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Ichikawa discusses a few comical stories, photography, and his worst war experience. He details about heading to France, back to Italy, and his experiences in Italy before and after the war. Ichikawa also discusses mail, awards, and returning home.

Ichikawa discusses his life once returning home and how he ended up on a television show. He details about his interactions with veteran organizations and also gives a message to Nisei veterans. Ichikawa also discusses acts of heroism, losing…

Sam Furukawa describes his parents relationship. He recalls the death of his sibling. He talks about his family's farming activities. Furukawa describes his family home and Japanese language school. He discusses his friendships and his experiences…

Furukawa describes his childhood extracurricular activities. He talks about spending time with an Italian family. He discusses the entertainment that he enjoyed as a child. He describes his family's relationship with Japan and his Japanese American…

Furukawa talks about his work in the car repair industry. He also discusses college and being drafted. He describes preparing for deployment and his time at Camp Shelby. He explains the different types of military training that he received. Furukawa…

Furukawa discusses the Champagne Campaign. He describes his leaves in France and Switzerland. He talks about the end of World War Two. He explains how he got back to California. Furukawa reflects on his time in work camps. He talks about joining the…

Furukawa reveals his hopes for the future, including racial tolerance. He explains several pictures and documents that are shown on camera.

Sugihara discusses growing up during the Depression Era. He details about his family and their background. Sugihara also discusses about his education and social activities.

Sugihara discusses his ties with Japan and relatives. . Sugihara discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about basic training at Camp Shelby and the difference between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers.

Sugihara discusses his experiences in France. He details about the trip overseas. Sugihara also discusses about his experiences in Italy.

Sugihara discusses most memorable moments during the war, Prisoners of War, and the war ending in the European Theater. Before going home to the United States, Sugihara receives an opportunity to attend the University of Florence. He recalls an…

Sugihara discusses the projects he works on for the Department of Agriculture. One of his successful project is the improvement of dry eggs. Sugihara meets his wife in college and they get married after she graduates. They have one daughter and their…

Oda begins the interview talking about his childhood in Maui, as his father and mother would come from Kumamoto prefecture to work on the sugarcane fields. He would grow up on the plantation, playing with friends and attending regular and Japanese…

Oda continues his recollection of his time with the 3 Year Swimming Club, in which they would get to travel throughout Hawaii and the United States for tournaments, and would be known as some of the best swimmers. It was thanks to this, that he would…

Oda discusses his time in Mississippi, doing his basic training with the 442nd Regiment. There he would marvel at the amount of pine trees and the humidity of the South and would see the color segregation that was evident in the South. He would…

Oda discusses his time in Europe and the experiences he had while there. He discusses the religions he grew up with and being a boy scout for a short time and how that taught him to give respect to elders. Next, he talks about the things that were…

Oda talks about his career work after graduating from University of Hawaii with Pan-American Airlines. Next, he talks about the recreational activities he did as a child, including fishing and going to the movies. After getting married, he would…

Endo discusses the reasons why he changed his last name to his mother's maiden name; and talks about his parents and grandparents including disucssing his grandparents immigration and his parents employment. He then talks about a fatal car accident…

Endo discusses working for a family in Philadelphia; talks about a scholarship he received to attend a Quaker high school; discusses the childhood car accident he was in; and talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath which included…

Endo discusses his truck driving assignment in basic training; shows and describes photographs of his family; and discusses his experiences at Camp Blanding during basic training. He then talks about reporting to Camp Shelby and his duties there as…

Endo discusses his thoughts about serving in the Army and with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team; and talks about being stationed with the 92nd Infantry Division. He then discusses a fellow medic; talks about his relationship with fellow soldiers; and…

Endo discusses his experiences at University of Florence learning about Italian culture; talks about returning to the United States; and discusses marching in a parade in Washington D.C. He then talks about getting discharged and going back to…

Endo discusses his experiences while applying to work at UCLA; talks about visiting California prior to moving back there and seeing his mentors again; and talks about working at UCLA and getting transferred to work at University of California,…

Endo shows and describes photographs in a scrapbook during his time in Europe as a medic. Photographs depict fellow soldiers, a first aid station, medical supply truck, the 232nd Combat Engineer Company, experiences during the Gothic Line, and other…

Gustafson discusses growing in Illinois in a farming community. His father is well known surgeon. Gustafson shares who are his favorite teachers in school and playing golf. He continues his education after high school by joining the Reserve Officer…

Gustafson discusses military school and graduating from Reserve Officer Training Corps and going to Camp Shelby to be with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He details about discrimination in the military by sharing Lieutenant Yanamura's experiences…

Gustafson discusses Anzio Beach, first combat and casualties. He also recalls the Gothic Line, Bruyeres, and the Lost Battalion. Gustafson also discusses about getting injured and trench feet.

Gustafson discusses losing men and the restructure of the division. He details about close combat with German soldiers and when the German soldiers surrender. Gustafson discusses a story about crabs and other wartime shares, and his promotion.

Gustafson discusses joining the American Graves Registration Committee looking for missing in action soldiers. He details about his experiences during the Vietnam War. Gastafson discusses about his post-military life and employment.

Okabayashi discusses about his family and growing up in Texas. He details about the farm life, selling crops and his childhood. Okabayashi also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Okabayashi discusses about volunteering for the Army and his experiences at Camp Shelby. He details about being his duties within Cannon Company of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Okabayashi also discusses about going overseas and his first combat…

Okabayashi discusses about his experiences in Italy. He details about capturing a PT Boat in France. Okabayashi also discusses about some general experiences in Europe and coming home.

Okabayashi discusses about his life and career after the war. He details about his hobbies and family. Okabayashi also gives a message to future generations.

Shimizu discusses about his family. He details about growing up in Clovis, California. Shimizu also discusses about his schooling.

Shimizu discusses about his childhood. He details about his household, self identification, and school years. Shimizu also discusses his life after high school, geopolitics, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Shimizu discusses about having pride, trying to volunteer , and getting drafted. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and his experiences from Poston Concentration Camp. Shimizu also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Shimizu discusses about the realities of war and experiences in France. He details about close calls. Shimizu also discusses about the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.

Shimizu discusses about Nisei units and the war's end. He details about coming home, meeting his wife, and his life after the war. Shimizu also discusses about his family.

Shimizu discusses about his family. He details about the legacy of the Nisei. Shimizu also discusses about his hope for future generations and barbed wire.

Kusunoki discusses about his family and childhood. He details the neighborhood he grew up in and San Fransisco. Kusunoki also discusses about his schooling, Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences at Tanforan Temporary Detention Facility.

Kusunoki discusses about his experiences at Topaz Concentration Camp and getting drafted. He details about his experiences in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team assigned to the medical detachment. Kusunoki also discusses about his post-war life.

Kusunoki discusses about his post-war life and career. Mrs. Kusunoki discusses about growing up in San Fransisco, her family and schooling. She also discusses teaching Japanese to soldiers at the University of Minnesota.

Mrs. Kusunoki discusses about her experiences at Tanforan Temporary Detention Facility and Topaz Concentration Camp. She details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and leaving camp. Mrs. Kusunoki also discusses about her post-war life.

Mrs. Kusunoki discusses about her family. She details her post-war life and what can be learned from the Japanese American story. Mrs. Kusunoki also gives a message to future generations.

Fujiwara talks about his birthplace. He describes his father's early life. He discusses his Japanese identity. He talks about his siblings. He explains how his father immigrated to the United States. He describes his father's family. Fujiwara…

Fujiwara talks about his interview with the V.A. Hospital. He describes his first car. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He discusses his fathers life in Japan. He explains why the FBI arrested certain members of the Japanese…

Fujiwara talks about his journey to Europe. He describes landing in Glasgow, Scotland. He discusses traveling through Europe, so he could join the 422nd Regimental Combat Team. He talks about his combat experiences during the Gothic Line. He talks…

Roy Fujiwara talks about being hospitalized after his injury. He describes his medals and awards. He discusses his return to the United States. He talks about his hospitalization in Texas. He talks about being discharged. He describes the first time…

Matsumoto gives us a thorough recollection of his family background and growing up in Hawaii. Next, he talks about being 17 and seeing Japanese planes fly overhead as he played football with friends, which a year later resulted in his volunteering…

To begin, Matsumoto talks about training and assignments overseas, including a jeep driver and a radio man. He then briefly discusses the Gothic Line breaking and getting a head wound in battle. Next, he talks about recovering from his wound and…

Hayakawa discusses his childhood and recalls his parents' boarding house and renters who boarded there; his neighborhood community in Utah; friendships; and experiences with discrimination. He then continues to talk about his childhood and discusses…

Hayakawa talks about his father’s reasons for going to Japan and Manchuria; discusses his childhood trip to Japan; talks about his post-high school employment working at a coal mine; and talks about his life after Executive Order 9066. Next, Hayakawa…

Hayakawa discusses preparing to go overseas, getting passes to visit his mother, arriving in Europe, and joining up with the 100th Infantry Battalion. He then discusses his Company A assignment, the Champagne Campaign, soldiers who were killed in…

Hayakawa describes getting assistance from a Kibei when writing letters home due to his lack of knowledge regarding the Japanese language; discusses combat experiences at Po Valley; and talks about getting sick and his hospital stay near Livorno. He…

Hayakawa shows and describes 442nd Regimental Combat Team patches; campaign ribbons; his dog tags; induction papers; an issue of Stars and Stripes newspaper; and a letter from his mother. He also shows and describes photographs from Camp Shelby and…

Matsukawa begins the interview with an introduction of what it was like to grow up in Salt Lake City, Utah. While living there, he would go to school and enjoy the playing sports. As it was the Great Depression years, his family would only have one…

Matsukawa talks about his family background, including his mother and father coming over from Niigata prefecture in Japan. As the terrain of Utah was very similar to Niigata, the family would end up settling there. Next, he talks about the…

Matsukawa talks about his parent's reaction to joining the Army and his brother getting killed in action while in the war. He talks about the unfortunate casualties of young men during war time and his brother's path. Soon after his brother passed…

Matsukawa gives a few anecdotes of his time in basic training at Camp Blanding, including boxing, furloughs, and visiting cities in Florida. He would be shipped out to Europe shortly after, going on the HMS Aquitania and landing in Southampton before…

Matsukawa talks about the history of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, stemming all the way back to Pearl Harbor, when the prejudice first began. He also talks about the accomplishments and strides they made by fighting for their country. Next, he…

After his war experiences in Europe, Matsukawa would head back to the United States, stopping first in New York, where he and a friend were determined to see the Statue of Liberty. He would head back to Utah and there, would decide to take advantage…

Matsukawa finishes up the interview talking about the history of the 442nd and keeping that education alive with the younger generations, as there are still a lot of people that don't realize there were American concentration camps. Finally, he talks…

Tanaka begins the interview with an introduction, being born in southern California. He also talks about how his parents came from Wakayama prefecture in Japan to California, his father actually going through Mexico and making his way across the…

Tanaka would grow up in southern California, helping his family work on the vegetable farm and playing with friends. During this time, the Great Depression occurred and he talks briefly about that. Next, he talks about his whereabouts during the…

Tanaka discusses his time at Poston concentration camp in Arizona. He would work outside of the camp, but when the loyalty questions came about, he would end up answering no, yes and getting drafted into the Army. He was attending art school in…

Tanaka talks about his cousins that were living in Japan during the war and the communications he had with them. Next, he talks about the route to joining the 442nd in Nice. After this, they would march forward to begin a surprise attack on the…

Tanaka talks about the surrender of both the German and the Japanese Armies and how he had to stay in Italy for a little bit longer, guarding prisoners of war. Next, he talks about the medals and awards that were received for his time with the 442nd…

Arthur Nishimoto begins the interview talking about his childhood home and what it was like to grow up in Honolulu, Hawaii. He then talks about his family background, including his father, who was a top car salesman for Chevrolet and Ford. After…

Nishimoto talks about meeting his wife during his junior year of high school and the activities they used to do for fun. He also talks about going to Japanese language school for a few years, where he would learn discipline and leadership. He would…

Nishimoto discusses facing discrimination when in the South, taking leave in Mississippi and seeing all the segregation between white and colored. Next, he talks about his decision to join the Army, volunteering with friends, not even telling his…

Nishimoto talks more about his time at Camp Shelby for his basic training, including the mental and physical challenges and the inner spirit that made the Nisei soldiers so balanced. He also talks about the responsibilities of being a sergeant and…

Nishimoto talks more about his war experiences, including seeing German soldiers and the weapons that they used. He talks about his dislike for snipers and wanting to catch one so that he could take care of him himself. Another assignment included…

Nishimoto talks more about his war experiences, including learning some Italian and even seeing the Pope. After this, he talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion, dealing with extreme darkness and heavy casualties. Next, he speaks about the…

Following the end of the war, Nishimoto would return to Hawaii and join the 442nd reserves. He would then be called for active duty again for the Korean War, and would be on assignment in Japan. He would join the Military Intelligence Service with…

Oura begins the interview talking about how his family came from Miyagi prefecture to Honolulu, Hawaii. His father came to work at the sugar plantation, where James and his siblings would grow up with very little money and food but surviving…

Oura continues his recollection of the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the subtle discriminations that he felt. After this, he decided that he would volunteer for the Army without his parents knowing. However, he was told the quota was filled, but…

Oura discusses more about the discrimination he saw while in Mississippi and the struggles between the Hawaiian and mainland soldiers. He also talks about his captain that made a big difference in training them and readying them for battle. He and…

Oura talks about the various combat campaigns that he was involved with and the different experiences he had. He would first go through Belvedere, followed by Livorno-Leghorn and Rome-Arno where they would occupy various villages and do…

Oura discusses the Gothic Line battle and what it took to push out the German soldiers that were there to finish off the war. After this, they would be allowed to take passes to certain European cities, but if you had enough points, you could also…

Oura looks through a couple of pictures, including one of him from Camp Shelby and another from when a journalist had joined K company during the war.

Oshiro shares his parents immigration story. He talks about his siblings. He discusses his birthplace and his childhood community. He shares his earliest memories. He talks about his family's farm work on a plantation. Oshiro describes what he did in…

Oshiro continues to talks about Japanese language school. He discuses his religious upbringing. He talks about his experiences while in high school and post-high school. He describes Pearl Harbor before World War Two. Oshiro discusses his carpentry…

Oshiro continues to discuss volunteering for the military. He describes his journey to Camp Shelby. He talks about being assigned to a unit. He briefly talks about his basic training. He describes the relationship between the Hawaiian soldiers and…

Oshiro talks about landing in Naples, Italy and his journey through Italy. He explains his interactions with the 100th Infantry Battalion. He describes his first combat experience. He discusses his military assignments. He talks about his role in the…

Oshiro continues to discuss his work with gliders. He explains how he was injured. He talks about rejoining his unit after he recovered from his injury. He explains how he communicated with his family while he was overseas. Oshiro briefly talks about…

Oshiro continues to talk about his veteran reunion trip to Europe. He talks about the horrors of war and his friends who were killed in action. He discusses his military decorations. He describes his return to the United States. Oshiro describes the…

Uno discusses why his family settled in Salt Lake City and his father's employment in the railroad industry. He then talks about moving to Los Angeles, his family's forced removal to Santa Anita temporary detention facility, and the reasons why his…

Uno discusses his childhood including talking about values, religion, his neighborhood, playing games, his siblings, friendships, and playing sports. He then talks about his family's forced removal to Santa Anita temporary detention facility and…

Uno discusses the loyalty questionnaire he was given while at Amache incarceration camp, talks about his mother's reaction to his military service, and discusses the induction process including having to get surgery before joining the Army. Next, Uno…

Uno discusses his squad leader who was killed in action; and talks about his first combat experiences and duties as an ammunition bearer. He then talks about his experiences in the Vosges Forest being attached to the 36th Division, and discusses the…

Uno talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion, and his Intelligence and Reconnaissance (I&R) assignment setting up observation posts during the Gothic Line. He then talks about processing German POWs, and volunteering for Military Intelligence…

Uno discusses his life after retiring from the YMCA which included working for the federal government, becoming ordained as a deacon, and volunteer hospice work. He then talks about attending 442nd veteran reunions, discusses his children, and talks…

Ichikawa discusses his parents, childhood, and home life. He then talks about his feelings regarding Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and his thoughts about forced removal after Executive Order 9066. Ichikawa then describes his experiences at…
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