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Photograph album page with photographs of a lake, women, and World War Two soldiers.

Photograph album page with a menu from House of P. Y. Chong restaurant in Hawaii, which served Chinese and American dinners. The menu includes information about the restaurant's founding, food offerings, the American Red Cross, and war bonds.

Photograph album page with photographs of landmarks in Washington, D.C. (including the Jefferson Memorial, the Supreme Court, and the U.S. Capitol) as well as pictures of a woman and a World War Two soldier in New York City, with a caption…

Photograph album page with photographs of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team Parade in Washington, D.C., including pictures of the White House and the parade going by the U. S. Capitol building and the Washington Monument.

Photograph album page with photographs of World War Two soldiers.

Photograph album page with a photograph of a woman.

Photograph album cover.

Photograph album back cover.

Paul discusses the end of the war, as well as the emotional and psychological implications of his internment experience. He goes on to recount his visit to Japan, his legacy and gives details regarding his family post-war. Paul's daughter, Ilene…

Paul discusses his experience during maritime combat including details regarding the threats he faced during wartime. Moreover, Paul talks about the German's wartime strategy and how effective was against the Allied Forces. Paul recalls his…

Paul recollects his forced removal and incarceration experience and details regarding his military embarkation to Europe. Paul discusses his first visit to New York City and military experience as a merchant marine, as well as his experiences during…

Paul details his early adulthood. He recollects his early work experience and he goes on to recount some of his military experience, namely volunteering and embarkation; however, in addition to forced removal and his incarceration experience. Paul…

To begin, Matsumoto talks about training and assignments overseas, including a jeep driver and a radio man. He then briefly discusses the Gothic Line breaking and getting a head wound in battle. Next, he talks about recovering from his wound and…

Paul Matsumoto gives his personal introduction, along with details regarding his familial makeup. Paul discusses his early childhood, adolescence, and early education. Next, Paul gives additional information regarding his adolescence, his early…

Matsumoto gives us a thorough recollection of his family background and growing up in Hawaii. Next, he talks about being 17 and seeing Japanese planes fly overhead as he played football with friends, which a year later resulted in his volunteering…


Ito talks about a bulletin for weary Caucasian soldiers. He discusses his military government unit. He describes his interpretation work. He talks about his work at the Presidio SF. He discusses his family's lives after the war. He describes his new…

Ito talks about his religious background. He discusses his church attendance. He shares his knowledge of World War Two overseas. He continues to describe the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He talks about his family's forced removal. He…

Ito discusses his experiences interacting with his extended family members while in Japan during the occupation. He also reflects on the legacy of the participation of Nisei soldiers in World War 2 and how Japanese nationals reacted to U.S.…

Ito talks about his birthplace, Fresno, California. He discusses his experiences in primary school. He describes how and why his parents immigrated to America. He talks about his father's work at a cannery. He discusses his father's launch into…

Ito briefly talks about his family history and childhood, then he talks about how he got drafted while at an internment camp. Ito recounts the assignments he carried out during the post-war U.S. occupation of Japan. He discusses some specifics of his…

During the occupation of Japan, Paul Ichiuji worked for the CIC to gather information. Paul got information from the butokai and couriers. Although Paul’s Japanese was not that proficient, he knew important words to communicate with the butokai.…

Terumoto "Paul" Ichiuji was born in Pacific Grove. He was very active in high school with sports and the student body and had many friends.

Before December 7, 1941, Paul's brother, Joe, and cousin were drafted into service. Paul recalls hearing…


During wartime, Paul Takao Bannai receives correspondence from family and people he meets. Letters from his family wanting him to return home safely and reunite with the family. There are letters from his Army friends in Australia acknowledging his…

Paul Takao Bannai likes to be active in the community, but there is not enough time. Paul is part of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) for more than 60 years. Paul would like to put more time into helping Go For Broke. However, if they…

Paul Takao Bannai recalls meeting Ken Nakaoka and working in real estate in Gardena. Ken is active in the community and runs for city council, and Paul himself becomes active. Paul's political career starts when he is the Planning Commissioner. Later…

Paul Takao Bannai's political career starts in 1972 when he is elected to Gardena City Council. Later, in 1973, he is elected to California State Legislature with the help of President Reagan and the widow of an Assemblyman. Paul is the first…

Paul Takao Bannai discusses Nisei in the Japanese Army and wants to learn more about their experience. In Kyoto, Paul helps organize the breweries to sell alcohol to the United States military.

After Japan, Paul has one more year of service. He…

When Paul Takao Bannai hears the news of Pearl Harbor on December 7, his reaction is to help and defend the United States. Paul's parents support him and encourage him to defend America. By joining the 442nd and serving with the Military…

During Paul Takao Bannai's school years in Utah, and Colorado there are no Japanese American students. Paul's friends are mainly white. When he moves to Los Angeles, CA, his friends are more diverse, and he meets other Japanese Americans. Paul…

Paul Takeo Bannai is born July 4, 1920, in Delta, Colorado. Paul explains the meaning of this name. Paul grows up in Utah and Colorado before moving to Boyle Heights, CA.

On December 7, Paul hears about the Pearl Harbor attack, and he reports to…

Akama discusses his homecoming. He details about his post-war employment. Akama describes meeting his wife and raising a family. Akama shares photographs he took during the war and post-war.

Akama discusses the difficulties of battle, his duties, and replacements. He recalls the Italian language, native foods, and the civilians. Akama also discusses about his post-war experiences in Italy.

Akama discusses being in a segregated unit and experiencing discrimination. He recalls going overseas and shares his wartime experiences in the European Theater. Akama discusses about his time in Italy.

Akama discusses barefoot football league and rival teams. He details about his educational experiences. Akama discusses about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, joining the military, and basic training.

Akama discusses his prefecture origin and family. He details about his childhood, upbringing, and schooling. Akama also discusses about his social activities.

Photo of a patrol boat in Yokohama Harbor

Photo of the patrol interpreter and another soldier holding a gun

Photo of three soldiers on patrol who who find a pile furniture, one holds a clock

Photo of soldiers patrolling in the dirt

Hagiwara discusses his whereabouts during the end of the war, and his route to get back home. He would get on a plane and take a long trip home, stopping along the way in Puerto Rico, then Miami, before taking a train to Chicago where his wife and…

Hagiwara talks more about his war experiences, starting with the Bruyeres-Biffontaine area, which included the Lost Battalion campaign. He also talks about the dense forest of the Vosges Mountains and getting into fights when other soldiers used…

Hagiwara discusses his shipment overseas, taking a U-boat through the Strait of Gibraltar and ending in Oran. There, they would train some more and prepare to join the rest of the men in Italy. He also talks a bit about various members of his unit…

Hagiwara talks more about seeing his parents and gives background on how he met his future wife. While at Fort Sheridan, he would often visit his wife but would get word that he would get transferred. After moving around to a couple of places, he…

Hagiwara continues talking about his experience in the National Guard and the times leading up to Pearl Harbor, as they worried more about Russia invading than Japan. Next, he talks about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor, hearing…

Hagiwara continues talking about his time growing up in Ketchikan, Alaska. He would take an interest in basketball, and even be able to travel to different areas for competitions. Next, he talks about the population of his neighborhood and the…

Hagiwara begins the interview talking about how his parents came from Nagano and Shiga in Japan and both settled down individually in Ketchikan, Alaska. He talks more about his family, such as his family learning how to cook and becoming a baker and…

After joining the Air Force, Aki would ask to be sent to occupied Japan, instead of having to serve in the Korean War. He talks about coming into Japan for the first time since his time as a prisoner of war, and comparing the destruction he saw when…

Aki continues to talk about his experiences as a prisoner of war while in Japan. Towards the end of the war, he noticed that a lot of weird things were happening with the Japanese Army guards and that the POWs were taken out of work. He overheard…

Aki continues to talk about his experience as a prisoner of war on Wake Island. There, he would be treated pretty normally, although there were some casualties and they were guarded by the Japanese Army. He also talks about one incident that was…

Aki talks about getting to Wake Island, going on a boat and arriving to a small island, where there was nothing but Marines, some Navy and Pan-American Airlines. He would end up working in the mess hall, while the construction workers would help to…

Aki begins the interview talking about his family, both of his parents were Nisei and had decided to settle in Kauai, his father being a politician, while his mother was a schoolteacher. As a child, he would grow up liking geography, while his…

Kasamatsu_147 001 .jpg

Destroyed half of Japanese town. Other Japanese stores and buildings in tact across the street. Works Progress Administration identifier on the border of the photograph: WPA-45-63716.

Part of the residential area in Camp Savage.

Part of the interior of a Vatican building.

Photo of a jeep parked on Punch Bowl Road

Photograph of Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy.

Photo of Pak in uniform in front of a tree

Photograph of a painting of Christ.

Photo of a pagoda temple in Japan surrounded by trees

Photo of a pagoda temple in Japan

Photo of two people on a boat

Overhead shot of smoke coming out of Mt. Aso

Photo of soldiers in airplane smiling

Photo of clouds and the ocean from an airplane

Photo from plane of flight from Korea to Tokyo

Photo from plane over Korea

Unblurry photograph of a lake with buildings along the way

Photo of US Air Force plane

Photo of a home with a man inside

Mr. Inashima describes his arrival in the Philippines with the MIS and later his assignment to Japan with an industrial survey team. Mr. Inashima describes his typical day in the MIS and talks about the Japanese culture, food, and entertainment he…

Mr. Inashima discusses his early life growing up in Seattle, Washington, describing the Japanese neighborhood he grew up in and the culture he was surrounded with. During childhood, Mr. Inashima attended Japanese language school and following his…

Honda discusses about Seabrook Farms and working for 3M. He details about his wife, children, grandchildren, and the relationship with his brother. Honda also discusses about his involvement with Japanese Redress, his hopes for the future, and giving…

Honda continues to discuss the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and sheds some light on his high school sports career. He details about his experiences at the Fresno Temporary Detention Center, Jerome Concentration Camp, and in Cleveland, Ohio. Honda…

Honda discusses about his family and childhood upbringing. He details about his childhood friends, social activities, and his health as a child. Honda also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Original 442nd RCT pin. 442nd logo. "Go For Broke" on banner under 442nd logo.

Original 442nd RCT arm patch. Hand holding torch. Red/blue/white.
Scan 9.jpg

Form DSS 215 (Department of Selected Service) ordering Hisao to report to Local Board Number 4, at 1108 Pensacola Street, Honolulu on July 1, 1944, signed by Inez Kalua.
Scan 109.pdf

Form document notifying Sato he has been selected for training in the Army.

Photo of a soldier reading from a bible to a group of soldiers

Photo of soldier going down Lightning MSR (Main Supply Road)

Photo of soldiers on landing ship in Korea

Photo of soldiers on board ship, labelled as "at Inchon, Korea"

Photo from a boat

Tatsuo Yamane on a beach in New Guinea drinking some beer.

Photo of George at the One Station

PHoto of a soldier posing in front of the Ome Police Station

Photo of a soldier posing in front of the One Police Station exterior

Mr. Hayashi opens by discussing the dissolution of his first marriage in this brief section. He goes on to talk about the legacy of the Nisei soldier and the 442's place in history. The video concludes with Mr. Hayashi showing off some photographs of…

Mr. Hayashi discusses the morale of his unit after facing heavy combat in France. Soon after this, the unit would return to Italy to join up with the African American 92nd Infantry to help with the offensive campaign. Mr. Hayashi goes on to discuss…
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