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Yoshida discusses his about family, childhood, and education. He details about Pearl Harbor and the immediate aftermath. Yoshida also discusses about his experiences at Tanforan Temporary Detention Center and later at Topaz Concentration Camp.

Yoshida discusses about leaving camp for college and his experiences at college. He details about his life in the Army and his employment with the Marquardt Corporation and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Yoshida also discusses about his family,…

Photograph of a room interior with books and papers.

Photograph of a room interior with cots.

In this segment, Rose Uriyu talks about her upbringing in Kona, Hawaii. She describes how life was simple in the small town where everyone knew each other. Her grandparents came from Komoto, Japan with Uriyu's mother in 1902. Raised on a farm, Uriyu…

In this segment, Rose Uriyu talks about her favorite writer, Ernie Pyle, and his notable journalistic work during World War II, which he is known for. She talks more about her parents and describes the type of people they were. She also talks about…

In this segment, Rose Uriyu talks about her husband, George. She talks about the activities George participated in and how they met through working together. She describes their trips to Tokyo to see the sights of Japan while also visiting family.…

In this segment, Rose Uriyu talks about her two sons and the great work her husband, George, did in his lifetime. The interviewer and Uriyu recall the memory where Uriyu wore a gas mask during her graduation. Uriyu clarifies details about joining…

Ceiling mosaic of Jesus Christ

Photo shows army trucks on their way to Seoul

Fujiwara talks about his birthplace. He describes his father's early life. He discusses his Japanese identity. He talks about his siblings. He explains how his father immigrated to the United States. He describes his father's family. Fujiwara…

Fujiwara talks about his interview with the V.A. Hospital. He describes his first car. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He discusses his fathers life in Japan. He explains why the FBI arrested certain members of the Japanese…

Fujiwara talks about his journey to Europe. He describes landing in Glasgow, Scotland. He discusses traveling through Europe, so he could join the 422nd Regimental Combat Team. He talks about his combat experiences during the Gothic Line. He talks…

Roy Fujiwara talks about being hospitalized after his injury. He describes his medals and awards. He discusses his return to the United States. He talks about his hospitalization in Texas. He talks about being discharged. He describes the first time…

Hattori discusses about his parents, family dynamic, and religion. He details about identifying as American, growing up in Monterey, California, and different aspects of his childhood. Hattori also discusses about hard-hat diving.

Hattori discusses more about har-hat diving and his finances. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and what barbed wire is. Hattori also gives more details about his experiences with forced removal. Hattori briefly discusses his experiences…

Hattori discusses about abalone, his wife, and joining the Army. He details about being blacklisted, the loyalty questionnaire, and joining the Military Intelligence Service. He details about his time in Minnesota and his experiences in post-war…

Hattori discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He details about the living conditions post-war, his interactions with Japanese citizens, and Japanese culture. Hattori also evaluates the Nisei's…

R. Honbo discusses his early years growing up in Hawaii. He talks about his homelife; describes his parents; and talks about his early education. He also talks about his army experiences after being drafted.

R. Honbo discusses his military experiences. He talks about his basic training and war participation in Europe. He describes his military work assignment and close calls he had while performing his duties.

R. Honbo discusses his experiences in the European Theater during World War Two. He relays his experiences exposed to the battlefield in role as a switchboard operator. He also talks about how a foot injury sent him home to Hawaii in the middle of…

R. Honbo discusses his feelings and thoughts regarding Japan's involvement in World War Two; and what it was like being a Japanese American in the United States military. In addition, he shares his observations and experiences regarding race…

R. Honbo talks about his experiences and thoughts regarding race relations in American society. He shares his observations and feelings regarding African Americans and Caucasians. He also talks about his children's' interracial marriages, and the…

Inui discusses about Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS). He details about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Inui also discusses about his post-war experiences in Japan.

Inui discusses about his post-war experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his duties with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) in post-war Japan. Inui also discusses about his civilian work in post-war Japan.

Inui discusses about the rebirth of Japan and the successfulness of the Allied Occupation of Japan. He details about occupation and the importance of Nisei linguist. Inui also discusses about his family and shows some photograph.

Roy Kouke describes his childhood in Hawaii, the bombing of Pearl Harbor during his high school years, and volunteering for the labor corps. He goes into his work for the USED motor pool, draft deferment, finally being drafted and receiving basic…

Matsumoto describes his early life growing up in Los Angeles and later moving to Japan with his grandparents to attend school. Upon returning to the Los Angeles area, Matsumoto settled in Long Beach, graduating from the local high school and worked…

Matsumoto returns to the topic of his grandfather and his days working as a contract laborer in Hawaii, before coming to the mainland U.S. Following this discussion, Matsumoto describes the living conditions during his time at the Santa Anita…

Matsumoto discusses his assignments after the end of the war in Southeast Asia, including his transfer to China. In China, Matsumoto became involved with the Office of Strategic Services. He describes his duties within the OSS, which he was forced to…

Matsumoto describes his role in tutoring language officers and helping them with their Japanese. Later he encounters his cousin and younger brother as captured Japanese soldiers in China. After a reunion, Matsumoto is relived to hear that his parents…

Matsumoto describes being chosen for a secret mission with Merrill's Marauders and his journey from San Francisco to India. Assigned to a group and having gone through training, Merrill's Marauders moved through northern India and into Burma to…

Matsumoto discusses his time serving in the Intelligence and Reconnaissance Platoon in Burma. In his time scouting the Japanese soldiers, Matsumoto was able to utilize his knowledge of many Japanese dialects to gather important strategic information.…

Matsumoto discusses a battle in Nhpum Ga in which the Second Battalion were forced to protect a hill location. Stranded on the hill and running short of water and supplies, Matsumoto spies on the Japanese forces and learns of an attack planned at…

Matsumoto describes his time serving as a master sergeant and helping younger and more inexperienced soldiers cope in battle. Later reflecting on oath and loyalty, Matsumoto gives his thoughts on serving his country and describes discrimination he…

Roy Nakawatase begins the interview by discussing the background of his father and mother, detailing his parents' travels to the US and working on the farm. He describes his childhood on the farm, the presence of the Japanese culture in his home, and…

In this segment of the interview, Nakawatase is asked about the types of social circles his family encountered in Stockton, California. He also talks about his time in primary school, as well as Saturday school. Other topics discussed in this segment…

In this segment of the interview Nakawatase is asked about the racial makeup of his neighborhood and different ethnic groups that lived amongst each other. He speaks about the beginning of the war and how it became a concern among the Japanese and…

In this segement, Nakawatase explains his feelings towards not being able to recall much of his time at camp due to being a young child. At the age of 16, Nakawatase was the head of the family upon leaving the camp. In high school, Nakawatase…

In this segment, Nakawatase talks about his responsibilities related to the transition to leaving camp prior to the war's end. After going back to Stockton, Nakawatase got work to care for the family by becoming a Farmer. After 3 weeks, the family…

In this segment, Nakawatase talks about his time training at the Military Intelligence Service Language school. He talks about negotiating his time of service as a recruiter for MIS. He also talks about the experts he met in language school and…

In this segment, Nawatase begins by talking about his last impressions of the captain he interrogated. He also recalls his leave from the army while still in Japan, which involved going to visit family in the country. He talks about how he got to the…

In this segment, Nawatase talks about his educational journey, what he studied, and the job positions he held. Education is very important to him, and he cannot stress that enough, especially with young minds. He also recalls how he met his wife and…

Sato begins the interview talking about being born in Stockton, and then moving to Fresno at the age of three. He would grow up in Fresno on a farm, selling vegetables and fishing occasionally, though he did not enjoy it. Next, he talks about his…

Sato continues talking about growing up in Fresno, including finding out that because he was Japanese American, he was only allowed to swim at the local pool at certain times. After the attacks on Pearl Harbor, he and his family would be forced to…

While in the camps, Sato would be faced with the loyalty questionnaire, in which he would answer yes, yes, effectively placing himself in the draft. At the time, his mother did not want him to join the Army, but would end up getting drafted and…

Sato begins this portion of the interview by looking through a couple of pictures, and then speaks about his shipment overseas, which took around 11 days in a convoy. When arriving in France, the weather would be cold, having snow on the ground and…

Sato continues talking about his war experiences such as, going from France back to Italy and members of the unit getting the measles. Around this time, he would receive a flamethrower and would learn how to use that and mix the fluid that is used.…

Sato looks through a few more pictures, while narrating his whereabouts at the end of the war, going from Ghedi through Florence, processing prisoners of war, and getting promoted to staff sergeant. As he didn't have enough points to head home yet,…

Sato talks about his career history, first getting his pilots license and getting a position at North American Aviation, working on various projects. After they closed down, he would then work for for the Navy, helping to assemble Neptune bombers…

Tsuya and the interviewers introduce themselves. Tsuya talks about his early life on the plantation. He describes Lihue, Kauai. He discusses Japanese language school. He lists the languages spoken in his home. He shares his parent's backstories. He…

Tsuya continues to talk about his involvement in a Buddhist church. He talks about working in a restaurant. He explains his interest in cooking. He describes his journey to Honolulu, Hawaii. He discusses his work on a planation as a chef. He talks…

Tsuya talks about his friend's war record. He discusses his time at Schofield Barracks. He describes Iolani Palace. He talks about his journey to the Mainland. He discusses his time at Camp Shelby. He describes being assigned to E Company. He talks…

Tsuya describes the discrimination he witnessed and experienced. He talks about rations. He explains how he communicated with his family while he was overseas. He discusses his military wages. He explains how he prepared to go overseas. He talks…

Tsuya describes what winter was like on the front lines. He briefly talks about the Lost Battalion. He discusses the Champaign Campaign. He explains how he was injured. He describes his return to the United States. He talks about his time in business…

Tsuya leaves a message for future generation. He talks about oral history. He describes photographs that are shown on camera.

Roy Yokote talks about his childhood growing up in rural California and how Japanese culture played a part in it. He also goes into his family history-- in particular, the backgrounds of his mother and father before moving to the United States and…

In this segment, Roy Yokote focuses on his education from grammar school through his first semester of college. He also recalls the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the reactions of his parents and fellow students afterwards.

Roy Yokote recounts the events leading up to his family's evacuation, the resulting economic losses, and the emotional toll. He describes his family's experience and living conditions at the Marysville Assembly Center and Tulelake Relocation Center…

Roy Yokote reflects on the German POWs he guarded towards the end of the war and the difference between German and American weaponry. He also describes his experiences working as an x-ray technician both in Naples and in the US after his return.…

Roy Yokote shares photos of his time in Europe serving with the 442nd. In particular, he shares photos and experiences of his time working and traveling in Italy.


In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa talks about visiting his father's family in Japan. During his time in Japan, he also traveled to Manchuria and Korea because his brother-in-law worked for the Japanese railroad company. His father came to America…

Rudy Tokiwa talks about growing up on a farm in Salinas, California. When he was in high school, he moved to Japan and traveled to Manchuria and Korea. He describes what it was like living in Japan and how his fellow Japanese students treated him --…

Rudy Tokiwa talks about his father, who immigrated to America from Japan. He was highly educated for an immigrant, and was known to give advice to other Japanese immigrants in America. Rudy also talks about his mother, who was brought over to the…

Rudy Tokiwa describes his trip to Manchuria, where he and his parents visited his pregnant sister. His brother-in-law took him sight seeing in Manchuria and Korea. During his time in Manchuria, he noticed that the Manchurians respected the Japanese…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa talks about his experience in the European Theater. He took part in the beach landing in Anzio, Italy, and met up with the 100th Infantry Battalion in Rome. His first experience in combat was during the advance to…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa talks about his many experiences with racial prejudice and discrimination against Japanese Americans. He talks about the time the FBI broke into their home the day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and trashed his…

While on the front lines, the Nisei soldiers made sure to watch out for minefields. Rudy taught the new recruits how to look for mines and told them not to yell "mines" -- or else the others would jump for cover and potentially set off more mines. He…

Rudy Tokiwa and his family were taken to the Salinas Assembly Center for four months.They were later relocated to the Poston War Relocation Center. From there, he and many others volunteered to join the United States Army. There were many discussions…

The 442nd Regimental Combat Team, K Company was ordered by General Dahlquist to rescue the 141st Texas Regiment, who had been surrounded by German forces in the Vosges Forest. They were led by Colonel Pursall. Rudy Tokiwa discusses his close…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa describes the activities he participated in at Poston War Relocation Center. He describes the social events that were held in camp, which is where he learned to dance. He also describes his decision to volunteer to…

The 442nd Regimental Combat Team was sent to the Gothic Line, which was the backbone of German defense during World War II. Rudy Tokiwa describes how the 442nd made the advance at night, and it took them two days to overtake it. He talks about his…

Rudy Tokiwa was inducted into the military at Fort Douglass in Utah. He was then sent to report to Camp Shelby, Mississippi, but spent a layover in New Orleans for four days. His Japanese language skills were tested at Fort Snelling, but he pretended…

When Rudy Tokiwa came back to Salinas after the war, the Harrington family took him in. He had been good friends with Mrs. Harrington's son (all five sons were killed in action in the Philippines), and she saw him as her sixth son. Because of this,…

Rudy Tokiwa describes his experience overseas to fight in the European Theater. After 27 days aboard ship, he and the rest of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team landed in Italy, where they met up with the 100th Infantry Battalion in Rome. He describes…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa describes the Rescue of the Lost Battalion and the Battle of Bruyeres. He talks about Colonel Pursall, who commanded the 442nd Regimental Combat Team during those two battles, and what he did for the 442nd Regimental…

Photo of a rushing river surrounded by trees and rocks

Saburo (Sarb) Tanaka and Hiro [Hiroshi] Mizuki. Army trucks in background behind grape vines.

Doi discusses about he parents and siblings. He details about his home life. Doi also discusses about his childhood.

Doi discusses about schooling, friends, and social activities. He details about the Japanese community growing up and religion. Doi also discusses about high school, life afterwards, the Great Depression, and living own his own.

Doi discusses about living in Seattle. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Doi also discusses about volunteering for service, the affects of incarceration, and his wife.
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