozaki discusses his upbringing in Long Beach. Ozaki also talks about his friendships with people of other ethnicities and his siblings. He also talks about trips to Little Tokyo and his encounter with a samurai. Ozaki discusses his religious…

Ozaki talks about his experiences while attending college. Ozaki explains how the Attack on Pearl Harbor affected his family. He goes on to discuss his time living and working in Manzanar Concentration Camp. Ozaki reveals that he worked in Conrad,…

Yoji Ozaki describes what life was like in the Jerome Concentration Camp. Ozaki explains what happened after he was drafted into the Army and he talks about his voyage to France. He describes what life was like oversees when he was serving with the…

Ozaki talks about his experiences on the Gothic Line. He goes on to talk about his V-E Day experiences in Genoa. Ozaki also talks about the legacy of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.

Ozaki discusses his travels and experiences in Europe immediately following the war. He talks about getting married and his children. Ozaki explains his career choices and how he tries to promote Japanese American history. He also discusses how he…

Peterson discusses his father and his immigration to the United States from Sweden; talks about his mother; discusses speaking Swedish at home; and discusses his childhood including talking about religion, his community, classmates, and his…
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