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Nakahara discusses his family and different aspects of his childhood. He details about Pearl Harbor and volunteering for the service. Nakahara also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby, in Italy, and in France.

Mano discusses going to Pinedale Temporary Detention Canter, Tule Lake and Minidoka Concentration Camps. At Tule Lake, Mano shares that there was segregation and division between the Japanese Americans' feelings about the United States Government. He…

Mano discusses his prefecture of origin and familial description. He also recalls home life with his parents, school years leading up to forced removal. In Mano's adolescent years, his family visited relatives in Japan.

Mano discusses his post-war life and working at the family's nursery.He details about meeting his wife and raising a family. At the nursery, Mano meets his wife, Tomi Yoshioka and they later have children . Yoshioka discusses her family origin and…

Toshio discusses various photographs.

Toshio discusses trying to find a job after receiving his PHD and describing his wife and children. He details his career in the foreign service. Toshio also gives a message to future generations.

Toshio discusses his thoughts on forced removal and race relations. He details about being sent to Japan after the war ended and his experiences while there. Toshio also discusses about trying to get home after his father's death, being discharged,…

Toshio discusses more about his experiences at Camp Savage. He details about enlisting into the service, basic training, and being assigned to Camp Ritchie. Toshio also discusses about visiting Heart Mountain Concentration Camp.

Toshio discusses the impact of Executive Order 9066. He details about his experiences at the Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS) and getting married. Toshio also discusses about his experiences in Minnesota.

Toshio discusses his interactions with the Japanese people and the political and social climate in Japan. He details about returning to the United States, attending college, remembering December 7, 1941 and aftermath. Toshio also discusses about…

Toshio discusses about interactions with people of Japanese ancestry. He details more about going to Japan to study Japanese and what it was like being a Nikkei in Japan. Toshio also discusses about establishing American football in Japan, attending…

Toshio discusses about family and what it was like growing up in California. He details about athletic endeavors and identification. Toshio also discusses going to Japan and his experiences while there.

In this video clip, Toshiko Hattori talks about living a healthy lifestyle, sharing her life experiences with her family, and about her visits to Japan. She talks about how many people do not know about Japanese American women's contribution to the…

After moving to East Los Angeles, Toshiko Hattori took care of her mother-in-law, and later, her husband, who had developed lung cancer. Her husband passed away from his illness, leaving her a widow. She developed osteoarthritis which made it…

In this video clip, Toshiko Hattori talks more about her childhood, and how she became interested in nursing. She describes her basic training experience upon joining the United States Army. At the time of the end of the war in Europe, she was still…

Toshiko Hattori describes her childhood growing up in foster homes in New York City. She attended nursing school after high school, and joined the United States Army to work as a nurse. During World War II, she was sent overseas to Korea, but was…

Uesato looks through various pictures and narrates them. The pictures include moments from the Taj Mahal, political leaders (including Mao Zedong and Ambassador Hurley), and a picture from a graduation.

Uesato continues his discussion of his time in occupied Japan. During this time, he was an interpreter for political analysts who were trying to get as much information as they could regarding Japan's population in politics. In this way, Uesato was…

Uesato discusses his assignment in Burma, where his team would be in charge of opening back up the Burma Road. Next, he would head to China where he would get the rare chance to be around elite military leaders, including Mao Zedong of China and many…

Uesato begins the interview speaking about his family background, including his mother and father. Next, he talks about keeping up with the wars overseas and how unexpected the attacks on Pearl Harbor were. Living in Hawaii at the time, they were…

Asahina talks about her husband's participation in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and provides some of her thoughts regarding the importance of the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd. She then talks about her husband's friendships with other…

Asahina talks about her experiences at Tulare temporary detention facility including the living conditions; and describing the guards and guard towers. She then talks about her father's thoughts regarding the war; her experiences at Gila River…

Asahina discusses her father, his family, his immigration to the United States, his employment as a farmer, his physical traits, and his personality. She then talks about her mother's physical traits, employment, hobbies, and personality; and…

Miyasako discusses about his experiences in France. He details about his friends, his experiences Italy, and his duties as a company clerk. Miyasako also discusses about his life after returning home.

Miyasako discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about being drafted and basic training. Miyasako also discusses about the reason the Nisei soldiers trained so hard.

Miyasako discusses about his family and growing up on a farm. He details about the community and the holidays celebrated. Miyasako also discusses about his experiences in high school.

When Tony Koura goes back to Japan after the occupation, the locals have changed. The people have money, there is no food shortage, no one is starving, and every one is employed. There are thousands of linguists during the occupation. Tony says the…

Tony Koura goes to Manchuria to observe the mission of the repatriates returning to Japan. Tony says the repatriates are older men, women, and children who are malnourished. However, they are happy to be going to Japan.

Tony arrives back in…

Tony Koura is born on June 26, 1926. Before being drafted into the military, Tony is at Manzanar. Despite the discrimination after the Pearl Harbor attack, Tony wants to volunteer for the Army because of patriotism.

After the draft notice, he…

Sakaji discusses his wife including her personality, how they met, corresponding with her while he was in Japan, and his favorite memories of her. Lastly, Sakaji provides a message to future generations regarding values and education.

Sakaji discusses his experiences at the end of the war taking POWs from Wisconsin back to Japan. He then talks about his translation and interpreting assignment in Japan working for motor pool; discusses his relatives in Japan; and talks about his…

Sakaji talks about his friendship with a sheriff prior to forced removal; discusses restrictions and the curfew that was enforced after the attack on Pearl Harbor; and discusses volunteering for the Army and his brother's military service. He then…

Sakaji discusses his employment assisting his father and tells a story where he attempted to fix a tractor. He then talks about his post-war employment working for a mechanic; the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath; and discusses his forced removal…

Sakaji talks about his childhood bicycles; discusses how he got his nickname; talks about his father's fish market business; discusses the aunt who raised him; and talks about his relationship with his cousin. He then talks about his grammar school…

Sakaji discusses his parents including his mother's death, father's employment, and their reasons for immigrating to the United States. He then talks about his siblings; his childhood chores; discusses the differences between past and present day…

Nishioka talks about his personal history and his encouragement to other veterans to share their story if they can. Next, he talks about reunions, the monument in Los Angeles and the Medals of Honor that were given away fifty years after the fact.…

Nishioka discusses what it's like to get a shrapnel wound and what happened to him after being sent back to Hawaii. He would get a second opinion of a doctor in Hawaii but he ended up not having an operation again. He also talks about his limited…

Nishioka talks more about his combat experiences in Sassetta, where the regiment would be involved in heavy house-to-house combat. He explains the differences between artillery shells and mortar shells and how he was wounded in action by a mortar…

Nishioka discusses his situation before shipping out, getting upgraded from first scout to a non-commissioned officer but instead deciding to volunteer to be a replacement for the 100th Infantry Battalion. After this, he would get onto a liberty ship…

Nishioka first discusses the prejudice that he saw when he arrived in Mississippi and the segregation on the buses, which he found deeply unfair. He also talks about the different things he encountered while in basic training, such as snakes,…

Nishioka talks more about growing up in Hawaii and his whereabouts when he first heard about the attacks on Pearl Harbor. At the time, he would be part of both the 4F Club and the Young Buddhist Association (YBA), and would be forced to black out…

Tommy Nishioka begins the interview with an introduction of himself and his parents, who came from Japan and settled in Hilo, Hawaii. His father would work with sugarcane workers, growing trees for firewood, while the children attended school and…

During the Military occupation in Japan, Tommy Mayekawa works for the Third Military Railway Service Headquarters as an interpreter. He guards the trains to make sure they are not pilferage.

Living in Yokohama, Japan, Tommy does not encounter…

Tommy Mayekawa and his family evacuate to Santa Anita Assembly Center after receiving the evacuation orders. He describes the living conditions and life in the camp. Tommy and his family live in a horse stable, and his parents accepted the situation…

Tommy Masakazu Mayekawa is born on April 22, 1921, in Hawthorne, CA. Tommy's parents are from Mie-ken, Japan. When Tommy's father immigrates to the United States, he works on the railroads and truck farming.

Tommy is the oldest of the children. He…

Nakayama discusses his first and second wives, communicating with his first wife while overseas, the legacy of the 100th and 442nd, provides a message to future generations, and discusses why a street was named after his brother. Lastly, Nakayama…

Nakayama discusses combat experiences in Italy, and recalls stories regarding soldiers who were Killed in Action. He then talks about receiving a Bronze Star, going on patrol, and combat experiences in Po Valley and the Gothic Line. Next, Nakayama…

Nakayama discusses basic training and the living conditions at Camp Blanding, traveling overseas to Marseille, and his assignment in B Company. He then talks about his experiences as a replacement soldier, his interactions with other soldiers, and…

Nakayama talks about school, discusses his favorite subjects, talks about life prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the restrictions he encountered after the attack. He also talks about his family's experiences after Executive Order 9066…

Nakayama discusses his parents including his father's employment and hobbies, talks about his siblings, his sister's death from tuberculosis, and religion. He also describes Shinto, and talks about his childhood including discussing his neighborhood,…

Matsushita talks more about his time in occupied Japan, making lots of friends there and even being there during the Korean War. After his discharge, he would begin his career in the civil service sector, working for OSHA until he retired. Following…

Matsushita continues his recollection of his time overseas in combat, including the Lost Battalion campaign in Bruyeres and the Vosges Forest. He would be involved with the combat there and would head to French Riviera to rest while waiting for…

Matsushita discusses the friends that he made throughout the War in A and K company. Upon arrival in Italy, he would be engaged in combat, seeing captains shooting at prisoners of war. They would trek through Rome, and move up through Italy towards…

Matsushita would join the Army after Pearl Harbor and be inducted in Salt Lake City, Utah. He would take a train down to Camp Shelby in Mississippi to begin his basic training, where he would start with A company. There, he would become friends with…

Matsushita begins the interview talk about his childhood and growing up in Idaho. He would work on his family's farm while attending school and doing a large variety of chores. He talks about his high school years and then about his whereabouts…

Mukai describes his furlough in Washington. He lists his military decorations. He talks about changes in his hometown. He discuses returning to active duty as a driver. He describes his final military post as a cook for the Presidio Monterey. He…

Mukai continues to describe his journey to Europe. He goes on to describe his journey to Italy from France. He talks about his assignments while in Italy. He discuses how a friend was wounded. He talks about being a replacement solider. Mukai shares…

Mukai talks about his life after high school. He describes his family's relationship with relatives in Japan. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He shares his knowledge of the American Concentration Camps. Mukai discuses his…

Mukai talks about his early life in Kingston, Washington. He talks about his mother, father, and siblings. He discusses his childhood friendships and his religious upbringing. He describes his family home and holidays. Mukai talks about his…

Mr. Tasaki's daughter, Susan, is present during the interview, and at times provides supplemental details to her father's answers. Mr. Tasaki discusses his experiences in the military working in the MIS. He describes his training at Camp Savage; and…

Mr. Tasaki's daughter, Susan, is present during the interview, and at times provides supplemental details to her father's answers. Mr. Tasaki discusses his youth growing up in Hawaii. He talks about his parents' backgrounds and employment; childhood…

Tom Yamada discusses stories from his time in service. During occupation in Japan, Yamada works with naval officer Lieutenant Lim. 20 years later, Yamada runs into Lieutenant Lim at Radio City Music Hall and thinks of him kindly . Yamada also thinks…

Yamada discusses his time in the Dutch East Indies now know as Indonesia. He describes seeing a lot of casualties of Prisoners of War (POWs). He says the action happens so quickly that bodies keeping piling up.

During his time overseas, Yamada…

Yamada discusses his experience on the Mainland and going overseas. Yamada is not at Camp McCoy for very long. Only a few months for infantry training for the 100th Infantry Battalion. Later he volunteers for Military Intelligence Service.


Yamada discusses playing sports in his childhood such as barefoot football, tennis and fishing with his friends. One holiday that his family celebrates annually is the Emperor of Japan's birthday and New Year (because of the food). They also sing…

Yamada discusses being born on August 21, 1940 in Hawaii. His parents
immigrated in 1910 from Japan for the opportunity to be a contract labor. In Japan, their families are farmers. Yamada admires his Father because he bought rental property,…

Tom Tsuda talks about the end of World War Two and his return to Wyoming. He discusses his accounting career and his marriage. He describes the changes he has witnessed in Cheyenne over the years. He gives his reflections on the 100th Infantry…

Tom Tsuda continues to talk about his first combat experience. He described what it was like to work with the 100th Infantry Battalion. He briefly discusses the Gothic Line. He talks about his military leaves. Tsuda explains how he interacted with…

Tom Tsuda continues to discuss being drafted. He briefly talks about Marseilles, France. He explains how he would help the wounded while overseas. He talks about landing in France and his first combat experience. Tsuda describes what life was like on…

Tsuda describes what fishing in Wyoming was like when he was younger. He talks about his father's job with Union Pacific Railroad. He describes his community's ethnic makeup. He talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and being drafted. Tsuada talks…

Tom Tsuda reveals his parents backstories. He talks about his early life in Wyoming. He describes his relationships with his siblings. He discusses how he spent quality time with his family. Tsuda talks about Japanese language school and childhood…

Following the Pearl Harbor attack, Shigetoki Tom Umeda does not know what happened to his family in the United States. In Japan, Tom focused on his work at Mitsubishi.

During wartime, Tom worked at Mitsubishi. Tom explained there were no…

Shigetoki Tom Umeda's mother helped coordinate the interview with Mitsubishi for Tom. After the interview with Mitsubishi, Tom got the job. He describes how Mitsubishi was two sections for the Army and Navy. There was six other Nisei employed at the…

Tom Shigetoki Umeda was born on August 25, 1916, in Los Angeles, CA. Tom's parents met through an arranged marriage in Japan. Previously, Tom's father worked on a farm in Hiroshima, Japan. After moving to the United States, he started a fruit stand…

Mori discusses his home coming and finding a career. He details about his family. Mori gives a message to future generations and gives his closing remarks.

Mori discusses leaving camp to find work and his draft experience. His details about adapting to situations and other experiences while in Europe. Mori also discusses the awards he received and the end of the war.

Mori discusses his experiences living in California. He details about his life after Pearl Harbor. Mori also discusses his experiences in Italy.

Kosobayashi discusses his experiences in Tokyo and the role that the Military Intelligence Service played. He details about his experiences about working with the 8th Army JAG and the trials he assisted on. Kosobayashi discusses about his life…

Kosobayashi discusses about his family, schooling, and briefly moving to Japan as a child. Kosobayashi details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences at Tule Lake Concentration Camp. He also discusses about his induction into the…

At 61st Btn [Batalion] hospital. Tom Kawabara and James Kawamoto, playing with a dog on the side of the road. On the reverse of image: "Leghorn, Italy. June '46. At 61st Btn. Hospital. Tom Kawabara and James Kawamoto."


T. Yoshihashi discusses his recollections event immediately before, and after, the attack on Pearl Harbor. He talks about the reactions of his parents and friends. He describes travels to, and experiences at, an assembly center and internment camp.…

T. Yoshihashi talks about his final military experiences and his discharge. He discusses his affairs when he returned to the United States. He also talks about his wife and children.

T. Yoshihashi discusses his military assignments in Italy. He describes several incidents enduring enemy fire and talks about guarding German POWs. In addition, he shares recollections of when he heard of VE Day and receiving advice from seasoned…

T. Yoshihashi discusses his participation and recollections of the European Theater in France. He talks about the battles he was in, and military assignments in between battles. He also shares anecdotes regarding: amenities at his command post; his…

T. Yoshihashi discusses his thoughts and experiences regarding the loyalty questionnaire. He also talks about getting drafted in the military. He shares anecdotes regarding: his father's death; "no-no boys"; and how brother's military service was…

T. Yoshihashi discusses the political climate before the outbreak of WW2. He also shares his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack, and the aftermath events that affected him and his family. He shares anecdotes regarding: President Roosevelt's…
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