Browse Items (968 total)

Miyamoto talks about his siblings, living in a boarding house after high school, and his job as a foreman at an experiment station. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath including blackout restrictions, and his experiences…

Miyamoto talks about his medics training, his experiences going to Hattiesburg, and his relationship with Mainland soldiers. He then talks about going to Missouri for training at a hospital; traveling overseas; describes what he carried as a medic;…

Miyamoto discusses interactions he had with wounded soldiers at Hill 140 while on medic duty; discusses transporting and treating wounded soldiers; and talks about combat experiences after Hill 140. He then talks about casualties; getting wounded and…

Miyamoto describes the term, “million dollar wound”; talks about treating civilians in Bruyeres and treating wounded Germans; and his experiences in forests in France. He then provides some thoughts about the Lost Battalion rescue; discusses medical…

Miyamoto recalls his experiences at various military encampments including Camp Robinson in Arkansas, and Camps Carson and Hale in Colorado. His family was incarcerated at Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp, and he recalls being denied access to…

Miyamoto describes his survival strategies at various military bases on the U.S. Mainland. He was valued for his skill as payroll and personnel officer and then he transferred to Camp Hale from Camp Carson. He did not encounter discrimination for…

Miyamoto finishes the story of joining the 442nd two weeks behind schedule because of a mistake in communications. He and his platoon narrowly avoided being sent into the Battle of the Bulge, and then, due to late arrival in Italy, they were spared…

Miyamoto describes learning about the War's end while in Italy when a military aircraft dropped leaflets on his Jeep convoy. He then recounts searching and dispossessing the many German Prisoners of War and waiting for a long time to leave Europe for…

Miyamoto continues speaking about his various experiences overseas, including interactions with German prisoners-of-war. He also talks about Ted Tanouye and the difference between American and German weapons. Next, he would be discharged from the…

Miyamoto continues his recollection of growing up on Hilo, where his pidgin English was heavy and his normal English was inconsistent. After graduation from high school, he and his family would move to Kalihi on Oahu. It was there that he would see…

Miyasato discusses about growing up in Littleton, Colorado. He details about the draft process and basic training. Miyasato also discusses about his experiences in

Miyashiro discusses his childhood including his community and neighborhood; friendships; and how he got his nickname. He then talks about his father's employment as a taxi driver, his mother's death, his siblings, attending Japanese language school,…

Miyashiro talks about his interest in opera. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He explains how he volunteered for the military. He discusses the induction process. He recites his serial number. He talks about his interactions…

Miyashiro explains his family's means of transportation in Hawaii. He talks about his arrival in Europe. He describes what he did with his military pass. He discusses preparing for combat and his first time in combat. He explains how his unit…

Miyashiro talks about the food that he found in a German soldiers foxhole. He describes how his unit liberated Bruyères, France. He discusses no man's land. He explains how he volunteered for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He talks about the…

Frank Mizufuka was assigned to F Company within the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. F Company, along with L Company, were a part of the O'Connor Task Force, which carried out secret missions during the Battle of Bruyeres. He describes the journey…

Frank Mizufuka talks about his experience with the bazooka team in F Company for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He also describes his encounters with German soldiers, and German prisoners of war. Frank was wounded on the front lines when a German…

Mizuki discusses his family and growing up on Kahului. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Mizuki also discusses volunteering and his experiences at Camp Shelby. He also details about his combat experiences and captured as a Prisoner of…

Cover of an extensive photo journal of 442nd Regimental Combat Team in European Theater. Has the outline of Italy engraved on it. Red with gold borders.

Original 442nd RCT pin. 442nd logo. "Go For Broke" on banner under 442nd logo.

100th Battalion logo. Shaped like a shield, half white with green leaf, half blue with Trojan helmet. The 100th Battln. was the 1st Battln. of the 442nd RCT. Also known as "One Puka Puka" ['puka' means hole in Hawaiian.]

Colonel Charles W. Pence, former 442nd Team Commander.

Colonel Virgil R. Miller, present 442nd Team Commander.

Written at bottom of photo: "On the west coast the 442nd and 473rd entered Genca. PWs marched the other way. 442nd marching through Rome."

"No. 96536. This is to certify that [Hiroshi Mizuki] is a member in good standing of the Fifth Army Association. Certified on June 30, 1945 by Lt. General L.K. Truscott, Jr." Stamped with Fifth Army Association logo.

"442nd RCT sign in Ghedi, Italy". Sign has "Go For Broke" logo. Surrounding area is barren with mountain landscape in background. Some soldier in background next to military jeeps.

442nd RCT "Go For Broke" Club American Red Cross sign in Ghedi, Italy. Arrow below pointing to the right. A military truck in the background on the left. Dirt field with trees on outer rim.

"Yasunori Degichi". 3rd Platoon Tech Sgt.

"Jun Honda". 2nd Scout of 442nd RCT.

"Frank Ichimoto". Rifleman in 442nd RCT. Left arm possibly in cast. Plants in background.

"Joe Nagata". BAR man in 442nd RCT. Head shot. Tent and hills in background.

"Charlie Moriwaki". Assistant BAR Man in 442nd RCT. Head shot.

"Tom Nagata". 2nd assistant BAR & ammo carrier. Head shot.

"Meiji Sheba". A rifleman in the 442nd RCT. Head shot. Soldiers in background.

"Tom Nakano". A rifleman in the 442nd RCT. Head shot. Tents in the background.

"Hiroto Nishita". A rifleman in the 442nd RCT. Head shots.

"Harry Shimada". A rifleman in the 442nd RCT. Head shot. Hills in the background.

"Herbert Hikichi". A rifleman in the 442nd RCT. Head shot. Hills in the background.

"Chester Muraoka". A rifleman in the 442nd RCT. Head shot.

"Tsueo "Snuffy" Tsukayama". Assistant Squad Leader (Sgt.) in the 442nd RCT.

"Iochi Murakami". A rifleman in the 442nd RCT. Head shot. Tent and hills in background.

"Jun Ono" A rifleman in the 442nd RCT. Head shot. Tent and hills in the background.

"Ray Matsushita". A squad leader (S. Sgt.) in the 442nd RCT. Head shot.

"Yasunori Deguchi. A Tech Sgt. in the 442nd RCT".

"Henry Oyasato". 1st Lt. F Co. Commander (formerly Capt. Joseph Wallace Hill).

Michio Takata (unclear which one he is). 1st Lt. F Co. Executive Officer. Soldier with cane holding 442nd flag.

"Hank & Michio Takata". Unclear who is who. Soldier with cane holding 442nd flag.

"F Co. headquarter staff". Group of seven Japanese American soldiers of the 442nd RCT. Unknown soldier in second row, second to right is holding 442nd flag.

"F Co. kitchen staff". Group of six Japanese American troops in the 442nd RCT. Guy in front row, furthest right is holding the 442nd flag.

"1st Platoon F Co. (diminished) of the 442nd RCT". Group of 14 Japanese American troops. Photo taken at unknown military camp site.

"2nd Platoon F Co. (diminished) of 442nd RCT. Guy in second row, furthest right is holding the 442nd Co. F flag".

"4th Platoon F Co. (diminished) of 442nd RCT". Group of 13 Japanese American soldiers. Soldier on furthest right in front row is holding the 442nd Co. F flag.

"Roy "Bull" Suzuki. 1st Sgt. F Co. Holding the 442nd Co. F flag".

"Roy Suzuki. [1st Sgt. F Co.] Waving the 442nd Co. F flag".

"Roy Suzuki with guide-on" [the 442nd F Co. flag].

"Enoch Kanaya. F Co. Sgt. 2nd Plt. [Platoon] F Co. Holding 442nd Co. F flag". Buildings in background.

"Frank Fukuzawa. Tech Sgt. 2nd F Co.".

"Richard Miyashiro next to 442nd 2nd Battalion and 100 Battalion signs".

"Frank "Brow" Fukuzawa. Tech Sgt. in 442nd RCT". Head shot.

"Nagata. Tech Sgt. in 442nd RCT". Head shot.

"442nd RCT [Regimental Combat Team] move to Vada, Italy (between Pisa and Livorno). 442nd Regimental Combat Team sign'". Barbed wire to the left of sign. Tents to the right. Bus parked behind.

"'Go For Broke' Club sign in Vada". Two signs. One reads "442nd Inf. [Regimental Combat Team] 2nd Bn[Battalion]." Other sign reads "No Left Turn." Landscape is barren. Tent camps lined in background. Two soldiers walking in distance.

"German Meat Wagon in Ghedi Airfield bivouac 442nd RCT [Regimental Combat Team] for POW [Prisoners of War]- M/J 1945".

"Unknown guy [solider] in 2nd Battalion bivouac in Brescia." Tents in background.

"442nd RCT [Regimental Combat Team] bivouac area. Brescia (Dis-arming Tedescos POWs [Prisoners of War])". Rows of tents.

"442nd [Regimental Combat Team] 2nd [Second] Battalion tent area F. Co. [Company] June/July in Lecco, Italy." Rows of tents. Mountains in the background.

Clock tower, trees and mountainous landscape in distance.

Tents with mountainous terrain in background.

"Semi tank assigned to the 442nd [Regimental Combat Team]." Two soldiers in the cockpit". Three soldiers visible in tank.

"Football game between 92 Buffalo Division & 442nd RCT team. Full stadium." 92nd Infantry, Buffalo Division.

After being drafted, Mizuki begins his basic training at Camp Hood in Texas and 8 weeks later is shipped overseas to France to begin. He goes through multiple campaigns including the Champagne Campaign and the Gothic Line push and talks about the…

Mizuki discusses various war experiences throughout northern Italy, sharing stories of catching German soldiers unaware and guarding work in Po Valley. Once the war finished, many soldiers purchased Jeeps from the government for $50.00 and drove them…

Mizuki continues discussing life in the field during the war, including combat, food, and purchasing goods. During this time, he purchases a $100 camera and starts taking pictures of Italy. After that, Mizuki talks about his wife and children after…

Momii discusses about his family, childhood, Pearl Harbor, and it aftermath. He discusses about volunteering for the Army, basic training, the voyage overseas, and arriving in Europe. Momii also discusses his experiences in Italy, duties in post-war…

Momoda discusses about his family and growing up in Seattle, Washington. He details about his education, the business he ran and working in Alaska. Momoda also discusses about being drafted, basic training and his experiences in France.

Momoda discusses being wounded and the aftermath. He details about his final war experiences, awards he received, and his homecoming experience. Momoda also discusses a little more about his upbringing and discusses a message for future generations.

Mori discusses his experiences living in California. He details about his life after Pearl Harbor. Mori also discusses his experiences in Italy.

Mori discusses leaving camp to find work and his draft experience. His details about adapting to situations and other experiences while in Europe. Mori also discusses the awards he received and the end of the war.

Morihiro discusses V-mail and the realities of war. He details about his journey to Camp Shelby and his experiences at Camp Shelby. Morihiro also discusses discrimination.

Morihiro discusses the relationship Mainland soldiers and Hawaiian soldiers. He details about his journey to the front line. Morihiro also discusses his experiences during the Champagne Campaign.

Morihiro discusses more about the Champagne Campaign and his other combat experiences. He details about how he got wounded and the aftermath. Morihiro also discusses Shiro Kashino.

Morihiro discusses fear, how to over it, and his mindset during the war. He details about how a friend got captured and the treatment of prisoners of war. Morihiro also discusses The Gothic Line and Po Valley.

Morihiro discusses more about The Gothic Line and Po Valley. He details how war can affect a person and the role of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Morihiro also discusses his post-war experiences in Italy and learning about Japan's surrender.

Morihiro discusses a story about E Company's first combat experience. He details about his speech on Shiro Kashino. Morihiro also goes through the Go For Broke book pointing out details.
Kondo V-mail letter 014.pdf

Morimoto writes to his wife, Yuri Morimoto, while waiting to be reassigned from the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He hopes that she will receive the package that he sent to her soon, and writes that he misses her and Melinda.

Morimoto discusses growing up in Monrovia, California and recalls working at his family's general store, playing football and participating in track and field, attending Japanese language school, and experiencing discrimination during his childhood.…

Morimoto discusses his experiences participating in the liberation of Bruyeres, including what the terrain was like, and dealing with the constant threat of encountering German soldiers due to the dark and dense forest cover; and also due to the…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses working at a meet market after graduating high school until he volunteers for the service. Morimoto does not feel discrimination prewar. He says during that time each ethnic group lives in their own perspective camp.…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses rank as Private FIrst Class (PFC), First Platoon, and Third Squad. At basic training, Morimoto describes the relationship between the Mainland boys and the Hawaiian boys. He recalls the nickname that the Hawaiians…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses the lessons learned from the Luciano campaign. His company learns how to attack in combat and the amount of fire power to use against the enemies to scare them. He recalls the supply line being well supplied because…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses he would not do anything different in his battle field experiences. He got along well with the other officers and his rank during the war is Tech Sargent. In his company, the Platoon Sargent gets injured and…

Morisawa discusses influential individuals and joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Morisawa reflects on his upbringing and the community he grows up in. Morisawa recalls his experiences on the Mainland, basic training and his position as a…

Morisawa discusses going overseas and the battles in Europe. He details about his experiences, sleeping in a trench, the black market. Morisawa recalls how the 442nd Regimental Combat Team is depleted and how he is sent to Nice. He discusses about…

Motoyama discusses about growing up in Eaton, Colorado and his schooling. He details about his military service. Motoyama also discusses about bravery and his post-war life.

Mukai talks about the fear amongst Japanese Americans following the Pearl Harbor bombings. He talks about what happened to his family farm after his forced removal. He describes the induction process. He discusses his combat training at Camp Shelby.…

Mukai describes his journey to Europe. He talks about landing in Glasgow, Scotland. He discusses traveling trough England. He talks about his arrival in LaHavre, France. He explains how he joined M Company. He describes the conversations that he had…

Mukai describes climbing the Apennine Mountains during the Gothic Line campaign. He talks about the time he spent in Belvedere. He discusses his units travel through Italy. He talks about the end of World War two and his final duties. He describes…

Mukai discusses about experiencing discrimination, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. He details about working outside of camp, being drafted, and basic training. Mukai also discusses about the journey to and arriving Italy.

Mukai discusses about being assigned to a company, first combat experiences, and his experiences towards the end of the war. He details his relationship with other soldiers. Mukai also discusses about Lecco, Italy, good luck charms, and a friend.

Mukai discusses about various photographs.
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