Before going overseas, Tetsuo Asato went on furlough and visited his sister in California. Tetsuo departed on the Aquitania. Although the voyage was rough, Tetsuo did not get seasick. He landed in Glasgow, Scotland, and traveled to South Hampton to…
Shindo discusses his favorite projects and his trip to Japan. He details about becoming a professor, how education played a part in his education, and gives a message to future generations. Shibdo also discusses albums and photographs.
Shindo discusses his mindset while composing music. He details about how his background played a role in his career and the Nikkei social scene. Shindo also discusses about his family Sammy Davis Jr., and gives advice to those wanting to be in…
Shindo discusses about taking the opportunity to earn more about music and visiting his family in Manzanar. He details about his life after being discharged, forming his first band, and pursing a career in music. Shindo also discusses about his…
Shindo discusses his experiences in Manzanar. He details about being drafted, joining the Military Intelligence Service, and becoming instructor. Shindo also discusses his interactions with German prisoners, favorite music, and his feelings towards…
Shindo discusses attending college for engineering and how his interest switched to music. He details about December 7, 1941 and his experiences with discrimination. Shindo also discusses about volunteering for relocation to Manzanar Concentration…
Shindo discusses growing up in Los Angeles, family, and Japanese language school. He details about his love for music came to be and his experiences as a musician. Shindo also discusses about high school.
Yokote talks about a photograph that shows members of the band he was involved in. After this he talks about the advantages of being in the band as opposed to an infantryman. As he wasn't involved in much front line duty, he was stunted in his…
Yokote talks about his musical background, getting a trombone at a young age and learning the importance and discipline of instruments. He then begins to talk about his time at basic training at Camp Blanding and the unit that he was a part of. While…
Kimoto details the process of volunteering for The 442nd. Kimoto discusses his journey from Hawaii to San Fransisco and from San Fransisco to Mississippi. He also discusses about his time at Camp Shelby and in Mississippi.
Mr. Watanabe first discusses where he was born and raised, and talks about his passion for music, which included a career as a musician. Leading a unique military career, Mr. Watanabe served in the 442nd and the MIS, before he was finally assigned to…
Narasaki recalls his time at Tanforan Detention Center and tells us about his job washing dishes and the music and recreational activities. He recounts the journey to Topaz Internment Camp and the living conditions. He also describes the rift the…
Murakami discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Murakami also discusses about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences in Marysville Temporary Detention Center.
Hishinuma continues to talk about his work for the Atomic Printing Company. He describes how he and his future wife applied for a marriage license. He discusses his wife application for citizenship. He talks about the female companions that his job…
Ikari continues talking about his basic training at Camp Shelby, joining E Company and preparing for their shipment overseas. They would ship out from Newport News aboard a liberty ship, gambling, playing cards and listening to music throughout the…
After the evacuation, Kodama and his family would head to Santa Anita race track where they would spend some time in a temporary detention center, where they would have almost no privacy. It was there, that he would meet his first wife, who taught…
Minori Sueda recalls his terrible sea voyage to the European theater and getting lost in Rome. He speaks about some of the casualties the unit experienced and the role of an engineer unit.
Oshita talks about the sports she was involved with and the recreational activities during her childhood, where she was intrigued with basketball and swimming and her family would have picnics to "talk stories". She would also correspond with her…
After arriving in Germany, Sakamoto would begin his time with occupational forces, where he would end up going to clerical school, being a typist in Heidelberg. After this, he talks about meeting his wife, while working as a typist. They would court…
Yokoyama discusses about being bugler and music. He details about joining and his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Yokoyama discusses about the atomic bombings.
Kazuma Taguchi and the interviewers introduce themselves. He talks about his early life in Hawaii. He discusses his education. He describes his work on a plantation. He talks about being drafted. He discusses his time at Schofield Barracks. He lists…
Shiosaki begins the interview giving an introduction of himself and his family and how they came from Japan and ended up in Idaho. His father would work on the railroads and the family would live in railroad housing in Fort Hall and in Blackfoot. He…
Sakamoto discusses his experiences while being in the regimental band. He details about his life after being discharged. Sakamoto also discusses the plane crash at Camp Beale and seeing the unveiling of the Civil Liberties Monument.
Michael and Jimmy Doi’s parents are from Yokohama, Japan. After eloping, they went to Oxnard, CA. In Oxnard, Michael and Jimmy's father was a farmer, and their mother was a housewife. There were four sons (Dick, Sam, Michael, and Jimmy) and one…
Urata discusses the radio program that he was involved with after coming back from Tule Lake concentration camp. Next, he talks about the resurgence of Japanese culture and his personal music business. He discusses music before and after the war and…
Urata continues his recollection of his time in the Honouliuli Internment Camp in Hawaii as the war went on. He also speaks about how he got involved in Hole Hole Bushi music, which he later became famous for. Next, he goes back to his discussion on…
Urata begins the interview speaking about his family background and growing up in Japan, Korea and Hawaii. As his father died when he was just 1, Urata would move to Japan for a short amount of time before moving to Seoul, South Korea to live with…
Tokashiki plays several songs on his harmonica. He describes a trip to Europe that he took with a veterans club. He talks about deaths in his family. He discusses friendships with his squad members. Tokashiki shares his advice for future…
Matsumura discusses his wife and children, education at Northrop Aeronautical Institute and work at an airline. He also discusses recreational activities he has enjoyed throughout his life, storytelling with fellow servicemen at reunions, music and…
Frank Matsuda talks about the Nisei legacy and how their service opens the door for many Asians. The 442nd receives 20 to 21 medals, and K Company received two of the medals. Frank feels many other soldiers deserve recognition for their service,…
At Fort Snelling, Frank Hiratsuka works in the postal section processing incoming mail. On his weekends off, sometimes Frank flies home to visit his parents. Frank is later assigned to go to Schofield in Honolulu, HI.
Edward Kanaya shares the advice his father gave to him before he volunteered. He talks about his good luck charms. He discusses local musicians. He describes teaching in his retirement. He talks about working for the Honolulu Symphony. He describes…
Edward Kanaya talks about his visits to an Italian opera and symphony. He describes being attached to the Service Company. He discusses playing at military dances. Kanaya explains his duties at the division headquarters. He describes the type of…
Edward Kanaya talks about his childhood friends who shoplifted. He continues to talk about his siblings. He describes his father's personality. He discusses volunteering for the military. He describes the food served in his childhood home. He…
Kaji discusses about music. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Kaji also discusses about forced removal and his experiences at Manzanar Concentration Camp.