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Photo of horse riding police and an ambulance

Photo of policemen in front of a mountain

Photo of a man squatting in front of a car

Photo of a girl holding a baby

Photo of Japanese children in front of some trees

Photo of Esther, George's wife

Photo of George, his wife, Esther, and their son, Glen

Photo of a young boy

Photo of a young boy in a school uniform

Photo of shirtless George in a neighborhood

Photo of a shirtless man doing construction work

Photo of George and another guy in a LA neighborhood

Photo of George leaning on a car

Signed photo of a man getting ready to run

Photo of George sitting in front of a fence

Photo of a man in a running outfit

Photo of a man getting ready to run, signed by George

Photo of a man in a running outfit with a heart drawn around his face

Class photo of students

Photo of George doing a handstand

Photo of George throwing a football

Labelled photo of George and his track team

Photo of George and members of the United Farmers Association of California, Inc.

Fujimori goes into depth about his participation in the occupation of Japan with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He talks specifically about his time in Yokohama and Tokyo.

Fujimori talks more about the Yokota airbase. He discusses the Military Intelligence Service's contribution to the Occupation of Japan.

Fujimori discusses growing up in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles. He describes his father and his involvement in the Japanese American community.

Fujimori describes growing up in Boyle Heights, California. He also talks about playing sports, such as football and track, and his academic interests in high school. He recalls his siblings and childhood friends.

Fujimori discusses meeting his wife. He talks more about practicing Judo, and what it meant to be Japanese American. At the end of this section, he talks of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Fujimori describes his experience of moving away from his home and into Manzanar Concentration Camp and his experiences living in the camp. He also describes volunteering for the army and his basic training at Fort Snelling.

Fujimori discusses his military experience in the Philippines. He describes what his job entailed as a Military Intelligence Service interrogator. At the end of this part he begins describing his participation in the occupation of Japan after the war…

Fujimori talks about his homecoming from Japan. He goes on to talk about his work experience as a carpenter, including building furniture for Hugh Hefner and the Playboy Mansion.

Fujimori continues to talk about his experience as a carpenter. He discusses Go For Broke [National Education Center], and offers his thoughts about the events of September 11th (9/11). He ends with a message to future generations.

Fujimori discusses what it was like growing up in California. He details about the affects that Pearl Harbor had on him and his family. Fujimori also discusses his experiences in Manzanar.

Fujimori discusses what it was like to grow up in Hollywood and cultural values. He details about his journey to the army. Fujimori also discusses his experiences at Camp Savage and Fort McClellan.

Fujimori discusses what happen after basic training. He details his experiences at Fort Snelling. Fujimori also discusses the time he spent in the Philippines.

Fujimori discusses more about his time in the Philippines. He details about his duties while stationed in Japan. Fujimori also discusses his road to being discharged.

Fujimori discusses his homecoming experiences. He details about his career after being in the military. Fujimori also discusses raising children and moving to west coast.

Fujimori reflects on being sent to American Concentration Camps and his experiences in the military. He details about the role MIS played during the war. Fujimori also discusses veteran organizations and gives a message to future generations.


Fujimoto begins the interview with the surrender of the Japanese Army and the end of the war. As he was already in the Philippines, they would begin the military occupation in Japan shortly after. He would get over to Tokyo by ship and begin his…

Fujimoto continues his recollection of his time in occupied Japan, working as an interpreter. After coming back from his tour of Japan with the Colonel, he would work at the Dai-Ichi Hotel at the front desk, interpreting and watching for signs of…

Fujimoto talks about his family background and his childhood, growing up in southern California. Next, he speaks about his self identity and what it was like to grow up being a Japanese American, amongst a neighborhood of caucasians. Next, the…

Fujimoto looks through various pictures and narrates the subject matter. The pictures include General MacArthur's wife and son, Colonel Mark Logie, gymnastics sessions at Pasadena City College, various pictures throughout occupied Japan, and finishes…

Fujimoto begins his interview with a short introduction of himself and speaking about his family background. He would grow up in southern California on various farms that his father would work on. Unfortunately, his father would pass away at a young…

Fujimoto continues his recollection of Pearl Harbor and the aftermath of the attacks, including curfews and getting rid of all illegal contraband. Shortly after, they would get notification of Executive Order 9066, which would force them to be moved…

Fujimoto discusses his post-war life and accounting career. He details about family and marriages. Fujimoto also discusses his community involvement, gives a message to future generations, and discusses some photographs and a pamphlet he wrote.

Fujimoto talks about his birthplace in California. He explains how his father immigrated to the United States. He describes his parents physical appearances. He discusses his parent's marriage. He lists his siblings. He talks about his family's move…

Fujimoto shares his knowledge of World War Two in Europe. He describes the different means of communication his family had in the 1940s. He talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He discusses his experiences with discrimination. He…

Fujimoto continues to talk about the extent to which he heard stories from soldiers that returned from Europe. He discusses his return to Colorado. He shares his thoughts on the end of World War Two and the atomic bombing of Japan. He describes his…

Fujimoto discusses his experiences growing up in rural Colorado as a youth. He talks about how his father immigrated to Mexico before settling in the U.S. He talks about how his mother arrived in the U.S. too. He shares anecdotes regarding: his…

H. Fujimoto talks about his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack and the aftermath which prevented him from going off to college, and how Colorado's governor Ralph Carr offered refuge for evacuated Japanese Americans. He also discusses his…

H. Fujimoto talks about how his MISLS training emphasized patience and accuracy in interpreting for the military. He also discusses his post-war life: marriage, family, and career; and the racial discrimination he faced post-war while looking for…

Fujimoto discusses how he got his nickname; and talks about growing up in Bell, California including talking about his family, his father’s occupation on a farm, and his own duties helping out on the farm. He then continues to talk about his…

Fujimoto tells a story regarding a whiskey distillery and Al Capone, discusses his father getting arrested by the FBI, and talks about his family and friends’ forced removal experiences. He then talks about his life and the living conditions at Santa…

Fujimoto discusses life experiences and luck, meeting his wife, working while at Rohwer Concentration Camp; and going to the hospital for pleurisy. He then discusses taking an Army questionnaire, getting his draft notice, and basic training at Camp…

Fujimoto discusses going to Camp Kilmer, traveling overseas; and going to the hospital for measles after landing in France. He then talks about being assigned to G Company and describes the terrain traveling to meet up with them with his squad. Next,…

Fujimoto talks about his combat experiences, discusses the end of the war, and tells a story regarding going to hospital for food poisoning. He then talks about receiving a Bronze Star, provides his thoughts regarding military service and the 442nd;…

Fujimoto talks about his birthplace in Honolulu, Hawaii. He discusses his family and parents. He describes how his sister got her name. He talks about his father's work at Washington Place in Honolulu, Hawaii. He discusses his childhood activities.…

Fujimoto talks about his defense work in Hawaii. He explains his own reaction to the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He discusses the formation of the 100th Infantry Battalion. He describes his journey to the Mainland. He talks about his short stay in a…

Fujimoto explains how he got trench foot. He talks about communicating with family while he was in the military. He discusses the casualties and injuries in his unit. He describes the horrors of war. He talks about receiving enemy fire at an Italian…

Fujimoto continues to talk about his unit's attempt to capture Cassino, Italy. He describes a recent visit to Cassino, Italy. He discusses an air fight he witnessed. He shares his thoughts on war. He talks about his unit's retreat from Cassino,…

no sound.

Fujimoto discusses about her experiences pre and during World War Two. She details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Fujimoto also discusses about meeting her husband and reflects on her life experiences.

Fujimoto gives a brief overview of his life and discusses his family. He details about his life growing up in California. Fujimoto also discusses about his parents experiences with forced removal.

Fujimoto discusses about being drafted, Pearl Harbor, and the aftermath. He discusses about his military training and being transferred to the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Fujimoto also discusses about his experiences in Europe.

Fujimoto discusses about what a medic carried and seeing a friend get shot. He details about why he received the Silver Star and his experiences during the Lost Battalion. Fujimoto discusses about going back to Italy, the war ending, and returning…

Fujimoto discusses about how he met his wife and his children. Fujimoto's daughter (Terrie) is interviewed about her father. Fujimoto also give a message to future generations.

Fujimoto discusses his father and his employment; talks about import businesses in Hawaii; and discusses the reasons why his father immigrated to Hawaii. He then talks about his mother, languages spoken at home, and tells a story regarding how he got…

Fujimoto talks about moving to a different house after high school, discusses his siblings, and talks about how his sister helped him with school work. He then talks about food he ate during his childhood, his family’s religion, attending Japanese…

Fujimoto talks about memorable childhood experiences such as taking a trolley car in Waikiki, and going on a trip to Molokai with the Boy Scouts. He then talks about his experiences prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor as well as his experiences…

Fujimoto talks about his experiences at Camp Shelby, how he got his nickname, and getting promoted while in combat. He then talks about his combat experiences, traveling overseas, landing in Italy, and his experiences at Hill 140. Lastly, Fujimoto…

Fujimoto discusses traveling to Rome; getting a pass and spending time in the Italian countryside; and combat experiences including a story regarding a tank. He then talks about attending a battalion award ceremony, discusses his duties as a radioman…

Fujimoto talks about getting wounded and his hospital stay; and traveling to a replacement depot and his experiences there. He then talks about rejoining his unit, combat experiences, returning to the United States, and his employment driving a…

Fujimoto talks about returning back home and seeing his mother again, discusses his nephew, and talks about his family’s property. He then talks about his attempt to get a government job; his experiences with discrimination; and talks about…

Fujimoto talks about growing up in Los Angeles and describes his neighborhood. He then talks about his father's life in Japan and immigration to the United States; and his father's various jobs including his nursery business. Lastly, Fujimoto talks…

Fujimoto talks about his mother, his family's friendships with Japanese American families, typical meals at holiday celebrations, having asthma as a child, memorable teachers, and his art hobbies. He then talks about the impact World War Two had on…

Fujimoto discusses his childhood including traveling from Hawthorne to Los Angeles by car, speaking Japanese, and attending Japanese language school. He then talks about the different Japanese writing systems, describes his childhood home in…

Fujimoto discusses life and living conditions at Pomona temporary detention facility and Heart Mountain incarceration camp. He then talks about attending high school at Heart Mountain, his family's experiences traveling back to Los Angeles, his…

Fujimoto provides some thoughts about the 100th and 442nd including a story regarding a former classmate who was killed in action; and discusses his whereabouts when he heard about D-Day. He then talks about his experiences with discrimination in…

Fujimoto discusses about his family and early life. He details about his life after high school, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Fujimoto also discusses about forced removal and his experiences at Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp.

Fujimoto discusses about his experiences in Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp and leaving camp. He details about getting drafted and training. Fujimoto also discusses about his experiences as a replacement in Italy.

Fujimoto discusses about his experiences in Switzerland and coming home. He details about his experiences in the Army and his family. Fujimoto also discusses about his post-war life, receiving the Bronze Star, and the values he were taught.

Mr. Fujimoto discusses about his family message to future generations, and photographs. Mrs. discusses about about her family. She also details about going to Japan and her experiences there.

Yoshito Fujimoto describes his family history and personal background, his time spent in Japan as a child, and returning to the United States. He recalls attending Japanese language school, how he was recruited into the Military Intelligence Service,…

Yoshito Fujimoto describes awaiting overseas assignment with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and being recruited into the Military Intelligence Service Language School. He recalls shipping overseas to Australia, where he was assigned to ATIS and…

Yoshito Fujimoto talks about his experiences fighting in the Philippines, and about his reassignment to Japan. He recalls his arrival at the Atsugi Air Field, about his stay in Yokohama, about the signing of the Termination of War documents, and…

Yoshito Fujimoto describes working on the reconciliation of Japanese political leaders, observing the post-war labor conference, and other happenings during the occupation of Japan. He talks about the atomic bomb drop sites and how he was prohibited…

Yoshito Fujimoto describes his second tour of duty in Japan, in which he worked undercover and spent time in Korea. He discusses his time in Japan after Korea, the reconstruction of Japan, and returning to California after his father's death. At the…

M. Fujita talks about his childhood experiences in San Diego county circa 1930s. He also talks about his family's experiences in Santa Anita and Poston. He shares anecdotes regarding: basic training in Camp Shelby, getting wounded in combat, and his…

M. Fujita shares his combat experiences in Italy, he describes the weapons he used, food, and traveling to battlefields. He also talks about his army discharge and aspects of his post-war life. He shares anecdotes regarding: friendships developed in…

In this video clip, Yoshiaki Fujitani talks about his father's influences about Japanese cultural values and his decision to study Buddhism. He describes what it was like to grow up in Pauwela, Maui. Growing up in a Buddhist temple, Yoshiaki…
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