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Kuwahara discusses his childhood and growing in Maui. He details about the events of Pearl Harbor and enlisting into the service. Kuwahara also discusses what it was like at Camp Shelby and in Mississippi. He also details about his experiences and…

Kuwahara discusses more about fate and The lost Battalion. He details about about why he stayed in Italy after the war ended. Kuwahara also discusses his interactions with the Italian people and guarding German prisoners.

Kuwayama discusses his father's upbringing and his subsequent move to New York City. Upon arriving in New York, Kuwayama's father opened a Japanese restaurant and worked in the import/export business. Kuwayama concludes by describing his own…

Kuwayama discusses the origin and meaning of his name also giving his siblings' names and order of birth. He continues on to describe his childhood activities with his neighborhood friends and discuss attending Japanese school at a church near his…

Kuwayama discusses fond family memories and fishing trips he took with his family and siblings. He then talks about his family's austere qualities and how they did not show their emotions often, sometimes to the chagrin of Kuwayama. He concludes…

Kuwayama discusses moving to Queens with his family when he was twelve and describes his neighborhood and playmates. He recalls his college career, discussing his major, the social groups at his school, and how his family was able to finance his…

Kuwayama discusses his time just prior to being shipped out overseas, including assignment to a station hospital in Texas. Kuwayama describes traveling on a liberty ship as well as his first day in battle upon arrival in Italy. His missions took him…

Kuwayama discusses his time serving as a medic on the frontline and describes his materials and the procedures for helping wounded soldiers. Awarded the Silver Star for acts of valor, Kuwayama also briefly discusses his award. To conclude the…

Kuwayama discusses receiving a French award for his military service and describes his feelings upon receiving news that the war had ended. He next discusses his career after the war, which including him attending Harvard Business School, working in…

Part 8 concludes the interview with Kuwayama and includes a few wrap-up questions. Kuwayama gives his thoughts on the legacy of the 442nd in regards to the nation and offers advice to the next generation of listeners and viewers.

Lasseigne discusses his prefecture origin and familial description. He also describes details about his childhood activities and childhood rearing. Lasseigne recalls 1941 and joining the services. He goes to Fort McCellan for basic training and goes…

Lasseigne discusses being a replacement and scout. He shares his experience being part of the Lost Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team rescue. He recalls the first time meeting Nisei and learning about the interment camp. Post-war,…

Lasseigne discusses how he meet his wife, children and grandchildren. He also shares a message for the future generations.

Maeda discusses his adolescent years growing up on a plantation in Paia, Hawaii and the Japanese Community. He details his schooling including Japanese language school. Meada also discusses speaking Hawaiian Pidgin while in the 442nd Regimental…

Maeda discussed Japan attacking Pearl Harbor and volunteering for military service. Maeda received basic training at Camp Shelby and went overseas the first time. He experienced culture shock when he went to the Mainland. Maeda was in E Company…

Maeda discussed basic training and corresponding to family back home in Paia. Maeda's first battle experience is at Belvedere and Hill 140. Maeda also describes his BAR rifle "Brownie" and events in Italy.

Maeda discussing the battle of Bruyeres, duty in 2nd platoon for Lost Battalion, taking care of the Prisoners of War and plans after retiring from service.

Maeda recalls his favorite story of receiving a religious cross during the war, getting married and starting a family. Maeda also discusses his military awards. Later in the interview, his wife Lily Chisato Maeda joins in. Lily recalls the Pearl…

Masuda talks about his early life in Pleasanton, California. He talks about his father and mother. He discusses his father's immigration to the United States. He describes his visits to Japan. He talks about his siblings. Masuda explains why his…

Masuda talks about his experiences while in high school. He discusses Japanese language school. He explains what he did in his childhood leisure time. He shares his aspirations after high school. Masuda talks about being drafted and inducted. He…

Masuda talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He describes his journey to Arkansas. He explains a negative experience he had while on guard duty. He briefly discusses a protest march that his unit conducted. He describes his…

Masuda talks about being stationed in Salina, Kansas. He discusses his family's forced removal. He describes his visits with his family while they were living in Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp. He talks about his experiences at Fort McClellan.…

Masuda continues to talk about his first combat experience during the Bruyeres-Biffontaine campaign. He also discusses his work as a Assistant BAR. he describe his unit's efforts to rescue the Lost Battalion. He talks about replacement soldiers. He…

Masuda talks about the end of World War Two. He discusses searching German Soldiers at the Getty Airport. He briefly talks about returning to the United States. He talks about the first time he met his wife. He describes their courtship and marriage.…

Masuda talks about his early life in Livingston. He describes his life as a Japanese farmer and social activities in his community. Masuda briefly talks about his Methodist background and primary school. He explains what happened to his family after…

Masuda discusses his college years and marriage. He talks about Camp Roberts and Japanese language school. Masuda explains why he was transferred to Fort Sill. He describes how he trained Japanese and Hawaiian soldiers at Camp Shelby. He also…

Masuda describes the trip to Europe. He talks about his assignments while in Italy. He discusses his combat experiences in Germany, including how the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion liberated the Dachau Concentration Camp. Masuda talks about the end…

Masuda talks about how life was different when he returned to Livingston after the war. He talks about other changes after the war and his children. Masuda discusses his marriage and grandchildren. He briefly describes his post war career and his…

Matsuda talks about his childhood in East Los Angeles. He describes his parents backstories. He discusses Boyle Heights, Los Angeles. He describes what he did in his childhood leisure time. He talks about his experiences in high school. He briefly…

Matsuda talks about the racial conflicts that he had with White Americans. He briefly talks about his experiences while in Japanese language school. He describes his home life. He discusses his religious background. He explains why he enlisted in the…

Matsuda talks about his high school graduation. He talks about his life while living in Heart Mountain Concentration Camp. He discusses his voluntary enlistment. He describes his journey to Fort Logan. He talks about Fort Logan and Camp Shelby.…

Matsuda talks about a truce during World War Two. He describes the horrors of war. He talks about his units first tactical push. He discusses his hospital stay. He briefly talks about his stay in a replacement depot. He discusses finding his unit and…

Matsuda describes his military duties. He talks about Bruyeres-Biffontaine. He discusses his military decorations. He talks about E company, 4th platoon. He reveals which family members served in the military. Matsuda talks about the end of World War…

Matsuda continues to talk about his relationships with Hawaiian soldiers. He also continues to discuss Bruyeres-Biffontaine. He talks about returning to the United States. He describes his experiences with discrimination after World War Two. He…

Frank Tadao Matsuda is born on January 9, 1922, in Seattle, Washington. His father, Saiki Frank Matsuda, and mother, Masae Miyoshi, are from Japan. Frank has an older sister Aiko and a younger sister Kathryn Sumiko. Frank is closest to Aiko because…

Frank Matsuda hears the news the Army is accepting Japanese American volunteers. Frank signs up to volunteer and returns to camp to take his physical exam. He passes the physical exam and goes to Camp Shelby for basic training. Frank is a BAR man…

Frank Matsuda talks about the Nisei legacy and how their service opens the door for many Asians. The 442nd receives 20 to 21 medals, and K Company received two of the medals. Frank feels many other soldiers deserve recognition for their service,…

Clarence Matsumoto discusses his birth date and birth place, He recalls his childhood in Paia on plantation camp and used by products of sugar cane to build his house. Matsumoto is given the nickname Matt.

Matsumoto's Father is born 1898 in…

Clarence "Matt" Matsumoto discusses growing up, he isnot close with parents because out playing with friends. Matsumoto says his values and morals are learned by going to church every Sunday. In 1940, he graduates high school and goes to Community…

Clarence "Matt" Matsumoto discusses basic training and learning about relocation camps. Training with K Company is rough because it is day and night training. He recalls going overseas takes over a month and lands in Italy. On the journey overseas,…

Clarence "Matt' Matsumoto discusses a time when he encounters German soldier during battle that is non-combative. Matsumoto recalls raising their hands to each other and walking away. During the war, Matsumoto serves in the K Company mortar squad as…

Matsumoto discusses his family and childhood growing up in Maui. He details about social activities and childhood activities he participated in. Matsumoto also discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it.

Matsumoto discusses more about Pearl Harbor and enlisting into the service. He details about the journey to the Mainland and Camp Shelby. Matsumoto also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Matsumoto discusses his combat and his other experiences in Italy and France. He details about being wounded and his road to recovery. Matsumoto also discusses about his life after being discharged from the army.

Matsumoto discusses his nickname; and talks about growing up on Maui which includes discussing his family, living on a plantation, friendships, discipline, and recreational activities. He then talks about attending school; discusses his siblings;…

Matsumoto discusses his experiences prior to shipping out to Europe; talks about traveling from Hawaii to the mainland, and from Virginia to Oran; and talks about his experiences at Camp Shelby including his assignment with the mortars. He then talks…

Matsumoto talks about meeting his wife, his marriage, and his children. He then talks about his post-war employment working at the post office, a plantation, and with the Boy Scouts. Next, Matsumoto talks about being a part of the Boy Scouts as a…

Matsumura discusses his family background in Hawaii and hearing about the attack of Pearl Harbor on the radio. He volunteered to defend water and power installations as a civilian in the aftermath of the attack, and later enlisted into the Army. He…

Matsumura recounts his harrowing experiences of close range combat on Italian soil with the 442nd Infantry Regiment. He was wounded several times in various campaigns and witnessed the injuries and death of much of his fellow servicemen. He details…

Matsumura discusses the friendships he made in the field during the War - one friend who was killed in action towards the end of the War, and another who he remained friends with for decades. He then lists the numerous decorations and medals he…

Matsumura discusses his wife and children, education at Northrop Aeronautical Institute and work at an airline. He also discusses recreational activities he has enjoyed throughout his life, storytelling with fellow servicemen at reunions, music and…

To begin the interview, Matsunaga speaks about his family background, which included his father, mother and eight siblings. Growing up in Hawaii, he would go to school until 9th grade, at which time, the family purchased the dairy farm they were…

Matsunaga speaks about joining the Army and beginning his training at Schofield Barracks in Honolulu. From there, he was promoted to corporal and eventually to buck sergeant as he decided to volunteer for the 442nd regiment. They were shipped out to…

Matsunaga talks about his time overseas and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. At the outset of the regiment, there were many differences between the Hawaiian and mainland soldiers which were put aside after Earl Finch took the Hawaiian soldiers to…

Matsushita begins the interview talk about his childhood and growing up in Idaho. He would work on his family's farm while attending school and doing a large variety of chores. He talks about his high school years and then about his whereabouts…

Matsushita would join the Army after Pearl Harbor and be inducted in Salt Lake City, Utah. He would take a train down to Camp Shelby in Mississippi to begin his basic training, where he would start with A company. There, he would become friends with…

Matsushita discusses the friends that he made throughout the War in A and K company. Upon arrival in Italy, he would be engaged in combat, seeing captains shooting at prisoners of war. They would trek through Rome, and move up through Italy towards…

Matsushita continues his recollection of his time overseas in combat, including the Lost Battalion campaign in Bruyeres and the Vosges Forest. He would be involved with the combat there and would head to French Riviera to rest while waiting for…

Matsushita talks more about his time in occupied Japan, making lots of friends there and even being there during the Korean War. After his discharge, he would begin his career in the civil service sector, working for OSHA until he retired. Following…

Matsuura talks about his parents, going to school in Spokane, being sent to Japan as a child; and returning to the United States and working on a farm. He then talks about attending high school, the Attack on Pearl Harbor, volunteering for the Army,…

Matsuura discusses the reasons why he volunteered for the Army; talks about going to Bruyeres and his assignment as a messenger; and describes his trench foot condition. Next, Matsuura talks about Senator Daniel Inouye who was his platoon leader and…

Matsuura talks about his trench foot condition, his experiences after rejoining the 442nd in Italy, getting discharged; and reenlisting and going to Japan. He then talks about his assignment in Japan in technical intelligence, and discusses his…

Matsuura shows and describes photographs of the ceremony where he received his Purple Heart; and Senator Inouye and his family. He then discusses the legacy of the 442nd; and provides some thoughts regarding his military service and being a veteran.

Miho discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Miho also discusses about his high school experiences and loyalty.

Miho discusses about the hotel business and working during high school. He details about customs, working after high school, and going to college. Miho also discusses about his family and political climate in 1941.

Miho discusses the pre-war political climate. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Miho also discusses his experiences at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.

Miho discusses about Camp Shelby, Mississippi. He details about the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Miho also discusses about visiting American Concentration Camps, friends, and being assigned 522nd Field Artillery Battalion.

Miho discusses about artillery training and his hearing. He details about arriving in and his experiences. Miho also discusses about his first combat experiences.

Miho discusses about his experiences during Rescue of the Lost Battalion. He details about his experiences in Italy. Miho also discusses about his Experiences in Germany.

Miho discusses his experiences in Germany and Dachau Concentration Camp. He details about what he believes is the difference between American Concentration Camps and European Concentration Camps. Miho also discusses about his post-war life.

Miho discusses about his experiences in the Hawaiian Territorial Guard. He details about the Victory Varsity Volunteers (VVV) and the formation of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Miho also gives a message to future generations.

Mitsunaga discusses his childhood growing up on a family-run dairy farm in Manoa Valley, Hawaii. He talks about farming and his adolescence. He also talks about his experiences being drafted before the Pearl Harbor attack and the U.S. military…

Mitsunaga discusses aspects of his experiences in basic training for the army. He talks about his assignment after the Pearl Harbor attack; traveling to the U.S. mainland for the first time; and describes his military as a jeep driver. Mitsunaga also…

Mitsunaga discusses some of his combat experiences: Salerno Beach and Cassino. He also talks about being in a racially segregated military unit; and his impression of Colonel Turner. He also discusses Nisei veterans he knew who got into politics in…

Mitsunaga discusses his experiences at: Cassino, Anzio, and Bruyeres. He talks about casualties, award recipients, and members KIA. He also shares anecdotes regarding a childhood friend he ran into on the battlefield; and an Italian child he…

Mitsunaga discusses his post-war life. He reflects on his overall war experiences and awards he received. He also talks about his family life and career after the war; and talks about his children's lives.

Miyake talks about his childhood in Venice, California. He shares his memories of World War One. He explains how he got his nickname. He describes his father, mother, and siblings. He talks about his father's profession. Miyake discusses high school.…

Miyake talks about his wife. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He briefly talks about his military service. He discusses the forced removal of Japanese Americans. Miyake explains how he corresponded with his family while he…

Miyake describes his journey to Europe and landing in Naples, Italy. He talks about joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He discusses marching through Europe. He talks about military conflicts in Bruyeres, France. Miyake discusses members of…
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