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Kubota discusses changing from 442nd Regimental Combat Team to Military Intelligence Service. Arriving at Camp Savage, the camp is surrounded by riflemen and explains the reason of racism. Kubota discusses language school, Language Officers and going…

Kubota discusses harvesting pineapples and working at a bakery after high school graduation. On December 7, 1941 Kubota is teaching Sunday School when Pearl Harbor is bombed. He recalls the black armbands and combat troop recruitment. Kubota passes…

Kubota discusses his prefecture origin and his Issei parents coming to Hawaii from Japan. Kubota's Father is contact to work in Hawaii for a few months but ends up staying longer to pay off his Brother's debt. Kubota recalls his childhood and his…

After his stint overseas, Hara is shipped back over to the United States and shortly after, home to Hawaii. He discusses getting back to Hawaii and finding work as a drafter and then architect technician. Next, he talks about meeting his wife and…

Hara was a bit of a troublemaker, and he gives a couple of anecdotes to prove it. Later, the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion found itself at the Dachau concentration camp after it had closed, and Hara speaks about the sights and smells of being in…

Hara discusses pass forging and sneaking out of the training barracks to go dancing with the locals. Next, he speaks about the differences between fighting in France and Italy. As a Jeep driver, Hara was able to get a lot of experience and was…

Following Hara's voluntary service to the Army, he was shipped out from Schofield Barracks in Hawaii to Camp Shelby in Mississippi to undergo basic training. Along with the various training exercises, Hara also discusses fishing and the origin of his…

During his high school summer years, Hara would work at a pineapple cannery to earn money for his family, while he lived with his uncle. Later, while working as a carpenter, the Pearl Harbor bombings occurred and all the Japanese were rounded up by…

Hara starts the interview discussing his family background and what it was like to grow up in a small rural town in Honolulu, Hawaii. Growing up, Hara's father went through a multitude of jobs, with a laundry business as the most memorable. As the…

Fukuzawa discusses about his experiences with the Memorial Foundation. He details about the term Go For Broke and lessons learned from service. Fukuzawa ends the interview by giving some closing remarks and discussing a few photographs.

Fukuzawa discusses about his fondest memory and the people he looked up to. He details about the Gothic Line, the end of the war, and his homecoming. Fukuzawa also discusses about his post-war life, going to college and becoming a teacher.

Fukuzawa discusses about his experiences in Italy both during and post-war. He details about his experiences in France, including the Champagne Campaign and his interactions with French citizens. Fukuzawa also discusses about the casualties of war.

Fukuzawa discusses about a friend and his experiences at Camp Blanding. He details about his family affection and his voyage overseas. Fukuzawa discusses about traveling to and experiences in France.

Fukuzawa discusses about life outside of camp including working and college. He details more about forced removal and being drafted. Fukuzawa also discusses about his send off, induction, and experiences at Camp Blanding.

Fukuzawa discusses about his childhood and parents. He details about Pearl Harbor and it aftermath. Fukuzawa also discusses about his families personal experiences with forced removal.

Fukuzawa discusses about Ms. Moss who had an impact on his life. He reads a letter out loud. Fukuzawa also shows and describes some photographs.


Takamine discusses replacements and the end of the war in Europe. He details about his discharge and life afterwards. Takamine also discusses about Japanese Americans, his homecoming experiences, and gives some closing remarks

Miyake discusses his life after his military service, and after his completion of Northwestern University. He worked in Law and Accounting, then held a political office. In addition, Miyake talks about Hawaii's transition from U.S. territory to U.S.…

Miyake talks about how the 100th met with the 442nd. He also discusses his life after the war; he declined participation in Occupied Japan in order to return to Hawaii. He shares his experiences attending college at Northwestern.

Miyake talks about his military job as Supply Sergeant at military camp and on during European Campaign. He shares stories about childhood friends who had served with him. He also discusses recollections of military tactics he observed from the…

Miyake describes his experiences in basic training at both Camp McCoy then Camp Shelby; he compares the differences between the two camps. He also discusses the cultural differences between the Hawaiian Niseis and Mainland Niseis. In addition Miyake…

Miyake discusses his youth and adolescence in Hawaii, and how his mother's widowhood impacted the family. He also describes living in Hawaii before it gained statehood. In addition he talks about getting drafted in the U.S. military.

After the Lost Battalion, Michael Doi went to the French Rivera for his rest period. In After a few days of recuperation, he returned to the mountain.

Following the Italian Campaign, the men were moving fast, and there was no time to set up.…

Michael Doi was born on May 25, 1920, in Camarillo, CA. Later the family moved to Oxnard, CA, when Michael was five years old. On December 7, Michael went to Los Angeles to watch a movie, and news of Pearl Harbor was announced. During this time,…


Photo of a Methodist church in Seoul

Photo of two women sitting at a table in a mess hall


Photograph of four men with skis posing in front of a mountain.

Photograph of three men posing at the beach.

Memorial stone at Pietrosanto, Italy in 2003 honoring the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Men dressed as Go For Broke GIs.

Camp Shelby, Mississippi. June 17, 1995. Top photograph: Daniel Inouye waving at the camera; Bottom photograph: Veterans setting up flowers in front of the memorial.

Black and white copy of memorandum from Captain George K. Anderson with orders from Lieutenant Colonel Hosterman for the 441st Counter Intelligence Corps. Soldiers are: John Gibo, Arthur Imamura, Kiyoshi Ito, Shozo Kajiwara, Shunichi Kitamura, Tooru…

Letter of commendation of superior record and diligence in accomplishing their mission knowing that efforts went largely unknown due to the secrecy of their work.

Letter is signed by Harold E. Enright, 1st, Lieutenant, Signal Corps, Adjunct and…

Muramoto talks about his various jobs including working on lunar mapping as a cartographer, and working for an orthodontist. He then talks about joining the Veteran of Foreign Wars (VFW), attending E Company reunions, and discusses his wife and…

Muramoto talks about his first combat experiences, discusses a friend who was killed in action; and recalls his combat experiences at Hill 140, Florence, and the Arno River. He then discusses attending reunions, recalls funny stories from when he was…

Muramoto discusses the attack on Pearl Harbor, blackout restrictions; and describes Camp Shelby including discussing food, basic training, going into Hattiesburg; and his experiences with segregation and discrimination. He then reads a letter sent…

Muramoto discusses growing up in Hilo, Hawaii; and talks about his parents, siblings, recreational activities, school, speaking Japanese at home, and religion. He also talks about a classmate who was killed in action, playing softball, childhood…

Maya Miyamoto narrates photographs from the occupation of Japan. The pictures range from baseball games, family, relatives, friends, Japanese nationalist's daily life, and pets.

Maya also shares how he met his wife at Poston. His grandson,…

During the occupation of Japan, Maya Miyamoto worked in Tokyo. He had a driver's license and could drive jeeps, tanks, and other vehicles. Therefore, a Lieutenant asked him to stay in Tokyo.

Maya's assignment was to drive the gas truck and…

Maya Miyamoto was born on January 28, 1922, in Carmel Valley, CA. His father and mother were from Kumamoto, Japan. Maya's father taught him respect, how to get along with others, honesty, and do not shame the family. Maya said his parents wished him…

Matsumato on the stairs to 4th Plattoon Co. [Company] C-29 Battalion barracks.

In this segment, Matsuji "Mutt" Sakumoto first recalls meeting Jack Wilson, a member of the "Lost Battalion," at a military hospital. He elaborates, stating that he and Wilson had remained in touch for several years after the war ended. Sakumoto…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto discusses a variety of topics, including family, post-war activities, and his career working overseas. Specifically, Sakumoto discusses his feelings on General Dahlquist before concluding on his war…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto recalls more memories from his days in combat. He begins by remembering soldiers that were killed in action before moving on to discussing his trench foot and the time he spent in the hospital treating that.…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto discusses his memories from combat in Europe with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He goes into detail when talking about specific battles and also talks about the mission to rescue the "Lost Battalion."

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto recounts parts of his military service. He begins by discussing his time at basic training before moving on to his unit, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He elaborates by discussing the chemistry between the…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto begins by discussing his favorite school subjects before elaborating on his interest in history, and specifically military history. He then recalls visiting Gettysburg while stationed on the East coast and how…

In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto discusses a variety of topics, including the Japanese language and culture, sports, his family religion, and taking up smoking cigarettes. Throughout the storytelling, Sakumoto also discusses his parents in…

In this segment, Matsuji Sakumoto begins by introducing himself and proceeds to describe his childhood home in Hawaii. He also discusses a variety of other topics, including school, his family, and different activities he participated in as a child.…

After his time overseas, Tsuda would head back to the United States and get his discharge from the Army. He would attend school with the GI Bill and learn about horticulture. He would become a landscape contractor and would marry and have children.…

Tsuda continues his recollection of his experiences overseas including getting trench foot and dealing with cold weather. He next talks about the various campaigns he was involved with including Bruyeres and the experience of liberating that area.…

Tsuda talks about facing discrimination after the war and not being served at a gas station. He would go on to volunteer with the Army, get inducted at Fort Douglas and began basic training at Camp Shelby. There, he would join up with E company and…

Tsuda discusses playing football in high school and being named the team captain. Next, he talks about where he was when he first heard on the radio that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor. Due to the executive order 9066, he and his family would…

Masuo Tsuda talks about his family coming from the Ehime prefecture in Japan, and settling in the Watsonville area of California, starting a farm. Masuo would grow up on that farm, learning how to farm while attending both english and Japanese…

Photo of a soldier receiving anesthesia. The back of the picture reads: Toshiko: This is a typical scene in one of our advance Mobile Army Surgical Hospital in Korea. There are about 5 of these. I took this picture with you in mind - the nurse at…

Photo of MASH HQ sign and American flag

Photo of a soldier in front of the flag pole and the MASH HQ sign


Hashimoto talks about his military service while in the United States. He describes the new military training he received. He talks about his retirement and his security work for defense companies. He discusses double agents and his intelligence work…

Hashimoto talks about Camp Savage. He describes his squad's military invasion in the Pacific. He talks about his experiences while stationed in the Pacific region. He discusses his service for the Counter Intelligence Service. Hashimoto talks about…

Hashimoto talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He briefly discusses his religious upbringing. He describes his work with a police department. He also talks about discrimination against Japanese Americans. Hashimoto discusses…

Hashimoto describes his travels across Hawaii for Judo tournaments. He talks about his memories of secondary school. He describes each of his siblings lives and careers. He briefly discusses his high school graduation and his college studies.…

Hashimoto explains how his parents immigrated to the United States. He talks about his parents marriage. He describes his father and mother. He discusses his father's accident and the way it changed his mother's role in his family. He talks about his…

Yokoyama discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about meeting his wife.

Yokoyama discusses about his military training. He details the wars end and going overseas . Yokoyama also discusses about his experiences in the Philippines and post-war Japan.

Yokoyama discusses about his childhood and the events prior to Pearl Harbor. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Yokoyama discusses about his family and childhood. He details about his schooling. Yokoyama also discusses about the values taught to him and living in his hometown.
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