Browse Items (19 total)

Akiyama talks about growing up in the Pacific Northwest and moving as a child to eastern Oregon, Portland, and Seattle. He then talks about his father and his employment as a cook; discusses his favorite dishes his father cooked; and talks about…

Akiyama talks about the differences between [Portland] temporary detention facility and Minidoka incarceration camp including discussing the living conditions at both locations. He then talks about his experiences working on a sugar beet farm in…

James Mamoru Fujii was born on May 28, 1926. His parents were Bukichi "Ben" Fujii and Yoshino Yamakado Fujii. James' mother was the second wife after the first wife passed away. In the first marriage, James' father has three children.


Hara discusses his name, date of birth and birth place. His parents are Issei and his Father comes to the United States for better opportunities. Hara's Father works in various places before leasing a hotel in Portland called Austria Hotel. Growing…

Hinatsu discusses his career and health issues. He reflects about the time he spent in the service and details about the legacy of Nisei veterans. Hinatsu also discusses receiving the Presidential Unit Citation and losing close friends.

Ito discusses growing up in Portland, Oregon including talking about attending school and playing sports; speaking mostly English at home; and talking about his parents, including his father's various jobs. He also talks about an incident in which…

Iwasaki begins the interview talking about his family, as his parents came from Shiga prefecture in Japan and settling first in British Columbia, Canada followed by Hillsboro, Oregon. His family would own a 50-acre farm in Oregon, harvesting…

Iwasaki talks about his return to Hillsboro, going back to the farm and meeting his future wife. He would get married and have children, continuing on with his career in farming, growing vegetables and flowers and even experimenting with wasabi later…

Enoch Kanaya was born March 14, 1925. His parents are from Okayama-ken, Japan, and immigrated to the United States. Enoch's parents were hard-working and loving parents. When the Great Depression happened, farming became difficult, and the Kanaya…

Nagasaka begins the interview with an introduction and talks about what it was like to grow up on a hog ranch near Portland, Oregon. He talks about the various ways that they made money off of the hogs and where he was when he first head of the…

Namba talks about his family's forced removal including discussing the items he was allowed to take and what he had to leave behind. He then talks about some of his family's items that were lost after his father returned from incarceration camp; and…

Oda discusses growing up in Portland, Oregon circa 1920-1940. He shares memories from youth and adolescence. Oda also talks about how his parents settled in Portland and his father's business dealings.

Ray Shiiki is inducted at Fort Douglas, UT then goes to Camp Hood. He is assigned to the Tank Destroyer Outfit. After Camp Hood, he goes to Fort Snelling and is assigned as Supply Sergeant, F Company.

When Fort Snelling disbanded, the soldiers…

George Suzuki was born on April 6, 1922, in Astoria, OR. He went to Fort Snelling for Military Intelligence Service Language School. n May 1945, he completed training and was assigned to the Philippines for guard duty. When Japan surrendered in…

Masayasu discusses growing up in Sacramento and Martha discusses growing up in Portland. They both speak about their experiences with Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Masayasu details about his time in Japan during the Occupation. They both discuss…

Teragawa begins the interview speaking about his family background and early childhood, where he moved to Japan at the age of four with his brother to get a Japanese education. Next, he speaks about moving back to the United States to work at his…

Teramura begins the interview talking about growing up in Lents, Oregon. His family would come over from Shiga prefecture in Japan and start a farm, where Yasu would work from the age of 7 on. During the Great Depression they had to move from Lents…

Teramura continues his recollection of his school years in Oregon, his favorite subject being math. He discusses some of the impactful teachers he had and some of the discrimination that he faced during his childhood. After graduating from Oregon…

Teramura discusses more about his time in Europe during the war. One of his assignments there would be processing German prisoners of war. He discusses the SS and the power that they had in the Nazi Army. After the war had ended, he would work as a…
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