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Oye begins the interview speaking about her family background and how her father and mother began their journey to California. Once settled in Salinas, her family opened a parlor, selling candy and dry-goods. During her childhood, she was able to…

Oye discusses the music and dance that she was involved with, traveling all the way down to Long Beach to perform. Next, she talks about her childhood home and the various things she was involved with as a kid, which included such things as skating,…

broken link

Yenokida talks about his family background. Both his mother and father came from Fukuoka and started a farm in California, where they would grow various crops. While going to school in Ballico, Yenokida would often get into mischief, sometimes…

Yenokida continues his life in Cortez, California, speaking about how his family came to be farmers and how they purchased their property of nearly 20 acres of land. Next, he discusses the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent evacuation notices…

Yenokida begins his trial in Denver, submitting paperwork showing that Japanese Americans were not being given their Constitutional Rights, however, the judge did not agree and he was sentenced to Tuscon Federal Work Camp for 1 year. He and the other…

Yenokida discusses his time after his imprisonment, working in Denver, farming and shipping vegetables with his brother. Later, they would head back to Cortez to visit their mother and start their own farm, which ended up having over 3,000 acres of…

Taira Fukushima was born on February 8, 1926, in Los Angeles, CA. Taira describes how he gets his name and how his name is confused as a female name.

Taira's father is Buntaro Fukushima, and he was born on August 2, 1881. Taira's father comes from…

Taira Fukushima discusses the importance of family. For example, when he is a student, he gets a paper route job, and with the money earned, he shares it with the family. In the 1930s, there was a notion that tuberculosis was hereditary. By getting…

Taira Fukushima and his brother Jim are together for 442nd and replacements. On the mainland, Taira is a medic aide, and Jim is a litter bearer. Taira has limited training as a medic, but Tech Sergeant Hirata and Sergeant Matsuda give him support…


Ota discusses his father and grandparents, including talking about his grandfather working on a citrus farm. He then talks about religion and going to temple, and attending Obon Festivals. When Ota was a child, his family moved to Japan and he talks…

Ota discusses his family’s work on Driscoll Farms, life after Executive Order 9066, and his family’s forced removal to Salinas temporary detention facility. He then talks about life at Poston incarceration camp, discusses getting drafted and going to…

Ota discusses visiting Hawaii both during his childhood and while in the service, talks about his hobbies, and traveling to the Philippines. After his assignment in the Philippines, Ota went to Japan to be an interpreter for Allied Translator and…

Ota discusses lessons he learned from his family and values to pass on to future generations, and talks about the Japanese American community past vs. present. Lastly, Ota describes and shows pictures taken at Fort Snelling, the NYK Building in…

Sato discusses how he got his name, his parents immigrating from Japan, and his first memories growing up in Idaho. He then talks about his childhood home, moving to Utah, and his childhood chores on a farm. Next, Sato discusses more of his childhood…

Sato discusses religion, school, and recreational activities growing up such as swimming and skiing. He then talks about a close friend; chores on the farm; holidays; and his experiences after he quit high school and worked at a labor camp in…

Sato discusses his attempt to volunteer for the Air Force, but getting enlisted in the Army instead. He then talks about reporting to Fort Douglas, traveling to Camp Shelby, and his experiences witnessing segregation in Mississippi. Next, Sato talks…

Sato discusses attending USO shows and seeing Frank Sinatra perform; talks about his experiences at the Gothic Line and seeing his first casualties; and describes shoe-mines. He also talks about getting wounded and receiving a Purple Heart; discusses…

Sato discusses his worst memories at Camp Shelby, and tells a story regarding witnessing an act of heroism in which a sergeant sacrificed himself. He then talks about the achievements of the 100th and 442nd; discusses commanding officers; and talks…


In this video clip, Tets Asato describes his Issei parents, growing up on a farm in El Monte, California, and growing up in a Japanese household. He talks about his childhood - friends, school, playing sports, etc. - and about his mother's passing.

In this video clip, Tets Asato describes going to Japanese language school as a child. He also talks about the relationship with his siblings and family, and going to the movies with his father. He describes what his life was like when the war broke…

In this video clip, Tets Asato talks about the Loyalty Questionnaire that the Niseis had to answer while in camp (internment camp) and about the "No-No Boys". He talks about being drafted into the army and his experiences in basic training at Camp…

In this video clip, Tets Asato talks about his experience overseas. He describes his homecoming and what he did upon returning to the states. He talks about the insurance company that he and his friend started in J-Town, Los Angeles, and also, talks…

In this video clip, Tets Asato talks about the efforts of the 100th/442nd/MIS that benefited the Japanese Americans of today, as well as future generations. He presents important advice and values for future generations, and shares his thoughts about…

Oye begins the interview speaking about his family and how they came from Japan to Seattle, Washington. His father would work for various places while his mother would volunteer as a midwife to those in need at the Buddhist church. Growing up in…

Oye continues his recollection of joining the Army by taking his brothers draft spot and reporting to Camp Robinson. He would first begin his training there before being sent to Camp Crowder to begin training with the Quartermaster Corps, and not…

Oye discusses his first landing in Civitavecchia and the first combat that he saw during the war. He talks about the team that he was with and how they were commanded to put their weapons aside and become litter-bearers to help the medics out. Next,…

Oye would be discharged from the Army after some guard duty in Europe and being shipped back to the United States, passing the Statue of Liberty on the way back. He would end up in Philadelphia, where he would meet his wife and begin his career as a…

Yamada discusses being born on August 21, 1940 in Hawaii. His parents
immigrated in 1910 from Japan for the opportunity to be a contract labor. In Japan, their families are farmers. Yamada admires his Father because he bought rental property,…

Yamada discusses playing sports in his childhood such as barefoot football, tennis and fishing with his friends. One holiday that his family celebrates annually is the Emperor of Japan's birthday and New Year (because of the food). They also sing…

Yamada discusses his experience on the Mainland and going overseas. Yamada is not at Camp McCoy for very long. Only a few months for infantry training for the 100th Infantry Battalion. Later he volunteers for Military Intelligence Service.


Yamada discusses his time in the Dutch East Indies now know as Indonesia. He describes seeing a lot of casualties of Prisoners of War (POWs). He says the action happens so quickly that bodies keeping piling up.

During his time overseas, Yamada…

Tom Yamada discusses stories from his time in service. During occupation in Japan, Yamada works with naval officer Lieutenant Lim. 20 years later, Yamada runs into Lieutenant Lim at Radio City Music Hall and thinks of him kindly . Yamada also thinks…

Mukai talks about his early life in Kingston, Washington. He talks about his mother, father, and siblings. He discusses his childhood friendships and his religious upbringing. He describes his family home and holidays. Mukai talks about his…

Mukai talks about his life after high school. He describes his family's relationship with relatives in Japan. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He shares his knowledge of the American Concentration Camps. Mukai discuses his…

Mukai continues to describe his journey to Europe. He goes on to describe his journey to Italy from France. He talks about his assignments while in Italy. He discuses how a friend was wounded. He talks about being a replacement solider. Mukai shares…

Mukai describes his furlough in Washington. He lists his military decorations. He talks about changes in his hometown. He discuses returning to active duty as a driver. He describes his final military post as a cook for the Presidio Monterey. He…

Nakayama discusses his parents including his father's employment and hobbies, talks about his siblings, his sister's death from tuberculosis, and religion. He also describes Shinto, and talks about his childhood including discussing his neighborhood,…

Nakayama talks about school, discusses his favorite subjects, talks about life prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the restrictions he encountered after the attack. He also talks about his family's experiences after Executive Order 9066…

Nakayama discusses basic training and the living conditions at Camp Blanding, traveling overseas to Marseille, and his assignment in B Company. He then talks about his experiences as a replacement soldier, his interactions with other soldiers, and…

Nakayama discusses combat experiences in Italy, and recalls stories regarding soldiers who were Killed in Action. He then talks about receiving a Bronze Star, going on patrol, and combat experiences in Po Valley and the Gothic Line. Next, Nakayama…

Nakayama discusses his first and second wives, communicating with his first wife while overseas, the legacy of the 100th and 442nd, provides a message to future generations, and discusses why a street was named after his brother. Lastly, Nakayama…

Tommy Masakazu Mayekawa is born on April 22, 1921, in Hawthorne, CA. Tommy's parents are from Mie-ken, Japan. When Tommy's father immigrates to the United States, he works on the railroads and truck farming.

Tommy is the oldest of the children. He…

Tommy Mayekawa and his family evacuate to Santa Anita Assembly Center after receiving the evacuation orders. He describes the living conditions and life in the camp. Tommy and his family live in a horse stable, and his parents accepted the situation…

During the Military occupation in Japan, Tommy Mayekawa works for the Third Military Railway Service Headquarters as an interpreter. He guards the trains to make sure they are not pilferage.

Living in Yokohama, Japan, Tommy does not encounter…

Mano discusses his post-war life and working at the family's nursery.He details about meeting his wife and raising a family. At the nursery, Mano meets his wife, Tomi Yoshioka and they later have children . Yoshioka discusses her family origin and…

Mano discusses his prefecture of origin and familial description. He also recalls home life with his parents, school years leading up to forced removal. In Mano's adolescent years, his family visited relatives in Japan.

Mano discusses going to Pinedale Temporary Detention Canter, Tule Lake and Minidoka Concentration Camps. At Tule Lake, Mano shares that there was segregation and division between the Japanese Americans' feelings about the United States Government. He…

Tokunaga begins the interview talking about his family background and his parents coming over from Japan and settling eventually in Washington. Growing up in Washington, he would enjoy playing sports with other kids, attend regular and Japanese…

After being forced removed and moved to Puyallup Temporary Detention Center, Tokunaga would head to Minidoka Concentration Camp early to help set up supplies. Soon after, he would be drafted into the Army and inducted at Fort Douglas to join the…

Tokunaga discusses the labor camps that he saw in Europe, taking souvenirs and the friendships he made through the Army. After V-E Day, he would remain in Frankfurt for another year and half until finally being discharged back in Fort Lewis,…

Oda discusses growing up in Portland, Oregon circa 1920-1940. He shares memories from youth and adolescence. Oda also talks about how his parents settled in Portland and his father's business dealings.

Oda discusses his experiences in World War II with an emphasis on the many military camps he was stationed at, and his experience receiving a field commission. In addition he talks about what his life was like just prior to U.S. participation in the…
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