Tanigawa discusses about what his father experienced once he was arrested. He details about he final days in Japan and reflects on the time he spent on Japan. Tanigawa relates stories, such as how he found his wife and the one time he stepped into…
Tanaigawa discusses how the war affected his family. He details about his time in Chicago, knowing Jack Yasutake and the Tiki Terrance. Tanaigawa also describes a number photographs.
Tanigawa discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. He details about what he did during the occupation of Japan. Tanigawa also discusses about his time after he leaves the army.
Katayama discusses more his family. He details about the businesses in his hometown and the Mayor of Ogden, Utah. Katayama also discusses his life in Chicago.
Katayama discusses his family and what it was like growing up in Ogden, Utah. He details about how he volunteered for the army and his experiences while in the service. Katayama also discusses he experiences post-war.
Murakami discusses his early life and his experiences living in Shelley, Idaho. He details his life journey of how he ended up being a missionary. Murakami also discusses his role in occupied Japan and the relationship with his family and the…
Top and middle photographs of Mary Yamamoto Shimizu and George Shimizu posing next to an automobile. Bottom photograph of the Shimizus with friend holding golf clubs.
Top three photographs of Mary Yamamoto Shimizu and George Shimizu's vacation at the Grand Canyon. Bottom photographs of George Shimizu, in military uniform, and Mary Shimizu at a dinner in Chicago.
Masayasu discusses growing up in Sacramento and Martha discusses growing up in Portland. They both speak about their experiences with Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Masayasu details about his time in Japan during the Occupation. They both discuss…
Tanakatsubo discusses what it was like growing up being Japanese American living in California. He details how he ended up in MIS and his mindset along the way. Tanakatsubo also discusses his experiences on the Aleutian Islands. He reflects on the…
Shiozaki discusses getting wounded, Champagne Campaign, The Gothic Line, and his post-war experiences in Europe. He details about coming home and his post-war life. Mrs. Shiozaki gets interviewed and Shiozaki discusses about photographs.
Shiozaki discusses going overseas, landing in Italy, and life as an infantryman. He details about the Lost Battalion, The Gothic Line, and what made Nisei soldiers great. Shoizaki also discusses about General Clark and getting wounded.
Shiozaki discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about being drafted and his early experiences in the Army. Shiozaki also talks about the time he visited Japan in his youth.
Shiozaki discusses what it was like growing up in Westport, Oregon and his family. He details about his home life . Shiozaki also discusses about his schooling and father's job.
Westdale discusses about his experiences in Germany and his homecoming. He details about his post-war life and employment. Westdale also discusses about the legacy of Japanese American Soldiers.
Westdale discusses about camaraderie and his experiences in Germany. He details about the horrors of war, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini. Westdale also discusses about his experiences in France and in post-war Europe.
Westdale discusses his family, childhood, and friends. He details about traveling to and his experiences in Italy. Westdale also discusses about his experiences in combat, German Weaponry, The Lost Battalion, and religion.
Westdale discusses his experiences at Camp Shelby and his interactions with other Japanese Americans. He details about the letter his sister wrote that got him transferred to the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion. Westdale also discusses about weaponry…
Westdale discusses more about December 7, 1941 and its aftermath. He details about why he joined the army and his family's reaction to it. Westdale also discusses about some of his time in the Army Air Corps and about some of his experiences at Camp…
Westdale discusses his family and upbringing. He details about joining the Army Air Corps and his experiences in the Corps. Westdale also discusses about December 7, 1941 and the sentiment towards the Japanese in America.
Ishida discusses receiving a Purple Heart and other awards and medals; and shows and describes his honorable discharge papers and a document from President Truman praising him for his service. He then shows a Certificate of Recognition; and shows and…
Ishida discusses his hospital stay for an ingrown toenail which caused him to miss combat duty during the Gothic Line. He then talks about his experiences at Leghorn; his guard duty assignment; visiting Switzerland while on leave; getting discharged;…
Ishida discusses traveling overseas to Europe and his first experiences there; meeting up with the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd Regimental Combat Team; and his first combat experiences. He then talks about his guard duty assignment during the…
Ishida discusses traveling to Tanforan temporary detention facility and Topaz Concentration Camp; the security at Tanforan and Topaz; and his experiences at Topaz including living conditions, recreational activities, and Kibei. He then talks about…
Ishida discusses his parents and his father's employment; his siblings; and attending Japanese language school. He then talks about his mother; discusses the loyalty questionnaire he was given while incarcerated; getting drafted; his childhood home;…
Serikaku touches on a multitude of topics, including his rehabilitation, remembrance through the years and the various commemorations throughout Europe. For Stanley, it's important to keep the legacy of the 442nd alive and continue documenting and…
Serikaku finishes up recollection of the Rome-Arno campaign and speaks about various other aspects of the war including what it's like to be shot, german guns, and uphill battles. He also talks about his feelings towards his men and keeping tabs on…
Serikaku gives his first-hand fighting experience throughout Europe. To begin, he speaks briefly of the differences between "buddha heads" and "kotonks". Following that, he discusses first arriving in Europe, training and guarding items on ships…
Stanley goes in depth on the training that was received prior to going to Europe. The training began in Mississippi, where Hawaiians and mainland soldiers were first introduced to one another, resulting in slight attitude from both sides. Serikaku…
Serikaku begins by discussing his early life living in Libertyville, Hawaii in Oahu (present day Kahaluu). He speaks about his parents background and their thoughts on American loyalty even before Pearl Harbor. Next, he talks about his experiences…
Nukuto discusses about his experiences in Japan. He details about meeting his wife and living in Chicago. Nukuto also gives a message to future to future generations.
Nukuto discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor, being drafted, and his experiences in Kansas. He details about his parents incarceration. Nukuto also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby, in Italy, and going to Japan.
Nukuto discusses about more growing up in Japan. He details about returning to the Untied States. Nukuto also discusses about his life once returning to the United States.
Nukuto discusses about his family. He details about moving to Japan and his experiences while there. Nukuto also discusses about his educational experiences.
Yoshimoto discusses about his time in Japan during the occupation. He also details about meeting Tojo Hideki. Yoshimoto discusses his life once he was discharged from the Army.
Yoshimoto discusses how he ended up joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He also details he experiences in MIS before heading to Japan. Yoshimoto discusses his voyage to and arrival in Japan.
Yoshimoto discusses his childhood and what it was like growing up in Seattle, Washington. He discusses he experience being drafted into the Army. Yoshimoto also discusses his family.
Kaihara compares the 100th to the 442nd. He tells some stories about his time in the 100th. He describes his marriage and family. Kaihara talks about his post-war life. He discusses his civic engagements and he gives his final thoughts
Thomas Kaihara recounts his first combat experiences. He describes the horrors of war. He talks about the Battle of Monte Cassino. Kaihara describes his injuries and he gives his reflections on the 100th. He also reflects on what it means to be an…
Kaihara describes Tule Lake and how his father died. He discusses the senninbari that he received from his mother. Kaihara reveals what he thinks about the No-no boys. He goes on to talk about the formation of the 100th. He describes Camp McCoy and…
Kaihara continues to talk about his high school experiences. He also describes his high school graduation. He discusses his work as a cadre in Hawaii. Kaihara describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He reveals that his father passed away at Tule Lake.
Kaihara discusses his parents origins. He talks about his community and primary school experiences. He also explains what he did with his leisure time as a child. Thomas Kaihara talks about his relationships with family members. He describes his…
Meyer continues to discuss about his time in Japan. Meyer discusses about his life after leaving the Army. He also details about returning to Japan on several occasions, years later.
Meyer discusses what is was like working with different groups of people. He also details about the time he spent stationed in Japan during the American Occupation. Meyer discusses his awareness of the American Concentration Camps.
Meyer discusses his family life and growing up in Chicago. He also details aspects about his education. Meyer discusses his experience with discrimination.
Ozaki discusses his travels and experiences in Europe immediately following the war. He talks about getting married and his children. Ozaki explains his career choices and how he tries to promote Japanese American history. He also discusses how he…
Ozaki talks about his experiences on the Gothic Line. He goes on to talk about his V-E Day experiences in Genoa. Ozaki also talks about the legacy of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.
Yoji Ozaki describes what life was like in the Jerome Concentration Camp. Ozaki explains what happened after he was drafted into the Army and he talks about his voyage to France. He describes what life was like oversees when he was serving with the…
Ozaki talks about his experiences while attending college. Ozaki explains how the Attack on Pearl Harbor affected his family. He goes on to discuss his time living and working in Manzanar Concentration Camp. Ozaki reveals that he worked in Conrad,…
Ozaki discusses his upbringing in Long Beach. Ozaki also talks about his friendships with people of other ethnicities and his siblings. He also talks about trips to Little Tokyo and his encounter with a samurai. Ozaki discusses his religious…
Hashimoto recalls a story about Sadao "Spud" Munemori, then briefly discusses the Asiatic Campaign, which he was not a part of. He then talks about getting discharged, traveling back to the United States, and moving to Chicago. In Chicago, Hashimoto…
Hashimoto discusses his experiences liberating Bruyeres, Biffontaine, and the rescue of the Lost Battalion. Hashimoto describes the rescue of the Lost Battalion, recalling the many casualties and what it was like fighting against German soldiers. He…
Hashimoto discusses his first combat experience in Anzio; and describes experiences in combat including the living conditions, being under attack, witnessing the death of soldiers and fellow comrades, going on patrols, liberating Italian cities, and…
Hashimoto discusses growing up in Santa Cruz, California and recalls helping his father with farming duties; and playing sports, including being a part of a Nisei baseball league. He then talks about his whereabouts during the attack on Pearl Harbor,…
In the final section, izui speaks about his discharge from the Korean War and going back to Chicago to open up his dentistry practice. He then discusses the redress and reparations that were given and the legacy within his family. Finally, the…
Izui discusses the end of World War II and the reaction to the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Next, he talks about the starting of his post-war life in Chicago and getting his degree out of the University of Illinois. He then speaks…
Izui recollects his experiences during the war including France and Italy. In one portion, he remembers saving a lost battalion with various divisions, sending in 800 men to save 200. He also discusses the trek his division took to make the Gothic…
Izui begins his recollection of the 28 day shipment to get to Naples, Italy via the Atlantic Ocean and the initial reactions to arriving in Europe. He talks about the first time he heard gunshots in the distance, and his first day in combat, treating…
Izui begins by continuing his recollection of being separated from his father and the strength of his mother during these hard times. He then speaks about loyalty to the United States, including the loyalty questionnaires, no-no boys and reporting…
Izui speaks about growing up in Seattle, Washington and it's Japanese community. He discusses his education from elementary to high school, experiencing subtle discrimination. After this, he talks about what it was like leading up to the war and…