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Sakato discusses about the action that lead to receiving the Medal of Honor. He details about the Medal of Honor means. Sakato also discusses more about Hill 617.

Sakato discusses how he explains his war experiences to his daughter. He also details about what is was like being upgraded to the Medal of Honor. Sakato gives some worlds of wisdom and explains a number of photographs.

Sakato gives more details about Hill 617 and being upgraded to the Medal of Honor. Sakato discusses his life after leaving the army. He also discusses the aspect of discrimination.

Sakato discusses surviving in combat. He details the Assault on Hill 617. He also discusses his experiences while being wounded. Sakato details about receiving the Distinguished Service Cross.

Sakato discusses his time in France. He details about his experience in combat and death. Sakato discusses about fighting and traveling in the Vosges Mountains.

Sakato discusses wanting to join the air force but ending up in the army. He details about basic training. Sakato also discusses about traveling on a transport ship and he also gives his opinions and thoughts about the war.

Sakato discusses what it was like growing up in California. He details about his education. Sakato also discusses he experiences from when he moved to Arizona.

Seichi Sakaida discusses his leaders and squad members. He is in basic training for almost a year before deployment overseas. He lands in Naples, Italy. Seichi is in K Company and the mortar pool unit. His duty is to support the infantrymen.…

Seichi Sakaida serves with the 442nd in K Company. He is born July 9, 1922, in Ookala, HI. At a young age, his family moves to Molokai, and he grows up on the plantations. Seichi's parents are from Yamaguchi Kan prefecture in Japan and his mother is…

Teruya discusses returning home; getting discharged; and seeing his family again. He then talks about meeting his wife; discusses his children and grandchildren; and talks about receiving the Bronze Star. Next, Sakai discusses his post-war…

Sakai discusses combat experiences during the Gothic Line including talking about the rescue of Daniel Inouye after he was wounded. Then, Sakai and Teruya describe German soldiers; discuss the end of the war; and talk about corresponding with their…

Teruya discusses the liberation of Bruyeres; Teruya and Sakai both discuss their combat experiences prior to Bruyeres; and Sakai discusses visting Bruyeres post-war. Teruya then discusses his Army friendships; his experiences during the rescue of the…

Sakai discusses officers in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team; and talks about weapons he carried. Teruya then discusses his first combat experiences in Italy including encounters with German soldiers, mines, seeing soldiers killed in action, and…

Sakai discusses the relationship between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers; talks about the Hawaiian soldiers who visited incarceration camps in Arkansas; and describes the term, "katonk". Teruya then discusses a song sang by Hawaiian soldiers; talks…

Sakai discusses his experiences in Colorado; talks about childhood chores; discusses his reasons for volunteering; and discusses his knowledge of the 100th Infantry Battalion. Next, Sakai discusses his induction; talks about the Sullivan Act;…

Teruya discusses Daniel Inouye; talks about attending Japanese language school; discusses his experiences with prejudice; and talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor. Sakai then talks about his experiences with prejudice; his enemy alien…

Teruya discusses his parents' personalities and physical traits; describes the shoes his mother made for him; talks about working in sugar cane plantation; and discusses his favorite memories of his parents. Teruya then talks about his experiences…

This interview is with both Lawson Sakai and Paul Teruya. First, Teruya discusses his father including his immigration to Hawaii, and his employment; and talks about his mother's immigration. Next, Sakai talks about his father including his…

Sakaguchi describes the different sounds of weapons as they fire. He talks about German military equipment. He explains how the Allies defeated the Germans. He continues to talk about the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He describes the courage of the…

Sakaguchi briefly discusses the Axis powers. He talks about the forced removal of Japanese Americans. He explains why he joined the military. He talks about the Governor of Colorado's stance on the treatment of Japanese Americans. He describes the…

Sakaguchi talks about his birthplace. He discusses his siblings and his parents immigration to the United States. He describes his parent's personalities. He briefly talks about his nickname. He discusses his family home and his community of…

Saito talks about the legacy of the 442nd Regiment; and shares a poem written by social activist Noriko (Sawada) Bridges. He discusses his children and descendants and his life post-war. He also displays some photographs and talks about the photos.

Saito discusses his experiences on the front lines as a mail clerk. He shares recollections of other 442nd soldiers and describes what it was like for non-combatant soldiers: medics, mail clerk, drivers, etc. He also talks about recreational…

Saito starts this segment discussing mass media communication differences between two rival newspapers in Honolulu. Saito also discusses his military basic training and how his military assignment changed from rifleman to mail clerk. He talks about…

Siato discusses his experience working for Joseph Rider Farrington. He also talks about social stratification in Hawaii pre and post the attack on Pearl Harbor; with an emphasis on the newspaper industry in Honolulu. In addition he shares his…

Saito talks about his youth in Honolulu circa 1930s. His father was a merchant from Hiroshima; his mother was Nisei with parents from Hiroshima. Saito discusses his youth on Kaheka Lane before modern development and mentions Japanese cultural…

Saiki relays some of the hardships he faced while in battle. He also talks about his life after the war ended up in Europe. Shares details about domestic life post-war.

Saiki discusses how he got assigned to the Cannon Company of the 442 Regiment. He talks about the intricacies of operating a cannon. He also describes how German artillery and firearms were more sophisticated than America's in the beginning of the…

Saiki discusses his experiences being a Hawaii Territorial Guard after Pearl Harbor attack and how he enlisted in the 442 Regiment after he declined joining the Varsity Victory Volunteers. He talks about how his family reacted to his enlisted. He…

Saiki discusses his early childhood years growing up in Hawaii during the Depression Era; and how his father was as an artisan crafting bamboo fixtures. He often helped his father in crafting. In his early college years Saiki developed a passion for…

Robinson Jr. explains why he shot a civilian. He describes his experiences in Le Havre, France. He discusses his gambling. He talks about his return to the United States. He describes a lifelong friendship. He explains how he reconnected with his…

Robinson Jr. describes tree burst. He continues to talk about his capture by German forces. He discusses his interactions with civilians. He describes his relationships with guards. He talks about the Munich Prisoner of War Camp where he was…

Robinson Jr. describes his journey to Europe and landing in Naples. He talks about the connections that he had in Naples. He discusses corrupt army officers. He describes the 141st Infantry Regiment. He talks about Commander Marty Higgins. He…

Robinson Jr. and the interviewers introduce themselves. Robinson shares stories from the front lines. He talks about his parents. He describes his early life in Maine. He discusses his childhood education. He talks about his work on his family farm.…

Julian Quayles' interview is combined with Ray Wells.

Wartime is a heavy discussion. However, in this interview, Ray Wells and Julian Quayles talk about the lighter side of World War Two. Both men highlight areas of v-mail, homecoming, and…

Julian Quayles' interview is combined with Ray Wells.

Julian Quayles discusses what happens after he escapes from the German soldiers. Julian with another Officer, finds shelter on an Italian civilian's property until they can rejoin the American…

Julian Quayles' interview is combined with Ray Wells.

Julian Quayles joins the National Guards during his sophomore year in college. He is a part of Company B, 124th Infantry, 31st Division. Julian does his training at Camp Blanding. He…

Julian Quayles' interview is combined with Ray Wells.

Raymond C. Wells is born May 5, 1922, in Eagle Colorado. Julian Minor Quayles, Jr is born January 15, 1917, in Staunton, Virginia. Both men serve in the 141st Infantry Battalion during World…

Peterson discusses his experiences during the Champagne Campaign; talks about the reputation of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Infantry Division; and discusses returning to the United States because of his parents' car accident. He then…

Peterson discusses his experiences training new recruits and as a heavy weapons platoon leader; and describes the duties of H Company as well as the structure of the United States Army. He then talks about his participation in maneuvers; discusses…

Peterson discusses his father and his immigration to the United States from Sweden; talks about his mother; discusses speaking Swedish at home; and discusses his childhood including talking about religion, his community, classmates, and his…

Oye would be discharged from the Army after some guard duty in Europe and being shipped back to the United States, passing the Statue of Liberty on the way back. He would end up in Philadelphia, where he would meet his wife and begin his career as a…

Oye discusses his first landing in Civitavecchia and the first combat that he saw during the war. He talks about the team that he was with and how they were commanded to put their weapons aside and become litter-bearers to help the medics out. Next,…

Oye continues his recollection of joining the Army by taking his brothers draft spot and reporting to Camp Robinson. He would first begin his training there before being sent to Camp Crowder to begin training with the Quartermaster Corps, and not…

Oye begins the interview speaking about his family and how they came from Japan to Seattle, Washington. His father would work for various places while his mother would volunteer as a midwife to those in need at the Buddhist church. Growing up in…

Oura discusses about his experiences in In Italy and France. He details about his family and post-war life. Oura also discusses about his hobbies and gives his closing remarks.

Oura discusses about his family, childhood, and growing up in Hawaii. He details about the coffee farm and his schooling. Oura also discusses about Pearl Harbor, Its aftermath, and his experiences in the National Guard. Oura discusses about his…

Oura looks through a couple of pictures, including one of him from Camp Shelby and another from when a journalist had joined K company during the war.

Oura discusses the Gothic Line battle and what it took to push out the German soldiers that were there to finish off the war. After this, they would be allowed to take passes to certain European cities, but if you had enough points, you could also…

Oura talks about the various combat campaigns that he was involved with and the different experiences he had. He would first go through Belvedere, followed by Livorno-Leghorn and Rome-Arno where they would occupy various villages and do…

Oura discusses more about the discrimination he saw while in Mississippi and the struggles between the Hawaiian and mainland soldiers. He also talks about his captain that made a big difference in training them and readying them for battle. He and…

Oura continues his recollection of the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the subtle discriminations that he felt. After this, he decided that he would volunteer for the Army without his parents knowing. However, he was told the quota was filled, but…

Oura begins the interview talking about how his family came from Miyagi prefecture to Honolulu, Hawaii. His father came to work at the sugar plantation, where James and his siblings would grow up with very little money and food but surviving…

Otsuka discusses about his parents and meeting his wife. He details about his family's situation during World War Two. Otsuka also discusses about his post-war life and reflects on his military service

Otsuka discusses what it was like growing up in Orange County. He details about his experiences with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in Europe. Otsuka also discusses about his post-war life.

Otsuka discusses being drafted and the military training received. He details about his experiences in the military before being transferred to the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Otsuka also discusses about his experiences in the European Theatre

After getting wounded during the Lost Battalion campaign, Ota would return to the United States to recover and rehabilitate for about a year and a half. He discusses the recognition he received from other members of the military after the war and the…

Ota continues his recollection of going to Camp Shelby for basic training. He talks about the rivalry between the Hawaiian soldiers and the mainland soldiers and seeing segregation in the South. He would spend a year at Camp Shelby before being…

Ota talks more about his childhood in Washington and being able to travel around the state playing sports. He would enjoy playing basketball at the YMCA the most and would continue to help his dad working at the hotels they owned. During the summers,…

Ota begins the interview talking about his family and how his parents came from Nagasaki to Washington. His father would work his way up from being a janitor to owning hotels and restaurants while Kenneth and his siblings went to school and played…

George and Margaret Oshita continue to talk about the awards and medals that George received from the war and the reunions of the veterans. After this, Margaret shows off a display that was made for George's medals. Finally, they look through various…

George and Margaret Oshita talk about George's war experiences, focusing in first on the Lost Battalion campaign. He talks about the intricacies of the battle, with it's cold weather and getting trench foot. After this, he goes back and talks about…

Oshita continues talking about her children and grandchildren, and the values that were passed down to them. She continues to be the secretary for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team club. Next, they talk about keeping the support for the history of the…

W. Oshiro discusses his post-military life reflecting on his military service; the 442nd legacy; and his family values. He talks about visiting Europe after the war He also talks about his professional career and family.

W. Oshiro talks about life after his military service. He discusses how losing his leg from a land mine impacted his life; his post-military education and career path; and participation in various veteran's organizations. He also talks about how he…

W. Oshiro talks about his experiences in France. He discusses battle experiences in Bruyeres and the Lost Battalion rescue. He also shares anecdotes regarding his brother's death performing military service; the dedication of the squad he lead; and…

W. Oshiro talks about his travel to, and arrival at, Italy. He discusses aspects of Hawaiian/Mainland Nisei relations; his religious practices in the military; and early combat experiences. He also talks about enduring casualty loss in his platoon…

W. Oshiro talks about his experiences at Camp Shelby. He describes his voyage to, and impressions of, the Mainland for the first time. He shares stories about the formation of L Company; how he felt when he heard his older brother was KIA; and his…

W. Oshiro discusses his family life in Hawaii before World War Two. He describes his early education, parents, siblings; and moving from a plantation camp to Honolulu. He also talks about attending college, and joining the military before graduation.

Oshiro continues to talk about his veteran reunion trip to Europe. He talks about the horrors of war and his friends who were killed in action. He discusses his military decorations. He describes his return to the United States. Oshiro describes the…

Oshiro continues to discuss his work with gliders. He explains how he was injured. He talks about rejoining his unit after he recovered from his injury. He explains how he communicated with his family while he was overseas. Oshiro briefly talks about…

Oshiro talks about landing in Naples, Italy and his journey through Italy. He explains his interactions with the 100th Infantry Battalion. He describes his first combat experience. He discusses his military assignments. He talks about his role in the…

Oshiro continues to discuss volunteering for the military. He describes his journey to Camp Shelby. He talks about being assigned to a unit. He briefly talks about his basic training. He describes the relationship between the Hawaiian soldiers and…

Oshiro continues to talks about Japanese language school. He discuses his religious upbringing. He talks about his experiences while in high school and post-high school. He describes Pearl Harbor before World War Two. Oshiro discusses his carpentry…

Oshiro shares his parents immigration story. He talks about his siblings. He discusses his birthplace and his childhood community. He shares his earliest memories. He talks about his family's farm work on a plantation. Oshiro describes what he did in…

Okabayashi discusses about his life and career after the war. He details about his hobbies and family. Okabayashi also gives a message to future generations.

Okabayashi discusses about his experiences in Italy. He details about capturing a PT Boat in France. Okabayashi also discusses about some general experiences in Europe and coming home.

Okabayashi discusses about volunteering for the Army and his experiences at Camp Shelby. He details about being his duties within Cannon Company of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Okabayashi also discusses about going overseas and his first combat…

Okabayashi discusses about his family and growing up in Texas. He details about the farm life, selling crops and his childhood. Okabayashi also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

George Oiye concludes this interview by describing his love for photography, how he managed to bring his personal camera overseas with him, and the kind of pictures he took while in Europe. Next, he describes some of his personal pictures he took…

George Oiye begins this interview part by describing the similarity and differences between American and German concentration camps. Next, describes some photographs in his possession, his feelings about Dachau, and recollecting meeting German youth…

George Oiye describes a number of pictures in his possession, including units, military equipment, unit buddies, and photographs that document the 522nd's involvement with the liberation of the subcamp of Dachau Concentration Camp.

George Oiye discusses his unit's time in the Maritime Alps and the search for and eventual destruction of a railroad gun. Next, he describes how the 522nd was sent into Germany while the 442nd returned to Italy. Lastly, he describes the liberation of…

George Oiye talks about the reputation of the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion, experiences as a forward observer, and the units transfer to France. Next, he discusses the attacks on Bruyeres and Biffontaine. Lastly, he describes the Rescue of the…

George Oiye describes experiences of discrimination, lack of personal relationships, and going to college. Next, he talks about community reactions to Pearl Harbor and the feelings about the west coast evacuation of Japanese Americans. Lastly, he…

George Oiye begins the interview by describing his family and childhood experiences growing up in Montana. Next, he describes his parents' emphasis to Americanize, as well as discussing the small Japanese American population in Montana. Lastly, he…
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