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Akaki thanks his sister for new underclothes and socks. He describes everyday activities including formal retreats and evening shows. He describes washing clothes and bathing using his helmet. He describes his first time swimming in salt water and…

Akaki writes that he has not had much to do since the fighting ended in Europe. He went on a trip to see Adolf Hitler’s "hideout", and went swimming for the first time since his arrived in Italy. He writes that he has been considering applying to the…

Sato continues talking about growing up in Fresno, including finding out that because he was Japanese American, he was only allowed to swim at the local pool at certain times. After the attacks on Pearl Harbor, he and his family would be forced to…

Hashisaka begins the interview talking about his life, growing up on Kauai and moving to Honolulu and attending McKinley High School. He then talks about his family background, his parents came from Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan and would settle in…

Kodama continues to discuss growing up as a Seventh-Day Adventist, having many restrictions such as not being able to go to football games or movies. After this, he talks about the holidays he grew up celebrating, including New Years and Christmas,…

Umeda gives more background on his siblings, and what it was like to grow up on a farm, picking grapes and saving money to go to junior college. He talks about the other recreational activities he did with his siblings, including skating and swimming…

Wada begins the interview talking about his family coming from Japan and settling in Redlands. He talks about growing up in the Redlands, having picnics, and only being allowed to go swimming after it had been cleaned. He grew up as a Christian and…

Oshita talks about the sports she was involved with and the recreational activities during her childhood, where she was intrigued with basketball and swimming and her family would have picnics to "talk stories". She would also correspond with her…

Nakamura begins the interview with an introduction, talking about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, attending McKinley High School and Japanese language school while his father was a fisherman from Hiroshima and his mother came from Fukuoka. He…

Oda begins the interview talking about his childhood in Maui, as his father and mother would come from Kumamoto prefecture to work on the sugarcane fields. He would grow up on the plantation, playing with friends and attending regular and Japanese…

Oda continues his recollection of his time with the 3 Year Swimming Club, in which they would get to travel throughout Hawaii and the United States for tournaments, and would be known as some of the best swimmers. It was thanks to this, that he would…

Oda discusses his time in Mississippi, doing his basic training with the 442nd Regiment. There he would marvel at the amount of pine trees and the humidity of the South and would see the color segregation that was evident in the South. He would…

Oda discusses his time in Europe and the experiences he had while there. He discusses the religions he grew up with and being a boy scout for a short time and how that taught him to give respect to elders. Next, he talks about the things that were…

Oda talks about his career work after graduating from University of Hawaii with Pan-American Airlines. Next, he talks about the recreational activities he did as a child, including fishing and going to the movies. After getting married, he would…

Takashige begins the interview talking about his family background, including his mother and father coming over from Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan and settling in Honolulu. Growing up in Hawaii, he would attend both English and Japanese language…

Turner begins the interview talking about his father, who was born in Hilo and would work at the Waialua sugar plantation. He talks about the rest of his family and their background, before talking about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii. Growing…

Miyake discusses his youth and adolescence in Hawaii, and how his mother's widowhood impacted the family. He also describes living in Hawaii before it gained statehood. In addition he talks about getting drafted in the U.S. military.

Nishibayashi begins the interview with an introduction of his family and how they came from Kumamoto to Hawaii. He would grow up in a plantation village, where he would attend Japanese language school as well as normal english school. He enjoyed…

Sumio Frank Shimada was born on April 21, 1918, in Vacaville, CA. Later his family moved to Cordelia and then San Jose. Frank revisited Vacaville last year for a reunion. He described the changes in the town since his childhood.

Frank discusses…

Sato begins the interview talking about how his parents came from Fukushima to Maui. His father would farm silk worms and work on the sugar plantation, also learning sumo and carpentry along the way. He talks quickly about his wife's parents route to…

Wilson discusses his amily and childhood. He details about his experiences with veteran organizations. Wilsons also discusses December 7, 1941 and other world events.

At Camp Shelby, Yoshiro Tokiwa describes the living conditions and meals. He leaves Camp Shelby to go to Fort Meade. Yoshiro receives orders to go overseas to join the 442nd.

He travels overseas on USS Washington. The voyage takes two weeks for…

Ray Kuniteru Mayeda was born on October 18, 1922. His parents were from Kagoshima prefecture before immigrating to the United States. Ray's father came from a family of educators in Japan.

In the United States, Ray's father was a successful farmer…
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