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Matsumoto describes being chosen for a secret mission with Merrill's Marauders and his journey from San Francisco to India. Assigned to a group and having gone through training, Merrill's Marauders moved through northern India and into Burma to…

Matsumoto describes his role in tutoring language officers and helping them with their Japanese. Later he encounters his cousin and younger brother as captured Japanese soldiers in China. After a reunion, Matsumoto is relived to hear that his parents…

Matsumoto discusses his assignments after the end of the war in Southeast Asia, including his transfer to China. In China, Matsumoto became involved with the Office of Strategic Services. He describes his duties within the OSS, which he was forced to…

Matsumoto returns to the topic of his grandfather and his days working as a contract laborer in Hawaii, before coming to the mainland U.S. Following this discussion, Matsumoto describes the living conditions during his time at the Santa Anita…

Matsumoto describes his early life growing up in Los Angeles and later moving to Japan with his grandparents to attend school. Upon returning to the Los Angeles area, Matsumoto settled in Long Beach, graduating from the local high school and worked…

Ted Tsukiyama talks about Questions 27 and 28 of the loyalty questionnaire that all Nisei, both in Hawaii and in the concentration camps on the Mainland, had to answer during the outbreak of war. He talks about the history of the Hawaii Territorial…

Ted Tsukiyama talks about his law career, starting from graduating from Yale Law school to starting his own private practice in arbitration. He also talks about Hawaii statehood, and it's impact on Hawaii's political and economic stature. He…

Ted Tsukiyama talks about the effects of Martial Law in Hawaii during wartime, and how it affected the Japanese community. He describes how the war created more opportunities for Japanese Americans, especially in the workforce -- before the war, jobs…

Ted Tsukiyama talks about his work in preserving to Nisei veteran story, through oral history programs and preserving the 442nd Regimental Combat Team Archives. He talks about how privileged future generations are because of the contributions made by…

Ted Tsukiyama talks about his experience during the China-Burma-India Campaign. Instead of continuing his military service in the Occupation of Japan, he decided to return home to Hawaii to continue his college education. He received a Bachelor's…

Ted Tsukiyama talks about his transition from the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion to the Military Intelligence Service. After graduating from the Military Intelligence Service Language School, he was assigned to a team that was sent to Florida for…

Tsukiyama was among the 2,500 recruits from Hawaii accepted into the 442nd Regimental Team and sent to Camp Shelby for basic training. He talks about how this experience, his first time away from Hawaii and describes interactions between Hawaiian…

Tsukiyama describes his feelings toward Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He talks about his efforts to volunteer to join the US Army, starting with his participation in the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV) and describes the formation of the…

Tsukiyama was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. His parents were educated immigrants from Japan. He attend both Japanese language school and English Standard School. During the Pearl Harbor attack, he had been a part of the University of Hawaii…

Harvey Watanabe describes how he met his wife and the family that they started together. Watanabe then transitions to discussing his outlook on war, enemies, and the necessary emotional transition to perceiving former enemies. Lastly, after giving…

Watanabe discusses his experiences serving in the Korean War and living in Korea in general. He also talks about his family's struggles while he was away during World War II related to losing their farm and possessions with no redress. Later,…

Watanabe discusses his experiences Korea and serving more on the front lines and seeing the horrors associated with that. He also talks about his time spent in Japan during the occupation after the end of World War II. He elaborates upon that…

Watanabe discusses Executive Order 9066 and the impact that it would have on him, a member of the military, and his family. He also talks about the instances of discrimination he faced, the occasional surprise of others defending him, and instances…

Watanabe talks about his family background and childhood in Exeter, California. After speaking about his childhood interests and high school experiences, he talks about being drafted into the Army and the different challenges he experienced, in…

Akaki writes this letter to his sister about his latest excursion to Brenner Pass, stopping at different cities along the way. Some of these cities included Oberammergau, where they have the Passion Plays, and Garmisch-Partenkirchen, home of the 1936…

Akaki writes that he has not had much to do since the fighting ended in Europe. He went on a trip to see Adolf Hitler’s "hideout", and went swimming for the first time since his arrived in Italy. He writes that he has been considering applying to the…

Since the war had ended in Europe, Akaki writes to his sister about the work he has been doing in the occupied military areas in Germany. His time has been spent in basic training, travels to some of Germany’s cities, and movie watching. He received…

Akaki updates his sister about his time in Germany. Since being in Germany, he has had the luxury of bathing in hot water - instead of taking cold baths using only his helmet. He mentions hearing from his younger brother, who has taken up some bad…

In this letter, Akaki apologizes for not writing as often since being in Germany. He writes about Easter Sunday, the houses they are occupying in Germany, and about the women there. He complains about eating K rations, but eating off of the land…

Akaki writes this letter to his sister from Germany. He describes the area that he is currently residing, about his bad case of sunburn on his face, and asks for an update about how everything has been at home. He writes that spring is arriving due…

This letter was written on Valentine’s Day when Akaki was “somewhere in France.” He writes about his mail, writing a letter to his parents, chopping wood, and catching up with an old friend from home. He writes that another movie was being played…

In this letter to his sister, Akaki writes that he is glad to hear that she received the perfume he sent to her, as well as the news that his family was planning to move to St. Paul. He goes on to talk more about the camera that he asked to be sent…

Akaki received his back-mail the previous day, so he wrote this letter in response to the most recent letter from his sister Hatsume. He asks her if she could send over some Japanese food essentials (rice, soy sauce, etc.) in his next care package.…

Akaki writes this letter a day after New Year’s Day. He describes what he did for the holidays, about the Red Cross girls, what he received for Christmas, and what he did to celebrate the New Year. He inquires about events at Granada (Amache)…

Akaki apologizes to his sister for not writing sooner – he had been waiting for her permanent address. His brother is getting drafted and only has a few months left to spend at home. He writes that he sent packages home for his family and Tsugime,…

Akaki begins this letter to his sister talking about Christmas spirit and how it has been lacking in the front lines. He had received more Christmas packages from people back home since his last letter. He writes that he still wants his family to…

In this short letter to his sister, Akaki wishes his sister a Merry Christmas. In light of the holiday spirits, he hopes that there will soon be “Peace on Earth” and that the war will be over by next Christmas so he can be home with his loved ones.

Akaki tells his sister, Hatsume, that he was writing this letter next to a warm stove and electric lights, and was enjoying the luxury of sleeping on a comfortable cot at night. He writes that he received another package of goods (soap, handkerchief,…

Akaki thanks his sister for sending him a pocket knife, asks about her friend Peter, and tells her about the faulty mail system. He continues on to talk about the first fall of snow in France and about the surrounding trees in the area. At the end of…

Akaki writes this letter not too long after his previous letter to his sister dated October 22, 1944. He finally received the mail that he had been waiting for. He mentions to his sister that he has been corresponding with their younger brother. He…

Akaki describes the surrounding area of France and its harsh, rainy weather. He writes that the views in France are more appealing than those he experienced in Italy. He comments on slow mail service, and hopes to receive mail soon so that he can…

Written to his sister from somewhere in France, Akaki describes his impressions of France in comparison to Italy. He tells her of the places he went to visit. He writes that although the weather is harsher, he prefers France to Italy.

In this letter to his sister, Akaki breaks the news of his promotion to Technical Sergeant. There was a little ceremony, in which some of the men received Silver Stars and other recognitions. Akaki expresses his pride in his promotion. He also asks…

Akaki wrote this letter to his sister during one of his shifts on duty in Italy. He wishes his sister luck in moving to Detroit. He goes on to discuss the feelings he gets whenever one of his friends dies in combat. He also writes about how he craves…

In this letter to his sister, Akaki writes about losing track of the days while in Italy. He tells her that it is a good idea that she and their family move elsewhere to start anew. He continues to complain about the bugs and the misery of their…

Akaki writes what happened the previous day in Italy: he had his picture taken by the Army Picture Service; what the weather was like; and he ate rice for the first time since leaving the states. He writes about his financial earnings, and about the…

Akaki writes to his sister Hatsume about his site-seeing in Italy. He described the different places that he visited and the famous architecture he saw. He asks if the camp is going to do anything for Fourth of July (Independence Day)- he hopes to be…

Akaki thanks his sister for new underclothes and socks. He describes everyday activities including formal retreats and evening shows. He describes washing clothes and bathing using his helmet. He describes his first time swimming in salt water and…

In this letter to his sister Hatsume, Akaki writes that he and his company had arrived safely in Italy. He complains about the insects there, saying they are worse than those in Mississippi.

Akaki writes of his time aboard a ship heading overseas to a classified location. He describes life aboard the ship including food quality. He asks if she received his broken watch so that she could take it in for repairs.

Akaki writes from “Somewhere in Italy” – he is not allowed to disclose their location due to military regulation. He describes the weather in Italy, and about the Italian natives who try to barter with the American soldiers for cigarettes and…

Akaki writes to his sister from Camp Shelby about the wedding he attended, his time spent with his friend Tsugime, and about his friend Terry Adamiya who was sent to Camp Savage. He also writes of the field and physical tests that he had to complete…

Akaki describes his new training regiment with longer and more strenuous exercises. He writes about a check for Hatsume Akaki to cash. At the end of the letter, he writes about a dance held by the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion. Letter was started…

Akaki writes to his sister in the Granada, (Amache) Concentration Camp from Europe. He discusses the weather, his leisure activities including watching an American film, the current book he is reading and other daily activities. He writes of his…

Harry Akune describes how "victim mentality" affected his search for accounting positions after college. He describes what being American means to him and suggests all Japanese Americans need to embrace the rights of American citizenship. He…

Harry Akune talks about his friendship with a solider of the Philippine Army. He describes his military service during the Occupation of Japan. During this time, he was reunited with his father and brothers. He was also promoted to a Second…

Harry Akune continues to talk about his experience with the parachute landing on Corregidor Island -- he had been separated from his team, but was luckily not identified as "the enemy." After Corregidor Island, he was sent to Luzon, where he was…

Akune continues with his experiences with Japanese prisoners of war. He describes how he preferred to be on the front lines rather than at General Headquarters, and how different interrogation techniques were when preformed on the front lines. He…

Harry Akune recalls meeting his wife in Chicago after the war. He describes his Japanese language training at the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Camp Savage, where they studied Japanese military language. Half-way through his…

Akune recalls tensions between Japan and the United States while living in Japan and was therefore, not surprised at the Attack on Pearl Harbor.

As a result of President Roosevelt signing the Declaration of War against Japan, Harry and his…

Akune describes the life-changing death of his mother, resulting in his move to Japan.He describes how difficult it was to adjust to his new life, but he focused all of his time on his studies in school. His father allowed him to move back to…

Don Seki talks about his life after the war. His parents, who were living in Japan during the war, were unaware of his service in the U.S. Army. After his civil service in Japan, he moved to Los Angeles to work for the U.S. Navy at Terminal Island.…

Don Seki was fitted with a prosthetic arm at the General Hospital in San Francisco. While he was in the hospital, he made friends with many of the other wounded soldiers, and even brought some of them whiskey. He talks about meeting General Stillwell…

Don Seki talks about his experience fighting on the front lines in Italy. He describes his first experience in battle at Arno River, where his Lieutenant was killed in action during a night raid. He talks about when he was injured in battle by a…

Don Seki describes the reputation of the Nisei soldiers from Hawaii -- their relationship with the Mainland Nisei, fights with Caucasian soldiers, etc. He talks about what he did for leisure during basic training at Camp Shelby. He describes what…

Growing up, Don Seki attended Japanese language school and took Kendo classes. He talks about how he used to walk around barefoot all the time in Hawaii. After volunteering to join the U.S. Army, he was shipped to Camp Shelby for basic training. He…

Don Seki was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. During his childhood, he loved spending time outdoors, especially going fishing with his friends. He and his family lived in a sugar cane plantation camp, but, before the war,his parents moved back to…

In this video clip, Ken Akune describes an incident with the military police while in Japan. He also provides wisdom about the nature of war and how important it is for American soldiers to spread good will as American ambassadors.

In this video clip, Ken Akune talks mores about the war crime trials that he worked on during the occupation of Japan.

In this video clip, Ken Akune goes into detail about his experience during the Occupation of Japan. He talks about being reunited with his family, what type of service he provided, and describes the devastation that he saw within the city.

In this segment, Martin Tohara talks about the different types of heavy weaponry he encountered during the war. He also shares his memories of Spark Matsunaga. Tohara also speaks about how after being drafted he was asked to help with pronunciation…

In this segment, Martin Tohara talks about the nickname he was given during basic training in relation to his rank as 1st Sergeant. Tohara also talks about some good and bad memories during the war, one of them being a funny story about a necklace a…

In this segment, Martin Tohara talks about Camp Shelby and his travels aboard a troop ship before finally ending up in combat in Europe. Traveling by troop ship, Tohara and his unit went across the United States and across the Atlantic Ocean to…

In this segment, Tohara recalls his time with a good friend, Ray, and the advice he was given by another teacher that helped him in the army. We learn about the after school activities he was involved in and his summer job at a machine shop. Tohara…

In this segment, Martin Tohara talks about living in Hawaii and what his father did to secure a safe upbringing. He explains how English school and Japanese school were different and what was taught in Japanese school. He also explained how growing…

Akune discusses his service during the Post-war Occupation of Japan -- he was a translator for the war crime trials. He introduces his wife and family. He ends by sharing a message to future generations and the importance of the Nisei veteran story.

Akune continues his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) as an interrogator. He discusses some of his experiences interrogating soldiers and also talking to "comfort girls." He describes escorting Prisoners of War (POWs) from China…

Akune discusses his experiences interrogating Japanese Prisoners of War (POWs) and assisting the British Army with "flushing" Japanese soldiers and situations in which he faced discrimination in the military.

Akune describes his basic training at Camp Shelby, Mississippi and his life on a liberty ship before landing in Perth, Australia, his assignment working on a propaganda project and his duties as a part of a propaganda project and interrogating…

Akune discusses his reasoning for volunteering to serve in the military. He discusses Military Intelligence Service Language School at Camp Savage, Mississippi before being shipped out for basic training.

Akune recalls his experiences on a dairy farm life before the attack on Pearl Harbor. He describes the affects of Pearl Harbor on the Japanese American community. He also describes his experience at the Merced Temporary Detention Facility and…

Akune begins with describing his childhood and family. He moved to Japan at the age of ten, after his mother passed away. When he turned fifteen, he returned to the United States to help his father.

In this video clip, Ray Nosaka recaps his combat experience in Salerno, Italy, and being sent to a segregated hospital after being injured. He goes on to talk about different memories of his experience overseas.

In this video clip, Ray Nosaka describes his job as a military dog trainer. He also talks about the different kinds of food that he and his training group ate, as well as his religious beliefs that helped him during combat. He goes on to talk about…

In this video clip, Ray Nosaka talks about going to Japanese language school and talking pidgin. He also describes what Hawai'i was like before the war, and how Japanese Americans were discriminated in the workforce, as well as the military. He goes…

In this video clip, Ray Nosaka talks about his family and growing up in Hawai'i. He recalls instances where he faced racial discrimination in the work force.

Nelson Akagi explains the reaction of friends who learned about the Japanese-American war experience and why he thinks it is important to spread the story for future generations. He also briefly recounts some post-war discriminatory laws that were…

Nelson Akagi talks about Larry Lubetzky, a Jewish POW turned interpreter for their unit. He recounts finding Lubetzky through the Holocaust Center after almost 50 years and seeing him in person at the 50th year reunion. Akagi also describes the…

Nelson Akagi talks about experiences during the Bruyeres-Biffontaine/ Volges Campaign and more of what it was like being a scout. He also tells of the sorrow of the I Company after the Lost Battalion rescue and his experience liberating Jewish POW's.

Nelson Akagi tells of his training at Camp Shelby and shipping out to the European theater. He recounts his first combat experiences and the emotions he experienced upon seeing a dead Nisei soldier. He also talks about good and bad officers and being…

Nelson Akagi continues his story with the final leg of his family's journey to Idaho and volunteering for the army. He recounts his reaction to the loyalty questionnaire and goes over his induction and basic training at Camp Shelby. Finally, he tells…

Nelson Akagi recalls his thoughts on Japan and Germany leading up to the war. He also recounts his reaction to Pearl Harbor and the state of his family leading up to their evacuation from Lindsay, California. He details his journey as they head…

Nelson Akagi recalls his early life growing up in Lindsay, California. He also talks about experiencing prejudice as a child, family meals, and the Okies that migrated to the area during the Great Depression.

Kagawa shows and discusses photographs from his album during the war and upon returning to the United States.

Kagawa discusses returning home on the Wilson Victory, treatment of Hawaiian soldiers in California, current social climates reflective of discrimination and prejudice, his communicating home while in the war, post-war treatment of Japanese American…

Kagawa discusses combat experiences including the Po Valley Campaign, recognizing German soldiers as individuals, "Ohio Mountain," capturing towns, and his feelings about taking a life. He also discusses his charge of bringing home the 442nd…

Kagawa discusses his first impressions of Camp Shelby, visiting Rohwer Concentration Camp, his brother's military experience, his boot camp experiences and the influences of cultural traditions on attitudes towards military service. He also discusses…

Kagawa discusses family, his early childhood and adolescence experiences in Gardena, California, his family's "voluntary evacuation" to Rexburg, Idaho, the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, third person accounts of incarceration camps and a visit to the…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls attending The Medal of Honor ceremony, as well as being the chief researcher for the AJA Veteran's Council. In addition, he gives details in regard to his friend, Thomas Shiratsuki, and being…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls leaving Baltimore for Hawaii, living in a Jewish community, and the discrimination he faced while living there. In addition, Ichiyama discusses The Champagne Campaign, as well as significant…

This interview picks up mid-story with Edward Ichiyama discussing details about his friend, Tsaneshi Naruo, as well as the eulogy of his friend, [Shimizu]. Next, Ichiyama moves on to recall his first time entering Germany and chasing the German Army…

During this portion of the interview, Edward Ichiyama recalls his duties within his military unit. Specifically, he gives detail s on regards to being a fuseman and forward observer. In addition, Ichiyama recollects his experiences marching with the…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls volunteering for the 442nd, his military training, and the racial discrimination he witnessed during his time in Hattiesbug. This part of the interview concludes with Ichiyama discussing when…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls his time spent in the Army and his experiences during the war. He gives details in regards to witnessing the bombing of Pearl Harbor and his family's experience after the attack. This part of…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama discusses his family's emigration to the United States, as well as his familial makeup. He also recalls specific events during his adolescence, such as spending time in his father's barbershop,…
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