Browse Items (570 total)

Hayashi discusses his family and their experiences with forced removal. He details about trying to find a job and the prejudices present. Hayashi also discusses the Japanese community and gives a message to future generations.

Hayakawa describes getting assistance from a Kibei when writing letters home due to his lack of knowledge regarding the Japanese language; discusses combat experiences at Po Valley; and talks about getting sick and his hospital stay near Livorno. He…

Hashisaka discusses his family background, including his children and grandchildren and their involvement in the oral history program and continuing the history of the Japanese Americans. Next, he discusses telling his own personal story to his…

Hashisaka discusses the war crimes trials that he was involved with, acting as a court interpreter. He brings a charge document from one of the defendants and talks about the intricacies of the trials. He would continue working at the trials until he…

Hara discusses about geopolitics and post-war Japan. He details about rocket programs, prisoners, and the end of his military service. Hara also discusses about his post military life, family, and gives advice to future generations.

After his stint overseas, Hara is shipped back over to the United States and shortly after, home to Hawaii. He discusses getting back to Hawaii and finding work as a drafter and then architect technician. Next, he talks about meeting his wife and…

Hara discusses how the Japanese American Plaza comes about and how the moment is significant to the Japanese American Community . Hara is active in the community and participates in the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) for awhile. He…

Hara discusses his occupation experience in Japan and his contribution as a Nisei. During occupation, Hara's duties involve translation and interpreting. Hara describes first experience in an interrogation is with a Japanese Admiral. He also helps…

Hanamura recites a poem he learned in school, discusses how he would like to be remembered, talks about his friendships with other veterans, and discusses meeting his wife. Lastly, Hanamura talks about his children, discusses the differences between…

Hanamoto discusses translation duties and the 187th. During Occupation Japan, Hanamoto recalls visiting a Japanese National at their home and topics of discussion that they discuss. When he is discharge, Hanamoto see discrimination still exists,…

Hamashige talks about his family from his wife to his grandchildren and what they're doing now. Next, he shares stories of his time as a consultant in Honduras, where he was able to attend a dinner reception Dictator Samoza of Nicaragua. After this,…

Hamasaki discusses his time overseas fighting in the war. To begin, he talks about his combat experience at Hill 140, Bruyeres, and the Vosges Mountains. Next, he talks about the Champagne campaign in France, which would be his final campaign before…

Hamanaka discusses his time of occupation in Japan and his length of Military Service. He also mentions Japan's civilians thoughts on Military Intelligence Service in Japan. When Hamanaka is discharged, he goes back to school and receives two…

Hagiwara discusses his whereabouts during the end of the war, and his route to get back home. He would get on a plane and take a long trip home, stopping along the way in Puerto Rico, then Miami, before taking a train to Chicago where his wife and…

Hagino discusses working in accounting; retirement; his job freelance writing newspaper articles; and talks about his wife and children. He then talks about his friendships with other veterans; provides some thoughts about World War Two in regards to…

Furuya continues to talks about the Army Reserves and retirement. He talks about his insurance career. He discusses his wife and children. He reveals that he had a high school football career. Furuya revisits the story behind his military…

Furuya continues to talk about his interpretation work during the Korean War. He talks about the 24th division. He explains how he met up with professional baseball players, he played with in the junior league, while stationed in Japan. Furuya…

Funai discusses University of Hawaii and joining the National Guards. He works all the way through college, Due to his participation in Reserved Officer Training Corp (ROTC), he becomes a Commission Second Lieutenant and becomes part of the Military…

Fukuzawa discusses about his experiences with the Memorial Foundation. He details about the term Go For Broke and lessons learned from service. Fukuzawa ends the interview by giving some closing remarks and discussing a few photographs.

Fukuzawa discusses about his fondest memory and the people he looked up to. He details about the Gothic Line, the end of the war, and his homecoming. Fukuzawa also discusses about his post-war life, going to college and becoming a teacher.

Fukushima provides some thoughts regarding Military Intelligence Service (MIS) soldiers; discusses his sister who was living in Japan during World War Two; and talks about getting discharged and seeing his family again. Next, Fukushima talks about…

Fukunaga discusses receiving the Bronze Star, his post-military employment working for the Department of Navy and State of Hawaii, and getting married and having children. He then talks about his involvement in the 442nd Go for Broke Foundation and…

Fukuhara discusses getting drafted and going to Camp Blanding for basic training; traveling overseas; weapons he carried; Army friendships; and his relationship with Hawaiian soldiers. He then talks about landing in France and traveling to…

Fukasawa discusses moving to to Oelwein, Iowa because his wife has a teaching job there. He gets a job at John Deere and saves enough money to buy a house. Later he joins the National Guard in 1947 until 1952.

Fukasawa is sent to Korea and says…

Roy Fujiwara talks about being hospitalized after his injury. He describes his medals and awards. He discusses his return to the United States. He talks about his hospitalization in Texas. He talks about being discharged. He describes the first time…

Fujimoto discusses about his experiences in Switzerland and coming home. He details about his experiences in the Army and his family. Fujimoto also discusses about his post-war life, receiving the Bronze Star, and the values he were taught.

Fujimoto provides some thoughts about the 100th and 442nd including a story regarding a former classmate who was killed in action; and discusses his whereabouts when he heard about D-Day. He then talks about his experiences with discrimination in…

Fujimoto talks about returning back home and seeing his mother again, discusses his nephew, and talks about his family’s property. He then talks about his attempt to get a government job; his experiences with discrimination; and talks about…

Fujimoto discusses about how he met his wife and his children. Fujimoto's daughter (Terrie) is interviewed about her father. Fujimoto also give a message to future generations.

Fujimoto talks about his combat experiences, discusses the end of the war, and tells a story regarding going to hospital for food poisoning. He then talks about receiving a Bronze Star, provides his thoughts regarding military service and the 442nd;…

Fujimoto continues to talk about the extent to which he heard stories from soldiers that returned from Europe. He discusses his return to Colorado. He shares his thoughts on the end of World War Two and the atomic bombing of Japan. He describes his…

Fujimoto discusses his post-war life and accounting career. He details about family and marriages. Fujimoto also discusses his community involvement, gives a message to future generations, and discusses some photographs and a pamphlet he wrote.

Fujimoto continues his recollection of his time in occupied Japan, working as an interpreter. After coming back from his tour of Japan with the Colonel, he would work at the Dai-Ichi Hotel at the front desk, interpreting and watching for signs of…

Misuo and Miyo Fujikawa talk about their time after the war, moving back to Los Angeles and beginning a career in gardening. There, they would settle down and have more children, which they then talk about and the values that they've tried to teach…

Fujii talks about the military equipment he used during the Korean War. He describes about how old the C-rations were during the Korean War. He continues to discuss his journey back to the United States. He talks about being reassigned at Fort Lewis.…

Fujii talks about his military training. He describes his unit's diversity, including GI George Washington. He discusses his journey to Korea. He talks about a rest period that he took in Tokyo, Japan. He describes the damage to Schofield Barracks.…

Espineda talks about his marriage. He talks about his children and grandchildren. He describes the changes that he has seen in Stockton, California over time. He discusses the legacy of the Nisei. Espineda shares his advice for veterans considering…

Espineda talks about his experiences in Po Valley. He briefly talks about the Gothic Line. He discusses being discharged and his return to civilian life. He describes how he reconnected with his family. He talks about the memories he has of his…

Endo discusses his experiences while applying to work at UCLA; talks about visiting California prior to moving back there and seeing his mentors again; and talks about working at UCLA and getting transferred to work at University of California,…

Endo discusses his experiences at University of Florence learning about Italian culture; talks about returning to the United States; and discusses marching in a parade in Washington D.C. He then talks about getting discharged and going back to…

Endo discusses getting married, honeymoon, and his post war life. He details more about some of his experiences in post-war Japan. Endo also discusses about the legacy of the Nisei generation and shows some photographs.

Endo discusses more about his experiences in occupied Japan. He details about his involvement with gymnastics and his post-military business. Endo also discusses about his wife and how they got married.

Doi reads a description about special services. He details about his post-war career. He details about his family. Doi discusses about his antiwar protest and retirement.

Doi discusses about why he joined and his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He details about the role of Special Services and his interactions with Hawaiian soldiers. Doi also discusses about his family and experiences at…

Doi talks about the types of entertainment he experienced while overseas including movies and music; discusses Italian civilians; and talks about combat experiences after returning to Italy. He then talks about the end of the war, his assignment…

Doi talks about his involvement with the Democratic Revolution, working with various senators and representatives and eventually getting appointed a judgeship. After this, he speaks about the statehood of Hawaii and what that did for the community.…

Doi talks about his whereabouts when he found out about V-E day, deciding to volunteer with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) to fight in the Pacific Theater. However, while in transition between the Europe and Asia, he would be on a furlough…

Deguchi discusses about his experiences in France and Italy. He details about joining becoming an officer and joining the reserves. Deguchi also discusses about his family and his career.

Azumano discusses his family and post-war life. He details the treatment of Japanese Americans. Azumano also discusses about the Nisei legacy.

Azumano discusses his experiences with forced removal and at Portland Temporary Detention Center. He details his experiences at Minidoka Concentration Camp and his family. Azumano also discusses his post-war life and medical issues.

Atagi describes trench foot, being near tree burst artillery fire while in France, interactions with German soldiers during his time as a medic, and his thoughts about the war in regards to Japanese Americans and discrimination. After the war, Atagi…

Asato continues talking about his first combat while in Italy, at the Rome-Arno area. He talks about being able to see Florence from a distance and the tree bursts that could kill a soldier instantly. While there, he would get sick and end up in a…

Asai discusses his homecoming experience and about his life after the war. He details about acting after retirement and his family. Asai's wife is interviewed and she discusses about her life during World War Two and her career.

Asai discusses his post-war life. He gives a message to future generations and details the importance of the Niseis. Asai also discusses being apart of the advanced party for Turlock.

Asai discusses his non-combat experiences in Italy. He details his post-war life and how he got into real estate.

Asahina talks about her husband's participation in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and provides some of her thoughts regarding the importance of the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd. She then talks about her husband's friendships with other…

Arisumi remembers helping a friend, platoon support, after the war had ended, and a continued discussion about rank in part 5 of his interview. In addition, he describes meeting his first and second wife, accomplishments from service, legacy, setting…

Arao discusses about wounded, earning the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC), and the 442nd book. He details about his experiences in Italy and the bond amongst soldiers. Arao also discusses about the realities of war, returning home, and the progress…

Arakaki gives a little more background on his career work after his service with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He would work as a carpenter before working for the a university as a custodian. Next, he talks about his family, including his…

Arakaki's time in Europe would come to an end after the surrender of both the German and Japanese Armies, he would be in Marseille at the time. From there, he would return to Hawaii, and marry a french woman once returned. He would work in a security…

Harry Akune describes how "victim mentality" affected his search for accounting positions after college. He describes what being American means to him and suggests all Japanese Americans need to embrace the rights of American citizenship. He…

Akiyama discusses his wife, marriage, daughter, and his reasons for participating in the Hanashi Oral History Program. He also talks about his participation in the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) and other post-war recreational activities…

Akiyama talks about his combat experiences during reconnaissance patrol; and describes what it was like shooting a rifle and shooting against German soliders. He then talks about different types of rifles, his first impressions of German soldiers,…

Akita describes his worst experiences during World War Two. He shares his knowledge of American Concentration Camps. He talks about his photography work. He describes photographs that are shown on camera.

Akita continues to describe what everyday life was like for a prisoner of war. He also describes how prisoners of war escaped from his prisoner of war camp. He talks about political prisoners in his camp. He discusses the end of World War Two,…

Akamine continues to describes his end of war duties. He talks about his wartime injury. He describes an encounter he had with two Italian women. He explains the relationship between Hawaiian soldiers and reading. Akamine talks about weapons…

Akama discusses his homecoming. He details about his post-war employment. Akama describes meeting his wife and raising a family. Akama shares photographs he took during the war and post-war.

Nelson Akagi explains the reaction of friends who learned about the Japanese-American war experience and why he thinks it is important to spread the story for future generations. He also briefly recounts some post-war discriminatory laws that were…

Abe discusses about his experiences being part the occupation force in Germany. He details about his post-war life. Able also comments about the changes in America, current events (2005), and gives a message to future generations.

In this video clip, Frank Mizufuka talks about life after being discharged from the Army. He relocated to Chicago, where he met and married his wife. They soon moved to Los Angeles to be closer to his family. He describes his participation in the Van…
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