Browse Items (572 total)


Photo of soldiers on board ship, labelled as "at Inchon, Korea"

Photo of soldiers on a boat in the Yellow Sea

Photo of a patrol boat in Yokohama Harbor

Photo from on a ship of the ocean

Overhead photo of dock with band performing

Photo of soldiers on a ship

Overhead photograph of dock after soldiers have boarded the ship

Photo of soldiers boarding a ship heading to Korea

Photo of a soldier posing in a dry cleaning laundry press. He is labelled as Lt. Henry Seigert (?)

Photo of three soldiers leaning on a wall, the one on the left is labelled but the text is unreadable, the one in the middle is labelled as Takuta

Photo of troops marching through Cam Drake to mess hall

Photo of troops walking at Camp Drake

Photo of the exterior of the Post Exchange building with soldiers sitting out front

Photo of the Camp Drake Officers Mess building

Photo of building (BOQ - Bachelor Officer Quarters) at Camp Drake

Photo of map of South Camp Drake

Photo of Lt. Yeo Takuta sleeping on a plane

Photo of soldiers in airplane smiling

Photo from an airplane of the ocean and clouds

Photo of people boarding a "California Eastern Airway" plane" on Wake Island

Photo of three soldiers outside a building on Wake Island

Photograph of a long empty road on Wake Island

Photo from inside a grounded airplane of Wake Island

Overhead photo of Wake Island

Photo of clouds and the ocean from an airplane

Photograph through a chain link fence of two planes

Blurry photograph of an interior room at Travis Air Force Base

Photograph of parking lot with cars in the background. Text reads "Off to Travis AFB or S.F. from Stoneman."

A group of soldiers walking down the street in Pittsburg, California

Four soldiers walking and talking down the street in Pittsburg California. The man on the left is labelled as Haggert and the man on the far right is labelled but it is ineligible

Photo of a Camp Stoneman with a group gathered in the background

Photo of the exterior of the mail room at Camp Stoneman

Two soldiers walking through Camp Stoneman

Ikemoto, Mildred: donor

Color photograph of Henry Ikemoto in uniform leaning in front of a building

Color photograph of Henry Ikemoto smiling in green uniform in front of green mountain

Color photograph of Henry Ikemoto in uniform holding his hat in his hand. Another soldier, wearing the 25th Infantry Division insignia puts his arm around Henry's shoulder

Color photograph of Henry Ikemoto shirtless in aviator style sunglasses typing on a typewriter

Color photograph of Henry Ikemoto smiling in green uniform in front of green mountain

Color photograph of Henry Ikemoto smiling in front of long building and green mountain

Close-up black and white portrait of Henry Ikemoto. Written on back: "Worun Ni Korea April 1952 with Turkish armed forces brigade"

Photo of two soldiers cooking in a pot over a flame

Photo of two soldiers in a jeep

Ikeguchi discusses the work done by the Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) and double agents; talks about his assignment during the Vietnam War; and discusses attending Counter-insurgency school and Vietnamese language school. He then talks about…

Following the Turlock, Ichikawa and his family were moved to the Gila River Concentration Camp, where he saw posters showing that the Army needed military volunteers who could speak Japanese and work as interpreters. Once approved, Ichikawa was…

Huberth discusses and reflects about the Lost Battalion. He details about Nisei soldiers and his other experiences in the 141st Infantry Regiment. Huberth also discusses about his post-war military experiences and his post-war life.

Hishinuma describes his proficiency in Japanese. He continues to talk about his experiences in Japanese language school. He continues to discuss his induction. He shares his feeling about leaving his home. He talks about the assignments given to…

Mr. Jack Hirose continues to describe Tom Holland, how he left Manzanar, and how he got drafted into service. He then goes on to describe basic training at Camp Croft, working for the training aid department, being honorably discharged, as well as…

Hariayama discusses about coming home and post-war life. He details about going to and his in Korea. Hirayama discusses about his employment and family.

In this segment, Benjamin Hazard speaks about some of his different experiences while serving in the military in Okinawa and Korea. He also talks about some of the initial tension that he had with some Nisei soldiers before talking about his decision…

Hamasu discusses his reasons for re-enlisting for the Army, attending radio repair school, and his assignments during the Korean War as a chief radio repairman for the 5th Regimental Combat Team. Hamasu also talks about what Korea was like when he…

Hamada discusses Operation Magpie and the role he played in it. He also details of what some of the Doolittle Flyers went through as prisoners of war. Hamada discusses his family.

Gustafson discusses joining the American Graves Registration Committee looking for missing in action soldiers. He details about his experiences during the Vietnam War. Gastafson discusses about his post-military life and employment.

Furuya continues to talk about his interpretation work during the Korean War. He talks about the 24th division. He explains how he met up with professional baseball players, he played with in the junior league, while stationed in Japan. Furuya…

Furuya continues to talk about his experiences in high school. He explains how he quit his job after enlisting. He talks about his work for the MIS during the Korean War. Furuya discusses being a second lieutenant in the 3rd division. He explains his…

During the Korean War, Harry Fukuhara worked in Counterintelligence Operations while in Japan. He talks about his 40 year military career in Military Intelligence. At the end of the video clip, he offers his advice to future generations.

In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara describes driving through Japan to reach Hiroshima, where he returned to his old house to find his Mother and Aunt. After helping his relatives in Hiroshima, he was discharged from service, but was able to return to…

Yoshito Fujimoto describes his second tour of duty in Japan, in which he worked undercover and spent time in Korea. He discusses his time in Japan after Korea, the reconstruction of Japan, and returning to California after his father's death. At the…

Fujii talks about the military equipment he used during the Korean War. He describes about how old the C-rations were during the Korean War. He continues to discuss his journey back to the United States. He talks about being reassigned at Fort Lewis.…

Fujii talks about his military training. He describes his unit's diversity, including GI George Washington. He discusses his journey to Korea. He talks about a rest period that he took in Tokyo, Japan. He describes the damage to Schofield Barracks.…

Fujii talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He describes his lifelong friendships. He discusses his penmanship. He explains how his family prepared their property for their forced removal. He talks about resuming his education…

Kazuo Fujii discusses returning home, and encountering some instances of racism around his hometown. Next, he talks about how he met his wife, and her background. Lastly, he gives a message for future generations, and provides some information on his…

Giovanna discusses the pros and cons of her interracial marriage. She talks about how she met her husband in post war Italy. She also talks about opposition she and her spouse faced from her family and the U.S. military. She also relays anecdotes…

Asato continues talking about his first combat while in Italy, at the Rome-Arno area. He talks about being able to see Florence from a distance and the tree bursts that could kill a soldier instantly. While there, he would get sick and end up in a…

Allman continues his in depth recollection of his time overseas in China during his second enlistment into the US Army, this time working for the American Graves Registry. He talks about various missions throughout Asia, searching different islands…

Akaki writes this letter to his sister about his latest excursion to Brenner Pass, stopping at different cities along the way. Some of these cities included Oberammergau, where they have the Passion Plays, and Garmisch-Partenkirchen, home of the 1936…

Akaki writes that he has not had much to do since the fighting ended in Europe. He went on a trip to see Adolf Hitler’s "hideout", and went swimming for the first time since his arrived in Italy. He writes that he has been considering applying to the…

Since the war had ended in Europe, Akaki writes to his sister about the work he has been doing in the occupied military areas in Germany. His time has been spent in basic training, travels to some of Germany’s cities, and movie watching. He received…

Akaki writes to his sister in the Granada, (Amache) Concentration Camp from Europe. He discusses the weather, his leisure activities including watching an American film, the current book he is reading and other daily activities. He writes of his…

Aizawa discusses being drafted and his experiences in Korea as a part of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He details about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service. Aizawa also discusses about the legacy of Nisei soldiers, goals,…

Abe discusses about his experiences being part the occupation force in Germany. He details about his post-war life. Able also comments about the changes in America, current events (2005), and gives a message to future generations.

Abe discusses about Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and getting kicked out. He details about some of his friends and his assignment with the Mobile Intelligence Training Unit (MITU). Abe also discusses about his experiences being part of the…
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