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Terasaki discusses returning to the United States and landing in New York. He then talks about a welcome celebration for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team which included attending a baseball game and a dance. He also talks about Earl Finch, who was in…

Fujimoto talks about growing up in Los Angeles and describes his neighborhood. He then talks about his father's life in Japan and immigration to the United States; and his father's various jobs including his nursery business. Lastly, Fujimoto talks…

Fujimoto talks about his mother, his family's friendships with Japanese American families, typical meals at holiday celebrations, having asthma as a child, memorable teachers, and his art hobbies. He then talks about the impact World War Two had on…

Fujimoto discusses his childhood including traveling from Hawthorne to Los Angeles by car, speaking Japanese, and attending Japanese language school. He then talks about the different Japanese writing systems, describes his childhood home in…

Fujimoto discusses life and living conditions at Pomona temporary detention facility and Heart Mountain incarceration camp. He then talks about attending high school at Heart Mountain, his family's experiences traveling back to Los Angeles, his…

Fujimoto provides some thoughts about the 100th and 442nd including a story regarding a former classmate who was killed in action; and discusses his whereabouts when he heard about D-Day. He then talks about his experiences with discrimination in…

In this interview, Samuel Harano describes his early childhood in Hawaii and the tragic loss of his mother in a house fire. He recalls being sent to Japan where he spent his school years rebelling against an increasingly militaristic culture. Upon…

In the second part of his oral history interview, Samuel Harano recounts the constant skirmishes with the Japanese as they moved through the Burma jungle and interrogating prisoners. In particular, he goes into the importance of translating captured…


Sasai discusses his parents including retelling the story about how and why they immigrated to Hawaii. He also talks about his father's childhood, and discusses his grandfather on his mother's side. Next, Sasai talks about attending school; playing…

Sasai discusses his experiences in English standard school including talking about his classmates and teachers. He then talks about speaking Pidgin English, friendships, and his mother's travels to Japan. Next, Sasai, talks about childhood activities…

Sasai discusses the aftermath of Pearl Harbor and talks about Japanese community leaders getting picked up by the FBI. He then talks about volunteering for service; discusses the 100th Infantry Battalion and replacement soldiers; talks about training…

Sasai discusses about visiting Rohwer and Jerome Concentration Camps. He details about the relationship between Hawaiian and Mainland soldiers. Sasai also going overseas and first combat experiences.

Sasai talks about his experiences as an anti-tank gunner including describing what it was like to fire weapons and fire against German tanks. He then talks about his experiences while on patrol duty in Bruyeres, his litter bearer duties in France,…

Sasai talks about traveling back to the United States, and discusses his experiences as a sentry duty while traveling back to Hawaii. He then talks about his brother-in-law who was killed in action in Italy, discusses seeing his family for the first…

Tso discusses his family, childhood, and growing up on a Navajo Reservation. He details about his educational experiences. Tso also discusses about being drafted and all his training experiences.

Tso discusses about his journey home during and after the war. He details more about his experiences during survival training. Tso also discusses about his experiences in Iwo Jima and gives his thoughts on the atomic bombings.

Tso discusses revisiting Iwo Jima several times years later. He details about his post-war life and employment. Tsi also discusses about post-war Japan and South Korea. Lastly, Tso ends the interview by giving a message to future generations.

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses growing up San Diego. He talks about his high school experiences and home life. He talks about his reaction to the Pearl Harbor attack and gives a summary of his military service.

Samuel Yamaguchi talks about his family moving in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack. He discusses moving to central California to join his uncle. He also describes moving to the Poston camp after Executive Order 9066.

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses his experiences in the military. He talks about enlisting, and waiting in Utah to get inducted. He also discusses visiting his family in Poston before shipping out for basic training.

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses his combat experiences and getting seriously injured. He talks about his injury and medical recovery. He also discusses how he was transferred out of the 442nd unit due to his injuries.

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses his military discharge and return home. He talks about his life after the war, and reflects on what his military service means to him. He talks about his opinion on the 9/11 conflict. He also diplays a photograph and talks…

Tanamachi talks about her grandparents; and some of her mother's experiences including her childhood on Terminal Island, and her forced removal to Santa Anita temporary detention facility and Rohwer incarceration camp. She also talks about how her…

Tanamachi discusses a family friend who received a Congressional Medal of Honor, and talks about teaching grade school. She then talks about her activism work which involved changing the name of a road which previously had a derogatory name. She…

Kimoto discusses his family. He also details about life growing on coffee farms and sugar plantations.

Kimoto continues to discuss life on coffee farms and sugar plantations. Kimoto details more about his family life. He also discusses his education experiences and one of his favorite teachers.

Kimoto discusses his experience with Japanese Language School. Kimoto details about finding out about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He also discusses about his experiences with the Kibei.

Kimoto details the process of volunteering for The 442nd. Kimoto discusses his journey from Hawaii to San Fransisco and from San Fransisco to Mississippi. He also discusses about his time at Camp Shelby and in Mississippi.

Kimoto discusses the relationship among the Hawaiians and the Mainlanders, as well as the relationship with the officers. Kimoto also details about arriving in Italy and his early combat experiences in Italy. He discusses the realities of war.

Kimoto details his experience from the Battle of Hill 140. He also discusses his combat experience while in France. Kimoto describes the nuisance of German artillery.

Kimoto discusses how he went blind. Kimoto details how he met his wife and some of the adversity he faced for being Japanese. He also discusses he career as a Fuller Brush Man.

Kimoto details how he ended up in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Kimoto discusses how he occasionally gets lost. He also discusses the lessons learned from the way the Japanese Americans were treated during World War Two.

Photograph of Santa Maria Del Fiore Cathedral in Florence, Italy.

Sarb Tanaka in kneeling in front of grape vines.

Photo of three soldiers cooking, labeled as Sato (Honolulu), Tamichi (Honolulu), and Kanemoto (Florin)

2 page spread of Satoru Nakamura's 1943 442nd Album with a written caption pointing to a photograph of Satoru

Satoru Nakamura portrait stamps.

Top photograph: [Satoru Nakamura] in front of the Go for Broke Memorial at Camp Shelby; Bottom photograph: [Satoru Nakamura] with friends in front of Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans.

The Enlisted Record and Report of Separation Honorable Discharge papers of Satoru Nakamura. Presented the Separation Center at Fort Dix, New Jersey on 23 November 1945.

Satoru Nakamura's furlough papers authorizing him to visit Chicago, IL and Portland, Maine, while he was stationed at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.

Article and photograph about (Military Intelligence Service Language School) school dance band.

Front row, L to R: pianist Tec 5 Roy Endo, leader and vocalist Tec 5 Harold Noguchi, guitarist Tec 5 Larry Tamanaha, reed section Tec 5 George Suzuki,…

Photo of a railroad beside the sea

Photo of a small village near a lake with mountains in the background

Photo of HQ Co Security Platoon standing in rank

Photo of Security Platoon standing in the snow

Seian Hokama describes his family's history, his childhood growing up in Okinawa, and his return to Hawaii as a young adult. Hokama recounts being drafted into the military before Pearl Harbor and being recruited for the Military Intelligence Service…

Hoashi talks in depth about his family and the relationship he had with his grandparents. As he was adopted and his mother had re-married, Seichi was brought up by his grandparents in Kauai, running a boarding house. He talks also about his knowledge…

Hoashi discusses more about growing up on Kauai. At the age of 12, he would begin working at McBride plantation during the summers. He also talks about the impactful people he knew during this period of time. From there, he gives us his whereabouts…

Hoashi discusses his reasons for joining the Army, and the process of induction, getting assigned to a company and getting shipped over to Mississippi. While at Camp Shelby, he would experience segregation in the South while doing his basic training.…

Hoashi talks about his first combat overseas at Anzio Beach and moving up to the Mussolini canal. After this, he talks about his other experiences throughout the war, including the leadership of Thomas Takei, getting German soldiers to surrender, and…

Hoashi talks about the lessons that he learned during the war and from combat. After that, he tells about the awards that he received after he was discharged, including the Bronze Star. He would head back home to Kauai, where he would be reunited…

Seichi Sakaida serves with the 442nd in K Company. He is born July 9, 1922, in Ookala, HI. At a young age, his family moves to Molokai, and he grows up on the plantations. Seichi's parents are from Yamaguchi Kan prefecture in Japan and his mother is…

Seichi Sakaida discusses his leaders and squad members. He is in basic training for almost a year before deployment overseas. He lands in Naples, Italy. Seichi is in K Company and the mortar pool unit. His duty is to support the infantrymen.…

Kagawa discusses growing up in Waimea, family, and his educational experiences. He details about why he volunteered for the army and what he remembers about December 7, 1941. Kagawa also discusses the events after Pearl Harbor.

Kagawa discusses his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. He details about heading overseas and when he realized "this is war". Kagawa also discusses the duties of Headquarters Company, paying respect to deceased German soldiers, and the Battle…

Kagawa discusses more about the Battle of Monte Cassino. He details about rest and relaxation, gaining replacements, and receiving a unit citation. Kagawa also discusses about the Arno Campaign and heading into France.

Kagawa discusses about his experiences in Bruyeres. He details about being wounded and the recovery process. Kagawa also discusses about his life after returning to Hawaii.

Kagawa reflects on the war and gives a message to future generations. He details about the legacy of Nisei soldiers. Kagawa also shows some newspaper articles that his saved.

This interview was conducted in tandem with Chiye Watanabe and Henry Hayashi

This interview was conducted in tandem with Chiye Watanabe and Henry Hayashi.

This interview was conducted in tandem with Chiye Watanabe and Henry Hayashi.

This interview was conducted in tandem with Chiye Watanabe and Henry Hayashi.

This interview was conducted in tandem with Chiye Watanabe and Henry Hayashi.

Shimomura discusses his father including the origin of his name, his fishing hobby, and his immigration from Japan. He then talks about his parents' education and employment in Japan, as well as their disposition and his mother's love for baking.…

Shimomura discusses his family's business in Japan; commuting to school; and talks about his childhood including discussing his neighborhood, friendships, recreational activities, and playing sports. Next, Shimomura talks about speaking both English…

Shimomura talks about pre-war Japan including describing an incident involving an officers rebellion in Tokyo; and talking about restrictions and rations. He then talks about attending school in Japan and the Japanese school system; learning about…

Shimomura talks about joining the Japanese Navy while he was a medical student; and discusses basic training, duties during an air raid in Yokohama, and his assignments in Navy hospitals. He then talks about the end of the war, discusses the bombing…

Shimomura discusses receiving a post-war scholarship from United States Army Government Aid and Relief in Occupied Areas (GARIOA). He then talks about his experiences working in the medical profession including working in hospitals in New York and…

Aizawa discusses about his family and the community he grew up in. He details about his childhood and home life. Aizawa also discusses about being American, schooling, and the Great Depression.

Aizawa discusses his childhood. He details about the aftermath Pearl Harbor and forced removal. Aizama also discusses about his experiences in the Tanforan Temporary Detention Facility.

Aizawa discusses about his experiences at Tanforan Temporary Detention Facility. He details about his experiences at Topaz Concentration Camp. Aizawa also discusses about his experiences with prejudices, D-Day, V-E Day, and his schooling.

Aizawa discusses being drafted and his experiences in Korea as a part of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He details about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service. Aizawa also discusses about the legacy of Nisei soldiers, goals,…

Aizawa discusses in the Korea. He details about his experiences in the military. Aizawa also discusses about his family.

Oshiro shares his parents immigration story. He talks about his siblings. He discusses his birthplace and his childhood community. He shares his earliest memories. He talks about his family's farm work on a plantation. Oshiro describes what he did in…

Oshiro continues to talks about Japanese language school. He discuses his religious upbringing. He talks about his experiences while in high school and post-high school. He describes Pearl Harbor before World War Two. Oshiro discusses his carpentry…

Oshiro continues to discuss volunteering for the military. He describes his journey to Camp Shelby. He talks about being assigned to a unit. He briefly talks about his basic training. He describes the relationship between the Hawaiian soldiers and…

Oshiro talks about landing in Naples, Italy and his journey through Italy. He explains his interactions with the 100th Infantry Battalion. He describes his first combat experience. He discusses his military assignments. He talks about his role in the…

Oshiro continues to discuss his work with gliders. He explains how he was injured. He talks about rejoining his unit after he recovered from his injury. He explains how he communicated with his family while he was overseas. Oshiro briefly talks about…
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